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Version %s Copyright Andrew Tridgell, 2002 ccache-swig compiler [compile options] compiler [compile options] (via symbolic link)-s show statistics summary-z zero statistics-c run a cache cleanup-C clear the cache completely-F set maximum files in cache-M set maximum size of cache (use G, M or K)-h this help page-V print version numberfailed to copy output files from cache - internal error failed to open cached outfiles file - %s multiple input files (%s and %s) badly formed dependency file %s CCACHE_OUTFILES env variable already set or could not be set compiler produced stdout for %s compile of %s gave status = %d failed to copy output files to cache - internal error failed to copy outfiles file to cache - %s failed to open temp outfiles file - %s failed to rename tmp files - %s Placed %d files for %s into cache Copyright Andrew Tridgell 2002Released under the GNU GPL v2 or laterUnable to determine home directoryCould not set cache file limit.Could not set cache size limit.ccache: failed to create %s (%s) ccache: failed to create %s/CACHEDIR.TAG (%s) Unable to determine home directory Couldn't stat the compiler!? 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