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Implementation error Monitor "%s" (%d states) - Might overflow after %u s %s took %.5f seconds and exited with status %d %s: HW C-state residency monitor: %s - States: %d Cannot read number of available processors WARNING: at least one cpu is offline%s: System has up to %d CPU cores Available monitor %s needs root access %s: max monitor name length (%d) exceeded %s: Found requested monitor: %s No matching monitor found in %s, try -l option %s: Packages: %d - Cores: %d - CPUs: %d parse_monitor_paramcmd_monitordo_interval_measureTCPM.AUsage: cpupower [-d|--debug] [-c|--cpu cpulist ] [] Not all commands can make use of the -c cpulist option. Use 'cpupower help ' for getting help for above commands. cpupower 3.10.0-1160.41.1.el7.x86_64.debugReport errors and bugs to %s, please. Subcommand %s needs root privileges Supported commands are: %s --cpuError parsing cpu list linux-pm@vger.kernel.org--debugUnknown option: %s cpupower--helpNo valid cpus found. x86_64modprobe msrMSR access not available. --versionfrequency-infofrequency-setidle-infoidle-setmonitor%u.%06u GHz%u MHz%u.%03u MHz%lu kHz%u.%02u GHz%u.%01u MHz hardware limits: Not Available - and . boost state support: yesno Supported: %s Active: %s Boost States: %d Total States: %d Pstate-P%d: %luMHz %s driver: %s current CPU frequency: Unable to call hardware%lu Unable to call to kernel %u.%06u ms%u us%u.%03u us%lu ns%u.%02u ms%u.%01u usoefwldpgrasmybn/proc/statcpu cpu%d analyzing CPU %d: , :%.2f%%%lu:%llu (%lu) boosthwfreqhwlimitspolicygovernorsrelated-cpusaffected-cpusstatsprochumanno-rounding Unable to determine current policy current policy: frequency should be within The governor "%s" may decide which speed to use within this range. Error while evaluating Boost Capabilities on CPU %d -- are you root? Pstate-Pb%d: %luMHz (boost state) %s: Ratio: 0x%llx - bclk: %f %.0f MHz max turbo 4 active cores %.0f MHz max turbo 3 active cores %.0f MHz max turbo 2 active cores %.0f MHz max turbo 1 active cores CPUs which need to have their frequency coordinated by software: CPUs which run at the same hardware frequency: available cpufreq governors: no or unknown cpufreq driver is active on this CPU (asserted by call to hardware) (asserted by call to kernel) maximum transition latency: Cannot determine or is not supported. The argument passed to this tool can't be combined with passing a --cpu argument You can't specify more than one --cpu parameter and/or more than one output-specific argument minimum CPU frequency - maximum CPU frequency - governor Couldn't count the number of CPUs (%s: %s), assuming 1 CPU%3d %9lu kHz (%3d %%) - %9lu kHz (%3d %%) - %s available frequency steps: ~@G@G@G@G@G@G@G@G@G@G@G@G@G@G@G@G@G@G@G@G@G@G@G@G@G@G@G@G@G@G@G@G@G@G@G@G@G@G@G@G@G@G@G@G@G@G@G@G@G@G@G@G@G@G@G@G@G@G@G@G@G@G@G@l@G@G@G@G@G@G@G@G@G@G@G@G@G@G@G@G@G@G@G@G@G@G@G@G@G@G@G@G@G@G@G@G@G@@@G@@@@@G@G@G@G@@-@;@@@G@@@G@G@G@@G@@Ї@@>@@@5@@>@>@>@>@@>@>@>@@>@܇@E@>@>@>@%@>@2@get_boost_mode(\`@d:u:g:f:r%19sSetting cpu: %d khzmhzghzthzminmaxrelatedthe same parameter was passed more than oncethe -f/--freq parameter cannot be combined with -d/--min, -u/--max or -g/--governor parameters At least one parameter out of -f/--freq, -d/--min, -u/--max, and -g/--governor must be passed wrong, unknown or unhandled CPU? Error setting new values. Common errors: - Do you have proper administration rights? (super-user?) - Is the governor you requested available and modprobed? - Trying to set an invalid policy? - Trying to set a specific frequency, but userspace governor is not available, for example because of hardware which cannot be set to a specific frequency or because the userspace governor isn't loaded? I@@@D@H@L@ b:Cannot set values on CPU %d:perf-bias--perf-bias param out of range [0-%d] Error setting perf-bias value on CPU %d bperf-bias: %d Intel's performance bias setting needs root privileges System does not support Intel's performance bias setting Could not read perf-bias value[%d] (DISABLED) osCPUidle driver: %s CPUidle governor: %s CPU %u: No C-states info active state: C0 max_cstate: C%u states: promotion[--] demotion[--] latency[%03lu] usage[%08lu] duration[%020Lu] CPU %u: No idle states Number of idle states: %d Available idle states: %s%s%s: Flags/Description: %s Latency: %lu Usage: %lu Duration: %llu silentYou can't specify more than one output-specific argument Could not determine cpuidle driver Could not determine cpuidle governor maximum allowed latency: %lu usec C%d: type[C%d] d:e:ED:Bad latency value: %s Invalid or unknown argument enabledisable-by-latencyenable-allIdlestate %u disabled on CPU %u Idlestate %u not available on CPU %u Idlestate disabling not supported by kernel Idlestate %u not disabled on CPU %u Idlestate %u enabled on CPU %u Idlestate enabling not supported by kernel Idlestate %u not enabled on CPU %u ;xUhx[8h\]l^^ >_P``Oaab(7b@xbXbwcddce(eX[fxnfffffg :hHiBiUi[iaij j8 jX )jx 2j Pm m n :n8 znP np n (o Mo `o o o@ op p Ap op {p rP s t t u0 vh Jw w Lx x>y@yh.{h{|v|  }X}~8f0Pp(8xnPRxAÏ$0Ȗ:c0Qp'Hئd (p&~8XxD9`"xG `xHHHzRx 8W*zRx $QFJ w?;*3$"LDWBBB B(A0A8Dpz8A0A(B BBB$YqAAD0hAA\Y?,YAAGAALYrBBB B(A0A8DPY8A0A(B BBBT[DN,l[BAA D` AAB$_[AADpAA[4R ^[$RP[6T `, \\BAA TAB<D\U$\\AGA]PGH4]BAA G| AAB,3^|KAGeAA ^|Qf,^DND^DN\^DNt^DN^DN,^8AAG,AA$_HAAD AA4_BAA G AAB4`%D`L`DNd`|`4y`BBA A(D`(A ABB`AE` AG ` AG,` AGDL`BBB A(A0D 0A(A BBB$hcAADPAAc*D ec"c@"d6SWFD$8dLQ$<?dYAAD PAAdpd%AcudAQ$hd,AAhA$ld,AAhA,pdDBAA |AB$d4<sd>BBA A(r ABB,tyd.BAA fABwd DkdBBB A(A0D@0A(A BBBDeBBB B(A0A8DP8A0A(B BBBDLsfrBBB A(A0D@]0A(A BBBgjDe4gBBA A(D@(A ABB4hBBA A(D@(A ABB, /igAD {AAL i6At4l ixAD yF DAA Tj\DW4 jBBA A(D@(A ABB$ juAAD0lAAD Ck{BBB A(A0D@f0A(A BBBd vl6At4 lfAD yF DAA m\DW4 NmBBA A(D@(A ABB$ muAAD0lAAD4 m{BBB A(A0D@f0A(A BBB| ,o6At Ho., ^oWAAD NAA p6At pKFDL$ qBBB B(A0A8D`8A0A(B BBBLt -t.BBB B(A0A8D`8A0A(B BBB$ vaAAD XAA< Iv2BBA A(D@!(A ABB<, ;wBBB A(A0D@0A(A BBB<l wBBB A(A0(A BBB nx< ryuBBB A(A0e(A BBB$zSAAD JAA4,zBAA D AABd{AD0A*|AD0A<|aPBA A(D0A(A ABBL~BBB B(A0A8DPz8A0A(B BBB$4/VD A\тED@t/DC$B)AAD `AACD<oBBA A(G(A ABBL$مBBB B(A0A8D8A0A(B BBBLt_]OBB B(A0A8D68A0A(B BBB4l|BAA DPo AAB4BAA D AABL4!)BBB B(A0A8G 8A0A(B BBB$AAD AA$AAD AAL<BBB B(A0A8G8A0A(B BBB$eD`DAD A$dnAAD AA<"BBA A(D(A ABBA>A A,.WAU$LeAAD AA$tџAAD AA,TAAD AADBBB A(A0D`0A(A BBB*De<,%BBA A(D`(A ABBLlBBB B(A0A8Dp8A0A(B BBBȯ/D<߯BBB A(A0(A BBB/D,,"BAA ABL\sBBB B(A0A8DPZ8A0A(B BBBLȹqBBB B(A0A8DPX8A0A(B BBBDeBEE E(H0H8M@l8A0A(B BBBD #@#@" @ T@``o@ @@  `@@` o@oo(@`&@6@F@V@f@v@@@@@@@@@@@&@6@F@V@f@v@@@@@@@@@@@&@6@F@V@f@v@@@@@@@@@ @ @& @6 @F @V @f @v @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @!@!@&!@6!@F!@V!@f!@v!@!@!@!@!@!@!@!@!@"@"@&"@6"@F"@V"@f"@v"@"@"@"@"@"@"@"@"@#@Nehalem`_=@<@7>@>@6C3Processor Core C3:@C6Processor Core C6:@PC3Processor Package C3:@PC6Processor Package C6:@SandyBridge`@@@@@ ?@B@6C7Processor Core C7KA@PC2Processor Package C2KA@PC7Processor Package C7KA@HaswellExtended`D@D@C@F@6PC8Processor Package C8E@PC9Processor Package C2E@PC10Processor Package C10E@`L@I@F@UH@W!PC0Package in sleep state (PC1 or deeper)H@PC1Processor Package C1H@PC6Processor Package C6H@NBP1North Bridge P1 boolean counter (returns 0 or 1)F@Idle_Stats aAQ@SP@"S@N@Mperf`V@U@O\@^@6C0Processor Core not idleY@CxProcessor Core in an idle stateY@FreqAverage Frequency (including boost) in MHz[W@ `@` `````@т@@ߋ@ @@@`@@@@@@Ai@@&o@t@e @b(@f&@w-@l)@d6@p=@gG@rT@ab@sc@yh@om@ms@nP@dT@u@g(@fX@r@b@b0@sh@o@dQ@eX@Dk@Ecpupower.debugΜ.data.rodata.shstrtab.dynamic.note.gnu.build-id.eh_frame.note.ABI-tag.gnu.hash.fini.gnu_debuglink.dynsym.gnu.version.rela.dyn.interp.gnu.version_r.jcr.eh_frame_hdr.dynstr.bss.init.rela.plt.got.plt.got.text.fini_array.init_array8@8?T@T "t@t$Mo@Dl @  @ to(@(o@@`B@@@#@#B~WT@T `@`8& @5@`````` `  @a@ ]@T