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%s: error while writing to %s %s: error while writing new crontab to %s errors in crontab file, can't install. no crontab for %s - using an empty one %s: editor command line too long %s: waitpid() failed waiting for PID %ld from "%s": %s %s: wrong PID (%ld != %ld) from "%s" %s: "%s" exited with status %d %s: "%s" killed; signal %d (%score dumped) %s: no changes made to crontab Do you want to retry the same edit? %s: panic: bad switch() in replace_cmd() %s: your UID isn't in the passwd file. Access denied by SELinux, must be privileged to use -u Cannot obtain SELinux process context must be privileged to set host with -n no arguments permitted after this optionfile name must be specified for replaceYou (%s) are not allowed to use this program (%s) See crontab(1) for more information You (%s) are not allowed to access to (%s) because of pam configuration. @(#) Copyright 1988,1989,1990,1993,1994 by Paul Vixie@(#) Copyright 1997,2000 by Internet Software Consortium, Inc.@(#) Copyright 2004 by Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.4ԕ444444T44444d44Dvmset_element(?,%d,%d,%d) get_num, compare(%s,%s) get_list()...entered,- /, get_list()...exiting w/ %02x /usr/bin:/binCRONrebootyearlyannuallymonthlyweeklydailymidnighthourlyload_entry()...got %s bad value of RANDOM_DELAYcan't set SHELLcan't set PATHcan't set LOGNAMEcan't set USERno errorbad minutebad hourbad day-of-monthbad monthbad day-of-weekbad commandbad time specifierbad usernamebad optionout of memoryget_range()...entering, exit won't showload_entry()...about to eat commentsOnly privileged user can disable loggingload_entry()...about to parse numericsload_entry()...about to parse usernameload_entry()...unknown user entryload_entry()...uid %ld, gid %ld load_entry()...about to parse commandload_entry()...returning successfullyload_env, read <%s> load_env, <%s> <%s> -> <%s> can't set HOMELANGLC_CTYPELC_NUMERICLC_TIMELC_COLLATELC_MONETARYLC_MESSAGESLC_PAPERLC_NAMELC_ADDRESSLC_TELEPHONELC_MEASUREMENTLC_IDENTIFICATIONLC_ALLLANGUAGEload_env, not an env var, state = %d XXdebug flags enabled:setuid%s: created stat retry%s: mkdir(%s) %s (%s)%s%slog_it: (%s %ld) %s (%s)%s%s /var/run/crond.pidcan't open or create %s%s: %s: %s DEATH%ld write() failedftruncate() failedwarningcron deny\%03ounrecognized debug flag <%s> <%s> '%s' is not a directory, bailing out. can't lock %s, otherpid may be %ldcan't lock %s, otherpid unknownroot used -u for user %s not in cron.allowroot used -u for user %s in cron.denypam_messagecrondPAM ERRORsetgid failedinitgroups failedstrdup FAILED for MLS_LEVELcontainsWARNINGINFOfailed to get SELinux contextsetreuid failedERROR chdir failedgetseuserbyname FAILEDgetcon FAILEDcontext_new FAILEDNo SELinux security contextgetfilecon FAILEDfileentrypointUnauthorized SELinux contextpasswdMinute-ly job. Recording time %lu FAILED to authorize user with PAMcontext_new FAILED for MLS_LEVELcontext_range_set FAILED for MLS_LEVELcontext_str FAILED for MLS_LEVELNULL security context for userNULL security context for user, but SELinux in permissive mode, continuingFailed to translate security class contextFailed to translate av perm containscron: Unauthorized MLS range acct=%s new_scontext=%s old_scontext=%sUnauthorized range in %s for user range in %sUnauthorized range in %s for user range in %s, but SELinux in permissive mod, continuingCould not set exec or keycreate context to %s for userCould not set exec context to %s for user, but SELinux in permissive mode, continuingInitialization of cron environment variables failedSetting Cron environment variable failedJob execution of per-minute job scheduled for %.2u:%.2u delayed into subsequent minute %.2u:%.2u. Skipping job run.failed to change SELinux contextFAILED to open PAM security sessionNo security context but SELinux in permissive mode, continuinggetfilecon FAILED but SELinux in permissive mode, continuingFailed to translate security class fileFailed to translate av perm entrypointUnauthorized SELinux context=%s file_context=%sSecurity class "passwd" is not defined in the SELinux policy. Security av permission "crontab" is not defined in the SELinux policy. ;=X}@8PZxh(8`XhH(`(hh88H0Xpx8 h@ h 8 X( p   P 8 @ Xp h h h X x 8 X (pzRx B*zRx ${FJ w?;*3$"D;\0ARD ,|nAYG  AAA  %D,8AZG  AAA PKO F k$ȐAL  AA $< AL  AH ,dȒ AAG  AAA DBBB A(A0G 0A(A BBBH L@ BZB B(A0A8G 8A0A(B BBBA ,,"BHB D(D0D`<\wBED C(F0u (A ABBA LBEB B(A0D8G 8A0A(B BBBD LBBE E(D0C8G 8A0A(B BBBD <P(AbL\` BBB E(D0A8J 8A0A(B BBBE 0DZ$87ADG aDAtP)BBB B(D0A8D@ 8C0A(B BBBA f 8D0A(B BBBF D8C0A(B BBBddBBE E(A0A8D@x 8A0A(B BBBA I 8A0A(B BEBA DBEB B(A0A8D@8C0A(B BBBL(HBBB B(A0D8MI 8A0A(B BBBC Ld({BEB A(D0R (A GBBD A(A BBD4XBAD Jz  AABA =HP H \<  BGA A(Or (A ABBF LdR,|лVBGA EAEL`BBE H(A0 (A BBGF f (A BBBA *DO A $ [ASQ AJ DXAT$dXJAM B W I <}BEE D(C0P (A BBBF 4ADD } AAA IFAD(@BEE D(D0GP 0A(A BBBE <L rBBA A(I`T (A ABBG 4`BDD JA  AABG 2DmLBTH M(D0t (A BBBF K(A BBB<, BBD A(N0R (D ABBF l KDF H3Dn, pAADp AAA L BBE B(A0A8DPY 8D0A(B BBBI , aFDF HADL ,d BOD  ABD  \Dl H , AAG y CAJ L XgBBB E(D0D8G 8A0A(B BBBK ,4 xBAD h ABF Ld BBB E(D0D8G  8A0A(B BBBH  XAX, X'AADPT AAD D XeBEE E(H0H8M@l8A0A(B BBBL P<<Ùșϙԙܙ!*5>OYiup it H+   o8     oohooDoGx ++++++++,,&,6,F,V,f,v,,,,,,,,,--&-6-F-V-f-v---------..&.6.F.V.f.v.........//&/6/F/V/f/v/////////00&060F0V0f0v00000000011&161F1V1f1v11111111122&262F2V2f2v22222222233&363\ !% )-159=AEIMQUYȟ@l_dmx̤ۤԡcrontab.debug[_"7zXZִF!t//]?Eh=ڊ2N1:9Ph!h1rQ .F`*,iPa! ӓG^q1v,ɅD+]RiS OjLYU1ثpr1e>f178D)_ uXvvCu cB CAۣ>˳rG+1^A÷fpOrp “!ed6Z<<"}MZ[V? ~AJA RxSKmSPX@9aTtbl\7 :Yt Qt[kmBn ]^|U-&u$E~jCb;"Oi(P &C&2KW lmTtWsXcFL7vj;OOjB gX#I54"\I MFZ#&U2p.B9 Q'1(m2/:GgbmͤT V~CD c%w{{ Q=_2D#X\ nL = O'_ l⽚,+v[{8H#ӛdv.Ʃ✗5_V49=לg,GN˾IBx4'GbX$P#V;+spxmP3=qtG.wt%Ɏjfan &3rfn݊R\7Q$>yg@`!Mt淂bbψr6kѿCgv-0=w8Ç~zGeܛ?&LVat뜿5iG8EpI'+*;Gާ_߼ܙ1h7. 6v_i45㖚;!N*/x,EVo">ۉ˥''tfjDxDf6)х YNt$+qfY2RdE^Hc|op{q;XK a [ {AJŠIPj7qJz~2>rLd œ!4ЀT)ju:eO^ ۴iU]mZ5sYlm fU峾P[@xm7J~E?e1goqЙ<&+nCuz h F88 NoDD[ohhjtB ~H+H+yp+p+@3@3P3P3a       x x0 P 0 @ 0P3 0D\