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memslap%s v%u.%u %s -%c, --%s%c %s MEMCACHED_SERVERSNo Servers provided GetSetTotal Fixed length of value.serversthreadsconcurrencyconn_sockexecute_numbertimecfg_cmdwin_sizefixed_sizedivisionstat_freqexp_verifyoverwritereconnectudpfacebookbinarytpsrep_writeverbosehelpversion Run time: %.1fs Ops: %llu TPS: %.0Lf Net_rate: %.1fM/s Forgot to document this option :)Generates workload against memcached servers.Usage: memslap -hV | -s servers [-F config_file] [-t time | -x exe_num] [...] Options: Examples: memslap -s -S 5s memslap -s -t 2m -v 0.2 -e 0.05 -b memslap -s -F config -t 2m -w 40k -S 20s -o 0.2 memslap -s -F config -t 2m -T 4 -c 128 -d 20 -P 40k memslap -s -F config -t 2m -d 50 -a -n 40 memslap -s, -F config -t 2m memslap -s, -F config -t 2m -p 2 Concurrency must be greater than 0.:-) Execute number must be greater than 0.:-) Threads number must be greater than 0.:-) Value size must be between 0 and 1M.:-) Data verification rate must be greater than 0 and less than 1.0. :-) Multi-get key number must be greater than 0.:-) Please specify the run time. :-) 's' for second, 'm' for minute, 'h' for hour, 'd' for day. e.g.: --time=24h (means 24 hours). Running time can not be 0. :-) Please specify the item window size. :-) e.g.: --win_size=10k (means 10k task window size). Expire time verification rate must be greater than 0 and less than 1.0. :-) Objects overwrite rate must be greater than 0 and less than 1.0. :-) Please specify the frequency of dumping statistic information. :-) 's' for second, 'm' for minute, 'h' for hour, 'd' for day. e.g.: --time=24h (means 24 hours). The frequency of dumping statistic information can not be 0. :-) Number of socks of each concurrency must be greater than 0.:-) Please specify the item expected throughput. :-) e.g.: --tps=10k (means 10k throughput). Number of replication writing server must be greater than 0.:-) VhURbaBs:x:T:c:X:v:d:t:S:F:w:e:o:n:P:p:Concurrency must be the multiples of threads count. Window size must be the multiples of 1024. Whether it enables binary protocol. Default with ASCII protocol.Load the configure file to get command,key and value distribution list.Expected throughput, suffix: K, e.g.: --tps=10k.Reconnect support, when connection is closed it will be reconnected.Frequency of dumping statistic information. suffix: s-seconds, m-minutes, e.g.: --resp_freq=10s.Number of threads to startup, better equal to CPU numbers. Default 8.UDP support, default memslap uses TCP, TCP port and UDP port of server must be same.Display the version of the application and then exit.Whether it enables facebook test feature, set with TCP and multi-get with UDP.Whether it outputs detailed information when verification fails.Number of concurrency to simulate with load. Default 128.Number of keys to multi-get once. Default 1, means single get.The proportion of objects with expire time, e.g.: --exp_verify=0.01. Default no object with expire timeDisplay this message and then exit.Number of TCP socks per concurrency. Default 1.The proportion of objects need overwrite, e.g.: --overwrite=0.01. Default never overwrite object.The first nth servers can write data, e.g.: --rep_write=2.List one or more servers to connect. Servers count must be less than threads count. e.g.: --servers=localhost:1234,localhost:11211How long the test to run, suffix: s-seconds, m-minutes, h-hours, d-days e.g.: --time=2h.The proportion of date verification, e.g.: --verify=0.01Task window size of each concurrency, suffix: K, M e.g.: --win_size=10k. Default 10k.Number of operations(get and set) to execute for the given test. Default 1000000..AP??MbP?_$tImulti-packet request for UDP not supported. <%d expire time verification failed, object expired but get it now key len: %d key: %lx %.*s set time: %s current time: %s diff time: %d expire time: %d expected data: received data len: %d received data: %.*s <%d data verification failed key len: %d key: %lx %.*s expected data len: %d expected data: %.*s received data len: %d received data: %.*s Can't allocate task item array for conn. Server %s:%d reconnect after %ds Couldn't realloc input buffer. Failed to write, and not due to blocking. Catastrophic: event fd: %d doesn't match conn fd: %d Out of memory preparing request.output command line too long. %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S%dgetaddrinfo(): %s. getaddrinfo() socket() error: %s. getsockopt(SO_SNDBUF) setting O_NONBLOCK Couldn't update event. malloc() Unknown errorNot stored.Too large.Invalid argumentsNot foundUnknown commandOut of memoryData exists for key.Invalid magic: %x <%d %s <%d ERROR Server %s:%d disconnect %u %d %d set get getd@d@K]@p]@p]@p]@p]@p]@p]@p]@p]@d@>b@p]@p]@p]@Hb@p]@p]@e@%s/%s.memslap.cnfw+keyvalueCan not open file: '%s'. %zu %zu %lf %zu %zu %lf%d %lfservers : %s threads count: %d concurrency: %d run time: %ds execute number: %ld windows size: %ldk Could not create default configure file %s key 64 64 1 value 1024 1024 1 cmd 0 0.1 1 0.9Can't allocate servers structure. Can't reallocate servers structure. Can't allocate key distribution structure. Can't allocate value distribution structure. Bad configuration file, no configuration find. Can't reallocate key distribution structure. facebook test must work with multi-get, please specify multi-get key number with '--division' option. facebook test couldn't work with UDP. UDP doesn't support multi-socks in one connection structure. Please specify 2 servers at least for replication Servers to do replication writing is larger than the total servers UDP doesn't support replication. facebook test couldn't work with replication. Can't allocate distribution array.key length must be greater than 16 bytes. key length must be less than 250 bytes. value length must be greater than 0 bytes. key length must be less than or equal to 1M. Can't allocate global char block.set proportion: set_prop=%.2f get proportion: get_prop=%.2f 0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz.-?C@Segmentation fault occurred. Stack trace: End of stack trace SIGINT handled. sigaction%s Statistics (%lld events) Min: %8lld Max: %8lld Avg: %8lld Geo: %8.2lf Std: %8.2lf Log2 Dist: %2d: %6lu%s Statistics TPS(ops/s)OpsTime(s)TypeGeo_distStd_devAvg(us)Max(us)Min(us)Get_missNet(M/s)PeriodGlobal%-8s %-8s %-12s %-12s %-10s %-10s %-8s %-10s %-10s %-10s %-10s %-8s %-8d %-12llu %-12lld %-10.1f %-10lld %-8lld %-10lld %-10lld %-10.2f %.2f %-8s %-8d %-12llu %-12lld %-10.1f %-10lld %-8lld %-10lld %-10lld %-10.2f %.2f key: %lx didn't set success <%d expire time verification failed, object doesn't expire but can't get it now key len: %d key: %lx %.*s set time: %s current time: %s diff time: %d expire time: %d expected data len: %d expected data: %.*s received data: <%d data verification failed key len: %d key: %lx %.*s expected data len: %d expected data: %.*s received data: {Gz?@@Can't allocate event base. Can't create thread: %s. Can't allocate concurrency structure for thread descriptors.Initializing connection failed. Can't allocate thread descriptors.Can't create pthread keys. Major malfunction! 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