#!/bin/bash # # #If you want to make script non-interactive please change this variable to NO INTERACTIVE=YES # if [[ $(id -u) -gt 0 ]]; then echo "Please run $(basename ${0}) as root!" exit 1 fi # ALIASES="ps56 ps57 ps80 psmdb34 psmdb36 psmdb40 psmdb42 pxb24 pxb80 pxc56 pxc57 pxc80 ppg11 ppg11.5 ppg11.6 ppg11.7 ppg11.8 ppg12 ppg12.2 ppg12.3 pdmdb4.2 pdmdb4.2.6 pdmdb4.2.7 pdmdb4.2.8 pdps8.0.19 pdps8.0.20 pdpxc8.0.19 pdps8.0 pdpxc8.0 prel proxysql sysbench pt pmm-client pmm2-client mysql-shell pbm pdmdb4.4 pdmdb4.4.0 psmdb44" COMMANDS="enable enable-only setup disable show" REPOSITORIES="original ps-56 ps-57 ps-80 pxc-56 pxc-57 pxc-80 psmdb-36 psmdb-40 psmdb-42 pxb-24 pxb-80 tools ppg-11 ppg-11.5 ppg-11.6 ppg-11.7 ppg-11.8 ppg-12 ppg-12.2 ppg-12.3 pdmdb-4.2 pdmdb-4.2.6 pdmdb-4.2.7 pdmdb-4.2.8 pdps-8.0.19 pdpxc-8.0.19 pdps-8.0.20 pdps-8.0 pdpxc-8.0 prel proxysql sysbench pt mysql-shell pbm pmm-client pmm2-client pdmdb-4.4 pdmdb-4.4.0 psmdb-44" COMPONENTS="release testing experimental" URL="http://repo.percona.com" SUPPORTED_ARCHS="i386 noarch x86_64 sources" if [[ -f /etc/default/percona-release ]]; then source /etc/default/percona-release fi # DESCRIPTION="" DEFAULT_REPO_DESC="Percona Original" PREL_DESC="Percona Release" PT_DESC="Percona Toolkit" SYSBENCH_DESC="Sysbench" PROXYSQL_DESC="Proxysql" PBM_DESC="Percona Backup MongoDB" MYSQL_SHELL_DESC="Percona MySQL Shell" PMM_CLIENT_DESC="PMM Client" PMM2_CLIENT_DESC="PMM2 Client" PS56_DESC="Percona Server 5.6" PS57_DESC="Percona Server 5.7" PS80_DESC="Percona Server 8.0" PXB24_DESC="Percona XtraBackup 2.4" PXB80_DESC="Percona XtraBackup 8.0" PXC56_DESC="Percona XtraDB Cluster 5.6" PXC57_DESC="Percona XtraDB Cluster 5.7" PXC80_DESC="Percona XtraDB Cluster 8.0" PSMDB36_DESC="Percona Server for MongoDB 3.6" PSMDB40_DESC="Percona Server for MongoDB 4.0" PSMDB42_DESC="Percona Server for MongoDB 4.2" PSMDB_DESC="Percona Server for MongoDB" TOOLS_DESC="Percona Tools" PPG11_DESC="Percona Distribution for PostgreSQL 11" PPG11_5_DESC="Percona Distribution for PostgreSQL 11.5" PPG11_6_DESC="Percona Distribution for PostgreSQL 11.6" PPG11_7_DESC="Percona Distribution for PostgreSQL 11.7" PPG11_8_DESC="Percona Distribution for PostgreSQL 11.8" PDMDB4_2_DESC="Percona Distribution for MongoDB 4.2" PDMDB4_2_6_DESC="Percona Distribution for MongoDB 4.2.6" PDMDB4_2_7_DESC="Percona Distribution for MongoDB 4.2.7" PDMDB4_2_8_DESC="Percona Distribution for MongoDB 4.2.8" PPG12_DESC="Percona Distribution for PostgreSQL 12" PPG12_2_DESC="Percona Distribution for PostgreSQL 12.2" PPG12_3_DESC="Percona Distribution for PostgreSQL 12.3" PDPXC80_19_DESC="Percona Distribution for MySQL 8.0.19 - PXC" PDPS80_19_DESC="Percona Distribution for MySQL 8.0.19 - PS" PDPS80_20_DESC="Percona Distribution for MySQL 8.0.20 - PS" PDPS80_DESC="Percona Distribution for MySQL 8.0 - PS" PDPXC80_DESC="Percona Distribution for MySQL 8.0 - PXC" PPG_DESC="Percona Distribution for PostgreSQL" PDMDB_DESC="Percona Distribution for MongoDB" PDPS_DESC="Percona Distribution for MySQL - PS" PDPXC_DESC="Percona Distribution for MySQL - PXC" # PS56REPOS="ps-56 tools" PS57REPOS="ps-57 pxb-24" PS80REPOS="ps-80 tools" PXC56REPOS="pxc-56 tools" PXC57REPOS="pxc-57 pxb-24" PXC80REPOS="pxc-80 tools" PXB24REPOS="pxb-24" PXB80REPOS="pxb-80" PSMDB36REPOS="psmdb-36 pbm" PSMDB40REPOS="psmdb-40 tools" PSMDB42REPOS="psmdb-42 tools" PPG11REPOS="ppg-11" PPG11_5_REPOS="ppg-11.5" PPG11_6_REPOS="ppg-11.6" PPG11_7_REPOS="ppg-11.7" PPG11_8_REPOS="ppg-11.8" PDMDB4_2_6_REPOS="pdmdb-4.2.6" PDMDB4_2_7_REPOS="pdmdb-4.2.7" PDMDB4_2_8_REPOS="pdmdb-4.2.8" PDMDB4_2_REPOS="pdmdb-4.2" PPG12_REPOS="ppg-12" PPG12_2_REPOS="ppg-12.2" PPG12_3_REPOS="ppg-12.3" PDPS80_REPOS="pdps-8.0" PDPXC80_REPOS="pdpxc-8.0" PDPS80_19_REPOS="pdps-8.0.19" PDPS80_20_REPOS="pdps-8.0.20" PDPXC80_19_REPOS="pdpxc-8.0.19" PREL_REPOS="prel" PROXYSQL_REPOS="proxysql" SYSBENCH_REPOS="sysbench" PT_REPOS="pt" MYSQL_SHELL_REPOS="mysql-shell" PBM_REPOS="PBM" PMM_CLIENT_REPOS="pmm-client" PMM2_CLIENT_REPOS="pmm2-client" TOOLS_REPOS="tools" ORIGINAL_REPO="original" # AUTOUPDATE=NO MODIFIED=NO REPOFILE="" # RH derivatives and Amazon Linux if [[ -f /etc/redhat-release ]] || [[ -f /etc/system-release ]]; then LOCATION=/etc/yum.repos.d EXT=repo PKGTOOL=yum ARCH=$(rpm --eval %_arch) elif [[ -f /etc/debian_version ]]; then LOCATION=/etc/apt/sources.list.d EXT=list PKGTOOL="apt-get" CODENAME=$(lsb_release -sc) else echo "==>> ERROR: Unsupported operating system" exit 1 fi # function show_enabled { echo "The following repositories are enabled on your system:" if [[ -f /etc/redhat-release ]] || [[ -f /etc/system-release ]]; then for line in $(yum repolist enabled | egrep -ie "percona|sysbench|proxysql|pmm" | awk '{print $1}' | awk -F'/' '{print $1}' ); do count=$(grep -o '-' <<< $line | wc -l) if [[ $count = 3 ]]; then echo $line | awk -F '-' '{print $1"-"$2,"- "$3,"| "$4}' else echo $line | awk -F '-' '{print $1" - "$2" | " $3}' fi done elif [[ -f /etc/debian_version ]]; then grep -E '^deb\s' /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*.list | cut -f2- -d: | grep percona | awk '{print $2$4}' | sed 's;http://repo.percona.com/;;g' | sed 's;/apt; - ;g' | sed 's;percona;original;g' | sed 's;main;release;g' else echo "==>> ERROR: Unsupported operating system" exit 1 fi } # function is_supported_arch { local arch=$1 for _arch in ${SUPPORTED_ARCHS}; do [[ ${_arch} = ${arch} ]] && return done return 1 } function check_specified_alias { local found=NO [[ -z ${1} ]] && echo "ERROR: No product alias specified!" && show_help && exit 2 for _alias in ${ALIASES}; do NAME=$(echo ${1} | sed 's/-//' ) [[ ${_alias} = ${NAME} ]] && found=YES done if [[ ${found} = NO ]]; then echo "ERROR: Unknown alias specification: ${1}" echo "Available product aliases are: ${ALIASES}" exit 2 fi } function check_specified_repo { local found=NO [[ -z ${1} ]] && echo "ERROR: No repository specified!" && show_help && exit 2 for _repo in ${REPOSITORIES}; do [[ ${_repo} = ${1} ]] && found=YES done if [[ ${found} = NO ]]; then echo "ERROR: Unknown repository: ${1}" echo "Available repositories are: ${REPOSITORIES}" exit 2 fi } # function check_os_support { REPO_NAME=$1 if [[ ${PKGTOOL} = yum ]]; then if [ -f /etc/os-release ]; then OS_VER=$(grep VERSION_ID= /etc/os-release | awk -F'"' '{print $2}' | awk -F'.' '{print $1}') else OS_VER=$(cat /etc/system-release | awk '{print $(NF-1)}' | awk -F'.' '{print $1}') fi reply=$(curl -Is http://repo.percona.com/${REPO_NAME}/yum/release/${OS_VER}/ | head -n 1 | awk '{print $2}') elif [[ ${PKGTOOL} = "apt-get" ]]; then OS_VER=$(lsb_release -sc) reply=$(curl -Is http://repo.percona.com/${REPO_NAME}/apt/dists/${OS_VER}/ | head -n 1 | awk '{print $2}') fi if [[ ${reply} != 200 ]]; then echo "Specified repository is not supported for current operating system!" exit 2 fi } # function check_repo_availability { if [[ "$2" == "-y" ]]; then REPO_NAME=${3} else REPO_NAME=${2} fi [[ -z ${REPO_NAME} ]] && return 0 [[ ${REPO_NAME} == "original" ]] && REPO_NAME=percona [[ ${REPO_NAME} == "all" ]] && return 0 if [ ${REPO_NAME} != "mysql-shell" -a ${REPO_NAME} != "pmm-client" -a ${REPO_NAME} != "pmm2-client" -a ${REPO_NAME} != "pmm2-components" ]; then REPO_NAME=$(echo ${REPO_NAME} | sed 's/-//' | sed 's/\([0-9]\)/-\1/') fi REPO_LINK="http://repo.percona.com/${REPO_NAME}/" reply=$(curl -Is ${REPO_LINK} | head -n 1 | awk '{print $2}') if [[ ${reply} == 200 ]]; then if [[ ${REPOSITORIES} != "*${REPONAME}*" ]]; then REPO_ALIAS=$(echo ${REPO_NAME} | sed 's/-//') ALIASES="${REPOSITORIES} ${REPO_ALIAS}" REPOSITORIES="${REPOSITORIES} ${REPO_NAME}" check_os_support ${REPO_NAME} fi else echo "Specified repository does not exist: ${REPO_LINK}" exit 2 fi } # function check_specified_component { local message="" local found=NO for _component in all ${COMPONENTS}; do [[ ${_component} = ${1} ]] && found=YES done [[ ${found} = NO ]] && message="ERROR: Unknown component specification: ${1}" [[ -n ${message} ]] && echo ${message} && show_help && exit 2 } # function show_message { echo "<*> All done!" if [[ ${MODIFIED} = YES ]] && [[ ${PKGTOOL} = "apt-get" ]]; then echo "==> Please run \"${PKGTOOL} update\" to apply changes" fi } # function show_help { echo echo "Usage: $(basename ${0}) enable | enable-only | setup | disable ( | all) [COMPONENT] | show" echo " Example: $(basename ${0}) enable tools release" echo " Example: $(basename ${0}) enable-only ps-80 experimental" echo " Example: $(basename ${0}) setup ps57 | setup-57" echo " Example: $(basename ${0}) setup -y ps57 | setup -y ps-57" echo " Example: $(basename ${0}) show" echo echo "-> Available commands: ${COMMANDS}" echo "-> Available setup products: ${ALIASES}" echo "-> Available repositories: ${REPOSITORIES}" echo "-> Available components: ${COMPONENTS}" echo "=> The \"-y\" option for the setup command automatically answers \"yes\" for all interactive questions." echo "=> The \"show\" command will list all enabled Percona repos on the system." echo "=> Please see percona-release page for help: https://www.percona.com/doc/percona-repo-config/percona-release.html" } # function run_update { if [[ ${PKGTOOL} = "apt-get" ]]; then AUTOUPDATE="YES" ${PKGTOOL} update fi } # function create_yum_repo { local _repo=${1} ARCH_LIST="${ARCH} sources" [[ ${1} = "original" ]] && _repo=percona && ARCH_LIST="${ARCH} noarch sources" [[ ${1} = "prel" ]] && ARCH_LIST="noarch" for _key in ${ARCH_LIST}; do if ! is_supported_arch "$_key"; then echo "WARNING: Skipping ${_key} architecture, as it's not supported" continue fi echo "[${_repo}-${2}-${_key}]" >> ${REPOFILE} echo "name = ${DESCRIPTION} ${2}/${_key} YUM repository" >> ${REPOFILE} if [[ ${_key} = sources ]]; then DIR=SRPMS rPATH="" ENABLE=0 else DIR=RPMS rPATH="/${_key}" ENABLE=1 fi echo "baseurl = ${URL}/${_repo}/yum/${2}/\$releasever/${DIR}${rPATH}" >> ${REPOFILE} echo "enabled = ${ENABLE}" >> ${REPOFILE} echo "gpgcheck = 1" >> ${REPOFILE} echo "gpgkey = file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/PERCONA-PACKAGING-KEY" >> ${REPOFILE} echo >> ${REPOFILE} done } # function create_apt_repo { local _repo=${1} [[ ${1} = "original" ]] && _repo=percona REPOURL="${URL}/${_repo}/apt ${CODENAME}" if [[ ${2} = release ]]; then _component=main echo "deb ${REPOURL} ${_component}" >> ${REPOFILE} echo "deb-src ${REPOURL} ${_component}" >> ${REPOFILE} else echo "deb ${REPOURL} ${_component}" >> ${REPOFILE} fi } # function enable_component { local _repo=percona-${1} [[ -n ${2} ]] && check_specified_component ${2} if [[ ${2} = all ]]; then dCOMP=${COMPONENTS} elif [[ -z ${2} ]]; then dCOMP=release else dCOMP=${2} fi # for _component in ${dCOMP}; do if [[ ${_repo} = percona-original ]]; then [[ -f ${LOCATION}/percona-percona-${_component}.${EXT} ]] && _repo="percona-percona" elif [[ ${_repo} = percona-percona ]]; then [[ -f ${LOCATION}/percona-original-${_component}.${EXT} ]] && _repo="percona-original" fi REPOFILE=${LOCATION}/${_repo}-${_component}.${EXT} echo "#" > ${REPOFILE} echo "# This repo is managed by \"$(basename ${0})\" utility, do not edit!" >> ${REPOFILE} echo "#" >> ${REPOFILE} if [[ ${PKGTOOL} = yum ]]; then create_yum_repo ${1} ${_component} elif [[ ${PKGTOOL} = "apt-get" ]]; then create_apt_repo ${1} ${_component} fi done } # function disable_component { local _repo=percona-${1} if [[ ${1} = all ]]; then for REPO_FILE in $(find ${LOCATION} -type f -iname "percona*.${EXT}" -not -iname "*prel-release*"); do mv -f ${REPO_FILE} ${REPO_FILE}.bak 2>/dev/null done elif [[ -z ${2} ]]; then for comp in testing experimental; do mv -f ${LOCATION}/${_repo}-${comp}.${EXT} ${LOCATION}/${_repo}-${comp}.${EXT}.bak 2>/dev/null done if [[ ${_repo} != *prel ]]; then mv -f ${LOCATION}/${_repo}-release.${EXT} ${LOCATION}/${_repo}-release.${EXT}.bak 2>/dev/null fi else check_specified_component ${2} if [[ ${_repo} != *prel ]]; then mv -f ${LOCATION}/${_repo}-${2}.${EXT} ${LOCATION}/${_repo}-${2}.${EXT}.bak 2>/dev/null else if [[ ${2} != "release" ]]; then mv -f ${LOCATION}/${_repo}-${2}.${EXT} ${LOCATION}/${_repo}-${2}.${EXT}.bak 2>/dev/null fi fi fi } # function enable_repository { check_specified_repo ${1} [[ ${1} = "ps-56" ]] && DESCRIPTION=${PS56_DESC} [[ ${1} = "ps-57" ]] && DESCRIPTION=${PS57_DESC} [[ ${1} = "ps-80" ]] && DESCRIPTION=${PS80_DESC} [[ ${1} = "pxc-56" ]] && DESCRIPTION=${PXC56_DESC} [[ ${1} = "pxc-57" ]] && DESCRIPTION=${PXC57_DESC} [[ ${1} = "pxc-80" ]] && DESCRIPTION=${PXC80_DESC} [[ ${1} = "pxb-24" ]] && DESCRIPTION=${PXB24_DESC} [[ ${1} = "pxb-80" ]] && DESCRIPTION=${PXB80_DESC} [[ ${1} = "psmdb-36" ]] && DESCRIPTION=${PSMDB36_DESC} [[ ${1} = "psmdb-40" ]] && DESCRIPTION=${PSMDB40_DESC} [[ ${1} = "psmdb-42" ]] && DESCRIPTION=${PSMDB42_DESC} [[ ${1} = "tools" ]] && DESCRIPTION=${TOOLS_DESC} [[ ${1} = "ppg-11" ]] && DESCRIPTION=${PPG11_DESC} [[ ${1} = "ppg-11.5" ]] && DESCRIPTION=${PPG11_5_DESC} [[ ${1} = "ppg-11.6" ]] && DESCRIPTION=${PPG11_6_DESC} [[ ${1} = "ppg-11.7" ]] && DESCRIPTION=${PPG11_7_DESC} [[ ${1} = "ppg-11.8" ]] && DESCRIPTION=${PPG11_8_DESC} [[ ${1} = "pdmdb-4.2" ]] && DESCRIPTION=${PDMDB4_2_DESC} [[ ${1} = "pdmdb-4.2.6" ]] && DESCRIPTION=${PDMDB4_2_6_DESC} [[ ${1} = "pdmdb-4.2.7" ]] && DESCRIPTION=${PDMDB4_2_7_DESC} [[ ${1} = "pdmdb-4.2.8" ]] && DESCRIPTION=${PDMDB4_2_8_DESC} [[ ${1} = "ppg-12" ]] && DESCRIPTION=${PPG12_DESC} [[ ${1} = "ppg-12.2" ]] && DESCRIPTION=${PPG12_2_DESC} [[ ${1} = "ppg-12.3" ]] && DESCRIPTION=${PPG12_3_DESC} [[ ${1} = "pdps-8.0" ]] && DESCRIPTION=${PDPS80_DESC} [[ ${1} = "pdpxc-8.0" ]] && DESCRIPTION=${PDPXC80_DESC} [[ ${1} = "pdps-8.0.19" ]] && DESCRIPTION=${PDMYSQL80_19_DESC} [[ ${1} = "pdps-8.0.20" ]] && DESCRIPTION=${PDMYSQL80_20_DESC} [[ ${1} = "pdpxc-8.0.19" ]] && DESCRIPTION=${PDPXC80_19_DESC} [[ ${1} = "prel" ]] && DESCRIPTION=${PREL_DESC} [[ ${1} = "proxysql" ]] && DESCRIPTION=${PROXYSQL_DESC} [[ ${1} = "sysbench" ]] && DESCRIPTION=${SYSBENCH_DESC} [[ ${1} = "pt" ]] && DESCRIPTION=${PT_DESC} [[ ${1} = "pbm" ]] && DESCRIPTION=${PBM_DESC} [[ ${1} = "mysql-shell" ]] && DESCRIPTION=${MYSQL_SHELL_DESC} [[ ${1} = "pmm-client" ]] && DESCRIPTION=${PMM_CLIENT_DESC} [[ ${1} = "pmm2-client" ]] && DESCRIPTION=${PMM2_CLIENT_DESC} if [[ -z ${DESCRIPTION} ]]; then REPO_NAME=$(echo ${1} | sed 's/-//') name=$(echo ${REPO_NAME} | sed 's/[0-9].*//g') version=$(echo ${REPO_NAME} | sed 's/[a-z]*//g') if [[ $version != *.* ]] ; then version=$(echo $version | sed -r ':A;s|([0-9])([0-9]){1}|\1.\2|g') fi [[ ${name} == ppg* ]] && DESCRIPTION="${PPG_DESC} $version" [[ ${name} == pdmdb* ]] && DESCRIPTION="${PDMDB_DESC} $version" [[ ${name} == psmdb* ]] && DESCRIPTION="${PSMDB_DESC} $version" [[ ${name} == pdps* ]] && DESCRIPTION="${PDPS_DESC} $version" [[ ${name} == pdpxc* ]] && DESCRIPTION="${PDPXC_DESC} $version" fi [[ -z ${DESCRIPTION} ]] && DESCRIPTION=${DEFAULT_REPO_DESC} echo "* Enabling the ${DESCRIPTION} repository" enable_component ${1} ${2} MODIFIED=YES } # function disable_repository { local _repos=${1} if [[ ${1} = all ]]; then disable_component all else check_specified_repo ${1} if [[ ${1} != "prel" ]]; then disable_component ${1} ${2} else if [[ ${2} != "release" ]]; then disable_component ${1} ${2} fi fi fi MODIFIED=YES } # function disable_dnf_module { REPO_NAME=${1} MODULE="mysql" PRODUCT="Percona-Server" if [[ ${REPO_NAME} == ppg* ]]; then MODULE="postgresql llvm-toolset" PRODUCT="Percona PostgreSQL Distribution" fi if [[ ${REPO_NAME} == pdps* ]]; then MODULE="mysql" PRODUCT="Percona Distribution for MySQL - PS" fi if [[ ${REPO_NAME} == pdpxc* ]]; then MODULE="mysql" PRODUCT="Percona Distribution for MySQL - PXC" fi if [[ ${REPO_NAME} = pxc* ]]; then MODULE="mysql" PRODUCT="Percona XtraDB Cluster" fi if [[ -f /usr/bin/dnf ]]; then if [[ ${INTERACTIVE} = YES ]]; then echo "On Red Hat 8 systems it is needed to disable the following DNF module(s): ${MODULE} to install ${PRODUCT}" read -r -p "Do you want to disable it? [y/N] " response if [[ "$response" =~ ^([yY][eE][sS]|[yY])+$ ]] then echo "Disabling dnf module..." dnf -y module disable ${MODULE} echo "DNF ${MODULE} module was disabled" else echo "Please note that some packages might be unavailable as packages that aren't included into DNF module are filtered" echo "If in the future you decide to disable module(s) please execute the next command:" echo " dnf module disable ${MODULE}" fi else echo "On Red Hat 8 systems it is needed to disable the following DNF module(s): ${MODULE} to install ${PRODUCT}" echo "Disabling DNF module..." dnf -y module disable ${MODULE} echo "DNF ${MODULE} module was disabled" fi fi } # function enable_alias { local REPOS="" local NAME=$( echo ${1} | sed 's/-//' ) check_specified_alias ${NAME} [[ ${NAME} = ps56 ]] && REPOS=${PS56REPOS:-} [[ ${NAME} = ps57 ]] && REPOS=${PS57REPOS:-} [[ ${NAME} = ps80 ]] && REPOS=${PS80REPOS:-} [[ ${NAME} = pxc56 ]] && REPOS=${PXC56REPOS:-} [[ ${NAME} = pxc57 ]] && REPOS=${PXC57REPOS:-} [[ ${NAME} = pxc80 ]] && REPOS=${PXC80REPOS:-} [[ ${NAME} = pxb24 ]] && REPOS=${PXB24REPOS:-} [[ ${NAME} = pxb80 ]] && REPOS=${PXB80REPOS:-} [[ ${NAME} = psmdb36 ]] && REPOS=${PSMDB36REPOS:-} [[ ${NAME} = psmdb40 ]] && REPOS=${PSMDB40REPOS:-} [[ ${NAME} = psmdb42 ]] && REPOS=${PSMDB42REPOS:-} [[ ${NAME} = ppg11 ]] && REPOS=${PPG11REPOS:-} [[ ${NAME} = ppg11.5 ]] && REPOS=${PPG11_5_REPOS:-} [[ ${NAME} = ppg11.6 ]] && REPOS=${PPG11_6_REPOS:-} [[ ${NAME} = ppg11.7 ]] && REPOS=${PPG11_7_REPOS:-} [[ ${NAME} = ppg11.8 ]] && REPOS=${PPG11_8_REPOS:-} [[ ${NAME} = pdmdb4.2 ]] && REPOS=${PDMDB4_2_REPOS:-} [[ ${NAME} = pdmdb4.2.6 ]] && REPOS=${PDMDB4_2_6_REPOS:-} [[ ${NAME} = pdmdb4.2.7 ]] && REPOS=${PDMDB4_2_7_REPOS:-} [[ ${NAME} = pdmdb4.2.8 ]] && REPOS=${PDMDB4_2_8_REPOS:-} [[ ${NAME} = ppg12 ]] && REPOS=${PPG12_REPOS:-} [[ ${NAME} = ppg12.2 ]] && REPOS=${PPG12_2_REPOS:-} [[ ${NAME} = ppg12.3 ]] && REPOS=${PPG12_3_REPOS:-} [[ ${NAME} = pdps8.0 ]] && REPOS=${PDPS80_REPOS:-} [[ ${NAME} = pdps8.0.19 ]] && REPOS=${PDPS80_19_REPOS:-} [[ ${NAME} = pdps8.0.20 ]] && REPOS=${PDPS80_20_REPOS:-} [[ ${NAME} = pdpxc8.0 ]] && REPOS=${PDPXC80_REPOS:-} [[ ${NAME} = pdpxc8.0.19 ]] && REPOS=${PDPXC80_19_REPOS:-} [[ ${NAME} = prel ]] && REPOS=${PREL_REPOS:-} [[ ${NAME} = proxysql ]] && REPOS=${PROXYSQL_REPOS:-} [[ ${NAME} = sysbench ]] && REPOS=${SYSBENCH_REPOS:-} [[ ${NAME} = pt ]] && REPOS=${PT_REPOS:-} [[ ${NAME} = pbm ]] && REPOS=${PBM_REPOS:-} [[ ${NAME} = mysqlshell ]] && REPOS=${MYSQL_SHELL_REPOS:-} [[ ${NAME} = pmmclient ]] && REPOS=${PMM_CLIENT_REPOS:-} [[ ${NAME} = pmm2client ]] && REPOS=${PMM2_CLIENT_REPOS:-} [[ ${NAME} = tools ]] && REPOS=${TOOLS_REPOS:-} [[ ${NAME} = original ]] && REPOS=${ORIGINAL_REPOS:-} [[ ${NAME} = percona ]] && REPOS=${ORIGINAL_REPOS:-} if [[ -z ${DESCRIPTION} ]]; then if [[ -z "${REPOS}" ]]; then name=$(echo ${NAME} | sed 's/[0-9].*//g') version=$(echo ${NAME} | sed 's/[a-z]*//g') [[ ${name} = "ppg" ]] && REPOS="$name-$version" [[ ${name} = "pdmdb" ]] && REPOS="$name-$version" [[ ${name} = "psmdb" ]] && REPOS="$name-$version" [[ ${name} = "pdps" ]] && REPOS="$name-$version" [[ ${name} = "pdpxc" ]] && REPOS="$name-$version" fi fi if [[ ${NAME} = ps80 ]] || [[ ${NAME} == pxc* ]] || [[ ${NAME} == ppg* ]] || [[ ${NAME} == pdps* ]] || [[ ${NAME} == pdpxc* ]]; then disable_dnf_module ${NAME} fi for _repo in ${REPOS}; do if [[ -z $(echo ${REPOSITORIES} | grep -o ${_repo}) ]]; then echo "ERROR: Selected product uses \"${REPOS}\" repositories. But the \"${_repo}\" repository is disabled" echo "Add \"${_repo}\" repository to REPOSITORIES=\"\" variable in /etc/default/percona-release file and re-run the script" exit 1 fi enable_repository ${_repo} done run_update } # function check_setup_command { if [[ "$1" == "-y" || "${!#}" == "-y" ]]; then export INTERACTIVE=no elif [[ -n ${2} ]]; then echo "* \"setup\" command supports only \"-y\"" show_help exit 2 fi } # if [[ ${COMMANDS} != *${1}* ]]; then echo "ERROR: Unknown action specified: ${1}" show_help exit 2 fi # check_repo_availability $@ case $1 in enable ) shift enable_repository $@ ;; enable-only ) shift echo "* Disabling all Percona Repositories" disable_repository all all enable_repository $@ ;; setup ) shift check_setup_command $@ check_specified_alias ${@##-*} echo "* Disabling all Percona Repositories" disable_repository all all enable_alias ${@##-*} ;; disable ) shift disable_repository $@ ;; show ) shift show_enabled ;; * ) show_help exit 3 ;; esac # if [[ ${AUTOUPDATE} = NO ]]; then show_message fi #