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svn_subrsvn_repossvn_fssvn_deltasvn_diff--versioncatdirs-changedfilesize?historylockpropgetpgproplistpltreeuuidyoungestshow help on a subcommandcopy-infoshow details for copiesdiff-copy-fromfull-pathslimitno-diff-addedno-diff-deletednon-recursiverevisionspecify revision number ARGrevpropshow-idstransactionspecify transaction name ARGbe verbosexmloutput in XMLextensionsquietREVISION PATH -------- --------- REVISION PATH -------- ---- general usage: svnlook SUBCOMMAND REPOS_PATH [ARGS & OPTIONS ...] Note: any subcommand which takes the '--revision' and '--transaction' options will, if invoked without one of those options, act on the repository's youngest revision. Type 'svnlook help ' for help on a specific subcommand. Type 'svnlook --version' to see the program version and FS modules. Available subcommands: The following repository back-end (FS) modules are available: Missing repository path argument'%s' is a URL, probably should be a pathMissing propname and repository path argumentsMissing propname or repository path argumentProperty '%s' not found on revision %ldProperty '%s' not found on path '%s' in revision %ldProperty '%s' not found on path '%s' in transaction %sTransaction '%s' is not based on a revision; how oddCopied: %s (from rev %ld, %s) \ No newline at end of property Invalid revision number suppliedNon-numeric limit argument givenArgument to --limit must be positiveThe '--transaction' (-t) and '--revision' (-r) arguments cannot co-exist'%s' is a URL when it should be a path Subcommand '%s' doesn't accept option '%s' Type 'svnlook help %s' for usage. Try 'svnlook help' for more infousage: svnlook author REPOS_PATH Print the author. usage: svnlook cat REPOS_PATH FILE_PATH Print the contents of a file. Leading '/' on FILE_PATH is optional. usage: svnlook changed REPOS_PATH Print the paths that were changed. usage: svnlook date REPOS_PATH Print the datestamp. usage: svnlook diff REPOS_PATH Print GNU-style diffs of changed files and properties. usage: svnlook dirs-changed REPOS_PATH Print the directories that were themselves changed (property edits) or whose file children were changed. usage: svnlook filesize REPOS_PATH PATH_IN_REPOS Print the size (in bytes) of the file located at PATH_IN_REPOS as it is represented in the repository. usage: svnlook help [SUBCOMMAND...] Describe the usage of this program or its subcommands. usage: svnlook history REPOS_PATH [PATH_IN_REPOS] Print information about the history of a path in the repository (or the root directory if no path is supplied). usage: svnlook info REPOS_PATH Print the author, datestamp, log message size, and log message. usage: svnlook lock REPOS_PATH PATH_IN_REPOS If a lock exists on a path in the repository, describe it. usage: svnlook log REPOS_PATH Print the log message. usage: 1. svnlook propget REPOS_PATH PROPNAME PATH_IN_REPOS 2. svnlook propget --revprop REPOS_PATH PROPNAME Print the raw value of a property on a path in the repository. With --revprop, print the raw value of a revision property. usage: 1. svnlook proplist REPOS_PATH PATH_IN_REPOS 2. svnlook proplist --revprop REPOS_PATH List the properties of a path in the repository, or with the --revprop option, revision properties. With -v, show the property values too. usage: svnlook tree REPOS_PATH [PATH_IN_REPOS] Print the tree, starting at PATH_IN_REPOS (if supplied, at the root of the tree otherwise), optionally showing node revision ids. usage: svnlook uuid REPOS_PATH Print the repository's UUID. usage: svnlook youngest REPOS_PATH Print the youngest revision number. print differences against the copy sourceshow full paths instead of indenting themmaximum number of history entriesdo not print differences for added filesdo not print differences for deleted filesoperate on single directory onlyoperate on a revision property (use with -r or -t)show node revision ids for each pathshow program version informationDefault: '-u'. When Subversion is invoking an external diff program, ARG is simply passed along to the program. But when Subversion is using its default internal diff implementation, or when Subversion is displaying blame annotations, ARG could be any of the following: -u (--unified): Output 3 lines of unified context. -b (--ignore-space-change): Ignore changes in the amount of white space. -w (--ignore-all-space): Ignore all white space. --ignore-eol-style: Ignore changes in EOL style -p (--show-c-function): Show C function name in diff output.no progress (only errors) to stderrprepare_tmpfiles___________________________________________________________________===================================================================;`+̢T,T ^||lLܸ̺ܶ |LLll\,<4|<4Ll\L< T $ l zRx ڬ*zRx $ FJ w?;*3$"D"\C\XtDXLBBE E(A0D8DK 8A0A(B BBBD $~AG | AK ,AIG`A AAD <4BED F(D0N (A ABBG LtгBBB E(D0D8IPy 8A0A(B BBBA LpWBBE E(A0D8G`28A0A(B BBB<0BHI D(D0{ (A ABBD 4T2BAA Dh  AABD \BBL K(A0L`B 0A(A BBBF W 0A(A BBBI $xDp L K E r,AFO0n AAJ ,D@AFO@n AAJ DtAGG0X DAL H AAN c AAK <EBED D(IPr (A ABBH LQBBB B(A0A8G\ 8A0A(B BBBI 4LlADG N AAD vGADPBBB A(A0Gpw 0A(A BBBB LBBB B(M0A8Iz 8A0A(B BBBE $xAQ w AF ,DvAFO0n AAJ ,t0xAFO0n AAJ DBBB A(I0OPr 0A(A BBBG $XAQ0y AD ,AFO0n AAJ ,D`vAFO0n AAJ ,tAIOPr AAC 4tADG y GAS OCALBHE B(F0D8GR 8A0A(B BBBB ,,AFOPr AAF ,\XAFOPr AAF 4BDA D0  AABB LpBEE B(A0D8G 8A0A(B BBBB ,6AIOPr AAC LD" BBE B(D0D8J} 8A0A(B BBBD ,EAFOpr AAF LЙ2 BBE L(A0A8GM 8A0A(B BBBA D eBEE E(H0H8M@l8A0A(B BBB\ II#V#q-@eȋrt0qrtmprt irtrtxlHrt@jrteVPUrlf irt@fe`rt\ %rt(_+1rtv4 [rtN9X`>X?Gak ehGlPxNؔυr؅8t1v.`9=KxVq ƄЄׄ"x       ' @ a l 5 d( 0 oh '   ( oooooh F5V5f5v55555555566&666F6V6f6v66666666677&767F7V7f7v77777777788&868F8V8f8v88888888899&969F9V9f9v999999999::&:6:F:V:f:v:::::::::;;&;6;F;V;f;v;;;;;;;;;<<&<6<F<V<f<v<<<<<<<<<==&=6=F=svnlook.debugN7zXZִF!t/]?Eh=ڊ2NgdPdc^Mmg„F9ηn%U&61'/Lfe3U IߵOݍ_J}nrTy *ARKwu kE ɸXS{QQV 5o1#2S߀@+l";f]MGj\©ڈ{ (jA4܃Q<ϻ,cS߈0Ue;."2p=*j!MzMtGnX"~'(Bq{9Rg}Pa^3,;ق6DFnCAe@m9y}\D.Ы c#ܴ{HI,[Ǽ[:Uq ׶2Bwx+<[xDuh12]dQ|&8J!yz*g&4\F݌UdqBWY|0#MM%Jݹ|%i@؃e3{e=*f}ke!DaTNUQRv;i mU)ᅬiWh4 LH$zq7ՊYdJLP ]\cs<.4(/ MH SG3|llc)S'i~Y$xJYNtri>ɡPl|}@DM+mP(]Zl n3 lxW,g)nJ[sh\Ck'MC?YN,/yI$DYOH ]u~R3,qSXI ވ<ᎣǓ9ETMswz:EʣUuYXHLo'wʎɁUhV\ש-f3:&r):%(KqŁᮅiDY}=M/v6mRM$< >HkZ@2K:淽eE7Al\1$A4yARadP n/gco*eHr{W֦!c N#~ ˝ZYT>7#^yFYs*FkD$ٝhbDtQauWc&Lu&Km4<4{cþ:n]f8Az!e )@0gYZ.shstrtab.interp.note.ABI-tag.note.gnu.build-id.gnu.hash.dynsym.dynstr.gnu.version.gnu.version_r.rela.dyn.rela.plt.init.text.fini.rodata.eh_frame_hdr.eh_frame.init_array.fini_array.jcr.data.rel.ro.dynamic.got.data.bss.gnu_debuglink.gnu_debugdata 88TT !tt$4o8>  Fhh' No"[o`j tB(( ~55y0505 P=P=Ddd  d ( (0 08 8@ @@P   X!! \t