# emacs: -*- mode: python; py-indent-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- # vi: set ft=python sts=4 ts=4 sw=4 noet : # This file is part of Fail2Ban. # # Fail2Ban is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Fail2Ban is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Fail2Ban; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # Author: Cyril Jaquier # __author__ = "Cyril Jaquier" __copyright__ = "Copyright (c) 2004 Cyril Jaquier" __license__ = "GPL" import logging import os import sys import time from collections import Mapping try: from collections import OrderedDict except ImportError: OrderedDict = dict from .banmanager import BanManager, BanTicket from .ipdns import IPAddr from .jailthread import JailThread from .action import ActionBase, CommandAction, CallingMap from .mytime import MyTime from .observer import Observers from .utils import Utils from ..helpers import getLogger # Gets the instance of the logger. logSys = getLogger(__name__) class Actions(JailThread, Mapping): """Handles jail actions. This class handles the actions of the jail. Creation, deletion or to actions must be done through this class. This class is based on the Mapping type, and the `add` method must be used to add new actions. This class also starts and stops the actions, and fetches bans from the jail executing these bans via the actions. Parameters ---------- jail: Jail The jail of which the actions belongs to. Attributes ---------- daemon ident name status active : bool Control the state of the thread. idle : bool Control the idle state of the thread. sleeptime : int The time the thread sleeps for in the loop. """ def __init__(self, jail): JailThread.__init__(self, name="f2b/a."+jail.name) ## The jail which contains this action. self._jail = jail self._actions = OrderedDict() ## The ban manager. self.__banManager = BanManager() self.banEpoch = 0 self.__lastConsistencyCheckTM = 0 ## Precedence of ban (over unban), so max number of tickets banned (to call an unban check): self.banPrecedence = 10 ## Max count of outdated tickets to unban per each __checkUnBan operation: self.unbanMaxCount = self.banPrecedence * 2 @staticmethod def _load_python_module(pythonModule): mod = Utils.load_python_module(pythonModule) if not hasattr(mod, "Action"): # pragma: no cover raise RuntimeError( "%s module does not have 'Action' class" % pythonModule) elif not issubclass(mod.Action, ActionBase): # pragma: no cover raise RuntimeError( "%s module %s does not implement required methods" % ( pythonModule, mod.Action.__name__)) return mod def add(self, name, pythonModule=None, initOpts=None, reload=False): """Adds a new action. Add a new action if not already present, defaulting to standard `CommandAction`, or specified Python module. Parameters ---------- name : str The name of the action. pythonModule : str, optional Path to Python file which must contain `Action` class. Default None, which means `CommandAction` is used. initOpts : dict, optional Options for Python Action, used as keyword arguments for initialisation. Default None. Raises ------ ValueError If action name already exists. RuntimeError If external Python module does not have `Action` class or does not implement necessary methods as per `ActionBase` abstract class. """ # Check is action name already exists if name in self._actions: if not reload: raise ValueError("Action %s already exists" % name) # don't create new action if reload supported: action = self._actions[name] if hasattr(action, 'reload'): # don't execute reload right now, reload after all parameters are actualized if hasattr(action, 'clearAllParams'): action.clearAllParams() self._reload_actions[name] = initOpts return ## Create new action: if pythonModule is None: action = CommandAction(self._jail, name) else: customActionModule = self._load_python_module(pythonModule) action = customActionModule.Action(self._jail, name, **initOpts) self._actions[name] = action def reload(self, begin=True): """ Begin or end of reloading resp. refreshing of all parameters """ if begin: self._reload_actions = dict() else: if hasattr(self, '_reload_actions'): # reload actions after all parameters set via stream: for name, initOpts in self._reload_actions.iteritems(): if name in self._actions: self._actions[name].reload(**(initOpts if initOpts else {})) # remove obsolete actions (untouched by reload process): delacts = OrderedDict((name, action) for name, action in self._actions.iteritems() if name not in self._reload_actions) if len(delacts): # unban all tickets using removed actions only: self.__flushBan(db=False, actions=delacts, stop=True) # stop and remove it: self.stopActions(actions=delacts) delattr(self, '_reload_actions') def __getitem__(self, name): try: return self._actions[name] except KeyError: raise KeyError("Invalid Action name: %s" % name) def __delitem__(self, name): try: del self._actions[name] except KeyError: raise KeyError("Invalid Action name: %s" % name) def __iter__(self): return iter(self._actions) def __len__(self): return len(self._actions) def __eq__(self, other): # Required for Threading return False def __hash__(self): # Required for Threading return id(self) ## # Set the ban time. # # @param value the time def setBanTime(self, value): value = MyTime.str2seconds(value) self.__banManager.setBanTime(value) logSys.info(" banTime: %s" % value) ## # Get the ban time. # # @return the time def getBanTime(self): return self.__banManager.getBanTime() def getBanList(self, withTime=False): """Returns the list of banned IP addresses. Returns ------- list The list of banned IP addresses. """ return self.__banManager.getBanList(ordered=True, withTime=withTime) def addBannedIP(self, ip): """Ban an IP or list of IPs.""" unixTime = MyTime.time() if isinstance(ip, list): # Multiple IPs: tickets = (BanTicket(ip, unixTime) for ip in ip) else: # Single IP: tickets = (BanTicket(ip, unixTime),) return self.__checkBan(tickets) def removeBannedIP(self, ip=None, db=True, ifexists=False): """Removes banned IP calling actions' unban method Remove a banned IP now, rather than waiting for it to expire, even if set to never expire. Parameters ---------- ip : list, str, IPAddr or None The IP address (or multiple IPs as list) to unban or all IPs if None Raises ------ ValueError If `ip` is not banned """ # Unban all? if ip is None: return self.__flushBan(db) # Multiple IPs: if isinstance(ip, list): missed = [] cnt = 0 for i in ip: try: cnt += self.removeBannedIP(i, db, ifexists) except ValueError: if not ifexists: missed.append(i) if missed: raise ValueError("not banned: %r" % missed) return cnt # Single IP: # Always delete ip from database (also if currently not banned) if db and self._jail.database is not None: self._jail.database.delBan(self._jail, ip) # Find the ticket with the IP. ticket = self.__banManager.getTicketByID(ip) if ticket is not None: # Unban the IP. self.__unBan(ticket) else: msg = "%s is not banned" % ip logSys.log(logging.MSG, msg) if ifexists: return 0 raise ValueError(msg) return 1 def stopActions(self, actions=None): """Stops the actions in reverse sequence (optionally filtered) """ if actions is None: actions = self._actions revactions = actions.items() revactions.reverse() for name, action in revactions: try: action.stop() except Exception as e: logSys.error("Failed to stop jail '%s' action '%s': %s", self._jail.name, name, e, exc_info=logSys.getEffectiveLevel()<=logging.DEBUG) del self._actions[name] logSys.debug("%s: action %s terminated", self._jail.name, name) def run(self): """Main loop for Threading. This function is the main loop of the thread. It checks the jail queue and executes commands when an IP address is banned. Returns ------- bool True when the thread exits nicely. """ cnt = 0 for name, action in self._actions.iteritems(): try: action.start() except Exception as e: logSys.error("Failed to start jail '%s' action '%s': %s", self._jail.name, name, e, exc_info=logSys.getEffectiveLevel()<=logging.DEBUG) while self.active: if self.idle: logSys.debug("Actions: enter idle mode") Utils.wait_for(lambda: not self.active or not self.idle, lambda: False, self.sleeptime) logSys.debug("Actions: leave idle mode") continue # wait for ban (stop if gets inactive): bancnt = Utils.wait_for(lambda: not self.active or self.__checkBan(), self.sleeptime) cnt += bancnt # unban if nothing is banned not later than banned tickets >= banPrecedence if not bancnt or cnt >= self.banPrecedence: if self.active: # let shrink the ban list faster bancnt *= 2 self.__checkUnBan(bancnt if bancnt and bancnt < self.unbanMaxCount else self.unbanMaxCount) cnt = 0 self.__flushBan(stop=True) self.stopActions() return True class ActionInfo(CallingMap): CM_REPR_ITEMS = ("fid", "raw-ticket") AI_DICT = { "ip": lambda self: self.__ticket.getIP(), "family": lambda self: self['ip'].familyStr, "ip-rev": lambda self: self['ip'].getPTR(''), "ip-host": lambda self: self['ip'].getHost(), "fid": lambda self: self.__ticket.getID(), "failures": lambda self: self.__ticket.getAttempt(), "time": lambda self: self.__ticket.getTime(), "bantime": lambda self: self._getBanTime(), "bancount": lambda self: self.__ticket.getBanCount(), "matches": lambda self: "\n".join(self.__ticket.getMatches()), # to bypass actions, that should not be executed for restored tickets "restored": lambda self: (1 if self.__ticket.restored else 0), # extra-interpolation - all match-tags (captured from the filter): "F-*": lambda self, tag=None: self.__ticket.getData(tag), # merged info: "ipmatches": lambda self: "\n".join(self._mi4ip(True).getMatches()), "ipjailmatches": lambda self: "\n".join(self._mi4ip().getMatches()), "ipfailures": lambda self: self._mi4ip(True).getAttempt(), "ipjailfailures": lambda self: self._mi4ip().getAttempt(), # raw ticket info: "raw-ticket": lambda self: repr(self.__ticket) } __slots__ = CallingMap.__slots__ + ('__ticket', '__jail', '__mi4ip') def __init__(self, ticket, jail=None, immutable=True, data=AI_DICT): self.__ticket = ticket self.__jail = jail self.storage = dict() self.immutable = immutable self.data = data def copy(self): # pragma: no cover return self.__class__(self.__ticket, self.__jail, self.immutable, self.data.copy()) def _getBanTime(self): btime = self.__ticket.getBanTime() if btime is None: btime = self.__jail.actions.getBanTime() return int(btime) def _mi4ip(self, overalljails=False): """Gets bans merged once, a helper for lambda(s), prevents stop of executing action by any exception inside. This function never returns None for ainfo lambdas - always a ticket (merged or single one) and prevents any errors through merging (to guarantee ban actions will be executed). [TODO] move merging to observer - here we could wait for merge and read already merged info from a database Parameters ---------- overalljails : bool switch to get a merged bans : False - (default) bans merged for current jail only True - bans merged for all jails of current ip address Returns ------- BanTicket merged or self ticket only """ if not hasattr(self, '__mi4ip'): self.__mi4ip = {} mi = self.__mi4ip idx = 'all' if overalljails else 'jail' if idx in mi: return mi[idx] if mi[idx] is not None else self.__ticket try: jail = self.__jail ip = self['ip'] mi[idx] = None if not jail.database: # pragma: no cover return self.__ticket if overalljails: mi[idx] = jail.database.getBansMerged(ip=ip) else: mi[idx] = jail.database.getBansMerged(ip=ip, jail=jail) except Exception as e: logSys.error( "Failed to get %s bans merged, jail '%s': %s", idx, jail.name, e, exc_info=logSys.getEffectiveLevel()<=logging.DEBUG) return mi[idx] if mi[idx] is not None else self.__ticket def __getActionInfo(self, ticket): aInfo = Actions.ActionInfo(ticket, self._jail) return aInfo def __getFailTickets(self, count=100): """Generator to get maximal count failure tickets from fail-manager.""" cnt = 0 while cnt < count: ticket = self._jail.getFailTicket() if not ticket: break yield ticket cnt += 1 def __checkBan(self, tickets=None): """Check for IP address to ban. If tickets are not specified look in the jail queue for FailTicket. If a ticket is available, it executes the "ban" command and adds a ticket to the BanManager. Returns ------- bool True if an IP address get banned. """ cnt = 0 if not tickets: tickets = self.__getFailTickets(self.banPrecedence) rebanacts = None for ticket in tickets: bTicket = BanTicket.wrap(ticket) btime = ticket.getBanTime(self.__banManager.getBanTime()) ip = bTicket.getIP() aInfo = self.__getActionInfo(bTicket) reason = {} if self.__banManager.addBanTicket(bTicket, reason=reason): cnt += 1 # report ticket to observer, to check time should be increased and hereafter observer writes ban to database (asynchronous) if Observers.Main is not None and not bTicket.restored: Observers.Main.add('banFound', bTicket, self._jail, btime) logSys.notice("[%s] %sBan %s", self._jail.name, ('' if not bTicket.restored else 'Restore '), ip) # do actions : for name, action in self._actions.iteritems(): try: if ticket.restored and getattr(action, 'norestored', False): continue if not aInfo.immutable: aInfo.reset() action.ban(aInfo) except Exception as e: logSys.error( "Failed to execute ban jail '%s' action '%s' " "info '%r': %s", self._jail.name, name, aInfo, e, exc_info=logSys.getEffectiveLevel()<=logging.DEBUG) # after all actions are processed set banned flag: bTicket.banned = True if self.banEpoch: # be sure tickets always have the same ban epoch (default 0): bTicket.banEpoch = self.banEpoch else: if reason.get('expired', 0): logSys.info('[%s] Ignore %s, expired bantime', self._jail.name, ip) continue bTicket = reason.get('ticket', bTicket) # if already banned (otherwise still process some action) if bTicket.banned: # compare time of failure occurrence with time ticket was really banned: diftm = ticket.getTime() - bTicket.getTime() # log already banned with following level: # DEBUG - before 3 seconds - certain interval for it, because of possible latency by recognizing in backends, etc. # NOTICE - before 60 seconds - may still occur if action is slow, or very high load in backend, # WARNING - after 60 seconds - very long time, something may be wrong ll = logging.DEBUG if diftm < 3 \ else logging.NOTICE if diftm < 60 \ else logging.WARNING logSys.log(ll, "[%s] %s already banned", self._jail.name, ip) # if long time after ban - do consistency check (something is wrong here): if bTicket.banEpoch == self.banEpoch and diftm > 3: # avoid too often checks: if not rebanacts and MyTime.time() > self.__lastConsistencyCheckTM + 3: for action in self._actions.itervalues(): action.consistencyCheck() self.__lastConsistencyCheckTM = MyTime.time() # check epoch in order to reban it: if bTicket.banEpoch < self.banEpoch: if not rebanacts: rebanacts = dict( (name, action) for name, action in self._actions.iteritems() if action.banEpoch > bTicket.banEpoch) cnt += self.__reBan(bTicket, actions=rebanacts) else: # pragma: no cover - unexpected: ticket is not banned for some reasons - reban using all actions: cnt += self.__reBan(bTicket) if cnt: logSys.debug("Banned %s / %s, %s ticket(s) in %r", cnt, self.__banManager.getBanTotal(), self.__banManager.size(), self._jail.name) return cnt def __reBan(self, ticket, actions=None, log=True): """Repeat bans for the ticket. Executes the actions in order to reban the host given in the ticket. Parameters ---------- ticket : Ticket Ticket to reban """ actions = actions or self._actions ip = ticket.getIP() aInfo = self.__getActionInfo(ticket) if log: logSys.notice("[%s] Reban %s%s", self._jail.name, aInfo["ip"], (', action %r' % actions.keys()[0] if len(actions) == 1 else '')) for name, action in actions.iteritems(): try: logSys.debug("[%s] action %r: reban %s", self._jail.name, name, ip) if not aInfo.immutable: aInfo.reset() action.reban(aInfo) except Exception as e: logSys.error( "Failed to execute reban jail '%s' action '%s' " "info '%r': %s", self._jail.name, name, aInfo, e, exc_info=logSys.getEffectiveLevel()<=logging.DEBUG) return 0 # after all actions are processed set banned flag: ticket.banned = True if self.banEpoch: # be sure tickets always have the same ban epoch (default 0): ticket.banEpoch = self.banEpoch return 1 def _prolongBan(self, ticket): # prevent to prolong ticket that was removed in-between, # if it in ban list - ban time already prolonged (and it stays there): if not self.__banManager._inBanList(ticket): return # do actions : aInfo = None for name, action in self._actions.iteritems(): try: if ticket.restored and getattr(action, 'norestored', False): continue if not action._prolongable: continue if aInfo is None: aInfo = self.__getActionInfo(ticket) if not aInfo.immutable: aInfo.reset() action.prolong(aInfo) except Exception as e: logSys.error( "Failed to execute ban jail '%s' action '%s' " "info '%r': %s", self._jail.name, name, aInfo, e, exc_info=logSys.getEffectiveLevel()<=logging.DEBUG) def __checkUnBan(self, maxCount=None): """Check for IP address to unban. Unban IP addresses which are outdated. """ lst = self.__banManager.unBanList(MyTime.time(), maxCount) for ticket in lst: self.__unBan(ticket) cnt = len(lst) if cnt: logSys.debug("Unbanned %s, %s ticket(s) in %r", cnt, self.__banManager.size(), self._jail.name) return cnt def __flushBan(self, db=False, actions=None, stop=False): """Flush the ban list. Unban all IP address which are still in the banning list. If actions specified, don't flush list - just execute unban for given actions (reload, obsolete resp. removed actions). """ log = True if actions is None: logSys.debug(" Flush ban list") lst = self.__banManager.flushBanList() else: log = False # don't log "[jail] Unban ..." if removing actions only. lst = iter(self.__banManager) cnt = 0 # first we'll execute flush for actions supporting this operation: unbactions = {} for name, action in (actions if actions is not None else self._actions).iteritems(): try: if hasattr(action, 'flush') and (not isinstance(action, CommandAction) or action.actionflush): logSys.notice("[%s] Flush ticket(s) with %s", self._jail.name, name) if action.flush(): continue except Exception as e: logSys.error("Failed to flush bans in jail '%s' action '%s': %s", self._jail.name, name, e, exc_info=logSys.getEffectiveLevel()<=logging.DEBUG) logSys.info("No flush occurred, do consistency check") if hasattr(action, 'consistencyCheck'): def _beforeRepair(): if stop and not getattr(action, 'actionrepair_on_unban', None): # don't need repair on stop self._logSys.error("Invariant check failed. Flush is impossible.") return False return True action.consistencyCheck(_beforeRepair) continue # fallback to single unbans: logSys.debug(" Unban tickets each individualy") unbactions[name] = action actions = unbactions # flush the database also: if db and self._jail.database is not None: logSys.debug(" Flush jail in database") self._jail.database.delBan(self._jail) # unban each ticket with non-flusheable actions: for ticket in lst: # unban ip: self.__unBan(ticket, actions=actions, log=log) cnt += 1 logSys.debug(" Unbanned %s, %s ticket(s) in %r", cnt, self.__banManager.size(), self._jail.name) return cnt def __unBan(self, ticket, actions=None, log=True): """Unbans host corresponding to the ticket. Executes the actions in order to unban the host given in the ticket. Parameters ---------- ticket : FailTicket Ticket of failures of which to unban """ if actions is None: unbactions = self._actions else: unbactions = actions ip = ticket.getIP() aInfo = self.__getActionInfo(ticket) if log: logSys.notice("[%s] Unban %s", self._jail.name, aInfo["ip"]) for name, action in unbactions.iteritems(): try: logSys.debug("[%s] action %r: unban %s", self._jail.name, name, ip) if not aInfo.immutable: aInfo.reset() action.unban(aInfo) except Exception as e: logSys.error( "Failed to execute unban jail '%s' action '%s' " "info '%r': %s", self._jail.name, name, aInfo, e, exc_info=logSys.getEffectiveLevel()<=logging.DEBUG) def status(self, flavor="basic"): """Status of current and total ban counts and current banned IP list. """ # TODO: Allow this list to be printed as 'status' output supported_flavors = ["basic", "cymru"] if flavor is None or flavor not in supported_flavors: logSys.warning("Unsupported extended jail status flavor %r. Supported: %s" % (flavor, supported_flavors)) # Always print this information (basic) ret = [("Currently banned", self.__banManager.size()), ("Total banned", self.__banManager.getBanTotal()), ("Banned IP list", self.__banManager.getBanList())] if flavor == "cymru": cymru_info = self.__banManager.getBanListExtendedCymruInfo() ret += \ [("Banned ASN list", self.__banManager.geBanListExtendedASN(cymru_info)), ("Banned Country list", self.__banManager.geBanListExtendedCountry(cymru_info)), ("Banned RIR list", self.__banManager.geBanListExtendedRIR(cymru_info))] return ret