# emacs: -*- mode: python; py-indent-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- # vi: set ft=python sts=4 ts=4 sw=4 noet : # This file is part of Fail2Ban. # # Fail2Ban is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Fail2Ban is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Fail2Ban; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. __author__ = "Steven Hiscocks" __copyright__ = "Copyright (c) 2013 Steven Hiscocks" __license__ = "GPL" import datetime import time from distutils.version import LooseVersion from systemd import journal if LooseVersion(getattr(journal, '__version__', "0")) < '204': raise ImportError("Fail2Ban requires systemd >= 204") from .failmanager import FailManagerEmpty from .filter import JournalFilter, Filter from .mytime import MyTime from .utils import Utils from ..helpers import getLogger, logging, splitwords, uni_decode # Gets the instance of the logger. logSys = getLogger(__name__) ## # Journal reader class. # # This class reads from systemd journal and detects login failures or anything # else that matches a given regular expression. This class is instantiated by # a Jail object. class FilterSystemd(JournalFilter): # pragma: systemd no cover ## # Constructor. # # Initialize the filter object with default values. # @param jail the jail object def __init__(self, jail, **kwargs): jrnlargs = FilterSystemd._getJournalArgs(kwargs) JournalFilter.__init__(self, jail, **kwargs) self.__modified = 0 # Initialise systemd-journal connection self.__journal = journal.Reader(**jrnlargs) self.__matches = [] self.setDatePattern(None) logSys.debug("Created FilterSystemd") @staticmethod def _getJournalArgs(kwargs): args = {'converters':{'__CURSOR': lambda x: x}} try: args['path'] = kwargs.pop('journalpath') except KeyError: pass try: args['files'] = kwargs.pop('journalfiles') except KeyError: pass else: import glob p = args['files'] if not isinstance(p, (list, set, tuple)): p = splitwords(p) files = [] for p in p: files.extend(glob.glob(p)) args['files'] = list(set(files)) # Default flags is SYSTEM_ONLY(4). This would lead to ignore user session files, # so can prevent "Too many open files" errors on a lot of user sessions (see gh-2392): try: args['flags'] = int(kwargs.pop('journalflags')) except KeyError: # be sure all journal types will be opened if files specified (don't set flags): if 'files' not in args or not len(args['files']): args['flags'] = 4 return args ## # Add a journal match filters from list structure # # @param matches list structure with journal matches def _addJournalMatches(self, matches): if self.__matches: self.__journal.add_disjunction() # Add OR newMatches = [] for match in matches: newMatches.append([]) for match_element in match: self.__journal.add_match(match_element) newMatches[-1].append(match_element) self.__journal.add_disjunction() self.__matches.extend(newMatches) ## # Add a journal match filter # # @param match journalctl syntax matches in list structure def addJournalMatch(self, match): newMatches = [[]] for match_element in match: if match_element == "+": newMatches.append([]) else: newMatches[-1].append(match_element) try: self._addJournalMatches(newMatches) except ValueError: logSys.error( "Error adding journal match for: %r", " ".join(match)) self.resetJournalMatches() raise else: logSys.info("[%s] Added journal match for: %r", self.jailName, " ".join(match)) ## # Reset a journal match filter called on removal or failure # # @return None def resetJournalMatches(self): self.__journal.flush_matches() logSys.debug("[%s] Flushed all journal matches", self.jailName) match_copy = self.__matches[:] self.__matches = [] try: self._addJournalMatches(match_copy) except ValueError: logSys.error("Error restoring journal matches") raise else: logSys.debug("Journal matches restored") ## # Delete a journal match filter # # @param match journalctl syntax matches def delJournalMatch(self, match=None): # clear all: if match is None: if not self.__matches: return del self.__matches[:] # delete by index: elif match in self.__matches: del self.__matches[self.__matches.index(match)] else: raise ValueError("Match %r not found" % match) self.resetJournalMatches() logSys.info("[%s] Removed journal match for: %r", self.jailName, match if match else '*') ## # Get current journal match filter # # @return journalctl syntax matches def getJournalMatch(self): return self.__matches ## # Get journal reader # # @return journal reader def getJournalReader(self): return self.__journal ## # Format journal log entry into syslog style # # @param entry systemd journal entry dict # @return format log line def formatJournalEntry(self, logentry): # Be sure, all argument of line tuple should have the same type: enc = self.getLogEncoding() logelements = [] v = logentry.get('_HOSTNAME') if v: logelements.append(uni_decode(v, enc)) v = logentry.get('SYSLOG_IDENTIFIER') if not v: v = logentry.get('_COMM') if v: logelements.append(uni_decode(v, enc)) v = logentry.get('SYSLOG_PID') if not v: v = logentry.get('_PID') if v: try: # [integer] (if already numeric): v = "[%i]" % v except TypeError: try: # as [integer] (try to convert to int): v = "[%i]" % int(v, 0) except (TypeError, ValueError): # fallback - [string] as it is v = "[%s]" % v logelements[-1] += v logelements[-1] += ":" if logelements[-1] == "kernel:": if '_SOURCE_MONOTONIC_TIMESTAMP' in logentry: monotonic = logentry.get('_SOURCE_MONOTONIC_TIMESTAMP') else: monotonic = logentry.get('__MONOTONIC_TIMESTAMP')[0] logelements.append("[%12.6f]" % monotonic.total_seconds()) msg = logentry.get('MESSAGE','') if isinstance(msg, list): logelements.append(" ".join(uni_decode(v, enc) for v in msg)) else: logelements.append(uni_decode(msg, enc)) logline = " ".join(logelements) date = logentry.get('_SOURCE_REALTIME_TIMESTAMP', logentry.get('__REALTIME_TIMESTAMP')) logSys.log(5, "[%s] Read systemd journal entry: %s %s", self.jailName, date.isoformat(), logline) ## use the same type for 1st argument: return ((logline[:0], date.isoformat(), logline.replace('\n', '\\n')), time.mktime(date.timetuple()) + date.microsecond/1.0E6) def seekToTime(self, date): if not isinstance(date, datetime.datetime): date = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(date) self.__journal.seek_realtime(date) ## # Main loop. # # Peridocily check for new journal entries matching the filter and # handover to FailManager def run(self): if not self.getJournalMatch(): logSys.notice( "Jail started without 'journalmatch' set. " "Jail regexs will be checked against all journal entries, " "which is not advised for performance reasons.") # Seek to now - findtime in journal start_time = datetime.datetime.now() - \ datetime.timedelta(seconds=int(self.getFindTime())) self.seekToTime(start_time) # Move back one entry to ensure do not end up in dead space # if start time beyond end of journal try: self.__journal.get_previous() except OSError: pass # Reading failure, so safe to ignore while self.active: # wait for records (or for timeout in sleeptime seconds): try: ## todo: find better method as wait_for to break (e.g. notify) journal.wait(self.sleeptime), ## don't use `journal.close()` for it, because in some python/systemd implementation it may ## cause abnormal program termination #self.__journal.wait(self.sleeptime) != journal.NOP ## ## wait for entries without sleep in intervals, because "sleeping" in journal.wait: Utils.wait_for(lambda: not self.active or \ self.__journal.wait(Utils.DEFAULT_SLEEP_INTERVAL) != journal.NOP, self.sleeptime, 0.00001) if self.idle: # because journal.wait will returns immediatelly if we have records in journal, # just wait a little bit here for not idle, to prevent hi-load: if not Utils.wait_for(lambda: not self.active or not self.idle, self.sleeptime * 10, self.sleeptime ): self.ticks += 1 continue self.__modified = 0 while self.active: logentry = None try: logentry = self.__journal.get_next() except OSError as e: logSys.error("Error reading line from systemd journal: %s", e, exc_info=logSys.getEffectiveLevel() <= logging.DEBUG) self.ticks += 1 if logentry: self.processLineAndAdd( *self.formatJournalEntry(logentry)) self.__modified += 1 if self.__modified >= 100: # todo: should be configurable break else: break if self.__modified: self.performBan() self.__modified = 0 except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover if not self.active: # if not active - error by stop... break logSys.error("Caught unhandled exception in main cycle: %r", e, exc_info=logSys.getEffectiveLevel()<=logging.DEBUG) # incr common error counter: self.commonError() logSys.debug("[%s] filter terminated", self.jailName) # close journal: try: if self.__journal: self.__journal.close() except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover logSys.error("Close journal failed: %r", e, exc_info=logSys.getEffectiveLevel()<=logging.DEBUG) logSys.debug("[%s] filter exited (systemd)", self.jailName) return True def status(self, flavor="basic"): ret = super(FilterSystemd, self).status(flavor=flavor) ret.append(("Journal matches", [" + ".join(" ".join(match) for match in self.__matches)])) return ret