# emacs: -*- mode: python; py-indent-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*-
# vi: set ft=python sts=4 ts=4 sw=4 noet :

# This file is part of Fail2Ban.
# Fail2Ban is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Fail2Ban is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Fail2Ban; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.

# Author: Serg G. Brester (sebres)
# This module was written as part of ban time increment feature.

__author__ = "Serg G. Brester (sebres)"
__copyright__ = "Copyright (c) 2014 Serg G. Brester"
__license__ = "GPL"

import threading
from .jailthread import JailThread
from .failmanager import FailManagerEmpty
import os, logging, time, datetime, math, json, random
import sys
from ..helpers import getLogger
from .mytime import MyTime
from .utils import Utils

# Gets the instance of the logger.
logSys = getLogger(__name__)

class ObserverThread(JailThread):
	"""Handles observing a database, managing bad ips and ban increment.


	active : bool
		Control the state of the thread.
	idle : bool
		Control the idle state of the thread.
	sleeptime : int
		The time the thread sleeps for in the loop.

	# observer is event driven and it sleep organized incremental, so sleep intervals can be shortly:

	def __init__(self):
    # init thread
		super(ObserverThread, self).__init__(name='f2b/observer')
		# before started - idle:
		self.idle = True
		## Event queue
		self._queue_lock = threading.RLock()
		self._queue = []
		## Event, be notified if anything added to event queue
		self._notify = threading.Event()
		## Sleep for max 60 seconds, it possible to specify infinite to always sleep up to notifying via event, 
		## but so we can later do some service "events" occurred infrequently directly in main loop of observer (not using queue)
		self.sleeptime = 60
		self._timers = {}
		self._paused = False
		self.__db = None
		self.__db_purge_interval = 60*60
		# observer is a not main thread:
		self.daemon = True

	def __getitem__(self, i):
			return self._queue[i]
		except KeyError:
			raise KeyError("Invalid event index : %s" % i)

	def __delitem__(self, name):
			del self._queue[i]
		except KeyError:
			raise KeyError("Invalid event index: %s" % i)

	def __iter__(self):
		return iter(self._queue)

	def __len__(self):
		return len(self._queue)

	def __eq__(self, other): # Required for Threading
		return False

	def __hash__(self): # Required for Threading
		return id(self)

	def add_named_timer(self, name, starttime, *event):
		"""Add a named timer event to queue will start (and wake) in 'starttime' seconds
		Previous timer event with same name will be canceled and trigger self into 
		queue after new 'starttime' value
		t = self._timers.get(name, None)
		if t is not None:
		t = threading.Timer(starttime, self.add, event)
		self._timers[name] = t

	def add_timer(self, starttime, *event):
		"""Add a timer event to queue will start (and wake) in 'starttime' seconds
		# in testing we should wait (looping) for the possible time drifts:
		if MyTime.myTime is not None and starttime:
			# test time after short sleep:
			t = threading.Timer(Utils.DEFAULT_SLEEP_INTERVAL, self._delayedEvent,
				(MyTime.time() + starttime, time.time() + starttime, event)
		# add timer event:
		t = threading.Timer(starttime, self.add, event)

	def _delayedEvent(self, endMyTime, endTime, event):
		if MyTime.time() >= endMyTime or time.time() >= endTime:
			self.add_timer(0, *event)
		# repeat after short sleep:
		t = threading.Timer(Utils.DEFAULT_SLEEP_INTERVAL, self._delayedEvent,
			(endMyTime, endTime, event)

	def pulse_notify(self):
		"""Notify wakeup (sets /and resets/ notify event)
		if not self._paused and self._notify:

	def add(self, *event):
		"""Add a event to queue and notify thread to wake up.
		## lock and add new event to queue:
		with self._queue_lock:

	def add_wn(self, *event):
		"""Add a event to queue withouth notifying thread to wake up.
		## lock and add new event to queue:
		with self._queue_lock:

	def call_lambda(self, l, *args):

	def run(self):
		"""Main loop for Threading.

		This function is the main loop of the thread.

			True when the thread exits nicely.
		logSys.info("Observer start...")
		## first time create named timer to purge database each hour (clean old entries) ...
		self.add_named_timer('DB_PURGE', self.__db_purge_interval, 'db_purge')
		## Mapping of all possible event types of observer:
		__meth = {
			# universal lambda:
			'call': self.call_lambda,
			# system and service events:
			'db_set': self.db_set,
			'db_purge': self.db_purge,
			# service events of observer self:
			'is_alive' : self.isAlive,
			'is_active': self.isActive,
			'start': self.start,
			'stop': self.stop,
			'nop': lambda:(),
			'shutdown': lambda:()
			## check it self with sending is_alive event
			## if we should stop - break a main loop
			while self.active:
				self.idle = False
				## check events available and execute all events from queue
				while not self._paused:
					## lock, check and pop one from begin of queue:
						ev = None
						with self._queue_lock:
							if len(self._queue):
								ev = self._queue.pop(0)
						if ev is None:
						## retrieve method by name
						meth = ev[0]
						if not callable(ev[0]): meth = __meth.get(meth) or getattr(self, meth)
						## execute it with rest of event as variable arguments
					except Exception as e:
						#logSys.error('%s', e, exc_info=logSys.getEffectiveLevel()<=logging.DEBUG)
						logSys.error('%s', e, exc_info=True)
				## going sleep, wait for events (in queue)
				n = self._notify
				if n:
					self.idle = True
					## wake up - reset signal now (we don't need it so long as we reed from queue)
					if self._paused:
					## notify event deleted (shutdown) - just sleep a litle bit (waiting for shutdown events, prevent high cpu usage)
					## stop by shutdown and empty queue :
					if not self.is_full:
				## end of main loop - exit
			logSys.info("Observer stopped, %s events remaining.", len(self._queue))
			#print("Observer stopped, %s events remaining." % len(self._queue))
		except Exception as e:
			logSys.error('Observer stopped after error: %s', e, exc_info=True)
			#print("Observer stopped with error: %s" % str(e))
		# clear all events - exit, for possible calls of wait_empty:
		with self._queue_lock:
			self._queue = []
		self.idle = True
		return True

	def isAlive(self):
		#logSys.debug("Observer alive...")
		return True

	def isActive(self, fromStr=None):
		# logSys.info("Observer alive, %s%s", 
		# 	'active' if self.active else 'inactive', 
		# 	'' if fromStr is None else (", called from '%s'" % fromStr))
		return self.active

	def start(self):
		with self._queue_lock:
			if not self.active:
				super(ObserverThread, self).start()

	def stop(self):
		if self.active and self._notify:
			wtime = 5
			logSys.info("Observer stop ... try to end queue %s seconds", wtime)
			#print("Observer stop ....")
			# just add shutdown job to make possible wait later until full (events remaining)
			with self._queue_lock:
				#don't pulse - just set, because we will delete it hereafter (sometimes not wakeup)
				n = self._notify
				self._notify = None
			# wait max wtime seconds until full (events remaining)
			self.active = False

	def is_full(self):
		with self._queue_lock:
			return True if len(self._queue) else False

	def wait_empty(self, sleeptime=None):
		"""Wait observer is running and returns if observer has no more events (queue is empty)
		if sleeptime is not None:
			e = MyTime.time() + sleeptime
		# block queue with not operation to be sure all really jobs are executed if nop goes from queue :
		if self._notify is not None:
			if self.is_full and self.idle:
		while self.is_full:
			if sleeptime is not None and MyTime.time() > e:
		# wait idle to be sure the last queue element is processed (because pop event before processing it) :
		return not self.is_full

	def wait_idle(self, sleeptime=None):
		"""Wait observer is running and returns if observer idle (observer sleeps)
		if self.idle:
			return True
		if sleeptime is not None:
			e = MyTime.time() + sleeptime
		while not self.idle:
			if sleeptime is not None and MyTime.time() > e:
		return self.idle

	def paused(self):
		return self._paused;

	def paused(self, pause):
		if self._paused == pause:
		self._paused = pause
		# wake after pause ended

	def status(self):
		"""Status of observer to be implemented. [TODO]
		return ('', '')

	## -----------------------------------------
	## [Async] database service functionality ...
	## -----------------------------------------

	def db_set(self, db):
		self.__db = db

	def db_purge(self):
		logSys.debug("Purge database event occurred")
		if self.__db is not None:
		# trigger timer again ...
		self.add_named_timer('DB_PURGE', self.__db_purge_interval, 'db_purge')

	## -----------------------------------------
	## [Async] ban time increment functionality ...
	## -----------------------------------------

	def failureFound(self, failManager, jail, ticket):
		""" Notify observer a failure for ip was found

		Observer will check ip was known (bad) and possibly increase an retry count
		# check jail active :
		if not jail.isAlive() or not jail.getBanTimeExtra("increment"):
		ip = ticket.getIP()
		unixTime = ticket.getTime()
		logSys.debug("[%s] Observer: failure found %s", jail.name, ip)
		# increase retry count for known (bad) ip, corresponding banCount of it (one try will count than 2, 3, 5, 9 ...)  :
		banCount = 0
		retryCount = 1
		timeOfBan = None
			maxRetry = failManager.getMaxRetry()
			db = jail.database
			if db is not None:
				for banCount, timeOfBan, lastBanTime in db.getBan(ip, jail):
					banCount = max(banCount, ticket.getBanCount())
					retryCount = ((1 << (banCount if banCount < 20 else 20))/2 + 1)
					# if lastBanTime == -1 or timeOfBan + lastBanTime * 2 > MyTime.time():
					# 	retryCount = maxRetry
				retryCount = min(retryCount, maxRetry)
				# check this ticket already known (line was already processed and in the database and will be restored from there):
				if timeOfBan is not None and unixTime <= timeOfBan:
					logSys.debug("[%s] Ignore failure %s before last ban %s < %s, restored",
								jail.name, ip, unixTime, timeOfBan)
			# for not increased failures observer should not add it to fail manager, because was already added by filter self
			if retryCount <= 1:
			# retry counter was increased - add it again:
			logSys.info("[%s] Found %s, bad - %s, %s # -> %s%s", jail.name, ip, 
				MyTime.time2str(unixTime), banCount, retryCount,
				(', Ban' if retryCount >= maxRetry else ''))
			# retryCount-1, because a ticket was already once incremented by filter self
			retryCount = failManager.addFailure(ticket, retryCount - 1, True)
			# after observe we have increased attempt count, compare it >= maxretry ...
			if retryCount >= maxRetry:
				# perform the banning of the IP now (again)
				# [todo]: this code part will be used multiple times - optimize it later.
				try: # pragma: no branch - exception is the only way out
					while True:
						ticket = failManager.toBan(ip)
				except FailManagerEmpty:

		except Exception as e:
			logSys.error('%s', e, exc_info=logSys.getEffectiveLevel()<=logging.DEBUG)

	class BanTimeIncr:
		def __init__(self, banTime, banCount):
			self.Time = banTime
			self.Count = banCount

	def calcBanTime(self, jail, banTime, banCount):
		be = jail.getBanTimeExtra()
		return be['evformula'](self.BanTimeIncr(banTime, banCount))

	def incrBanTime(self, jail, banTime, ticket):
		"""Check for IP address to increment ban time (if was already banned).

			new ban time.
		# check jail active :
		if not jail.isAlive() or not jail.database:
			return banTime
		be = jail.getBanTimeExtra()
		ip = ticket.getIP()
		orgBanTime = banTime
		# check ip was already banned (increment time of ban):
			if banTime > 0 and be.get('increment', False):
				# search IP in database and increase time if found:
				for banCount, timeOfBan, lastBanTime in \
					jail.database.getBan(ip, jail, overalljails=be.get('overalljails', False)) \
					# increment count in ticket (if still not increased from banmanager, test-cases?):
					if banCount >= ticket.getBanCount():
					logSys.debug('IP %s was already banned: %s #, %s', ip, banCount, timeOfBan);
					# calculate new ban time
					if banCount > 0:
						banTime = be['evformula'](self.BanTimeIncr(banTime, banCount))
					# check current ticket time to prevent increasing for twice read tickets (restored from log file besides database after restart)
					if ticket.getTime() > timeOfBan:
						logSys.info('[%s] IP %s is bad: %s # last %s - incr %s to %s' % (jail.name, ip, banCount, 
							datetime.timedelta(seconds=int(orgBanTime)), datetime.timedelta(seconds=int(banTime))));
						ticket.restored = True
		except Exception as e:
			logSys.error('%s', e, exc_info=logSys.getEffectiveLevel()<=logging.DEBUG)
		return banTime

	def banFound(self, ticket, jail, btime):
		""" Notify observer a ban occured for ip

		Observer will check ip was known (bad) and possibly increase/prolong a ban time
		Secondary we will actualize the bans and bips (bad ip) in database
		if ticket.restored: # pragma: no cover (normally not resored tickets only)
			oldbtime = btime
			ip = ticket.getIP()
			logSys.debug("[%s] Observer: ban found %s, %s", jail.name, ip, btime)
			# if not permanent and ban time was not set - check time should be increased:
			if btime != -1 and ticket.getBanTime() is None:
				btime = self.incrBanTime(jail, btime, ticket)
				# if we should prolong ban time:
				if btime == -1 or btime > oldbtime:
			# if not permanent
			if btime != -1:
				bendtime = ticket.getTime() + btime
				logtime = (datetime.timedelta(seconds=int(btime)),
				# check ban is not too old :
				if bendtime < MyTime.time():
					logSys.debug('Ignore old bantime %s', logtime[1])
					return False
				logtime = ('permanent', 'infinite')
			# if ban time was prolonged - log again with new ban time:
			if btime != oldbtime:
				logSys.notice("[%s] Increase Ban %s (%d # %s -> %s)", jail.name, 
					ip, ticket.getBanCount(), *logtime)
				# delayed prolonging ticket via actions that expected this (not later than 10 sec):
				logSys.log(5, "[%s] Observer: prolong %s in %s", jail.name, ip, (btime, oldbtime))
				self.add_timer(min(10, max(0, btime - oldbtime - 5)), self.prolongBan, ticket, jail)
			# add ticket to database, but only if was not restored (not already read from database):
			if jail.database is not None and not ticket.restored:
				# add to database always only after ban time was calculated an not yet already banned:
				jail.database.addBan(jail, ticket)
		except Exception as e:
			logSys.error('%s', e, exc_info=logSys.getEffectiveLevel()<=logging.DEBUG)

	def prolongBan(self, ticket, jail):
		""" Notify observer a ban occured for ip

		Observer will check ip was known (bad) and possibly increase/prolong a ban time
		Secondary we will actualize the bans and bips (bad ip) in database
			btime = ticket.getBanTime()
			ip = ticket.getIP()
			logSys.debug("[%s] Observer: prolong %s, %s", jail.name, ip, btime)
			# prolong ticket via actions that expected this:
		except Exception as e:
			logSys.error('%s', e, exc_info=logSys.getEffectiveLevel()<=logging.DEBUG)

# Global observer initial created in server (could be later rewriten via singleton)
class _Observers:
	def __init__(self):
		self.Main = None

Observers = _Observers()