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Server Version:
Server MPM:

Server Built: %A, %d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S %Z
Current Time:
Restart Time:
Server uptime: %d day%s %d hour%s %d minute%s %d second%sCPULoad: %g Uptime: %ld ReqPerSec: %g BytesPerSec: %g BytesPerReq: %g %d kB - %.3g%% CPU load
%.3g requests/sec - /second - /request
Scoreboard: PID Key: 
   %d in state: %c ,
ReadyStartingReadWriteKeepaliveLoggingDNS lookupClosingDeadGracefulDying?STATE?|) _SRWKLDC.GI?
refreshRefreshnotableautoAH01237: Server status unavailable in inetd modetext/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Apache Status

Apache Server Status for
Parent Server Config. Generation: %d
Parent Server MPM Generation: %d
Server load: %.2f %.2f %.2f
CPU Usage: u%g s%g cu%g cs%g
%d requests currently being processed, %d idle workers
BusyWorkers: %d IdleWorkers: %d
PIDConnections ThreadsAsync connections
Sum%d %d%d%d%d%d
ConnsTotal: %d ConnsAsyncWriting: %d ConnsAsyncKeepAlive: %d ConnsAsyncClosing: %d

Scoreboard Key:
"_" Waiting for Connection, "S" Starting up, "R" Reading Request,
"W" Sending Reply, "K" Keepalive (read), "D" DNS Lookup,
"C" Closing connection, "L" Logging, "G" Gracefully finishing,
"I" Idle cleanup of worker, "." Open slot with no current process

Server Details

Server %d-%d (-): %d|%lu|%lu [Server %d-%d (%d): %d|%lu|%lu [] u%g s%g cu%g cs%g %ld %ld ( %s {%s}[%s]
SrvPIDAccMCPU SSReqConnChildSlotClientVHostRequest
%d-%d%d%d/%lu/%lu %.2f%ld%ld%-1.1f%-2.2f%-2.2f %s%s%s

SrvChild Server number - generation
PIDOS process ID
AccNumber of accesses this connection / this child / this slot
MMode of operation
CPUCPU usage, number of seconds
SSSeconds since beginning of most recent request
ReqMilliseconds required to process most recent request
ConnKilobytes transferred this connection
ChildMegabytes transferred this child
SlotTotal megabytes transferred this slot

To obtain a full report with current status information you need to use the ExtendedStatus On directive.
Total accesses: %lu - Total Traffic: Total Accesses: %lu Total kBytes: %ld M7!yc s]>#:50D_Y@;LxhHh8HXzRx $pFJ w?;*3$"D@\8\KLtDOK@LsBEL A(A0D (A BBDF A(A BBDL BJB B(A0A8G 8A0A(B BBBA 4'4/474`L   l0K K o0  hN 0   ooh oo o hL &6FVfv&6FVfv&6F3042PAPmod_status.so.debug 7zXZִF!t/ 1]?Eh=ڊ2Na3g1ku95whSسC~ QŢw41wcP:̉M%\Z.|LIgEBY:; ˺]h\8CLND}kqN" 1(Fb@veoiCwf ;NA.sQ>x9-*i]mdb -/$XRWp)O ˠ u:5&wߺUFdUL+Q: Z4ViL{ؤz/}ۜZ[SB?Awx \ݗ̘%}Jڗg_[LnBP7WU?>t,j`+"E/:,jgGeXP;IjЮfqmy/Os]iw̯AQM-@s>be^OB\zÃ+ɦel<Ȑ~}~&"nl(+k\IrS