ó āū²_c@sZdZdZddlZddlmZddlmZd„Zd„Zdd „Z dS( sÆdistutils.dep_util Utility functions for simple, timestamp-based dependency of files and groups of files; also, function based entirely on such timestamp dependency analysis.s$Id$i’’’’N(tST_MTIME(tDistutilsFileErrorcCsktjj|ƒs1tdtjj|ƒƒ‚ntjj|ƒsGtStj|ƒttj|ƒtkS(s±Tells if the target is newer than the source. Return true if 'source' exists and is more recently modified than 'target', or if 'source' exists and 'target' doesn't. Return false if both exist and 'target' is the same age or younger than 'source'. Raise DistutilsFileError if 'source' does not exist. Note that this test is not very accurate: files created in the same second will have the same "age". sfile '%s' does not exist(tostpathtexistsRtabspathtTruetstatR(tsourcettarget((s*/usr/lib64/python2.7/distutils/dep_util.pytnewer s cCs†t|ƒt|ƒkr$td‚ng}g}xIt||ƒD]8\}}t||ƒr@|j|ƒ|j|ƒq@q@W||fS(sėWalk two filename lists in parallel, testing if each source is newer than its corresponding target. Return a pair of lists (sources, targets) where source is newer than target, according to the semantics of 'newer()'. s+'sources' and 'targets' must be same length(tlent ValueErrortzipR tappend(tsourcesttargetst n_sourcest n_targetsRR ((s*/usr/lib64/python2.7/distutils/dep_util.pytnewer_pairwise!s  terrorcCs”tjj|ƒstStj|ƒt}xq|D]i}tjj|ƒs||dkrWq||dkriq0q||dkr|tSntj|ƒt|kr0tSq0WtS(sćReturn true if 'target' is out-of-date with respect to any file listed in 'sources'. In other words, if 'target' exists and is newer than every file in 'sources', return false; otherwise return true. 'missing' controls what we do when a source file is missing; the default ("error") is to blow up with an OSError from inside 'stat()'; if it is "ignore", we silently drop any missing source files; if it is "newer", any missing source files make us assume that 'target' is out-of-date (this is handy in "dry-run" mode: it'll make you pretend to carry out commands that wouldn't work because inputs are missing, but that doesn't matter because you're not actually going to run the commands). RtignoreR (RRRRRRtFalse(RR tmissingt target_mtimeR((s*/usr/lib64/python2.7/distutils/dep_util.pyt newer_group4s    ( t__doc__t __revision__RRRtdistutils.errorsRR RR(((s*/usr/lib64/python2.7/distutils/dep_util.pyts