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Must be string or unicode.O!O:create_collation(name, callback)invalid character in collation nameError setting authorizer callbackReturn a cursor for the connection.Commit the current transaction.Roll back the current transaction.Creates a new function. Non-standard.Creates a new aggregate. Non-standard.Sets authorizer callback. Non-standard.Sets progress handler callback. Non-standard.Executes a SQL statement. Non-standard.Repeatedly executes a SQL statement. Non-standard.Executes a multiple SQL statements at once. Non-standard.Creates a collation function. Non-standard.Abort any pending database operation. Non-standard.Returns iterator to the dump of the database in an SQL text format. Non-standard.For context manager. Non-standard.@@@O!s#|i:fetchmanyO|Oselectinsertupdatedeletereplacesqlite3.CursorconnectiondescriptionarraysizelastrowidrowcountExecutes a SQL statement.fetchonefetchallCloses the cursor.setinputsizessetoutputsizeBase Cursor.__init__ not called.Cannot operate on a closed cursor.Recursive use of cursors not allowed.script argument must be unicode or string.Cursor needed to be reset because of commit/rollback and can no longer be fetched from.Could not decode to UTF-8 column '%s' with text '%s'operation parameter must be str or unicodeYou cannot execute SELECT statements in executemany().Error while building row_cast_mapexecutemany() can only execute DML statements.Repeatedly executes a SQL statement.Fetches one row from the resultset.Fetches several rows from the resultset.Fetches all rows from the resultset.Required by DB-API. Does nothing in pysqlite.adapters(OO)__adapt____conform__can't adaptO|OOSOPARSE_DECLTYPES_sqlite3sqlite3.Errorsqlite3.Warningsqlite3.InterfaceErrorsqlite3.DatabaseErrorsqlite3.InternalErrorsqlite3.OperationalErrorsqlite3.ProgrammingErrorsqlite3.IntegrityErrorsqlite3.DataErrorsqlite3.NotSupportedErrorOptimizedUnicode2.6.0sqlite_versionconverterssqlite3: init faileddo_enablePARSE_COLNAMESSQLITE_OKSQLITE_DENYSQLITE_IGNORESQLITE_CREATE_INDEXSQLITE_CREATE_TABLESQLITE_CREATE_TEMP_INDEXSQLITE_CREATE_TEMP_TABLESQLITE_CREATE_TEMP_TRIGGERSQLITE_CREATE_TEMP_VIEWSQLITE_CREATE_TRIGGERSQLITE_CREATE_VIEWSQLITE_DELETESQLITE_DROP_INDEXSQLITE_DROP_TABLESQLITE_DROP_TEMP_INDEXSQLITE_DROP_TEMP_TABLESQLITE_DROP_TEMP_TRIGGERSQLITE_DROP_TEMP_VIEWSQLITE_DROP_TRIGGERSQLITE_DROP_VIEWSQLITE_INSERTSQLITE_PRAGMASQLITE_READSQLITE_SELECTSQLITE_TRANSACTIONSQLITE_UPDATESQLITE_ATTACHSQLITE_DETACHSQLITE_ALTER_TABLESQLITE_REINDEXSQLITE_ANALYZEconnectcomplete_statementenable_shared_cacheregister_adapterregister_converterenable_callback_tracebacksChanging the shared_cache flag failedadapt(obj, protocol, alternate) -> adapt obj to given protocol. Non-standard.sqlite3.PrepareProtocolNo item with that keyslices not implemented, yetIndex must be int or stringsqlite3.RowkeysReturns the keys of the row.instance of cursor required for first argumenttuple required for second argument,llT<You must not use 8-bit bytestrings unless you use a text_factory that can interpret 8-bit bytestrings (like text_factory = str). It is highly recommended that you instead just switch your application to Unicode strings.Incorrect number of bindings supplied. The current statement uses %d, and there are %d supplied.Error binding parameter %d - probably unsupported type.Binding %d has no name, but you supplied a dictionary (which has only names).You did not supply a value for binding %d.Error binding parameter :%s - probably unsupported type.parameters are of unsupported typesqlite3.StatementXppppppppppppp0Python int too large to convert to SQLite INTEGER;Dgp`| }}~pp@P`(Xp0PЋ`X`PPp0``( x 0 0 x p 0` p  H   ( 0@ h H x@pH p@X x`@0X 0`(@pp( @Ph H`0h` pzRx $(mP FJ w?;*3$"D@yEAj M 4dpyADD a AAD tAA$yAQ0 AA dzBBB B(A0A8D@ 8C0A(B BBBH P 8A0A(B BBBF $,{KADI zAA<T |'BBD D(D0 (A ABBD ~BAp O A@~ 8~,0~PAAG 1 AAD <PBTA b ABD V ABG <TЀBTA b ABD V ABG <PBTA b ABD V ABG 4ЁBDA G@  AABH < BBA D(D@r (D ABBH $LXAQ0 AK LtBEE E(A0D8GPN 8A0A(B BBBK LBAA E AEA R AEH ` AEJ SAELBEE E(A0C8GPq 8C0A(B BBBG ,dADD  AAC < BEE A(C0(A BBB4AID0r AAF g AAG  bD W E b F ,H4AV Y C<Lh0BBD A(G@ (A ABBI X+Ai4hBAA G@  AABA L0&BEB E(A0A8F 8A0A(B BBBG D4BBB D(D0F@r 0D(A BBBO L|؍BBB E(D0A8F@ 8D0A(B BBBE KAP G rDHBIB A(A0T@ 0A(A BBBF <4(BBA C(G0 (D ABBH 4t5BAA G@_  AABB ,{ADG@ AAB <HBIA A(T$ (A ABBA 4Ș5BAA G@_  AABB 4TЙBDD GP  AABA 4 BDD GP  AABA <}BBA D(GP (A ABBH < НBBA D(GPK (A ABBG 4D BDD G@  AABK 4| HBDD G0  AABA    $ rAU J C E $$ @AQ  AJ L PA I Dl HAG f AA b AE b AE Z CC RDL BBB B(A0A8Q`o 8A0A(B BBBA , PtAT r AH X AG L4 nBBB A(A0 (A BBBA v (A BBBA  l ?L @)BBB B(A0D8G0 8A0A(B BBBB < MBAA  DBA  DBG D 0/AQ F <d @BYA A(D@ (A ABBC 4 BFA m ADE QDBL h% BBB E(A0C8GN 8A0A(B BBBB , H D @ \ 8t @7Ae J F4 `ADD0I AAD V AAH D BID D0F  GABM w  DABB @|D0r A 47Dk A F$TAN@ AH |xD0 F (~D d H ,ARM AAH $HAZ P AD LBZA A(D0 (A ABBF U(A ABBd`|X P%h]AF I  ,AFQ@ AAA d,hBBE A(A0F (A BBBH b (A BBBG  (A BBDA LBBF A(D0Y (C ABBH D (D ABBK  $(AAG YDA<$BDD P ABC b ABK d@%,|X}AAG a AAD C<BBA D(J@ (A ABBK 4BDC GP  AABG <HBBB E(D0A8GP 8A0A(B BBBB  8C0A(B BBBL b 8A0A(B BBBL x 8C0A(B BBBL Z 8C0A(B BBBE 4(BAA G@c  AABF ,$ABAC wAB$TNBCG0~AB|,/BAD dAB|SADD U CAF ^ CAF ^ CAF I CAK ^ CAF ^ CAF I CAC ^CA\$tAD B AH ooM\fr #6 D V h   3AO]p@! c 8!!ox   !R8 o7oo5oH!cccdd&d6dFdVdfdvdddddddddee&e6eFeVefeveeeeeeeeeff&f6fFfVfffvfffffffffgg&g6gFgVgfgvggggggggghh&h6hFhVhfhvhhhhhhhhhii&i6iFiVifiviiiiiiiiijj&j6jFjVjfjvjjjjjjjjjkk&k6kFkVkfkvkkkkkkkkkll&l6lFlVlflvlllllllllmm&m6mFmVmfmvmmmmmmmmmnn&n6nFnVnfnvnnnnnnnnno_@)!m8y}SQLite database connection object., !@EK@[`env=/Mdzpxpv 8`)!/!*!,!h#*@(PP  P `PG0%v/ ~SQLite database cursor class.x(08@ip 1!h 4!`1! (7Penable_callback_tracebacks(flag) Enable or disable callback functions throwing errors to stderr.register_converter(typename, callable) Registers a converter with pysqlite. Non-standard.register_adapter(type, callable) Registers an adapter with pysqlite's adapter registry. Non-standard.enable_shared_cache(do_enable) Enable or disable shared cache mode for the calling thread. Experimental/Non-standard.complete_statement(sql) Checks if a string contains a complete SQL statement. Non-standard.connect(database[, timeout, isolation_level, detect_types, factory]) Opens a connection to the SQLite database file *database*. You can use ":memory:" to open a database connection to a database that resides in RAM instead of on disk.envC7!@@7!6!p@6!5!(P`5!v P@=!80_sqlite3.so.debug8;E7zXZִF!t/g]?Eh=ڊ2N [$rf"@7S?QИ_{%cUHl-R-V5S WL] ޡ,AQl1'P`<͐_v* -#V\yAA54mֆaopØ)?k >H_ uS>,9>P0ptt\W~㽍<[NeY)2웁_;x&S2Ey/)PYK'3jwAHXơ~OҎ<N*eSczic#F+.kLV' ' ɒ0uf @"ٚr^Β郄sŧ8ҬޮZΪ?hI%tJ὎2NMKOM}e۴/>5L ,m(}U!7 p&f4HC^œv<$MPb|t Q ?+_0.5Xx t_{_S-ȋRV̏yHRx`/j80+S/Y|[>'e׃c% \c=*O1Yx>SWF*wlkeM$-[dNGz1-Ehs(Eq$:j {-Bo6T`&{0PHgѼIxi{l4ܭnŗ_霃E2F^ DVgef׿x (+_P3vn֣dj$2"sUО@G+fZȎ#!^;96kN~ wzX,S6`=k@xDH9|p#R81 /TT+n ,Iƹ%]Gg:z0,a#n+ӠU!/̬8~\o ˶8n,"HTaG=̪~9e)r`_3*>ңSwBmՆ`v(65.)j405{ԛO YId0~IBx6WI< c-g@z=!pJ ({gYZ.shstrtab.note.gnu.build-id.gnu.hash.dynsym.dynstr.gnu.version.gnu.version_r.rela.dyn.rela.plt.init.text.fini.rodata.eh_frame_hdr.eh_frame.init_array.fini_array.jcr.data.rel.ro.dynamic.got.got.plt.data.bss.gnu_debuglink.gnu_debugdata $o( 0xx 8o55(Eo77@T88^BRRhcccccP noo&nt88 zHH00Dxx!!! ! ( H!H8!8 ! %!% h?!h?h??PD