_c@s"dZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZddl m Z m Z m Z yddl Z Wnek rdZ nXyeeZWnek reZnXdZdZdZdZdZdZd$Zd ejfd YZd efdYZdefdYZdejfdYZ dej!fdYZ"de"fdYZ#dej!fdYZ$dej!fdYZ%dej!fdYZ&dej!fdYZ'dej!fd YZ(d!e(fd"YZ)dS(%s Additional handlers for the logging package for Python. The core package is based on PEP 282 and comments thereto in comp.lang.python. Copyright (C) 2001-2013 Vinay Sajip. All Rights Reserved. To use, simply 'import logging.handlers' and log away! iN(tST_DEVtST_INOtST_MTIMEi<#i=#i>#i?#iii<tBaseRotatingHandlercBs&eZdZdddZdZRS(s Base class for handlers that rotate log files at a certain point. Not meant to be instantiated directly. Instead, use RotatingFileHandler or TimedRotatingFileHandler. icCsGtdkrd}ntjj|||||||_||_dS(sA Use the specified filename for streamed logging N(tcodecstNonetloggingt FileHandlert__init__tmodetencoding(tselftfilenameR R tdelay((s(/usr/lib64/python2.7/logging/handlers.pyR:s    cCsgy3|j|r|jntjj||Wn-ttfk rOn|j|nXdS(s Emit a record. Output the record to the file, catering for rollover as described in doRollover(). N(tshouldRollovert doRolloverRRtemittKeyboardInterruptt SystemExitt handleError(R trecord((s(/usr/lib64/python2.7/logging/handlers.pyRDs N(t__name__t __module__t__doc__RRR(((s(/usr/lib64/python2.7/logging/handlers.pyR4s tRotatingFileHandlercBs8eZdZddddddZdZdZRS(s Handler for logging to a set of files, which switches from one file to the next when the current file reaches a certain size. taicCsD|dkrd}ntj|||||||_||_dS(s Open the specified file and use it as the stream for logging. By default, the file grows indefinitely. You can specify particular values of maxBytes and backupCount to allow the file to rollover at a predetermined size. Rollover occurs whenever the current log file is nearly maxBytes in length. If backupCount is >= 1, the system will successively create new files with the same pathname as the base file, but with extensions ".1", ".2" etc. appended to it. For example, with a backupCount of 5 and a base file name of "app.log", you would get "app.log", "app.log.1", "app.log.2", ... through to "app.log.5". The file being written to is always "app.log" - when it gets filled up, it is closed and renamed to "app.log.1", and if files "app.log.1", "app.log.2" etc. exist, then they are renamed to "app.log.2", "app.log.3" etc. respectively. If maxBytes is zero, rollover never occurs. iRN(RRtmaxBytest backupCount(R R R RRR R ((s(/usr/lib64/python2.7/logging/handlers.pyRYs    cCs|jr"|jjd|_n|jdkr xt|jdddD]w}d|j|f}d|j|df}tjj|rKtjj|rtj |ntj ||qKqKW|jd}tjj|rtj |ntj |j|n|j |_dS(s< Do a rollover, as described in __init__(). iiis%s.%ds.1N( tstreamtcloseRRtranget baseFilenametostpathtexiststremovetrenamet_open(R titsfntdfn((s(/usr/lib64/python2.7/logging/handlers.pyRys      cCs|jdkr!|j|_n|jdkrd|j|}|jjdd|jjt||jkrdSndS(s Determine if rollover should occur. Basically, see if the supplied record would cause the file to exceed the size limit we have. is%s iiN(RRR%Rtformattseekttelltlen(R Rtmsg((s(/usr/lib64/python2.7/logging/handlers.pyRs"N(RRRRRRR(((s(/usr/lib64/python2.7/logging/handlers.pyRTs tTimedRotatingFileHandlercBsMeZdZdddd eedZdZdZdZdZ RS( s Handler for logging to a file, rotating the log file at certain timed intervals. If backupCount is > 0, when rollover is done, no more than backupCount files are kept - the oldest ones are deleted. thiic Cs2tj||d|||j|_||_||_|jdkrgd|_d|_d|_nV|jdkrd|_d|_d |_n)|jd krd|_d |_d |_n|jd ks|jdkrd|_d|_d|_n|jj drd|_t |jdkrCt d|jn|jddksi|jddkrt d|jnt |jd|_ d|_d|_nt d|jtj|j|_|j||_tjj|r tj|t}nt tj}|j||_dS( NRtSis%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%Ss%^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}_\d{2}-\d{2}-\d{2}$tMi<s%Y-%m-%d_%H-%Ms^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}_\d{2}-\d{2}$tHs %Y-%m-%d_%Hs^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}_\d{2}$tDtMIDNIGHTis%Y-%m-%ds^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}$tWiisHYou must specify a day for weekly rollover from 0 to 6 (0 is Monday): %st0t6s-Invalid day specified for weekly rollover: %ss'Invalid rollover interval specified: %siiiQiiQi: (RRtuppertwhenRtutctintervaltsuffixtextMatcht startswithR,t ValueErrortintt dayOfWeektretcompileR R!R"tstatRttimetcomputeRollovert rolloverAt( R R R9R;RR R R:tt((s(/usr/lib64/python2.7/logging/handlers.pyRsH               &  cCsq||j}|jdks.|jjdrm|jrItj|}ntj|}|d}|d}|d}t|d|d|}||}|jjdrm|d}||jkrj||jkr|j|} nd||jd} || d} |js^|d } tj| d } | | kr^| sHd } nd } | | 7} q^n| }qjqmn|S(sI Work out the rollover time based on the specified time. R4R5iiii<iiiiiiiiQ( R;R9R>R:REtgmtimet localtimet _MIDNIGHTRA(R t currentTimetresultRHt currentHourt currentMinutet currentSecondtrtdayt daysToWaitt newRolloverAttdstNowt dstAtRollovertaddend((s(/usr/lib64/python2.7/logging/handlers.pyRFs8 !          cCs)ttj}||jkr%dSdS(s Determine if rollover should occur. record is not used, as we are just comparing times, but it is needed so the method signatures are the same ii(R@RERG(R RRH((s(/usr/lib64/python2.7/logging/handlers.pyRsc Cstjj|j\}}tj|}g}|d}t|}x\|D]T}|| |krM||}|jj|r|jtjj ||qqMqMW|j t||j krg}n|t||j  }|S(s Determine the files to delete when rolling over. More specific than the earlier method, which just used glob.glob(). t.( R R!tsplitRtlistdirR,R=tmatchtappendtjointsortR( R tdirNametbaseNamet fileNamesRMtprefixtplentfileNameR<((s(/usr/lib64/python2.7/logging/handlers.pytgetFilesToDelete&s    &  c Cs|jr"|jjd|_nttj}tj|d}|j|j}|jrrtj |}nPtj|}|d}||kr|rd}nd}tj||}n|j dtj |j |}t jj|rt j|nt j|j ||jdkrMx$|jD]}t j|q3Wn|j|_|j|} x| |kr| |j} qnW|jdks|jjdr|j rtj| d} || kr|sd}nd}| |7} qn| |_dS( sx do a rollover; in this case, a date/time stamp is appended to the filename when the rollover happens. However, you want the file to be named for the start of the interval, not the current time. If there is a backup count, then we have to get a list of matching filenames, sort them and remove the one with the oldest suffix. iiiRXiR4R5N(RRRR@RERJRGR;R:RIRtstrftimeR<R R!R"R#R$RReR%RFR9R>( R RLRURHt timeTupletdstThenRWR(tsRTRV((s(/usr/lib64/python2.7/logging/handlers.pyR=sD        +  N( RRRRtFalseRRFRReR(((s(/usr/lib64/python2.7/logging/handlers.pyR.s 5 < tWatchedFileHandlercBs2eZdZddddZdZdZRS(s A handler for logging to a file, which watches the file to see if it has changed while in use. This can happen because of usage of programs such as newsyslog and logrotate which perform log file rotation. This handler, intended for use under Unix, watches the file to see if it has changed since the last emit. (A file has changed if its device or inode have changed.) If it has changed, the old file stream is closed, and the file opened to get a new stream. This handler is not appropriate for use under Windows, because under Windows open files cannot be moved or renamed - logging opens the files with exclusive locks - and so there is no need for such a handler. Furthermore, ST_INO is not supported under Windows; stat always returns zero for this value. This handler is based on a suggestion and patch by Chad J. Schroeder. RicCs<tjj|||||d\|_|_|jdS(Ni(ii(RRRtdevtinot _statstream(R R R R R ((s(/usr/lib64/python2.7/logging/handlers.pyRscCsC|jr?tj|jj}|t|t|_|_ndS(N(RR tfstattfilenoRRRlRm(R tsres((s(/usr/lib64/python2.7/logging/handlers.pyRns cCsytj|j}Wn1tk rI}|jtjkrCd}qJnX| sw|t|jksw|t |j kr|j dk r|j j |j j d|_ |j|_ |jqntjj||dS(s Emit a record. First check if the underlying file has changed, and if it has, close the old stream and reopen the file to get the current stream. N(R RDRtOSErrorterrnotENOENTRRRlRRmRtflushRR%RnRRR(R RRqterr((s(/usr/lib64/python2.7/logging/handlers.pyRs  -   N(RRRRRRnR(((s(/usr/lib64/python2.7/logging/handlers.pyRkss t SocketHandlercBsYeZdZdZddZdZdZdZdZdZ d Z RS( s A handler class which writes logging records, in pickle format, to a streaming socket. The socket is kept open across logging calls. If the peer resets it, an attempt is made to reconnect on the next call. The pickle which is sent is that of the LogRecord's attribute dictionary (__dict__), so that the receiver does not need to have the logging module installed in order to process the logging event. To unpickle the record at the receiving end into a LogRecord, use the makeLogRecord function. cCs\tjj|||_||_d|_d|_d|_d|_ d|_ d|_ dS(s  Initializes the handler with a specific host address and port. The attribute 'closeOnError' is set to 1 - which means that if a socket error occurs, the socket is silently closed and then reopened on the next logging call. ig?g>@g@N( RtHandlerRthosttportRtsockt closeOnErrort retryTimet retryStarttretryMaxt retryFactor(R RyRz((s(/usr/lib64/python2.7/logging/handlers.pyRs       icCsTtjtjtj}t|dr7|j|n|j|j|jf|S(sr A factory method which allows subclasses to define the precise type of socket they want. t settimeout(tsockettAF_INETt SOCK_STREAMthasattrRtconnectRyRz(R ttimeoutRi((s(/usr/lib64/python2.7/logging/handlers.pyt makeSockets cCstj}|jdkr$d}n||jk}|ry|j|_d|_Wqtjk r|jdkr|j|_n4|j|j |_|j|j kr|j |_n||j|_qXndS(s Try to create a socket, using an exponential backoff with a max retry time. Thanks to Robert Olson for the original patch (SF #815911) which has been slightly refactored. iN( RER}RRR{RterrorR~t retryPeriodRR(R tnowtattempt((s(/usr/lib64/python2.7/logging/handlers.pyt createSockets   cCs|jdkr|jn|jryxt|jdrM|jj|nOd}t|}x:|dkr|jj||}||}||}qbWWqtjk r|jj d|_qXndS(s Send a pickled string to the socket. This function allows for partial sends which can happen when the network is busy. tsendalliN( R{RRRRR,tsendRRR(R Rit sentsofartlefttsent((s(/usr/lib64/python2.7/logging/handlers.pyRs     cCs|j}|r*|j|}d|_nt|j}|j|dLN( texc_infoR)Rtdictt__dict__t getMessagetcPickletdumpststructtpackR,(R RteitdummytdRitslen((s(/usr/lib64/python2.7/logging/handlers.pyt makePickles    cCsB|jr+|jr+|jjd|_ntjj||dS(s Handle an error during logging. An error has occurred during logging. Most likely cause - connection lost. Close the socket so that we can retry on the next event. N(R|R{RRRRxR(R R((s(/usr/lib64/python2.7/logging/handlers.pyR+s  cCsTy |j|}|j|Wn-ttfk r<n|j|nXdS(s Emit a record. Pickles the record and writes it to the socket in binary format. If there is an error with the socket, silently drop the packet. If there was a problem with the socket, re-establishes the socket. N(RRRRR(R RRi((s(/usr/lib64/python2.7/logging/handlers.pyR9s cCsR|jz&|jr/|jjd|_nWd|jXtjj|dS(s$ Closes the socket. N(tacquireR{RRtreleaseRRx(R ((s(/usr/lib64/python2.7/logging/handlers.pyRJs    ( RRRRRRRRRRR(((s(/usr/lib64/python2.7/logging/handlers.pyRws       tDatagramHandlercBs)eZdZdZdZdZRS(s A handler class which writes logging records, in pickle format, to a datagram socket. The pickle which is sent is that of the LogRecord's attribute dictionary (__dict__), so that the receiver does not need to have the logging module installed in order to process the logging event. To unpickle the record at the receiving end into a LogRecord, use the makeLogRecord function. cCs tj|||d|_dS(sP Initializes the handler with a specific host address and port. iN(RwRR|(R RyRz((s(/usr/lib64/python2.7/logging/handlers.pyRbscCstjtjtj}|S(su The factory method of SocketHandler is here overridden to create a UDP socket (SOCK_DGRAM). (RRt SOCK_DGRAM(R Ri((s(/usr/lib64/python2.7/logging/handlers.pyRiscCs?|jdkr|jn|jj||j|jfdS(s Send a pickled string to a socket. This function no longer allows for partial sends which can happen when the network is busy - UDP does not guarantee delivery and can deliver packets out of sequence. N(R{RRtsendtoRyRz(R Ri((s(/usr/lib64/python2.7/logging/handlers.pyRqs (RRRRRR(((s(/usr/lib64/python2.7/logging/handlers.pyRWs   t SysLogHandlercBseZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZ dZ dZ dZ dZ dZdZdZdZdZd Zd Zd Zd Zd ZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZi ed6ed6ed6e d6ed6ed6ed6e d6ed6ed6ed6ed 6Zied!6ed"6ed#6ed$6ed%6e d&6ed'6e d(6ed)6ed*6ed+6e d,6ed-6ed.6ed/6ed06ed16ed26ed36ed46ed56Z idd66dd76d d86dd96dd:6Z!d;e"fe dCd<Z$d=Z%d>Z&d?Z'd@Z(dAZ)dBZ*RS(Ds A handler class which sends formatted logging records to a syslog server. Based on Sam Rushing's syslog module: http://www.nightmare.com/squirl/python-ext/misc/syslog.py Contributed by Nicolas Untz (after which minor refactoring changes have been made). iiiiiiiiii i i iiiiiiiitalerttcrittcriticaltdebugtemergRvRtinfotnoticetpanictwarntwarningtauthtauthprivtcrontdaemontftptkerntlprtmailtnewstsecuritytsyslogtusertuucptlocal0tlocal1tlocal2tlocal3tlocal4tlocal5tlocal6tlocal7tDEBUGtINFOtWARNINGtERRORtCRITICALt localhostcCstjj|||_||_||_t|trSd|_|j |ndd|_|dkrtt j }nt j t j ||_ |t jkr|j j|n||_d|_dS(s Initialize a handler. If address is specified as a string, a UNIX socket is used. To log to a local syslogd, "SysLogHandler(address="/dev/log")" can be used. If facility is not specified, LOG_USER is used. If socktype is specified as socket.SOCK_DGRAM or socket.SOCK_STREAM, that specific socket type will be used. For Unix sockets, you can also specify a socktype of None, in which case socket.SOCK_DGRAM will be used, falling back to socket.SOCK_STREAM. iiN(RRxRtaddresstfacilitytsocktypet isinstancet basestringt unixsockett_connect_unixsocketRRRRRRt formatter(R RRR((s(/usr/lib64/python2.7/logging/handlers.pyRs         cCs|j}|dkr!tj}ntjtj||_y|jj|||_Wntjk r|jj|jdk rntj}tjtj||_y|jj|||_Wqtjk r|jjqXnXdS(N( RRRRtAF_UNIXRRRR(R Rt use_socktype((s(/usr/lib64/python2.7/logging/handlers.pyRs&        s<%d>%scCsJt|tr|j|}nt|tr>|j|}n|d>|BS(s Encode the facility and priority. You can pass in strings or integers - if strings are passed, the facility_names and priority_names mapping dictionaries are used to convert them to integers. i(RRtfacility_namestpriority_names(R Rtpriority((s(/usr/lib64/python2.7/logging/handlers.pytencodePriority"s cCsI|jz|jr&|jjnWd|jXtjj|dS(s$ Closes the socket. N(RRRRRRRx(R ((s(/usr/lib64/python2.7/logging/handlers.pyR/s    cCs|jj|dS(sK Map a logging level name to a key in the priority_names map. This is useful in two scenarios: when custom levels are being used, and in the case where you can't do a straightforward mapping by lowercasing the logging level name because of locale- specific issues (see SF #1524081). R(t priority_maptget(R t levelName((s(/usr/lib64/python2.7/logging/handlers.pyt mapPriority;scCs0|j|d}d|j|j|j|j}t|tkr\|jd}n||}y|jry|j j |Wqt j k r|j |j |j j |qXn;|jt jkr|j j||j n|j j|Wn-ttfk rn|j|nXdS(s Emit a record. The record is formatted, and then sent to the syslog server. If exception information is present, it is NOT sent to the server. ts<%d>sutf-8N(R)RRRt levelnamettypetunicodetencodeRRRRRRRRRRRRR(R RR-tprio((s(/usr/lib64/python2.7/logging/handlers.pyREs(  N(+RRRt LOG_EMERGt LOG_ALERTtLOG_CRITtLOG_ERRt LOG_WARNINGt LOG_NOTICEtLOG_INFOt LOG_DEBUGtLOG_KERNtLOG_USERtLOG_MAILt LOG_DAEMONtLOG_AUTHt LOG_SYSLOGtLOG_LPRtLOG_NEWStLOG_UUCPtLOG_CRONt LOG_AUTHPRIVtLOG_FTPt LOG_LOCAL0t LOG_LOCAL1t LOG_LOCAL2t LOG_LOCAL3t LOG_LOCAL4t LOG_LOCAL5t LOG_LOCAL6t LOG_LOCAL7RRRtSYSLOG_UDP_PORTRRRtlog_format_stringRRRR(((s(/usr/lib64/python2.7/logging/handlers.pyR}s       t SMTPHandlercBs/eZdZdddZdZdZRS(sK A handler class which sends an SMTP email for each logging event. cCstjj|t|tr4|\|_|_n|d|_|_t|trk|\|_|_ n d|_||_ t|t r|g}n||_ ||_ ||_d|_dS(s  Initialize the handler. Initialize the instance with the from and to addresses and subject line of the email. To specify a non-standard SMTP port, use the (host, port) tuple format for the mailhost argument. To specify authentication credentials, supply a (username, password) tuple for the credentials argument. To specify the use of a secure protocol (TLS), pass in a tuple for the secure argument. This will only be used when authentication credentials are supplied. The tuple will be either an empty tuple, or a single-value tuple with the name of a keyfile, or a 2-value tuple with the names of the keyfile and certificate file. (This tuple is passed to the `starttls` method). g@N(RRxRRttupletmailhosttmailportRtusernametpasswordtfromaddrRttoaddrstsubjecttsecuret_timeout(R RRR R t credentialsR ((s(/usr/lib64/python2.7/logging/handlers.pyRks      cCs|jS(s Determine the subject for the email. If you want to specify a subject line which is record-dependent, override this method. (R (R R((s(/usr/lib64/python2.7/logging/handlers.pyt getSubjectscCsKyddl}ddlm}|j}|s:|j}n|j|j|d|j}|j|}d|j dj |j |j |||f}|j r|jdk r|j|j|j|jn|j|j |jn|j|j |j ||jWn-ttfk r3n|j|nXdS(sd Emit a record. Format the record and send it to the specified addressees. iN(t formatdateRs-From: %s To: %s Subject: %s Date: %s %st,(tsmtplibt email.utilsRRt SMTP_PORTtSMTPRR R)RR]R RRR RtehlotstarttlstloginRtsendmailtquitRRR(R RRRRztsmtpR-((s(/usr/lib64/python2.7/logging/handlers.pyRs2       N(RRRRRRR(((s(/usr/lib64/python2.7/logging/handlers.pyRgs tNTEventLogHandlercBsJeZdZdddZdZdZdZdZdZ RS( s A handler class which sends events to the NT Event Log. Adds a registry entry for the specified application name. If no dllname is provided, win32service.pyd (which contains some basic message placeholders) is used. Note that use of these placeholders will make your event logs big, as the entire message source is held in the log. If you want slimmer logs, you have to pass in the name of your own DLL which contains the message definitions you want to use in the event log. t ApplicationcCs2tjj|yddl}ddl}||_||_|stjj |jj }tjj |d}tjj |dd}n||_ ||_ |jj||||j|_i|jtj6|jtj6|jtj6|jtj6|jtj6|_Wntk r-dGHd|_nXdS(Niiswin32service.pydsWThe Python Win32 extensions for NT (service, event logging) appear not to be available.(RRxRtwin32evtlogutilt win32evtlogtappnamet_weluR R!RYt__file__R]tdllnametlogtypetAddSourceToRegistrytEVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPEtdeftypetEVENTLOG_INFORMATION_TYPERRtEVENTLOG_WARNING_TYPERRRttypemapt ImportErrorR(R RR"R#RR((s(/usr/lib64/python2.7/logging/handlers.pyRs,          cCsdS(sy Return the message ID for the event record. If you are using your own messages, you could do this by having the msg passed to the logger being an ID rather than a formatting string. Then, in here, you could use a dictionary lookup to get the message ID. This version returns 1, which is the base message ID in win32service.pyd. i((R R((s(/usr/lib64/python2.7/logging/handlers.pyt getMessageIDscCsdS(s Return the event category for the record. Override this if you want to specify your own categories. This version returns 0. i((R R((s(/usr/lib64/python2.7/logging/handlers.pytgetEventCategoryscCs|jj|j|jS(s Return the event type for the record. Override this if you want to specify your own types. This version does a mapping using the handler's typemap attribute, which is set up in __init__() to a dictionary which contains mappings for DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR and CRITICAL. If you are using your own levels you will either need to override this method or place a suitable dictionary in the handler's typemap attribute. (R)RtlevelnoR&(R R((s(/usr/lib64/python2.7/logging/handlers.pyt getEventTypes cCs|jryb|j|}|j|}|j|}|j|}|jj|j||||gWqttfk rq|j |qXndS(s Emit a record. Determine the message ID, event category and event type. Then log the message in the NT event log. N( R R+R,R.R)t ReportEventRRRR(R RtidtcatRR-((s(/usr/lib64/python2.7/logging/handlers.pyRs &cCstjj|dS(sS Clean up this handler. You can remove the application name from the registry as a source of event log entries. However, if you do this, you will not be able to see the events as you intended in the Event Log Viewer - it needs to be able to access the registry to get the DLL name. N(RRxR(R ((s(/usr/lib64/python2.7/logging/handlers.pyR s N( RRRRRR+R,R.RR(((s(/usr/lib64/python2.7/logging/handlers.pyRs  t HTTPHandlercBs,eZdZddZdZdZRS(s^ A class which sends records to a Web server, using either GET or POST semantics. tGETcCsVtjj||j}|dkr7tdn||_||_||_dS(sr Initialize the instance with the host, the request URL, and the method ("GET" or "POST") R3tPOSTsmethod must be GET or POSTN(R3R4(RRxRR8R?Ryturltmethod(R RyR5R6((s(/usr/lib64/python2.7/logging/handlers.pyRs    cCs|jS(s Default implementation of mapping the log record into a dict that is sent as the CGI data. Overwrite in your class. Contributed by Franz Glasner. (R(R R((s(/usr/lib64/python2.7/logging/handlers.pyt mapLogRecord+sc CsyTddl}ddl}|j}|j|}|j}|j|j|}|jdkr|jddkrd}nd}|d||f}n|j |j||jd} | dkr|| }n|j d ||jd kr'|j d d |j d t t |n|j |jd krB|nd|jWn-ttfk rpn|j|nXdS(sk Emit a record. Send the record to the Web server as a percent-encoded dictionary iNR3t?it&s%c%st:tHostR4s Content-types!application/x-www-form-urlencodedsContent-length(thttplibturllibRytHTTPR5t urlencodeR7R6tfindt putrequestt putheadertstrR,t endheadersRtgetreplyRRR( R RR<R=RyR/R5tdatatsepR&((s(/usr/lib64/python2.7/logging/handlers.pyR3s4      "(RRRRR7R(((s(/usr/lib64/python2.7/logging/handlers.pyR2s tBufferingHandlercBs;eZdZdZdZdZdZdZRS(s A handler class which buffers logging records in memory. Whenever each record is added to the buffer, a check is made to see if the buffer should be flushed. If it should, then flush() is expected to do what's needed. cCs&tjj|||_g|_dS(s> Initialize the handler with the buffer size. N(RRxRtcapacitytbuffer(R RI((s(/usr/lib64/python2.7/logging/handlers.pyR]s cCst|j|jkS(s Should the handler flush its buffer? Returns true if the buffer is up to capacity. This method can be overridden to implement custom flushing strategies. (R,RJRI(R R((s(/usr/lib64/python2.7/logging/handlers.pyt shouldFlushescCs0|jj||j|r,|jndS(s Emit a record. Append the record. If shouldFlush() tells us to, call flush() to process the buffer. N(RJR\RKRu(R R((s(/usr/lib64/python2.7/logging/handlers.pyRnscCs)|jz g|_Wd|jXdS(sw Override to implement custom flushing behaviour. This version just zaps the buffer to empty. N(RRJR(R ((s(/usr/lib64/python2.7/logging/handlers.pyRuys  cCs|jtjj|dS(sp Close the handler. This version just flushes and chains to the parent class' close(). N(RuRRxR(R ((s(/usr/lib64/python2.7/logging/handlers.pyRs (RRRRRKRRuR(((s(/usr/lib64/python2.7/logging/handlers.pyRHWs   t MemoryHandlercBsDeZdZejddZdZdZdZ dZ RS(s A handler class which buffers logging records in memory, periodically flushing them to a target handler. Flushing occurs whenever the buffer is full, or when an event of a certain severity or greater is seen. cCs&tj||||_||_dS(s Initialize the handler with the buffer size, the level at which flushing should occur and an optional target. Note that without a target being set either here or via setTarget(), a MemoryHandler is no use to anyone! N(RHRt flushLevelttarget(R RIRMRN((s(/usr/lib64/python2.7/logging/handlers.pyRs cCs(t|j|jkp'|j|jkS(sP Check for buffer full or a record at the flushLevel or higher. (R,RJRIR-RM(R R((s(/usr/lib64/python2.7/logging/handlers.pyRKscCs ||_dS(s: Set the target handler for this handler. N(RN(R RN((s(/usr/lib64/python2.7/logging/handlers.pyt setTargetscCsY|jz=|jrFx!|jD]}|jj|q Wg|_nWd|jXdS(s For a MemoryHandler, flushing means just sending the buffered records to the target, if there is one. Override if you want different behaviour. N(RRNRJthandleR(R R((s(/usr/lib64/python2.7/logging/handlers.pyRus  cCs@|j|jzd|_tj|Wd|jXdS(sD Flush, set the target to None and lose the buffer. N(RuRRRNRHRR(R ((s(/usr/lib64/python2.7/logging/handlers.pyRs    N( RRRRRRRRKRORuR(((s(/usr/lib64/python2.7/logging/handlers.pyRLs    iiQ(*RRsRRR RRRERBRDRRRRR*RRtTruet_unicodet NameErrorRjtDEFAULT_TCP_LOGGING_PORTtDEFAULT_UDP_LOGGING_PORTtDEFAULT_HTTP_LOGGING_PORTtDEFAULT_SOAP_LOGGING_PORTRtSYSLOG_TCP_PORTRKRRRR.RkRxRwRRRRR2RHRL(((s(/usr/lib64/python2.7/logging/handlers.pyts<`      L>&Nd>7