ó àû²_c @skdZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlmZdddddd d d d d dg Zd„Zd„Z dddd„Z ddd„Z dd„Z e e ƒZ d dd„ƒYZd d d„ƒYZy<ddlZddlmZdd„Ze jeeƒWnek r-nXd„Zdd„Zd„Zd„Zd„Zd„ZdS(!sUtilities to support packages.iÿÿÿÿN(t ModuleTypet get_importertiter_importerst get_loadert find_loadert walk_packagest iter_modulestget_datat ImpImportert ImpLoadert read_codet extend_pathcCsKddl}|jdƒ}|tjƒkr1dS|jdƒ|j|ƒS(Niÿÿÿÿi(tmarshaltreadtimpt get_magictNonetload(tstreamR tmagic((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/pkgutil.pyR s   cs|i‰‡‡fd†}yˆj|_Wnttfk rAnXd‡‡fd†‰ˆj|_ˆj|_ˆ|_|S(s/Make a trivial single-dispatch generic functioncsÞ|d}y |j}Wntk r6t|ƒ}nXy |j}WnXtk ržy*d|tfd„ƒY}|jd}WqŸtk rštf}qŸXnXx8|D]#}|ˆkr¦ˆ|||ŽSq¦Wˆ||ŽSdS(NitclscBseZRS((t__name__t __module__(((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/pkgutil.pyR,si(t __class__tAttributeErrorttypet__mro__tobjectt TypeError(targstkwtobRtmrott(tfunctregistry(s/usr/lib64/python2.7/pkgutil.pytwrapper"s"        cs*|dkr‡‡fd†S|ˆˆ<|S(Ncs ˆˆ|ƒS(N((tf(tregisterttyp(s/usr/lib64/python2.7/pkgutil.pyt=s(R(R'R"(R&R#(R's/usr/lib64/python2.7/pkgutil.pyR&;s  N(RRRRt__dict__t__doc__R&(R"R$((R"R&R#s/usr/lib64/python2.7/pkgutil.pyt simplegenerics   tc csid„}xt||ƒD]÷\}}}|||fV|ryt|ƒWnVtk ry|dk r||ƒqqtk r¥|dk rŸ||ƒq‚qXttj|ddƒpÂg}g|D]}||ƒsÌ|^qÌ}x&t||d|ƒD] }|VqWqqWdS(s½Yields (module_loader, name, ispkg) for all modules recursively on path, or, if path is None, all accessible modules. 'path' should be either None or a list of paths to look for modules in. 'prefix' is a string to output on the front of every module name on output. Note that this function must import all *packages* (NOT all modules!) on the given path, in order to access the __path__ attribute to find submodules. 'onerror' is a function which gets called with one argument (the name of the package which was being imported) if any exception occurs while trying to import a package. If no onerror function is supplied, ImportErrors are caught and ignored, while all other exceptions are propagated, terminating the search. Examples: # list all modules python can access walk_packages() # list all submodules of ctypes walk_packages(ctypes.__path__, ctypes.__name__+'.') cSs||krtSt||((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/pkgutil.pyRs     cCs t|dƒsgS|j|ƒS(NR(thasattrR(R<R:((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/pkgutil.pyRAšscBs2eZdZdd„Zdd„Zdd„ZRS(s…PEP 302 Importer that wraps Python's "classic" import algorithm ImpImporter(dirname) produces a PEP 302 importer that searches that directory. ImpImporter(None) produces a PEP 302 importer that searches the current sys.path, plus any modules that are frozen or built-in. Note that ImpImporter does not currently support being used by placement on sys.meta_path. cCs ||_dS(N(R9(tselfR9((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/pkgutil.pyt__init__­scCs©|jdƒd}||kr2|jdkr2dS|jdkrJd}ntjj|jƒg}ytj||ƒ\}}}Wntk r•dSXt||||ƒS(NR2iÿÿÿÿ( tsplitR9RtostrealpathRt find_moduleR4R (RFtfullnameR9tsubnametfiletfilenametetc((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/pkgutil.pyRK°s  R,c cs—|jdks%tjj|jƒ r)dSi}ddl}ytj|jƒ}Wntk rjg}nX|jƒx|D]}|j|ƒ}|dks|||kr¯q|ntjj |j|ƒ}t }| ratjj|ƒrad|kra|}ytj|ƒ} Wntk r$g} nXx9| D]+}|j|ƒ} | dkr,t }Pq,q,Wq|n|r|d|kr|d||<|||fVq|q|WdS(NiÿÿÿÿRGR2i( R9RRItisdirtinspecttlistdirtOSErrortsortt getmodulenametjointFalseR-( RFR:RCRRt filenamestfntmodnameR9R>t dircontentsRM((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/pkgutil.pyR¿s<%     %     N(RRR*RRGRKR(((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/pkgutil.pyR¢s   cBs{eZdZd ZZd„Zd„Zd„Zd„Z d„Z d„Z d d„Z d d„Z d „Zd d „ZRS( sBPEP 302 Loader that wraps Python's "classic" import algorithm cCs(||_||_||_||_dS(N(RNRORLRP(RFRLRNRORP((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/pkgutil.pyRGís   cCsP|jƒz%tj||j|j|jƒ}Wd|jrK|jjƒnX|S(N(t_reopenRt load_moduleRNRORPtclose(RFRLtmod((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/pkgutil.pyR^ós  % cCst|dƒjƒS(Ntrb(topenR (RFtpathname((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/pkgutil.pyRþscCs€|jr||jjr||jd}|tjkrIt|jdƒ|_q||tjtjfkr|t|jdƒ|_q|ndS(NitrURa( RNtclosedRPRt PY_SOURCERbROt PY_COMPILEDt C_EXTENSION(RFtmod_type((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/pkgutil.pyR]s  cCsG|dkr|j}n+||jkrCtd|j|fƒ‚n|S(Ns,Loader for module %s cannot handle module %s(RRLR4(RFRL((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/pkgutil.pyt _fix_name s   cCs#|j|ƒ}|jdtjkS(Ni(RjRPRt PKG_DIRECTORY(RFRL((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/pkgutil.pyt is_packagescCsØ|j|ƒ}|jdkrÑ|jd}|tjkrd|j|ƒ}t||jdƒ|_qÑ|tj kr§|j ƒzt |j ƒ|_Wd|j j ƒXqÑ|tjkrÑ|jƒjƒ|_qÑn|jS(Nitexec(RjtcodeRRPRRft get_sourcetcompileRORgR]R RNR_Rkt _get_delegatetget_code(RFRLRitsource((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/pkgutil.pyRrs  cCsü|j|ƒ}|jdkrõ|jd}|tjkrn|jƒz|jjƒ|_Wd|jj ƒXqõ|tj krËt j j |jd ƒròt|jd dƒ}|jƒ|_|j ƒqòqõ|tjkrõ|jƒjƒ|_qõn|jS(NiiÿÿÿÿRd(RjRsRRPRRfR]RNR R_RgRIR9texistsRORbRkRqRo(RFRLRiR%((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/pkgutil.pyRo&s   cCst|jƒjdƒS(NRG(RRORK(RF((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/pkgutil.pyRq:scCsr|j|ƒ}|jd}|jdtjkrB|jƒjƒS|jdtjtjtjfkrn|j SdS(Ni( RjRPRRkRqt get_filenameRfRgRhROR(RFRLRi((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/pkgutil.pyRu=s %N(RRR*RRnRsRGR^RR]RjRlRrRoRqRu(((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/pkgutil.pyR ès         (t zipimporterc csVtj|jjƒ}|jƒ|j}t|ƒ}i}ddl}x|D]}|j|ƒsiqNn||j t j ƒ}t|ƒdkr×|djdƒr×|d|kr×d||d<|dt fVq×nt|ƒdkrïqNn|j |dƒ}|dkrqNn|rNd|krN||krNd||<||tfVqNqNWdS(Niÿÿÿÿiis __init__.pyiRGR2(t zipimportt_zip_directory_cachetarchivetkeysRUR:tlenRRt startswithRHRItsepR-RVRX( R<R:tdirlistt_prefixtplenRCRRRZR[((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/pkgutil.pytiter_zipimport_modulesKs,     %  cCs´ytj|}Wnctk rvx<tjD]+}y||ƒ}PWq+tk rUq+Xq+Wd}tjj||ƒnX|dkr°yt|ƒ}Wq°tk r¬d}q°Xn|S(s½Retrieve a PEP 302 importer for the given path item The returned importer is cached in sys.path_importer_cache if it was newly created by a path hook. If there is no importer, a wrapper around the basic import machinery is returned. This wrapper is never inserted into the importer cache (None is inserted instead). The cache (or part of it) can be cleared manually if a rescan of sys.path_hooks is necessary. N(R7tpath_importer_cachetKeyErrort path_hooksR4Rt setdefaultR(t path_itemR<t path_hook((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/pkgutil.pyRns"       ccsÝ|jdƒrtdƒ‚nd|kr„dj|jdƒd ƒ}|tjkrbt|ƒnttj|ddƒp~g}n"xtj D] }|VqŽWtj }x|D]}t |ƒVq­Wd|krÙt ƒVndS(s‰Yield PEP 302 importers for the given module name If fullname contains a '.', the importers will be for the package containing fullname, otherwise they will be importers for sys.meta_path, sys.path, and Python's "classic" import machinery, in that order. If the named module is in a package, that package is imported as a side effect of invoking this function. Non PEP 302 mechanisms (e.g. the Windows registry) used by the standard import machinery to find files in alternative locations are partially supported, but are searched AFTER sys.path. Normally, these locations are searched BEFORE sys.path, preventing sys.path entries from shadowing them. For this to cause a visible difference in behaviour, there must be a module or package name that is accessible via both sys.path and one of the non PEP 302 file system mechanisms. In this case, the emulation will find the former version, while the builtin import mechanism will find the latter. Items of the following types can be affected by this discrepancy: imp.C_EXTENSION, imp.PY_SOURCE, imp.PY_COMPILED, imp.PKG_DIRECTORY R2s#Relative module names not supportediÿÿÿÿR1N( R|R4RWRHR7R8R3R6Rt meta_pathR9RR(RLtpkgR9R<R?((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/pkgutil.pyRs  "    cCsr|tjkrtj|}nt|tƒrb|}t|ddƒ}|dk rV|S|j}n|}t|ƒS(sDGet a PEP 302 "loader" object for module_or_name If the module or package is accessible via the normal import mechanism, a wrapper around the relevant part of that machinery is returned. Returns None if the module cannot be found or imported. If the named module is not already imported, its containing package (if any) is imported, in order to establish the package __path__. This function uses iter_importers(), and is thus subject to the same limitations regarding platform-specific special import locations such as the Windows registry. t __loader__N(R7R8t isinstanceRR6RRR(tmodule_or_nametmoduletloaderRL((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/pkgutil.pyR¹s   cCs:x3t|ƒD]%}|j|ƒ}|dk r |Sq WdS(shFind a PEP 302 "loader" object for fullname If fullname contains dots, path must be the containing package's __path__. Returns None if the module cannot be found or imported. This function uses iter_importers(), and is thus subject to the same limitations regarding platform-specific special import locations such as the Windows registry. N(RRKR(RLR<RŽ((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/pkgutil.pyRÒs  c CsÈt|tƒs|Stjj|jdƒŒ}tjj|jdƒƒ}|tjd}dtjd}|}xOtjD]D}t|tƒ s|tjj |ƒ r«q|ntjj||ƒ}tjj||ƒ}||krtjj |ƒr|j |ƒntjj||ƒ} tjj | ƒr|yt | ƒ} Wn-t k ri} tjjd| | fƒqÀXxF| D]>} | jdƒ} | sq| jdƒr¢qqn|j | ƒqqW| jƒq|q|W|S(s‹Extend a package's path. Intended use is to place the following code in a package's __init__.py: from pkgutil import extend_path __path__ = extend_path(__path__, __name__) This will add to the package's __path__ all subdirectories of directories on sys.path named after the package. This is useful if one wants to distribute different parts of a single logical package as multiple directories. It also looks for *.pkg files beginning where * matches the name argument. This feature is similar to *.pth files (see site.py), except that it doesn't special-case lines starting with 'import'. A *.pkg file is trusted at face value: apart from checking for duplicates, all entries found in a *.pkg file are added to the path, regardless of whether they are exist the filesystem. (This is a feature.) If the input path is not a list (as is the case for frozen packages) it is returned unchanged. The input path is not modified; an extended copy is returned. Items are only appended to the copy at the end. It is assumed that sys.path is a sequence. Items of sys.path that are not (unicode or 8-bit) strings referring to existing directories are ignored. Unicode items of sys.path that cause errors when used as filenames may cause this function to raise an exception (in line with os.path.isdir() behavior). R2R‰RGtpysCan't open %s: %s s t#(R‹tlistRIR9RWRHtextsepR7t basestringRQtisfiletappendRbtIOErrortstderrtwritetrstripR|R_( R9R=tpnametsnamet sname_pkgtinit_pytdirtsubdirtinitfiletpkgfileR%tmsgtline((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/pkgutil.pyR âs8!#  cCsºt|ƒ}|dks(t|dƒ r,dStjj|ƒpJ|j|ƒ}|dksit|dƒ rmdS|jdƒ}|jdt j j |j ƒƒt j j |Œ}|j|ƒS(sfGet a resource from a package. This is a wrapper round the PEP 302 loader get_data API. The package argument should be the name of a package, in standard module format (foo.bar). The resource argument should be in the form of a relative filename, using '/' as the path separator. The parent directory name '..' is not allowed, and nor is a rooted name (starting with a '/'). The function returns a binary string, which is the contents of the specified resource. For packages located in the filesystem, which have already been imported, this is the rough equivalent of d = os.path.dirname(sys.modules[package].__file__) data = open(os.path.join(d, resource), 'rb').read() If the package cannot be located or loaded, or it uses a PEP 302 loader which does not support get_data(), then None is returned. Rt__file__t/iN(RRRER7R8tgetR^RHtinsertRIR9tdirnameR¤RWR(tpackagetresourceRŽR`tpartst resource_name((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/pkgutil.pyR,s !(((R*RIR7Rtos.pathttypesRt__all__R R+RRRRARR RwRvRR&R4RRRRR R(((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/pkgutil.pyts:       (:  F_    " )   J