_c @sdZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlmZ ddl m Z ddddd d d d d dddg Z dZ dZdZdZejdejZdefdYZdefdYZdefdYZdefdYZd efdYZd efdYZd efdYZd efdYZd efdYZdZd Zd!Z yddl!Z!Wne"k re#Z$nXd"fd#YZ%e&Z$dfd$YZ'e$rd%e'fd&YZ(e j)d%nd'Z*d(e'fd)YZ+e,d*krddl Z d+Z-e-d,Z.e-d-j/d.Z0d/GHd0Z1x'e j2j3Z4e4 rPne1e4Z1qd1e5e1GHe'd2Z6e6j7d3e6j8e.e0e1e6j9ndS(4s~SMTP/ESMTP client class. This should follow RFC 821 (SMTP), RFC 1869 (ESMTP), RFC 2554 (SMTP Authentication) and RFC 2487 (Secure SMTP over TLS). Notes: Please remember, when doing ESMTP, that the names of the SMTP service extensions are NOT the same thing as the option keywords for the RCPT and MAIL commands! Example: >>> import smtplib >>> s=smtplib.SMTP("localhost") >>> print s.help() This is Sendmail version 8.8.4 Topics: HELO EHLO MAIL RCPT DATA RSET NOOP QUIT HELP VRFY EXPN VERB ETRN DSN For more info use "HELP ". To report bugs in the implementation send email to sendmail-bugs@sendmail.org. For local information send email to Postmaster at your site. End of HELP info >>> s.putcmd("vrfy","someone@here") >>> s.getreply() (250, "Somebody OverHere ") >>> s.quit() iN(tencode(tstderrt SMTPExceptiontSMTPServerDisconnectedtSMTPResponseExceptiontSMTPSenderRefusedtSMTPRecipientsRefusedt SMTPDataErrortSMTPConnectErrort SMTPHeloErrortSMTPAuthenticationErrort quoteaddrt quotedatatSMTPiis i s auth=(.*)cBseZdZRS(s4Base class for all exceptions raised by this module.(t__name__t __module__t__doc__(((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/smtplib.pyRBscBseZdZRS(sNot connected to any SMTP server. This exception is raised when the server unexpectedly disconnects, or when an attempt is made to use the SMTP instance before connecting it to a server. (RRR(((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/smtplib.pyREscBseZdZdZRS(s2Base class for all exceptions that include an SMTP error code. These exceptions are generated in some instances when the SMTP server returns an error code. The error code is stored in the `smtp_code' attribute of the error, and the `smtp_error' attribute is set to the error message. cCs%||_||_||f|_dS(N(t smtp_codet smtp_errortargs(tselftcodetmsg((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/smtplib.pyt__init__Vs  (RRRR(((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/smtplib.pyRMscBseZdZdZRS(sSender address refused. In addition to the attributes set by on all SMTPResponseException exceptions, this sets `sender' to the string that the SMTP refused. cCs1||_||_||_|||f|_dS(N(RRtsenderR(RRRR((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/smtplib.pyRbs   (RRRR(((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/smtplib.pyR[scBseZdZdZRS(sAll recipient addresses refused. The errors for each recipient are accessible through the attribute 'recipients', which is a dictionary of exactly the same sort as SMTP.sendmail() returns. cCs||_|f|_dS(N(t recipientsR(RR((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/smtplib.pyRps (RRRR(((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/smtplib.pyRhscBseZdZRS(s'The SMTP server didn't accept the data.(RRR(((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/smtplib.pyRuscBseZdZRS(s&Error during connection establishment.(RRR(((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/smtplib.pyRxscBseZdZRS(s"The server refused our HELO reply.(RRR(((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/smtplib.pyR {scBseZdZRS(svAuthentication error. Most probably the server didn't accept the username/password combination provided. (RRR(((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/smtplib.pyR ~scCsdd}ytjj|d}Wntk r3nX|dkrHd|S|dkrXdSd|SdS(sQuote a subset of the email addresses defined by RFC 821. Should be able to handle anything rfc822.parseaddr can handle. is<%s>s<>N(NN(NN(tNonetemailtutilst parseaddrtAttributeError(taddrtm((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/smtplib.pyR s   cCs2tjj|\}}||fdkr.|S|S(Nt(R!R!(RRR(t addrstringt displaynameR((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/smtplib.pyt _addr_onlyscCs"tjddtjdt|S(sQuote data for email. Double leading '.', and change Unix newline '\n', or Mac '\r' into Internet CRLF end-of-line. s(?m)^\.s..s(?:\r\n|\n|\r(?!\n))(tretsubtCRLF(tdata((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/smtplib.pyR s t SSLFakeFilecBs,eZdZdZddZdZRS(stA fake file like object that really wraps a SSLObject. It only supports what is needed in smtplib. cCs ||_dS(N(tsslobj(RR*((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/smtplib.pyRsicCs|dkrd}nd}d}xX|dkr{|dk rRt||krRPn|jjd}|snPn||7}q$W|S(NiR!s i(RtlenR*tread(Rtsizetstrtchr((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/smtplib.pytreadlines  cCsdS(N((R((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/smtplib.pytcloses(RRRRR0R1(((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/smtplib.pyR)s  cBsUeZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZ e Z ddde j dZdZdZdddZd Zdd Zd Zdd Zdd ZddZdZddZdZdZgdZgdZdZdZeZ dZ!dZ"dZ#dddZ$ggdZ%dZ&dZ'RS(sThis class manages a connection to an SMTP or ESMTP server. SMTP Objects: SMTP objects have the following attributes: helo_resp This is the message given by the server in response to the most recent HELO command. ehlo_resp This is the message given by the server in response to the most recent EHLO command. This is usually multiline. does_esmtp This is a True value _after you do an EHLO command_, if the server supports ESMTP. esmtp_features This is a dictionary, which, if the server supports ESMTP, will _after you do an EHLO command_, contain the names of the SMTP service extensions this server supports, and their parameters (if any). Note, all extension names are mapped to lower case in the dictionary. See each method's docstrings for details. In general, there is a method of the same name to perform each SMTP command. There is also a method called 'sendmail' that will do an entire mail transaction. itehloR!c Cs||_i|_|rQ|j||\}}|dkrQt||qQn|dk ri||_ngtj}d|kr||_nCd}ytjtj }Wntj k rnXd||_dS(sInitialize a new instance. If specified, `host' is the name of the remote host to which to connect. If specified, `port' specifies the port to which to connect. By default, smtplib.SMTP_PORT is used. If a host is specified the connect method is called, and if it returns anything other than a success code an SMTPConnectError is raised. If specified, `local_hostname` is used as the FQDN of the local host. By default, the local hostname is found using socket.getfqdn(). it.s[%s]N( ttimeouttesmtp_featurestconnectRRtlocal_hostnametsockettgetfqdnt gethostbynamet gethostnametgaierror( RthosttportR7R4RRtfqdnR((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/smtplib.pyRs"        cCs ||_dS(sSet the debug output level. A non-false value results in debug messages for connection and for all messages sent to and received from the server. N(t debuglevel(RR@((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/smtplib.pytset_debuglevelscCs>|jdkr(tdI||fIJntj||f|S(Nisconnect:(R@RR8tcreate_connection(RR=R>R4((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/smtplib.pyt _get_socketst localhostcCs"| r|jd|jdkr|jd}|dkr|| ||d}}yt|}Wqtk rtjdqXqn|s|j}n|jdkrtdI||fIJn|j |||j |_ |j \}}|jdkrtdI|IJn||fS(spConnect to a host on a given port. If the hostname ends with a colon (`:') followed by a number, and there is no port specified, that suffix will be stripped off and the number interpreted as the port number to use. Note: This method is automatically invoked by __init__, if a host is specified during instantiation. t:iisnonnumeric portsconnect:( tfindtrfindtintt ValueErrorR8terrort default_portR@RRCR4tsocktgetreply(RR=R>tiRR((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/smtplib.pyR6$s" %   cCs|jdkr(tdIt|IJnt|dr|jry|jj|Wqtjk r|jt dqXn t ddS(sSend `str' to the server.issend:RLsServer not connectedsplease run connect() firstN( R@RtreprthasattrRLtsendallR8RJR1R(RR.((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/smtplib.pytsendAs cCsC|dkrd|tf}nd||tf}|j|dS(sSend a command to the server.R!s%s%ss%s %s%sN(R'RR(RtcmdRR.((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/smtplib.pytputcmdNs cCsg}|jdkr-|jjd|_nx*y|jjtd}Wn6tjk r}|jt dt |nX|dkr|jt dn|j dkrt dIt |IJnt|tkrtdd n|j|d j|d }yt|}Wntk r?d }PnX|d d !d kr0Pq0q0dj|}|j dkrt d||fIJn||fS(sGet a reply from the server. Returns a tuple consisting of: - server response code (e.g. '250', or such, if all goes well) Note: returns -1 if it can't read response code. - server response string corresponding to response code (multiline responses are converted to a single, multiline string). Raises SMTPServerDisconnected if end-of-file is reached. trbis Connection unexpectedly closed: R!sConnection unexpectedly closedisreply:isLine too long.iiit-s sreply: retcode (%s); Msg: %sN(tfileRRLtmakefileR0t_MAXLINER8RJR1RR.R@RROR+RtappendtstripRHRItjoin(RtresptlineteRterrcodeterrmsg((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/smtplib.pyRMVs<      cCs|j|||jS(s-Send a command, and return its response code.(RTRM(RRSR((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/smtplib.pytdocmdscCs>|jd|p|j|j\}}||_||fS(swSMTP 'helo' command. Hostname to send for this command defaults to the FQDN of the local host. thelo(RTR7RMt helo_resp(RtnameRR((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/smtplib.pyRcs c Csi|_|j|j|p!|j|j\}}|dkrnt|dkrn|jtdn||_|dkr||fSd|_ |jj d}|d=x|D]}t j |}|r|jj ddd |jdd|jd[A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9\-]*) ?tfeature(R5RTtehlo_msgR7RMR+R1Rt ehlo_respt does_esmtptsplitt OLDSTYLE_AUTHtmatchtgettgroupsR%tgrouptlowertstringtendR[( RReRRR]teacht auth_matchR Rhtparams((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/smtplib.pyR2s2       1 'cCs|j|jkS(s7Does the server support a given SMTP service extension?(RrR5(Rtopt((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/smtplib.pythas_extnscCs|jd||jdS(s;SMTP 'help' command. Returns help text from server.thelpi(RTRM(RR((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/smtplib.pyRzscCs |jdS(s&SMTP 'rset' command -- resets session.trset(Rb(R((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/smtplib.pyR{scCs |jdS(s-SMTP 'noop' command -- doesn't do anything :>tnoop(Rb(R((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/smtplib.pyR|scCsUd}|r+|jr+ddj|}n|jddt||f|jS(s0SMTP 'mail' command -- begins mail xfer session.R!Rgtmails FROM:%s%s(RkR\RTR RM(RRtoptionst optionlist((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/smtplib.pyR}s  cCsUd}|r+|jr+ddj|}n|jddt||f|jS(s;SMTP 'rcpt' command -- indicates 1 recipient for this mail.R!RgtrcptsTO:%s%s(RkR\RTR RM(RtrecipR~R((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/smtplib.pyRs  cCs|jd|j\}}|jdkrGtdI||fIJn|dkret||nt|}|dtkr|t}n|dt}|j||j\}}|jdkrtdI||fIJn||fSdS(sHSMTP 'DATA' command -- sends message data to server. Automatically quotes lines beginning with a period per rfc821. Raises SMTPDataError if there is an unexpected reply to the DATA command; the return value from this method is the final response code received when the all data is sent. R(isdata:ibiR3N(RTRMR@RRR R'RR(RRRtrepltq((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/smtplib.pyR(s     cCs |jdt||jS(s5SMTP 'verify' command -- checks for address validity.tvrfy(RTR$RM(Rtaddress((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/smtplib.pytverifyscCs |jdt||jS(s.SMTP 'expn' command -- expands a mailing list.texpn(RTR$RM(RR((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/smtplib.pyR scCs|jdkr|jdkrd|jdko?dkns|j\}}d|komdknst||qqndS(sbCall self.ehlo() and/or self.helo() if needed. If there has been no previous EHLO or HELO command this session, this method tries ESMTP EHLO first. This method may raise the following exceptions: SMTPHeloError The server didn't reply properly to the helo greeting. iii+N(RdRRjR2RcR (RRR]((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/smtplib.pytehlo_or_helo_if_neededs &cCsd}d}d}d}d}|j|jdsLtdn|jdj}|||g} d} x$| D]} | |kr{| } Pq{q{W| |kr|jd|\} } | d kr| | fS|j|| ||\} } n| |kr1|jd|d |||\} } n| |kr|jdd |t|d d f\} } | dkrt| | n|jt|d d \} } n| dkrtdn| dkrt| | n| | fS(sALog in on an SMTP server that requires authentication. The arguments are: - user: The user name to authenticate with. - password: The password for the authentication. If there has been no previous EHLO or HELO command this session, this method tries ESMTP EHLO first. This method will return normally if the authentication was successful. This method may raise the following exceptions: SMTPHeloError The server didn't reply properly to the helo greeting. SMTPAuthenticationError The server didn't accept the username/ password combination. SMTPException No suitable authentication method was found. cSs?tj|}|dtj||j}t|ddS(NRgteolR!(tbase64t decodestringthmactHMACt hexdigestt encode_base64(t challengetusertpasswordtresponse((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/smtplib.pytencode_cram_md58s cSstd||fddS(Nt%s%sRR!(R(RR((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/smtplib.pyt encode_plain=stPLAINsCRAM-MD5tLOGINRfs,SMTP AUTH extension not supported by server.tAUTHiRgs%s %sRR!iNs(No suitable authentication method found.iN(ii( RRyRR5RlRRbRR (RRRRRt AUTH_PLAINt AUTH_CRAM_MD5t AUTH_LOGINtauthlisttpreferred_authst authmethodtmethodRR]((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/smtplib.pytlogin"sD        $  #  % $  cCs|j|jds(tdn|jd\}}|dkrts^tdntj|j|||_t |j|_ d|_ d|_ i|_d|_nt||||fS(sPuts the connection to the SMTP server into TLS mode. If there has been no previous EHLO or HELO command this session, this method tries ESMTP EHLO first. If the server supports TLS, this will encrypt the rest of the SMTP session. If you provide the keyfile and certfile parameters, the identity of the SMTP server and client can be checked. This, however, depends on whether the socket module really checks the certificates. This method may raise the following exceptions: SMTPHeloError The server didn't reply properly to the helo greeting. tstarttlss+STARTTLS extension not supported by server.tSTARTTLSis&No SSL support included in this PythoniN(RRyRRbt _have_sslt RuntimeErrortsslt wrap_socketRLR)RWRRdRjR5RkR(RtkeyfiletcertfileR]treply((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/smtplib.pyRps      c Cs|jg}|jrc|jdrB|jdt|nx|D]}|j|qIWn|j||\}} |dkr|jt|| |ni} t|t r|g}nxQ|D]I} |j | |\}} |dkr|dkr|| f| | >> import smtplib >>> s=smtplib.SMTP("localhost") >>> tolist=["one@one.org","two@two.org","three@three.org","four@four.org"] >>> msg = '''\ ... From: Me@my.org ... Subject: testin'... ... ... This is a test ''' >>> s.sendmail("me@my.org",tolist,msg) { "three@three.org" : ( 550 ,"User unknown" ) } >>> s.quit() In the above example, the message was accepted for delivery to three of the four addresses, and one was rejected, with the error code 550. If all addresses are accepted, then the method will return an empty dictionary. R-ssize=%dii(RRkRyRZR+R}R{Rt isinstancet basestringRRR(R( Rt from_addrtto_addrsRt mail_optionst rcpt_optionst esmtp_optstoptionRR]tsenderrsRu((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/smtplib.pytsendmails49          cCsH|jr|jjnd|_|jr;|jjnd|_dS(s(Close the connection to the SMTP server.N(RWR1RRL(R((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/smtplib.pyR1s    cCs|jd}|j|S(sTerminate the SMTP session.tquit(RbR1(Rtres((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/smtplib.pyRs N((RRRR@RRWRdRiRjRkt SMTP_PORTRKR8t_GLOBAL_DEFAULT_TIMEOUTRRARCR6RRRTRMRbRcR2RyRzR{R|R}RR(RRRRRRRR1R(((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/smtplib.pyR sH $   0  2           N) Y tSMTP_SSLcBs;eZdZeZdddddejdZdZ RS(s This is a subclass derived from SMTP that connects over an SSL encrypted socket (to use this class you need a socket module that was compiled with SSL support). If host is not specified, '' (the local host) is used. If port is omitted, the standard SMTP-over-SSL port (465) is used. keyfile and certfile are also optional - they can contain a PEM formatted private key and certificate chain file for the SSL connection. R!icCs/||_||_tj|||||dS(N(RRR R(RR=R>R7RRR4((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/smtplib.pyRs  cCsn|jdkr(tdI||fIJntj||f|}tj||j|j}t||_ |S(Nisconnect:( R@RR8RBRRRRR)RW(RR=R>R4t new_socket((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/smtplib.pyRCs N( RRRt SMTP_SSL_PORTRKRR8RRRC(((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/smtplib.pyRs  itLMTPcBs5eZdZdZdeddZdddZRS(s-LMTP - Local Mail Transfer Protocol The LMTP protocol, which is very similar to ESMTP, is heavily based on the standard SMTP client. It's common to use Unix sockets for LMTP, so our connect() method must support that as well as a regular host:port server. To specify a Unix socket, you must use an absolute path as the host, starting with a '/'. Authentication is supported, using the regular SMTP mechanism. When using a Unix socket, LMTP generally don't support or require any authentication, but your mileage might vary.tlhloR!cCstj||||dS(sInitialize a new instance.N(R R(RR=R>R7((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/smtplib.pyR5sRDicCs|ddkr#tj|||Sy/tjtjtj|_|jj|Wn[tjk r|jdkrtdI|IJn|jr|jj nd|_nX|j \}}|jdkrtdI|IJn||fS(s=Connect to the LMTP daemon, on either a Unix or a TCP socket.it/s connect fail:sconnect:N( R R6R8tAF_UNIXt SOCK_STREAMRLRJR@RR1RRM(RR=R>RR((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/smtplib.pyR69s   N(RRRRit LMTP_PORTRRR6(((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/smtplib.pyR&s t__main__cCs'tjj|dtjjjS(Ns: (tsyststdouttwritetstdinR0R[(tprompt((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/smtplib.pyRTstFromtTot,sEnter message, end with ^D:R!sMessage length is %dRDi(:RR8R%t email.utilsRRRtemail.base64mimeRRRRt__all__RRR'RYtcompiletIRmt ExceptionRRRRRRRR R R R$R Rt ImportErrortFalseRR)tTrueR RRZRRRRtfromaddrRlttoaddrsRRR0R^R+tserverRARR(((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/smtplib.pyt!sv               ;+