# emacs: -*- mode: python; py-indent-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- # vi: set ft=python sts=4 ts=4 sw=4 noet : # This file is part of Fail2Ban. # # Fail2Ban is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Fail2Ban is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Fail2Ban; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. __author__ = "Cyril Jaquier, Yaroslav Halchenko" __copyright__ = "Copyright (c) 2004 Cyril Jaquier, 2013- Yaroslav Halchenko" __license__ = "GPL" from ..exceptions import UnknownJailException, DuplicateJailException from ..helpers import getLogger, logging # Gets the instance of the logger. logSys = getLogger(__name__) ## # Beautify the output of the client. # # Fail2ban server only return unformatted return codes which need to be # converted into user readable messages. class Beautifier: def __init__(self, cmd = None): self.__inputCmd = cmd def setInputCmd(self, cmd): self.__inputCmd = cmd def getInputCmd(self): return self.__inputCmd def beautify(self, response): logSys.log(5, "Beautify " + repr(response) + " with " + repr(self.__inputCmd)) inC = self.__inputCmd msg = response try: if inC[0] == "ping": msg = "Server replied: " + response elif inC[0] == "version": msg = response elif inC[0] == "start": msg = "Jail started" elif inC[0] == "stop": if len(inC) == 1: if response is None: msg = "Shutdown successful" else: if response is None: msg = "Jail stopped" elif inC[0] == "add": msg = "Added jail " + response elif inC[0] == "flushlogs": msg = "logs: " + response elif inC[0] == "echo": msg = ' '.join(msg) elif inC[0:1] == ['status']: if len(inC) > 1: # Display information msg = ["Status for the jail: %s" % inC[1]] for n, res1 in enumerate(response): prefix1 = "`-" if n == len(response) - 1 else "|-" msg.append("%s %s" % (prefix1, res1[0])) prefix1 = " " if n == len(response) - 1 else "| " for m, res2 in enumerate(res1[1]): prefix2 = prefix1 + ("`-" if m == len(res1[1]) - 1 else "|-") val = " ".join(map(str, res2[1])) if isinstance(res2[1], list) else res2[1] msg.append("%s %s:\t%s" % (prefix2, res2[0], val)) else: msg = ["Status"] for n, res1 in enumerate(response): prefix1 = "`-" if n == len(response) - 1 else "|-" val = " ".join(map(str, res1[1])) if isinstance(res1[1], list) else res1[1] msg.append("%s %s:\t%s" % (prefix1, res1[0], val)) msg = "\n".join(msg) elif len(inC) < 2: pass # to few cmd args for below elif inC[1] == "syslogsocket": msg = "Current syslog socket is:\n" msg += "`- " + response elif inC[1] == "logtarget": msg = "Current logging target is:\n" msg += "`- " + response elif inC[1:2] == ['loglevel']: msg = "Current logging level is " msg += repr(logging.getLevelName(response) if isinstance(response, int) else response) elif inC[1] == "dbfile": if response is None: msg = "Database currently disabled" else: msg = "Current database file is:\n" msg += "`- " + response elif inC[1] == "dbpurgeage": if response is None: msg = "Database currently disabled" else: msg = "Current database purge age is:\n" msg += "`- %iseconds" % response elif len(inC) < 3: pass # to few cmd args for below elif inC[2] in ("logpath", "addlogpath", "dellogpath"): if len(response) == 0: msg = "No file is currently monitored" else: msg = "Current monitored log file(s):\n" for path in response[:-1]: msg += "|- " + path + "\n" msg += "`- " + response[-1] elif inC[2] == "logencoding": msg = "Current log encoding is set to:\n" msg += response elif inC[2] in ("journalmatch", "addjournalmatch", "deljournalmatch"): if len(response) == 0: msg = "No journal match filter set" else: msg = "Current match filter:\n" msg += ' + '.join(" ".join(res) for res in response) elif inC[2] == "datepattern": msg = "Current date pattern set to: " if response is None: msg += "Not set/required" elif response[0] is None: msg += "%s" % response[1] else: msg += "%s (%s)" % response elif inC[2] in ("ignoreip", "addignoreip", "delignoreip"): if len(response) == 0: msg = "No IP address/network is ignored" else: msg = "These IP addresses/networks are ignored:\n" for ip in response[:-1]: msg += "|- " + ip + "\n" msg += "`- " + response[-1] elif inC[2] in ("failregex", "addfailregex", "delfailregex", "ignoreregex", "addignoreregex", "delignoreregex"): if len(response) == 0: msg = "No regular expression is defined" else: msg = "The following regular expression are defined:\n" c = 0 for l in response[:-1]: msg += "|- [" + str(c) + "]: " + l + "\n" c += 1 msg += "`- [" + str(c) + "]: " + response[-1] elif inC[2] == "actions": if len(response) == 0: msg = "No actions for jail %s" % inC[1] else: msg = "The jail %s has the following actions:\n" % inC[1] msg += ", ".join(response) elif inC[2] == "actionproperties": if len(response) == 0: msg = "No properties for jail %s action %s" % ( inC[1], inC[3]) else: msg = "The jail %s action %s has the following " \ "properties:\n" % (inC[1], inC[3]) msg += ", ".join(response) elif inC[2] == "actionmethods": if len(response) == 0: msg = "No methods for jail %s action %s" % ( inC[1], inC[3]) else: msg = "The jail %s action %s has the following " \ "methods:\n" % (inC[1], inC[3]) msg += ", ".join(response) elif inC[2] == "banip" and inC[0] == "get": if isinstance(response, list): sep = " " if len(inC) <= 3 else inC[3] if sep == "--with-time": sep = "\n" msg = sep.join(response) except Exception: logSys.warning("Beautifier error. Please report the error") logSys.error("Beautify %r with %r failed", response, self.__inputCmd, exc_info=logSys.getEffectiveLevel()<=logging.DEBUG) msg = repr(msg) + repr(response) return msg def beautifyError(self, response): logSys.debug("Beautify (error) %r with %r", response, self.__inputCmd) msg = response if isinstance(response, UnknownJailException): msg = "Sorry but the jail '" + response.args[0] + "' does not exist" elif isinstance(response, IndexError): msg = "Sorry but the command is invalid" elif isinstance(response, DuplicateJailException): msg = "The jail '" + response.args[0] + "' already exists" return msg