# emacs: -*- mode: python; py-indent-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- # vi: set ft=python sts=4 ts=4 sw=4 noet : # # This file is part of Fail2Ban. # # Fail2Ban is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Fail2Ban is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Fail2Ban; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. __author__ = "Fail2Ban Developers" __copyright__ = "Copyright (c) 2004-2008 Cyril Jaquier, 2012-2014 Yaroslav Halchenko, 2014-2016 Serg G. Brester" __license__ = "GPL" import os import shlex import signal import socket import sys import time import threading from threading import Thread from ..version import version from .csocket import CSocket from .beautifier import Beautifier from .fail2bancmdline import Fail2banCmdLine, ServerExecutionException, ExitException, \ logSys, exit, output from ..server.utils import Utils PROMPT = "fail2ban> " def _thread_name(): return threading.current_thread().__class__.__name__ def input_command(): # pragma: no cover return raw_input(PROMPT) ## # # @todo This class needs cleanup. class Fail2banClient(Fail2banCmdLine, Thread): def __init__(self): Fail2banCmdLine.__init__(self) Thread.__init__(self) self._alive = True self._server = None self._beautifier = None def dispInteractive(self): output("Fail2Ban v" + version + " reads log file that contains password failure report") output("and bans the corresponding IP addresses using firewall rules.") output("") def __sigTERMhandler(self, signum, frame): # pragma: no cover # Print a new line because we probably come from wait output("") logSys.warning("Caught signal %d. Exiting" % signum) exit(255) def __ping(self, timeout=0.1): return self.__processCmd([["ping"] + ([timeout] if timeout != -1 else [])], False, timeout=timeout) @property def beautifier(self): if self._beautifier: return self._beautifier self._beautifier = Beautifier() return self._beautifier def __processCmd(self, cmd, showRet=True, timeout=-1): client = None try: beautifier = self.beautifier streamRet = True for c in cmd: beautifier.setInputCmd(c) try: if not client: client = CSocket(self._conf["socket"], timeout=timeout) elif timeout != -1: client.settimeout(timeout) if self._conf["verbose"] > 2: logSys.log(5, "CMD: %r", c) ret = client.send(c) if ret[0] == 0: logSys.log(5, "OK : %r", ret[1]) if showRet or c[0] in ('echo', 'server-status'): output(beautifier.beautify(ret[1])) else: logSys.error("NOK: %r", ret[1].args) if showRet: output(beautifier.beautifyError(ret[1])) streamRet = False except socket.error as e: if showRet or self._conf["verbose"] > 1: if showRet or c[0] != "ping": self.__logSocketError(e, c[0] == "ping") else: logSys.log(5, " -- %s failed -- %r", c, e) return False except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover if showRet or self._conf["verbose"] > 1: if self._conf["verbose"] > 1: logSys.exception(e) else: logSys.error(e) return False finally: # prevent errors by close during shutdown (on exit command): if client: try : client.close() except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover if showRet or self._conf["verbose"] > 1: logSys.debug(e) if showRet or c[0] in ('echo', 'server-status'): sys.stdout.flush() return streamRet def __logSocketError(self, prevError="", errorOnly=False): try: if os.access(self._conf["socket"], os.F_OK): # pragma: no cover # This doesn't check if path is a socket, # but socket.error should be raised if os.access(self._conf["socket"], os.W_OK): # Permissions look good, but socket.error was raised if errorOnly: logSys.error(prevError) else: logSys.error("%sUnable to contact server. Is it running?", ("[%s] " % prevError) if prevError else '') else: logSys.error("Permission denied to socket: %s," " (you must be root)", self._conf["socket"]) else: logSys.error("Failed to access socket path: %s." " Is fail2ban running?", self._conf["socket"]) except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover logSys.error("Exception while checking socket access: %s", self._conf["socket"]) logSys.error(e) ## def __prepareStartServer(self): if self.__ping(): logSys.error("Server already running") return None # Read the config ret, stream = self.readConfig() # Do not continue if configuration is not 100% valid if not ret: return None # verify that directory for the socket file exists socket_dir = os.path.dirname(self._conf["socket"]) if not os.path.exists(socket_dir): logSys.error( "There is no directory %s to contain the socket file %s." % (socket_dir, self._conf["socket"])) return None if not os.access(socket_dir, os.W_OK | os.X_OK): # pragma: no cover logSys.error( "Directory %s exists but not accessible for writing" % (socket_dir,)) return None # Check already running if not self._conf["force"] and os.path.exists(self._conf["socket"]): logSys.error("Fail2ban seems to be in unexpected state (not running but the socket exists)") return None return [["server-stream", stream], ['server-status']] ## def __startServer(self, background=True): from .fail2banserver import Fail2banServer stream = self.__prepareStartServer() self._alive = True if not stream: return False # Start the server or just initialize started one: try: if background: # Start server daemon as fork of client process (or new process): Fail2banServer.startServerAsync(self._conf) # Send config stream to server: if not self.__processStartStreamAfterWait(stream, False): return False else: # In foreground mode we should make server/client communication in different threads: th = Thread(target=Fail2banClient.__processStartStreamAfterWait, args=(self, stream, False)) th.daemon = True th.start() # Mark current (main) thread as daemon: self.setDaemon(True) # Start server direct here in main thread (not fork): self._server = Fail2banServer.startServerDirect(self._conf, False) except ExitException: # pragma: no cover pass except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover output("") logSys.error("Exception while starting server " + ("background" if background else "foreground")) if self._conf["verbose"] > 1: logSys.exception(e) else: logSys.error(e) return False return True ## def configureServer(self, nonsync=True, phase=None): # if asynchronous start this operation in the new thread: if nonsync: th = Thread(target=Fail2banClient.configureServer, args=(self, False, phase)) th.daemon = True return th.start() # prepare: read config, check configuration is valid, etc.: if phase is not None: phase['start'] = True logSys.log(5, ' client phase %s', phase) stream = self.__prepareStartServer() if phase is not None: phase['ready'] = phase['start'] = (True if stream else False) logSys.log(5, ' client phase %s', phase) if not stream: return False # wait a litle bit for phase "start-ready" before enter active waiting: if phase is not None: Utils.wait_for(lambda: phase.get('start-ready', None) is not None, 0.5, 0.001) phase['configure'] = (True if stream else False) logSys.log(5, ' client phase %s', phase) # configure server with config stream: ret = self.__processStartStreamAfterWait(stream, False) if phase is not None: phase['done'] = ret return ret ## # Process a command line. # # Process one command line and exit. # @param cmd the command line def __processCommand(self, cmd): # wrap tuple to list (because could be modified here): if not isinstance(cmd, list): cmd = list(cmd) # process: if len(cmd) == 1 and cmd[0] == "start": ret = self.__startServer(self._conf["background"]) if not ret: return False return ret elif len(cmd) >= 1 and cmd[0] == "restart": # if restart jail - re-operate via "reload --restart ...": if len(cmd) > 1: cmd[0:1] = ["reload", "--restart"] return self.__processCommand(cmd) # restart server: if self._conf.get("interactive", False): output(' ## stop ... ') self.__processCommand(['stop']) if not self.__waitOnServer(False): # pragma: no cover logSys.error("Could not stop server") return False # in interactive mode reset config, to make full-reload if there something changed: if self._conf.get("interactive", False): output(' ## load configuration ... ') self.resetConf() ret = self.initCmdLine(self._argv) if ret is not None: return ret if self._conf.get("interactive", False): output(' ## start ... ') return self.__processCommand(['start']) elif len(cmd) >= 1 and cmd[0] == "reload": # reload options: opts = [] while len(cmd) >= 2: if cmd[1] in ('--restart', "--unban", "--if-exists"): opts.append(cmd[1]) del cmd[1] else: if len(cmd) > 2: logSys.error("Unexpected argument(s) for reload: %r", cmd[1:]) return False # stop options - jail name or --all break if self.__ping(timeout=-1): if len(cmd) == 1 or cmd[1] == '--all': jail = '--all' ret, stream = self.readConfig() else: jail = cmd[1] ret, stream = self.readConfig(jail) # Do not continue if configuration is not 100% valid if not ret: return False if self._conf.get("interactive", False): output(' ## reload ... ') # Reconfigure the server return self.__processCmd([['reload', jail, opts, stream]], True) else: logSys.error("Could not find server") return False elif len(cmd) > 1 and cmd[0] == "ping": return self.__processCmd([cmd], timeout=float(cmd[1])) else: return self.__processCmd([cmd]) def __processStartStreamAfterWait(self, *args): try: # Wait for the server to start if not self.__waitOnServer(): # pragma: no cover logSys.error("Could not find server, waiting failed") return False # Configure the server self.__processCmd(*args) except ServerExecutionException as e: # pragma: no cover if self._conf["verbose"] > 1: logSys.exception(e) logSys.error("Could not start server. Maybe an old " "socket file is still present. Try to " "remove " + self._conf["socket"] + ". If " "you used fail2ban-client to start the " "server, adding the -x option will do it") if self._server: self._server.quit() return False return True def __waitOnServer(self, alive=True, maxtime=None): if maxtime is None: maxtime = self._conf["timeout"] # Wait for the server to start (the server has 30 seconds to answer ping) starttime = time.time() logSys.log(5, "__waitOnServer: %r", (alive, maxtime)) sltime = 0.0125 / 2 test = lambda: os.path.exists(self._conf["socket"]) and self.__ping(timeout=sltime) with VisualWait(self._conf["verbose"]) as vis: while self._alive: runf = test() if runf == alive: return True waittime = time.time() - starttime logSys.log(5, " wait-time: %s", waittime) # Wonderful visual :) if waittime > 1: vis.heartbeat() # f end time reached: if waittime >= maxtime: raise ServerExecutionException("Failed to start server") # first 200ms faster: sltime = min(sltime * 2, 0.5 if waittime > 0.2 else 0.1) time.sleep(sltime) return False def start(self, argv): # Install signal handlers _prev_signals = {} if _thread_name() == '_MainThread': for s in (signal.SIGTERM, signal.SIGINT): _prev_signals[s] = signal.getsignal(s) signal.signal(s, self.__sigTERMhandler) try: # Command line options if self._argv is None: ret = self.initCmdLine(argv) if ret is not None: if ret: return True raise ServerExecutionException("Init of command line failed") # Commands args = self._args # Interactive mode if self._conf.get("interactive", False): try: import readline except ImportError: raise ServerExecutionException("Readline not available") try: ret = True if len(args) > 0: ret = self.__processCommand(args) if ret: readline.parse_and_bind("tab: complete") self.dispInteractive() while True: cmd = input_command() if cmd == "exit" or cmd == "quit": # Exit return True if cmd == "help": self.dispUsage() elif not cmd == "": try: self.__processCommand(shlex.split(cmd)) except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover if self._conf["verbose"] > 1: logSys.exception(e) else: logSys.error(e) except (EOFError, KeyboardInterrupt): # pragma: no cover output("") raise # Single command mode else: if len(args) < 1: self.dispUsage() return False return self.__processCommand(args) except Exception as e: if self._conf["verbose"] > 1: logSys.exception(e) else: logSys.error(e) return False finally: self._alive = False for s, sh in _prev_signals.iteritems(): signal.signal(s, sh) class _VisualWait: """Small progress indication (as "wonderful visual") during waiting process """ pos = 0 delta = 1 def __init__(self, maxpos=10): self.maxpos = maxpos def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, *args): if self.pos: sys.stdout.write('\r'+(' '*(35+self.maxpos))+'\r') sys.stdout.flush() def heartbeat(self): """Show or step for progress indicator """ if not self.pos: sys.stdout.write("\nINFO [#" + (' '*self.maxpos) + "] Waiting on the server...\r\x1b[8C") self.pos += self.delta if self.delta > 0: s = " #\x1b[1D" if self.pos > 1 else "# \x1b[2D" else: s = "\x1b[1D# \x1b[2D" sys.stdout.write(s) sys.stdout.flush() if self.pos > self.maxpos: self.delta = -1 elif self.pos < 2: self.delta = 1 class _NotVisualWait: """Mockup for invisible progress indication (not verbose) """ def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, *args): pass def heartbeat(self): pass def VisualWait(verbose, *args, **kwargs): """Wonderful visual progress indication (if verbose) """ return _VisualWait(*args, **kwargs) if verbose > 1 else _NotVisualWait() def exec_command_line(argv): client = Fail2banClient() # Exit with correct return value if client.start(argv): exit(0) else: exit(255)