iframe(); $f ->select('pos', _t('@banners', 'Banner Position'), false, function () use ($positions){ $result = []; foreach ($positions as $v) { $result[] = ['id' => $v['id'], 'title' => $v['title'] . ' (' . $v['sizes'] . ')']; } return $result; }) ->jsOnChange(function () use ($positions) { ?> onValidate(function ($param, $field) use ($form) { /** @var bff\tpl\admin\form\Select $field */ if (empty($param['value'])) { Errors::set(_t('@banners', 'Please specify a position'), $field->name()); return false; } return true; }) ; $f ->checkboxList('devices', _t('@banners', 'Devices'), function($field) use ($form, $devices){ /** @var bff\tpl\admin\form\CheckboxList $field */ $data = $form->_data(); $raw = $data[$field->name()] ?? []; if(empty($raw)) { $raw[] = bff::DEVICE_ANY; } $result = []; $result[] = [ 'id' => bff::DEVICE_ANY, 'title' => _t('@', 'All devices'), 'checked' => in_array(bff::DEVICE_ANY, $raw), ]; foreach ($devices as $k => $v) { $result[] = [ 'id' => $k, 'title' => $v['t'], 'checked' => in_array($k, $raw), ]; } return $result; }, false, ['attr' => ['class' => 'j-device']]) ->beforeFieldRender(function($html, $field) use ($form) { $name = $field->name(); ?> rule(TYPE_NOCLEAN) ->onValidate(function($param) use ($form, $devices) { $data = $param['value']; $result = []; foreach ($data as $k => $v) { if (empty($v)) { continue; } if (! isset($devices[$k])) { continue; } $result[] = $k; } if (empty($result)) { $result = [bff::DEVICE_ANY]; } $param['value'] = $result; return true; }) ; $f ->checkboxList('pages', _t('@banners', 'Website Section'), function ($field) use ($form) { /** @var bff\tpl\admin\form\CheckboxList $field */ $data = $form->_data(); $raw = $data[$field->name()] ?? []; if(empty($raw)) { $raw[] = Banners::PAGE_ANY; } $pages = Banners::getPages(); $result = []; foreach ($pages as $v) { $result[] = [ 'id' => $v['id'], 'title' => $v['title'], 'checked' => in_array($v['id'], $raw), ]; } return $result; }, false, ['attr' => ['class' => 'j-pages']]) ->beforeFieldRender(function ($html) use ($form) { ?>
rule(TYPE_NOCLEAN) ->onValidate(function ($param) use ($form) { $data = $param['value']; $result = []; foreach ($data as $k => $v) { if (empty($v)) continue; $result[] = $k; } $param['value'] = $result; return true; }) ; $f ->select('_list_pos', _t('@banners', 'Position Number In the List')) ->noFieldsList() ->option(Banners::LIST_POS_FIRST, _t('@banners', 'First')) ->option(1, _t('@banners', 'Specified')) ->option(Banners::LIST_POS_LAST, _t('@banners', 'Last')) ->onValue(function () use ($form) { $data = $form->_data(); if (isset($data['list_pos'])) { if ($data['list_pos'] == Banners::LIST_POS_LAST) { return Banners::LIST_POS_LAST; } if (in_array($data['list_pos'], [Banners::LIST_POS_FIRST, 1])) { return Banners::LIST_POS_FIRST; } } return 1; }) ->classAdd('j-list-pos') ; $f ->number('list_pos', '', -1) ->together('_list_pos') ->visibleIf('_list_pos', 1) ->onValidate(function ($param) use ($form) { $value = & $param['value']; $result = & $param['result']; if (empty($value)) { $value = 1; } if (isset($result['_list_pos'])) { if ($result['_list_pos'] == Banners::LIST_POS_LAST) { $value = Banners::LIST_POS_LAST; } if ($result['_list_pos'] == Banners::LIST_POS_FIRST) { $value = 1; } unset($result['_list_pos']); } return true; }) ; $f ->checkboxList('locale', _t('@banners', 'Localization'), function ($field) use ($form) { /** @var bff\tpl\admin\form\CheckboxList $field */ $data = $form->_data(); $raw = $data[$field->name()] ?? []; if(empty($raw)) { $raw[] = Banners::LOCALE_ALL; } $result = []; $result[] = [ 'id' => Banners::LOCALE_ALL, 'title' => _t('@', 'All'), 'checked' => in_array(Banners::LOCALE_ALL, $raw), ]; $locales = Lang::getLanguages(false); foreach ($locales as $k => $v) { $result[] = [ 'id' => $k, 'title' => $v['title'], 'checked' => in_array($k, $raw), ]; } return $result; }, false, ['attr' => ['class' => 'j-locale']]) ->beforeFieldRender(function ($html) use ($form) { ?> rule(TYPE_NOCLEAN) ->onValidate(function ($param) use ($form) { $data = $param['value']; $result = []; $locales = Lang::getLanguages(); if (sizeof($locales) > 1) { foreach ($data as $k => $v) { if (empty($v)) continue; $result[] = $k; } } if (empty($result)) { $result[] = Banners::LOCALE_ALL; } $param['value'] = $result; return true; }) ->param('maxHeight', 150) ; $f ->datepicker('show_start', _t('@banners', 'Start Date of Showing'), tpl::date_format_pub(time(), 'd-m-Y')) ; $f ->datepicker('show_finish', _t('@banners', 'End Date of Showing'), tpl::date_format_pub(time() + 604800, 'd-m-Y')) ; $f ->number('show_limit', _t('@banners', 'Limit of Showings'), 0) ->titleRender(function ($html) { ?>
tip(_t('@banners', '0 - No Limit')) ; $f ->radio('type', _t('@banners', 'Banner Type'), Banners::TYPE_IMAGE, function () use ($form) { $types = Banners::types($form->recordID() ? true : false); $result = []; foreach ($types as $v) { $result[$v['id']] = $v['t']; } return $result; },['label' => ['class' => 'radio']]) ; foreach ($devices as $v) { if (! empty($v['alias'])) { continue; } $f ->custom('img_' . $v['id'], _t('@banners', 'Image')) ->titleRender(function ($html) use($v) { ?>
getCustom() ->onView(function ($data, $field) use ($form) { /** @var bff\tpl\admin\form\Custom $field */ $name = $field->name(); $img = false; if($form->recordID()) { $data = $form->_data(); if ( ! empty($data['type_data'][$name]['name'])) { $img = $data['type_data'][$name]['name']; } } if (Admin::themeV2()) { if ($img) { ?>

end() ->visibleIf('type', Banners::TYPE_IMAGE) ; } foreach ($devices as $v) { if (! empty($v['alias'])) { continue; } $f ->textarea('code_'.$v['id'], _t('@banners', 'Code'), '', false) ->classAdd('j-field-link-'.$v['id']) ->titleRender(function ($html, $field) use ($form, $v) { $name = $field->name(); $macroses = [ '{query}' => _tejs('@banners', 'Search query text'), '{click_url}' => _tejs('@banners', 'Conversion Count Link'), ]; $content = ''; foreach ($macroses as $kk => $vv) { $content .= '
' . $kk . ' - ' . $vv . '
'; } ?>
visibleIf('type', Banners::TYPE_CODE) ->onValidate(function ($param, $field) use ($form) { $name = $field->name(); $value = $param['value']; $result = & $param['result']; if ( ! isset($result['type']) || $result['type'] != Banners::TYPE_CODE) { return false; } $res = [$name => ['html' => $value]]; if (isset($result['type_data'])) { $result['type_data'] = array_merge($result['type_data'], $res); } else { $result['type_data'] = $res; } return false; }) ->onValue(function ($value, $field) use ($form) { $name = $field->name(); if ($form->recordID()) { $data = $form->_data(); if ( ! empty($data['type_data'][$name]['html'])) { return $data['type_data'][$name]['html']; } } return ''; }) ; } $f ->text('click_url', _t('@banners', 'Link'), '', false) ->onValidate(function ($param, $field) use ($form) { /** @var bff\tpl\admin\form\Text $field */ $value = & $param['value']; $result = $param['result']; if (! isset($result['type'])) { Errors::impossible(); return false; } if ($result['type'] != Banners::TYPE_CODE) { if (empty($value) || $value === '#') { Errors::set(_t('@banners', 'Please specify a correct link'), $field->name()); return false; } else { if (preg_match('/^(http|https|ftp):\/\//xisu', $value) !== 1) { if (mb_stripos($value, 'www.') === 0) { # корректируем протокол, если отсутствует $value = 'http://' . $value; } else { if ($value[0] !== '/') { # корректируем относительные ссылки $value = '/' . $value; } } } } } return true; }) ; $f ->checkbox('target_blank', '') ->label(_t('@banners', 'Open in New Window')) ->visibleIf('type', Banners::TYPE_IMAGE) ; $f ->custom('link', _t('@banners', 'Conversion Count Link'))->getCustom() ->onView(function () use ($form) { $id = $form->recordID(); if (! $id) { $id = Banners::model()->bannerNextID(); } ?> end() ->onValidate(function () { return false; }) ; $f ->text('url_match', _t('@banners', 'URL of Showing'), '', false) ->titleRender(function ($html) { ?>
tip(_t('@banners', 'The banner will be displayed only on the page with the specified URL.')) ->onValidate(function ($param, $field) use ($form) { /** @var bff\tpl\admin\form\Text $field */ $value = & $param['value']; if ( ! empty($value)) { # приводим к корректной относительной ссылке if (preg_match('/^(http|https|ftp):\/\//xisu', $value) === 1) { $value = parse_url($value, PHP_URL_PATH); } else { if (strpos($value, 'www.') === 0) { $value = mb_strcut($value, 4); } } if (!empty($value) && $value[0] !== '/') { $value = '/' . $value; } } return true; }) ; $f ->checkbox('url_match_exact', '') ->label(_t('@banners', 'Do Not Include Sub-pages (regarding this URL)')) ; $f ->text('title', _t('@banners', 'Title'), '', false); $f ->text('alt', _t('@banners', 'Alt'), '', false); $f ->textarea('description', _t('@banners', 'Note'), '', false, ['rows' => 3]); $f ->checkbox('enabled', _t('@', 'Enabled')) ->onValidate(function ($param) use ($form) { $value = & $param['value']; $result = $param['result']; if ($value) { # Если на данной позиции запрещена ротация нескольких баннеров if (! Banners::checkPositionRotation($result['pos'])) { $id = $form->recordID(); if ($id) { $prev = Banners::model()->banner($id, ['*'], ['regions'])->toArray(); if (! $prev['enabled']) { $value = 0; } } else { $value = 0; } } } return true; }) ; $f ->contentWrapper(function ($html) use ($form) { ?>