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We will try to answer it as soon as possible.contacts|Your namecontext|Date: [date]date|Enddate|Startdayday;days;daysdaysdesktopdev|(latin, a-z)dev|Maintenance mode is activated, the site will remain off for users during this mode.
You can change the reason in the "[settings-section]" field "[offline-reason-field]".dev|A migration with the same version name ([version]) already existsdev|A module with the same name already existsdev|Adddev|Add Languagedev|Add the following block code to the specified files of the active topic, the files in which these blocks were found will be marked in green.dev|Admin Panel Interfacedev|All Phrasesdev|All migration were canceled successfullydev|Allocated RAMdev|An error occurred while preparing the update file: # [step]dev|Available updatesdev|Before you begin installing the update, you need to eliminate all critical errors in the system. In the System Status section, you can get information about existing errors and inconsistencies in the server settings.dev|Blocksdev|Cancel before the specified migration was successfuldev|Cancel installationdev|Cannot display the contents of this filedev|Changesdev|Check Againdev|Check if cron-manager is runningdev|Check if the Cron manager is running and try againdev|Check if the task manager is running (cron-manager)dev|Choose Filedev|Choose the language, translation on which was made in filedev|Code to insert: [code]dev|Codingdev|Column:dev|Could not determine extension typedev|Could not find required migration versiondev|Create backup before update systemdev|Current Version: [version]dev|DG versiondev|Datadev|Data Translationdev|Data duplication should be done only at the initial stage of adding new localization.
When duplicating, all data from the (left) localization will be duplicated to the specified (right), then all text-based localized data will be identical.dev|Data retrieval error, contact development departmentdev|Delete Localization Datadev|Descriptiondev|Disabledev|Disableddev|Disabled featuresdev|Does not existdev|Downloading the localization file for translationdev|Duplication of Localization Datadev|Duplication was successfuldev|Enabledev|Enableddev|Enter a name for the data blockdev|Errordev|Error [code]dev|Error during database migrationdev|Error during rollbackdev|Error loading update file ([step])dev|Error renaming directory "[path]"dev|Error renaming file "[path]"dev|Error updating filesdev|Error uploading filedev|Error working with update configuration file: # [step]dev|Extension copy error ([code])dev|Failed migrations: [version]dev|Failed to backup file: [path]dev|Failed to delete status file: [path]dev|Failed to download update file.dev|Failed to initiate update download processdev|Failed to load update status file: [path]dev|Failed to migratedev|Failed to restore file: [file]dev|Failed to save current update status ([stage])dev|Failed to save status file ([stage])dev|Failed to update file: [path]dev|Fieldsdev|File (*.xml)dev|File processing is complete.dev|File structure errordev|File uploaded.dev|File uploaded: [date]dev|Finishdev|GetLocaleTables method not founddev|If the name of these files in your theme has been changed, focus on the description of the blocks.dev|If you made changes to the source license files without using the available [link_custom_start]customization mechanisms[link_custom_stop], these changes will be lost.dev|Inbound processing timedev|Incorrect languagedev|Incorrect update status file structuredev|Incorrect version of the filedev|Initiate Installationdev|Install Updatedev|Installation of the update is in progress.dev|Insufficient permissions to write to directory: [path]dev|Interface Translationdev|Internal account ([balance])dev|Invalid update version, try installing againdev|It is also possible that some of the installed [link_ext_start]extensions[link_ext_stop] may not be compatible with the update.dev|Languagedev|Languages not available for selection must first be installed on the server.dev|Last Changesdev|Linedev|Loading the finished translationdev|Localizationdev|Localization files [files] is a text file format that can be edited with an editor.dev|Localization language must not matchdev|Logsdev|Maximum alloweddev|Migration failed: [version]dev|Migration with the same version name ([version]) already existsdev|Migrationsdev|Migrations were applied successfullydev|Module name is specified incorrectlydev|Module not found: [module]dev|Module: [name]dev|MySQL Client Librarydev|No available updates.dev|No available updates. Checked [date].dev|No data about the table: [table]dev|No serialized fields were found for the table: [name]dev|No table datadev|No write rightsdev|Not enough free disk space: [space]dev|Not enough permissions to work with file: [path]dev|Not enough permissions to write to the directory: [path]dev|Not specifieddev|Open_basedir constraintdev|PHP versiondev|PHP version cannot be less than [min] or current [current]dev|Pay {price}dev|Payment by VISA / MasterCarddev|Paywaysdev|Please, wait…dev|Plugin: [name]dev|Preparing the update for installation (estimated time 1-3 hours).dev|Processed: [total]dev|Processing in progress, please waitdev|Recommended template files for insertion:dev|Registration Code: [code]dev|Restriction of the directory treedev|Retrydev|Rollback Installationdev|Rollback of the latest migration was successfuldev|Rollback of the update is in progress.dev|Rollback to previous version not availabledev|Run Unit Testingdev|Script execution timedev|See the documentation for further guidelines on how to write tests: [docs]dev|Select an update to installdev|Show a List of Localization Tablesdev|Specify correct localization languagesdev|Specify languagedev|Specify the migration version (e.g. 1.0.0)dev|Specify the name of the module in Latin letters a-zdev|Start: [date]dev|Statusdev|System Settingsdev|Tabledev|Table: [name]dev|Templates Listdev|Templates list is emptydev|Testingdev|Testing is based on the [library] library; to install it, run the following commands: [command]dev|The PHP version is specified incorrectly, the valid format is "n.n", for example 7.2dev|The data block name can contain: [allowed]dev|The data file was created successfullydev|The file does not match the required structuredev|The localization language to be removed is specified incorrectlydev|The localization table "[table]" is specified incorrectlydev|The migration file was created successfullydev|The module was successfully created.dev|The requested extension could not be found.dev|The requested migration version could not be founddev|The specified path is not the directory "[dir]"dev|The table "[table]" does not contain the fields required for duplicationdev|The update has been canceled, start the installation process againdev|The version name is specified incorrectly, valid options are: [list]dev|The waiting period for invoice payment has expired, start the update installation againdev|There are no changes to editable filesdev|There are not enough rights to write to the directory:dev|This feature will be available after installing the extension updatedev|To initialize the basic structure of the [library] tests, you need to run the following commands: [command]dev|Translation of localization data:dev|Typedev|Unable to create directory "[dir]"dev|Unable to create file "[file]"dev|Unable to remove base localization languagedev|Unable to rollback to a previous versiondev|Undefineddev|Uninstall was successfuldev|Uninstalling the update completed successfully.dev|Unkown table type: [name]dev|Update infodev|Update installation completed.dev|Update is ready to installdev|Update to version [version] ([date]).dev|Updatesdev|Uploaddev|Upload Translationdev|Upload filesdev|User Interfacedev|Version name is incorrectdev|Wait for payment. Payment bill was sent to your email.dev|Wait for the update installation process to completedev|Warning!dev|You must specify a file with the [extension] extensiondev|[sec] secondsdev|and take translation fromdev|changeddev|data for fillingdev|deleteddev|faileddev|fieldsdev|migrate to version (inclusive)dev|payeddev|rollback alldev|rollback the latestdev|rollback to versiondev|run all migrationsdev|select alldev|tabledp|Adddp|Add Valuedp|Checkboxdp|Choice Yes/Nodp|Default Valuedp|Display in one linedp|Drop-down listdp|Group with Multiple Choicedp|Group with Single Choicedp|Multi-select List (ctrl)dp|Multiline Text Box (textarea)dp|Nodp|Numberdp|Rangedp|Search Rangesdp|Selectdp|Single Line Text Box (input text)dp|Text Editordp|The pinning option will be available after saving the propertydp|Yesdp|attachdp|custom optiondp|deletedp|fromdp|move downdp|move updp|stepdp|todp|without valuesdynprops|Add Newdynprops|Attaching propertydynprops|Cache Keydynprops|Cleardynprops|Copydynprops|Copy selected todynprops|Default Valuedynprops|Delete field permanently?dynprops|Error adding propertiesdynprops|Error saving settings propertiesdynprops|Field value [title] is out of rangedynprops|Inheritancedynprops|No Propertiesdynprops|No more than [num] values can be specified for this property typedynprops|No properties available for inheritancedynprops|Only numbers are allowed to enter in the [title] fielddynprops|Propertiesdynprops|Properties Inheritancedynprops|Properties available for inheritancedynprops|Refinement to the titledynprops|Requireddynprops|Searchdynprops|Search fielddynprops|Select properties to copydynprops|Select the properties you need to copydynprops|Select the properties you need to movedynprops|Selected properties ({copied}) were successfully copieddynprops|Specify range stepdynprops|Specify the end of the rangedynprops|Specify titledynprops|Specify where to copydynprops|Specify where you want to copydynprops|The limit on the number of numeric fields has been reacheddynprops|The limit on the number of text fields has been reacheddynprops|Typedynprops|copydynprops|for attachmentdynprops|hidden by defaultdynprops|inheritdynprops|managementdynprops|nodynprops|search fielddynprops|to be filleddynprops|with attachmentdynprops|yeserrors|Access Deniederrors|Access to the specified page is deniederrors|Internal server errorerrors|Internal server error occurrederrors|Internal server error occurred ([code])errors|Page not found!errors|The page you tried to log into does not exist.errors|You should enter a correct login and password to access the resource.error|The [attribute] has wrong format, try another passworderror|The [attribute] is invaliderror|The [attribute] is not valid IP-addresserror|The [attribute] is not valid emailerror|The [attribute] is requirederror|The [attribute] must be [max] or lesserror|The [attribute] must be [min] or moreerror|The [attribute] must be a valid JSON stringerror|The [attribute] must be a valid passworderror|The [attribute] must be a valid phone numbererror|The [attribute] must be a valid version numbererror|The [attribute] must be acceptederror|The [attribute] must be between [min] and [max]error|The [attribute] must be less than [max]error|The [attribute] must be less than [min] or more than [max]error|The [attribute] must be without spaceserror|The address is incorrectly typed or the page no longer exists. Please use the search, go to the home page or any of the following:error|There is no such page hereerror|What are you looking for?ext|Cancel Installext|Colorsext|Could not find the directory "[path]"ext|Could not find the file "[file]"ext|Create Pluginext|Create Themeext|Developmentext|Disable all pluginsext|Downloading...ext|Editext|Enter the correct extension nameext|Extension Settingsext|Extensionsext|Extensions testing mode is active. In this mode, you can enable [on-btn] and disable [off-btn] extensions in order to verify their operation independently or in interaction with each other. Test results are visible only to you.ext|Extensions list is emptyext|Faviconext|Fileext|Findext|Finish testingext|Fontsext|Generalext|Installext|Installation of dependent extensions requiredext|Installing the update to [version] version (from [date]), please wait...ext|Installing the version [version] (from [date]), please wait...ext|Instructionext|Localizationext|Logoext|Moduleext|More detailsext|New Pluginext|New Themeext|New plugin has been successfully createdext|New theme has been successfully createdext|No updates availableext|Pagesext|Pluginext|Plugin is not compatible with the current version of the application: [version]ext|Plugin with the same name ([name]) already existsext|Pluginsext|Refresh Listext|Settingsext|Source Themeext|Specify the extension name in Latin a-zext|Style file is emptyext|Style filesext|Testing Modeext|Testing modeext|The file was saved successfullyext|The full list is available in the Extensions sectionext|The selected theme cannot be specified as a sourceext|The system already has a module with a similar name [name]ext|The theme is not compatible with the current version of the application: [version]ext|Themeext|Theme Settingsext|Theme with the same name ([name]) already existsext|Themesext|This extension is not compatible with the current version of the application: [version]ext|This extensions does not have any additional settingsext|To install it, you need to upgrade the product to version [product_version]ext|Type Nameext|Update to version [version] is available (from [date])ext|Upgrade is available to versionext|Versionext|Wait for the update installation process to completeext|You must install the following extensions:ext|active themeext|active to [date]ext|custom.css - extra styles to customizeext|dependency;dependencies;dependenciesext|extendededext|file is readonlyext|installationext|installedext|main.css - main stylesext|new themeext|not compatibleext|not installedext|updateext|version [version]ext|version does not matchfiles|Check if the directory/file exists "[file]"files|Not enough permissions to write to directory "[path]"files|Not enough permissions to write to file "[path]"files|Unable to create directory "[dir]"files|Unable to create file "[file]"filter|Allfilter|All Categoriesfilter|All Countriesfilter|All citiesfilter|All listingsfilter|All regionsfilter|Applyfilter|Back to main categoriesfilter|Category level N = 1 ... [max]filter|Choose categoryfilter|Description - first 100 characters (description.N to change length)filter|Filterfilter|Go backfilter|Listing categoryfilter|Locationfilter|Metro / Regionfilter|Negotiablefilter|No matterfilter|No, choose another onefilter|Not specifiedfilter|Parent categoryfilter|Pricefilter|Resetfilter|Search by the countryfilter|Search by the regionfilter|Search in all countriesfilter|Search listings in all citiesfilter|Typefilter|Type region name...filter|With photofilter|Yesfilter|Your region is [region]?filter|fromfilter|listing;listings;listingsfilter|station;stations;stationsfilter|tofilter|view all listingsform|Only the following file types are allowed: {extensions}form|The file {file} has an incorrect sizeform|The file {file} is too large, the maximum size allowed is {sizeLimit}form|The image is uploading, if you leave this page, the upload will be terminatedform|You can upload no more than {limit} filesfromfrom [date]geo.map|Moscowgeo.map|St. Petersburggeo|(also in: [list])geo|API keygeo|Active Regiongeo|Active Region: Country / Province / Citygeo|Add Countrygeo|Add Districtgeo|Add Metro Branchgeo|Add Metro Stationgeo|Add Region or Citygeo|Adding Countrygeo|Adding Regiongeo|Addressgeo|Address of the Objectgeo|Areasgeo|Branchgeo|Branchesgeo|By the number of listingsgeo|Cities (several)geo|Citygeo|City Districtgeo|City Districtsgeo|City with declinationgeo|Confirming the region by the usergeo|Coordinatesgeo|Countries (several)geo|Countries / regions / citiesgeo|Countrygeo|Country Codegeo|Create Ingeo|Create ingeo|Created Ingeo|Declination, Wheregeo|Default Countrygeo|Determined by URLgeo|Districtsgeo|Edit Districtgeo|Edit Metro Branchgeo|Edit Metro Stationgeo|Enter Keywordgeo|Enter Region Namegeo|Enter city or region titlegeo|Enter city titlegeo|Enter country titlegeo|Enter region titlegeo|Enter the name of the citygeo|Export in XMLgeo|Favoritegeo|Favorites for [country]geo|Filter by Region in Searchgeo|Fixed by Usergeo|Fulfills a definition of the region based on [title]geo|Generalgeo|Geogeo|Geo Region Level [:lvl]geo|GeoName IDgeo|Geocode Providergeo|Get API key [a]here[/a]geo|Icongeo|Install IP location provider extension (MaxMind, ...) to enable this featuregeo|Keyword already in usegeo|List of Pre-selected Citiesgeo|List of citiesgeo|Listings on the mapgeo|Mapgeo|Maps Providergeo|Metrogeo|Metro / Districtsgeo|Metro Branchesgeo|Metro Stationgeo|Metro Stationsgeo|Namegeo|Nearby Stationsgeo|No Regiongeo|Not Usedgeo|Order in the admin panelgeo|Perform auto-determination of the user's region by IPgeo|Phone Codegeo|Popular Citiesgeo|Popular citiesgeo|Regiongeo|Region Usagegeo|Region by IP Autodetectiongeo|Region determination providergeo|Region in Subdirectorygeo|Region in Subdomaingeo|Region in URLgeo|Regionsgeo|Save the settings to display the mapgeo|Search and Add to Favoritesgeo|Search and Edit Regiongeo|Select Branchgeo|Select Citiesgeo|Select Citygeo|Select Countriesgeo|Select Countrygeo|Select Regiongeo|Select another branchgeo|Select stationgeo|Sort Citiesgeo|Specify the street, area, house number, etc.geo|Stationsgeo|The number of selected cities visible to the user when setting the focus in the city selection fieldgeo|The user will be assigned an IP-defined regiongeo|This mode is recommended for several countries in the projectgeo|Titlegeo|Typegeo|Type Namegeo|Use city areas in the form of a listing and searchgeo|When the region is first identified by IP, the user will be asked to confirm itgeo|Widthgeo|Without Branchesgeo|changegeo|from [region]geo|from a region, for example: from London, from Englandgeo|from wheregeo|in [region]geo|in the region, for example: London, Englandgeo|search in [country]geo|to [region]geo|to the region, for example: to London, to Englandgeo|whereheader|Add Listingheader|Log Inheader|New messagesheader|User Profilehh|System errorshour;hours;hourshtml|[class]: Tab identifier of the wrong type, valid: integer, float, stringhtml|[class]: Unsupported HTML tag "[tag]"images|Data to save the image was incorrectimages|Failed to get information about the record #[id] from the table [table]images|Failed to save image, limit reached: [limit]images|Failed to save the image data of the entry "[id]" to the table "[table]"images|The required image sizes are not specifiedimg|Failed to save imagein 24 hoursin [days]index|Show Allinternalmail|All Messagesinternalmail|Attach Fileinternalmail|Attachmentsinternalmail|Blocked: [messages]internalmail|Blockinginternalmail|Chat with the company is temporarily unavailableinternalmail|Contacts restrictioninternalmail|Enable file upload in messagesinternalmail|Enter User Emailinternalmail|Enter recipient's emailinternalmail|Enter the recipient of the messageinternalmail|Favoritesinternalmail|Foldersinternalmail|For companyinternalmail|For individualinternalmail|Ignoredinternalmail|Link for readinginternalmail|Link to chat and activationinternalmail|Messageinternalmail|Message Feedinternalmail|Message blocked by moderatorinternalmail|Message for the companyinternalmail|Message is too shortinternalmail|Message textinternalmail|Message text is too shortinternalmail|Message text not specifiedinternalmail|Message text...internalmail|Message was sent successfullyinternalmail|Messagesinternalmail|Messages / Private Messagesinternalmail|Messages / [a]Private messages / Chatinternalmail|Messages / [a]User messages / Chatinternalmail|Messages List is Emptyinternalmail|Messages: new messageinternalmail|Messages: new message for a non-activated userinternalmail|New Messageinternalmail|No Messages Foundinternalmail|Nothing found for the specified userinternalmail|Notification sent to a non-activated userinternalmail|Notification sent to the user when a new message is receivedinternalmail|Personal Messagesinternalmail|Private Messagesinternalmail|Recipientinternalmail|Sendinternalmail|Send Messageinternalmail|Senderinternalmail|Sent Message Textinternalmail|Show earlier messagesinternalmail|The ability to pin contacts in folders: favorites, ignoringinternalmail|The company prohibited sending messages to theminternalmail|The company was blocked due to: [reason]internalmail|The message has been [a]sent successfullyinternalmail|The number of contacts that a user can initiate per day. Contact is understood as initiating a dialogue with one user. 0 - No limitinternalmail|The specified interlocutor was not found or was blockedinternalmail|The user has forbidden sending messages to him.internalmail|Tointernalmail|Unfortunately, you cannot send a message to this user, because today you have already used the limit of new contacts.internalmail|User Messagesinternalmail|User account blocked ([a]reason).internalmail|User correspondenceinternalmail|User prohibited sending messages to himinternalmail|Users Messaging Viewinternalmail|Write Messageinternalmail|You preferred not to replyinternalmail|Your message has been read [date]internalmail|Your message has not been read yetinternalmail|Your message...internalmail|blockinternalmail|block all user messagesinternalmail|message;messages;messagesinternalmail|not activatedinternalmail|show messagesinternalmail|unblockitem-claim|Describe the reason in more detailsitem-claim|Enter the result from the imageitem-claim|Leave your commentitem-claim|Please enter the reasons why you think this listing is incorrectitem-claim|Specify the reasonitem-claim|Submit Complaintitem-claim|The complaint was successfully accepteditem-form|...or please select the right category manuallyitem-form|Add a listing to the same categoryitem-form|Add one more listingitem-form|Add moreitem-form|Abortitem-form|Agreementitem-form|Areaitem-form|Back to home pageitem-form|Back to the list of your listingsitem-form|Cancelitem-form|Categoryitem-form|Changeitem-form|Cityitem-form|Companyitem-form|Contact Personitem-form|Contactsitem-form|Continueitem-form|Delivery to the regionsitem-form|Descriptionitem-form|Description and Priceitem-form|Drag & Drop your files or [span] Browse [/span]item-form|Editing Listingitem-form|Emailitem-form|Error during loaditem-form|Error during removeitem-form|Error during revertitem-form|Error during uploaditem-form|Error posting your listing, contact support.item-form|Exchangeitem-form|Field contains invalid filesitem-form|Freeitem-form|Go to the list of your listingsitem-form|I agree with terms of using the service, as well as the transfer and processing of my data to [site_title]. I confirm my adulthood and responsibility for placing a listingitem-form|If you do not see the email message, check the Spam folder, and also the correctness of writing your address.item-form|In Stockitem-form|Individualitem-form|Linkitem-form|Listing Typeitem-form|Listing awaits moderator reviewitem-form|Listing is not yet activeitem-form|Listings with photos receive 3-5 times more responsesitem-form|Loadingitem-form|Locationitem-form|Negotiableitem-form|Not specifieditem-form|Now you can view your listing or add another oneitem-form|Now your listing is unavailable for viewingitem-form|One More Phoneitem-form|Only activated company can publish listings.item-form|Only companies can publish listingsitem-form|Only logged in companies can publish listingsitem-form|Only logged in users can publish listingsitem-form|Perhaps you meant...item-form|Phone Numberitem-form|Photositem-form|Place Listingitem-form|Place asitem-form|Please, wait…item-form|Priceitem-form|Price Fromitem-form|Removeitem-form|Retryitem-form|Rotation not availableitem-form|Select another branchitem-form|Select categoryitem-form|Size not availableitem-form|Start typing the titleitem-form|Term of publishingitem-form|The listing was blocked by the moderator without the possibility of editing and republishing, you can only delete it.item-form|The listing will be published after a second review by the moderatoritem-form|The name will appear in contacts information blockitem-form|The title will be generated automatically based on the information you specifieditem-form|Titleitem-form|Undoitem-form|Uploaditem-form|Upload cancelleditem-form|Upload completeitem-form|Uploadingitem-form|Videoitem-form|Waiting for sizeitem-form|We sent you an email to [email] with the activation link, please check your email.item-form|You are not the owner of this listingitem-form|You are not the owner of this listing.item-form|You can change your contact information in your account in the settings section.item-form|You can upload no more than {limit} files.item-form|You need to open a company to publish a listing.item-form|Your company was deactivated or blocked.
It's not possible to place a listing from the company.item-form|Your contact information for the listing is taken from the settings in your account.item-form|Your listing has been saved, but not published yet.item-form|Your listing was assigned to this category. You can not change it.item-form|Your listing will be published after review by the moderatoritem-form|Youtube, Vimeoitem-form|before [date]item-form|indefinitelyitem-form|tap to cancelitem-form|tap to retryitem-form|tap to undoitem-form|to [date]listlisting;listings;listingslistingslistings.my|Open company to be able to publish listings.listings.my|Activatelistings.my|Activelistings.my|Active advertising serviceslistings.my|Activelylistings.my|Advertiselistings.my|Alllistings.my|All on Pagelistings.my|Auto UPlistings.my|Auto-raise settingslistings.my|BLOCKEDlistings.my|Blockedlistings.my|Cancellistings.my|Changelistings.my|Deactivatelistings.my|Deletelistings.my|Delete listing?listings.my|Delete selected listings?listings.my|Editlistings.my|Enable auto-raiselistings.my|Fromlistings.my|Inactivelistings.my|Messageslistings.my|Oldestlistings.my|On checklistings.my|Prolonglistings.my|Raise for freelistings.my|Remove from Publishedlistings.my|Select Listingslistings.my|Selectedlistings.my|Selected listings were prolonged successfullylistings.my|Selected listings were published successfullylistings.my|Selected listings were removed from published successfullylistings.my|Statisticslistings.my|The listings list is emptylistings.my|The newestlistings.my|Tolistings.my|Viewlistings.my|You need to select at leas one listinglistings.my|contactslistings.my|viewslistings|"With Photos" in Filterlistings|"[title]" Package Linklistings|+ Add Separatorlistings|0 - not usedlistings|4 in rowlistings|5 in rowlistings|

Avoid forwarding money!

Meet with the seller, personal deals are the safest.

Check the product before buying.

Do not reply to listings written with gross errors in grammar.

listings|A virtual category cannot contain subcategorieslistings|A virtual category cannot reference to its parent categorylistings|Activatelistings|Activation error, contact support.listings|Add Categorylistings|Add Listinglistings|Add Modifierlistings|Add Price Rangelistings|Add Typelistings|Add to Favoriteslistings|Additional Settingslistings|Addresslistings|After Propertieslistings|After editing, the listing remains published and will be sent to an optional moderator checklistings|After editing, the listing will be removed from the published and sent to the obligatory moderator checklistings|After verification, it will be publishedlistings|Alllistings|All Categorieslistings|All Subcategorieslistings|All is oklistings|All subcategorieslistings|All...listings|Apply in mobile versionlistings|Approvelistings|Approved [items]listings|At the Bottomlistings|Autolistings|Automatic Listings Deletionlistings|Automatic Listings Translationlistings|Automatic Title Generationlistings|Back to all listingslistings|Basic Categorylistings|Batch Settingslistings|Before Propertieslistings|Blocklistings|Block with categorieslistings|Blockedlistings|Blocked [items]listings|Blocking Reasonlistings|Blocking Reason:listings|Buy exactly what you need at the best price. All your shopping history in one place - it's convenient!listings|By Longest Sidelistings|Categorieslistings|Categorylistings|Category Managementlistings|Category Pagelistings|Category Propertieslistings|Category Searchlistings|Category Typelistings|Category Types Managementlistings|Category typeslistings|Centerlistings|Change Listing Publishing Period temporarily prohibited. Try again later.listings|Changing temporarily prohibited. Try again later.listings|Check one or several settings.
All the selected settings will be applied to all the listing categories.listings|Check search query and try again.listings|Checkedlistings|Claims List Viewlistings|Claims Management (Moderate / Delete)listings|Clearlistings|Collapse Commentslistings|Collapse Comments Replieslistings|Comment from a suspended userlistings|Commentslistings|Comments Managementlistings|Comments are published after moderator verificationlistings|Comments are visible right away, moderation is not required (post-moderation)listings|Comments: [cnt]listings|Comments: [cnt]listings|Companylistings|Company IDlistings|Company Listingslistings|Company account blockedlistings|Company properties macroses will be available for use in edit mode.listings|Complainlistings|Complaintslistings|Complete removal of listings deleted by users in X days, [num] - don't deletelistings|Confirmation of the selected servicelistings|Connect a translation plugin, such as Google Traslationlistings|Contact Formlistings|Contact Form Tip Descriptionlistings|Contact Form Tip Titlelistings|Contact [seller]listings|Convert All Prices to Default Currencylistings|Copied from user profile by defaultlistings|Copy Settings in Subcategorieslistings|Costlistings|Could not find categorieslistings|Could not remove listing, maybe this listing has already been deleted.listings|Cron Manager was not startedlistings|Current category + category abovelistings|Current listing categorylistings|Currently there are no activated serviceslistings|Defaultlistings|Default Currencylistings|Default List Viewlistings|Default currencylistings|Default currency is incorrectlistings|Default list typelistings|Deletelistings|Delete All Categorieslistings|Delete Completelylistings|Delete Inactive Users Listingslistings|Deletedlistings|Deleted by commenterlistings|Deleted by listing authorlistings|Deleted by moderatorlistings|Deleted: [items]listings|Delivery To the Regionslistings|Delivery from [city]listings|Densitylistings|Descriptionlistings|Description (Up to [size] characters)listings|Description is too shortlistings|Detailed Address and Maplistings|Disabledlistings|Display a checkbox for the user agreement in the "Item Add Form" for logged out userslistings|Display before inherited (first)listings|Display category links without listings in the search filterlistings|Display listings list on the main page of the country/region/citylistings|Duplicates by Listing Title/Descriptionlistings|Duplicates by Uploaded Listing Imageslistings|Dynamic Propertieslistings|Editlistings|Edit Listings Linklistings|Edit Typelistings|Editedlistings|Editing Categorylistings|Editing Listinglistings|Editing Listing Сategorylistings|Empty Categories Linkslistings|Enabledlistings|Enter a description for language [lng]listings|Enter banned words separated by commas and/or forbidden phrases in double quoteslistings|Enter listing descriptionlistings|Enter listing titlelistings|Enter name for language [lng]listings|Enter the namelistings|Examples: Looking for, Looking for rent, Looking for a job, ...listings|Examples: Negotiable, by the results of the interview, ...listings|Examples: Offer, Sell, Rent, Job offer, ...listings|Examples: Price, Cost, Salary from, ...listings|Exchangelistings|Export in *.txtlistings|Favorite Listingslistings|Favoriteslistings|Fill in "Demand" type listingslistings|Filterlistings|Filter Positionlistings|Filter Titlelistings|Fit to Arealistings|For All Listingslistings|For freelistings|For your safety!listings|Freelistings|From Individualslistings|From [from] to [to]listings|Gallerylistings|Gallery Images Widthlistings|Get from User Profilelistings|Get rid of /[prefix]/listings|Go back to list of your listingslistings|ID / Title / Phonelistings|Iconlistings|Icon (large)listings|Icon (small)listings|If there is a match, the user will see the message: "[message]"listings|If turned on and the header templates are not defined, the settings from above categories will be applied. The first found non-empty template displayed below the input fields.listings|Image Height (maximum)listings|Image Height (minimum)listings|Image Width (maximum)listings|Image Width (minimum)listings|Imageslistings|Importedlistings|In case if the list type in the category settings is not specifiedlistings|In case of a change, it is also necessary to make adjustments to the correct landing pages in which the field "[lp_original_url]" contains the previous value, as well as in the settings of the corresponding menu items in the "[sitemap]" sectionlistings|In one rowlistings|In service activation orderlistings|Incominglistings|Incorrect Keywordlistings|Incorrect categorylistings|Incorrect citylistings|Incorrect user email addresslistings|Indefinitelylistings|Index Empty Categorieslistings|Individuallistings|It is not allowed to activate an listing for a banned userlistings|It is not allowed to activate an listing for a non-activated userlistings|Landing pages will be created for all the listings categories with URL without /[prefix]/, and also redirects for existing landing pages links.listings|Leftlistings|Linklistings|Listlistings|List of Regional Listings on the Home Pagelistings|List searchlistings|Listing #listings|Listing Activation Linklistings|Listing Activation Link Expiration Datelistings|Listing Contactslistings|Listing IDlistings|Listing Infolistings|Listing Linklistings|Listing Meta Description Length Limitlistings|Listing Ownerlistings|Listing Pagelistings|Listing Publishing Periodlistings|Listing Renewal Periodlistings|Listing Titlelistings|Listing Typelistings|Listing activationlistings|Listing added to favoriteslistings|Listing has been removedlistings|Listing is publishinglistings|Listing not found, or the link is incorrectlistings|Listing not found. Your activation link may have expired.listings|Listing placement is available only from the activated companylistings|Listing publishedlistings|Listing removed from publishedlistings|Listing statistics visibilitylistings|Listing was blocked by moderator, reason: [reason]listings|Listing was blocked by moderator.listings|Listing was successfully deletedlistings|Listing was successfully publishedlistings|Listing was successfully removed from the publishedlistings|Listingslistings|Listings / Categories / listings|Listings / Categories / Batch Settingslistings|Listings / Category Pagelistings|Listings / Formlistings|Listings / Searchlistings|Listings / Search In the Categorylistings|Listings / Viewlistings|Listings Commentinglistings|Listings Commentslistings|Listings Listlistings|Listings List Viewlistings|Listings Management (Add / Edit / Delete)listings|Listings Moderation (Blocking / Approval / Renewal / Activation)listings|Listings Publishinglistings|Listings on [site]listings|Listings: Deleting Listinglistings|Listings: Deleting Listing Photolistings|Listings: Listing Activationlistings|Listings: Listing blockinglistings|Listings: New comment to the listinglistings|Listings: Notification of the publishing of one listinglistings|Listings: Notification of the publishing of several listingslistings|Listings: Send to a friendlistings|Lists Previewslistings|Log in to add more listings to your favorites.listings|Logged Inlistings|Lookinglistings|Looking forlistings|Main Categorylistings|Main categories[region]listings|Make sure plugin "[services-listings]" is installed and enabledlistings|Make sure subcategory display is enabled in your listing category settingslistings|Make sure that this service is enabled in [a]settings[/a]listings|Manage Category Propertieslistings|Maplistings|Mark Such Pages as Canonicallistings|Mark category pages without listings with 'noindex' taglistings|Mark listings, removed from published, as deleted after a specified period from the date of removal from published.listings|Mass Actionlistings|Maximum Characterslistings|Maximum Numberlistings|Maximum Sizelistings|Metrolistings|Minimum Characterslistings|Minimum Required Amount of Characterslistings|Minus-wordslistings|Moderationlistings|Modifierlistings|My listingslistings|Namelistings|Name in the formlistings|Name in the listlistings|Negotiablelistings|New Listingslistings|Nolistings|No Incoming Complaintslistings|No favorite listingslistings|No listings foundlistings|No listings found for your querylistings|No longer published: [items]listings|Normal listingslistings|Not Usedlistings|Not edited in the listinglistings|Notification sent to an unregistered user after adding a listinglistings|Notification sent to the user in case if the listing is deleted by the moderatorlistings|Notification sent to the user in case if the photo of the listing is deleted by the moderatorlistings|Notification sent to the user in case of a new comment to the listinglistings|Notification sent to the user in case of blocking the announcement by the moderatorlistings|Notification sent to the user with the information of the completion of his listing publishinglistings|Notification sent to the user with the information of the completion of his listings publishinglistings|Notification sent to the specified email addresslistings|Notifications are sent only for listings with the active "Premium" servicelistings|Notify User About Expiration of Listing Publishinglistings|Numberlistings|Number of Days Until Publishing Endslistings|Number of Listingslistings|Number of comments, from which hide them under the link "More comments (X)"listings|Number of displayed rows with subcategories (4 subcategories per row)listings|Number of listings in RSS feedlistings|Number of listings in quick search resultslistings|Number of listings in the listlistings|Number of listings per page in search resultslistings|Number of replies to the comment (nested comments), starting from which hide them under the link "Show all replies"listings|Number of similar listingslistings|Number of similar listings on the "Item View" pagelistings|Offerlistings|On Rightlistings|Only Company Listingslistings|Only Registered Users Can Publish Listingslistings|Only company listingslistings|Only for "Premium"listings|Only users with opened companylistings|Owner Typelistings|Package Settingslistings|Pages /region/[prefix]/ are considered as canonicallistings|Paid Listing Serviceslistings|Paid Listings Serviceslistings|Paid Publishing Servicelistings|Per [from]listings|Perform a quick search within the category specified in the filterlistings|Person contact name is too shortlistings|Photolistings|Photoslistings|Popular Categorieslistings|Positionlistings|Possibility to Specify Delivery to Regionslistings|Post Private Listinglistings|Posted: [items]listings|Pre-moderation After User Editlistings|Pre-moderation of Listings Commentslistings|Pre-moderation of Listings Publishinglistings|Premium Listingslistings|Pricelistings|Price Fromlistings|Price Range: [span](for the search)listings|Price Titlelistings|Price conversion in the listslistings|Private Listingslistings|Processedlistings|Prolonglistings|Prolong Publishing Linklistings|Promote this Listinglistings|Promotion of the listinglistings|Propertieslistings|Properties (value)listings|Providers: [providers]listings|Publishlistings|Publish againlistings|Publishedlistings|Publishinglistings|Publishing Periodlistings|Publishing Typelistings|Publishing of the listing is available only to logged in userslistings|Publishing of the listing is available to both logged in and logged out userslistings|Quick Searchlistings|RSS Feedlistings|Raise a listing in the list if the specified number of days has passed since the last raise or first publishing, [num] - do not raiselistings|Raising After Refreshlistings|Raising Listings in Search Resultslistings|Raising listing at search resultslistings|Randomlylistings|Reason can't be emptylistings|Rebuild All Listings Linkslistings|Recommendations in the form of contacting the author of the listinglistings|Refers to:listings|Regionslistings|Remove from Favoriteslistings|Removed by userlistings|Removed from Publishedlistings|Removing Unpublished Listingslistings|Renew the publishing of listing tilllistings|Representativelistings|SEOlistings|SMS Notificationslistings|Searchlistings|Search Phraseslistings|Search Resultslistings|Search by Metro Stationlistings|Search listings...listings|Select Payment Methodlistings|Select Servicelistings|Select at least one of the available settingslistings|Select at least one property to copy its settingslistings|Select categorylistings|Selected listings were successfully deletedlistings|Service Expire Datelistings|Service Titlelistings|Service link "[name]"listings|Serviceslistings|Services Managementlistings|Share thislistings|Shop among thousands of offers - it's quick and easy!listings|Show Alllistings|Show more ([num])listings|Show subcategories page instead of listings listlistings|Similar Listingslistings|Sortlistings|Spam Filterlistings|Specify for Each Listinglistings|Specify the main categorylistings|Specify the settings for publishing limits in the section "Listings/Limits" (extension must be installed)listings|Sphinx indexing fails, check servicelistings|Statuslistings|Sticky Side Bannerlistings|Subcategories Pagelistings|Subcategories Titlelistings|Subcategory level in search filterlistings|Subscribe via RSS to "[title]"listings|Suggestlistings|Take Category Filter in Accountlistings|Take region filter in accountlistings|Take search category in accountlistings|Template for description of the listing (list)listings|Template for the list of listingslistings|Template for viewing the listinglistings|Templateslistings|Thank you! It remains only to activate the listing!listings|The ability for logged in users to comment listingslistings|The ability for user to edit a category while editing the listinglistings|The activation link has expired or it is not valid. Please add a new listing.listings|The bulk operation is scheduled and will be completed within a few minutes.listings|The current listing status is incorrect.listings|The history of services activation for the listing #[id]listings|The list of user listings is emptylistings|The listing is posted after moderator verificationlistings|The listing is posted right away, moderation is not required (post-moderation)listings|The main category is incorrectlistings|The main page of the region is identical to the main page of the sitelistings|The number of listings in the list in the form - "N listings"listings|The post could not be renewed because the listing was disapprovedlistings|The publishing for [cnt] has been extended.listings|The publishing period finishedlistings|The service is activated until [date]listings|The specified keyword is already in use, enter another onelistings|The specified user did not create a companylistings|The task is processing and will be completed in a few minutes automaticallylistings|The time of the listing was successfully extendedlistings|The title is too shortlistings|The user is able to specify the period of publishing of the listing when submitting or editing itlistings|The value of the "List of Listings" parameter must contain more than 1 characterlistings|There are no statistics for this listing.listings|There is a forbidden word "[word]" in your descriptionlistings|There is a forbidden word "[word]" in your titlelistings|This listing is under moderation.listings|This operation may take long time, continue?listings|Titlelistings|Title for a group of subcategories in the filterlistings|Title of all categorieslistings|Title of all categories
(reverse order)listings|Title of current categorylistings|Title of current category + categories abovelistings|To Alllistings|To remove a listing, you must remove it from the publishedlistings|Toplistings|Top listingslistings|Total: [total]listings|Tradelistings|Unable to delete category type with listingslistings|Unable to extend the publishing of an unactivated listinglistings|Unable to renew posting because listing is pending reviewlistings|Unactivatedlistings|Unblocklistings|Unpublishlistings|Unpublishedlistings|Update was successful, categories affected:listings|Urgent Listingslistings|Urgentlylistings|Uselistings|Use [prefix] keyword in listing linklistings|Use category name in listing linklistings|Use region name in listing linklistings|Use the delimiter | to select segments of text with optional parameters, so they will be deleted from the final text if the parameter values were not filled in by the user.listings|Use vertical filter in listslistings|Usedlistings|User Agreement When Submitting a Listinglistings|User ID / Emaillistings|User Listingslistings|User Namelistings|User account blockedlistings|User account has been blockedlistings|User inactivity period. We mark the listings removed from the published as deleted for inactive user accounts.listings|Value of parameter "List of Listings" contains invalid characterslistings|Vertical Filterlistings|Videolistings|Video Linklistings|View Claimlistings|View Listinglistings|View Send to Friendlistings|Views Statisticslistings|Virtual Categorylistings|Visibility of the promotion buttonlistings|Waiting for moderarionlistings|Waiting for verification (has been blocked)listings|Watermarklistings|What are premium listings?listings|Without Specifyinglistings|Writelistings|Write vendorlistings|Wrong field default valuelistings|You are not the owner of this listing.listings|You can add to favorites on listing page or in listings listlistings|You can see all your favorite listings herelistings|You have already posted a similar listing. Use the function of raising the listinglistings|You have already published a similar listing. Use the listing Raiselistings|You have reached the limit of the number of listings in your favoriteslistings|You have successfully activated the listing!listings|You have successfully activated the service for the listing:
[title]listings|You have successfully created the listing!listings|You have successfully edited the listing!listings|You have successfully published the listing!listings|You have successfully removed the listing from the published!listings|You need to publish a listing for further promotion.listings|Your account is blocked. For detailed information, please contact support.listings|Your listinglistings|Your listing was assigned to this category. You cannot change it.listings|Youtube, Vimeolistings|[photos] morelistings|[title] for [price]listings|category;categories;categorieslistings|change the reasonlistings|dayslistings|display listings based on current search categorylistings|display listings based on the current regionlistings|e.g. 10listings|e.g. 10 listingslistings|edited by the userlistings|edited by the user after the locklistings|favoriteslistings|freelistings|fromlistings|importedlistings|listing;listings;listingslistings|listings;listings;listingslistings|make price conversion for listings in the lists into the currency indicated in the categorylistings|maximum number of photos in the listinglistings|new listinglistings|no categorieslistings|numberlistings|photolistings|prolonglistings|there are no types in the specified categorylistings|to vendorlistings|toplistings|until [date]listings|urgentlistings|vendorlistings|yeslocale|Failed to put LOCK on record for file "[file]"locale|Generallocale|Unable to open file for writing: "[file]"menu|All Transactionsmenu|Bannersmenu|CSS Classmenu|CSS Class or URLmenu|Contactsmenu|Documentationmenu|Iconmenu|In a New Windowmenu|In the Current Windowmenu|Linkmenu|Listingsmenu|Messagesmenu|Openmenu|Pagesmenu|Settingsmenu|Styleminute;minutes;minutesminutesmobilemonthmonth;months;monthsmore detailsnowoptions|Addoptions|Add Groupoptions|Adding Groupoptions|Adding Optionoptions|Binary - 1,2,4,8options|Editing Groupoptions|Editing Optionoptions|IDoptions|Increment Typeoptions|Listings Settingsoptions|Optionsoptions|Sequential - 1,2,3,4options|Settingsoptions|Typeoptions|binaryoptions|consistentper pagepgn| - page [page]pgn|Nextpgn|Previouspgn|[cnt] per pagepgn|frompgn|rowspgn|show allphoto;photos;photospublicator|Add Photopublicator|Add Textpublicator|Addresspublicator|All Imagespublicator|Built-in Linkpublicator|Built-in Link Textpublicator|Confirm delete?publicator|Content Languagepublicator|Donepublicator|Enter a link to the videopublicator|Enter title textpublicator|Findpublicator|Incorrect link formatpublicator|Initialization errorpublicator|Photopublicator|Photo+publicator|Subtitlepublicator|Supported: YouTube, Vimeo, Vkontaktepublicator|Textpublicator|Titlepublicator|Videopublicator|Without descriptionpublicator|delete photopublicator|h2-h6publicator|mappublicator|quotepublicator|text+mdpxsearch|By relevancesearch|From cheap to expensivesearch|From expensive to cheapsearch|Gallerysearch|Listsearch|Listingssearch|Listings {region.in}search|Newestsearch|On Mapsearch|Posted: [date]search|Search Listingssearch|Search results for query "[query]"search|Updated: [date]search|less mapsearch|more mapsecond;seconds;secondssendmail|- No Template -sendmail|Add Templatesendmail|Adding Templatesendmail|Admin Emailsendmail|Alwayssendmail|An error occurred while sending the email notification. [more]sendmail|Available Notificationssendmail|Average time of sending the letter:sendmail|Bulk Mailingsendmail|Channelsendmail|Checking the Connectionsendmail|Completedsendmail|Contact Emailsendmail|Cron task scheduledsendmail|Dispatch timesendmail|Edit Templatesendmail|Emailsendmail|Email Templatessendmail|Enabledsendmail|Enter message textsendmail|Error initializing the mailingsendmail|Error while re-saving emails templates [template]sendmail|Finish mailingsendmail|For example, one of the following services: [Google], [Yandex], [Mail.ru]sendmail|For example:sendmail|Fromsendmail|Full Namesendmail|Hostsendmail|Install one of the extension for sending sms messagessendmail|Mailsendmail|Mail / Mailing Listsendmail|Mail / Start bulk sendsendmail|Mail Templatessendmail|Mail: mass mailingsendmail|Mailing Informationsendmail|Mailing Listsendmail|Mailing Test Resultsendmail|Mark the location of the notification text in the template using the macros "[message]"sendmail|Messagesendmail|Message textsendmail|Message text contains HTML tags:sendmail|Namesendmail|Nosendmail|Noreply Emailsendmail|Not availablesendmail|Not sentsendmail|Notification sent in mass mailingsendmail|Notificationssendmail|Notifications / Editsendmail|Notifications Editsendmail|Notifications Listsendmail|Othersendmail|Outputting Data Macrossessendmail|Passwordsendmail|Pausedsendmail|Please specify recipientssendmail|Please specify recipients for testing:sendmail|Please specify subjectsendmail|Portsendmail|Processingsendmail|Re-save Email Templatessendmail|Receivers Totalsendmail|Recipient Namesendmail|Recipientssendmail|SMSsendmail|SMTPsendmail|SSLsendmail|Save and Checksendmail|Scheduledsendmail|Securesendmail|Sender name specified when sending notifications, usually this is the title of the websitesendmail|Sending Methodsendmail|Sendmailsendmail|Sentsendmail|Specify sender emailsendmail|Standard (PHP Mail)sendmail|Startsendmail|Start New Mailingsendmail|Start mailingsendmail|Statussendmail|Subjectsendmail|Subscriptionsendmail|TLSsendmail|Templatesendmail|Template Textsendmail|Templatessendmail|Test Mailingsendmail|Test in Cron Manager Environmentsendmail|Textsendmail|Text contains HTML tagssendmail|The email notification was sent successfully.sendmail|Titlesendmail|To the List of Notificationssendmail|Total time of sending:sendmail|Unsubscribe (URL)sendmail|Usersendmail|Website Domainsendmail|Website Namesendmail|[s] sec.sendmail|[s] sec. - averagesendmail|[time] sec.sendmail|autosendmail|incompletesendmail|manualseo|Add Landing Pageseo|Add Redirectseo|All the empty list pages are tagged with no-index tagseo|All the list pages are tagged with index tagseo|Also, you can use original page macrosesseo|Articleseo|Attached Landing Pageseo|Basic Settingsseo|Bookseo|Breadcrumbseo|Canonical Pages Indexingseo|Check the server settings, at the current settings php does not process calls to the [robots] file by search robots. [a] Details [/a] [more] If the following line is in the Nginx settings: [code1] Note it on the following: [code2] [/more]seo|Check the settings of the files cached by the web server; at the current settings, PHP does not process calls to the Sitemap.xml file by search robots.seo|Content Imagesseo|Default Imagesseo|Default Settingsseo|Descriptionseo|Description Length Limitseo|Destination URLseo|Enabledseo|Facebook App IDseo|Failed to check access to file [file], access to the site is limited by password.seo|Failed to delete file [file]seo|Failed to delete file [name]seo|File Linkseo|File [file] updates everyday automatically.seo|File [name] was deletedseo|For all list pages, regardless of the results, an index tag is set.seo|For all pagesseo|For all pages of the list, starting with the second, the no-index tag will be setseo|For all pages starting from the second canonical page, a list page with page number will be indicatedseo|For all pages starting from the second canonical, the first page of the list will be indicatedseo|For pages with the ability to translateseo|Force Updateseo|Fromseo|General Templateseo|General template is emptyseo|Imagesseo|Incorrect landing URLseo|Indexing Empty Listsseo|Keywordsseo|Keywords Length Limitseo|Landing Pagesseo|Landing URLseo|Landing and original URL should not be the sameseo|Landing page with the specified URL already existsseo|Landing pages function disabledseo|Last Update: [date]seo|List pageseo|Macrosesseo|Meta Descriptionseo|Meta Keywordsseo|Meta Titleseo|Minimum size: 200px x 200px, ideal ratio 1.91:1, 8MB max. (eg. 1640px x 856px or 3280px x 1712px for retina screens)seo|Multilingual Sitemap.xmlseo|Music: Albumseo|Music: Playlistseo|Music: Radio Stationseo|Music: Songseo|Original URLseo|Original and destination URLs can not be the sameseo|Page template
"[title]"seo|Pagination Indexingseo|Profileseo|Redirectsseo|Redirects function disabledseo|SEMseo|SEOseo|SEO / Landing Pagesseo|SEO / Landing Pages / seo|SEO / Landing pages / Addingseo|SEO / Redirectsseo|SEO / Redirects / seo|SEO / Redirects / Addseo|SEO / [group]seo|SEO Textseo|Settingsseo|Site Nameseo|Statusseo|The file will be updated in a few minutesseo|The original URL is incorrectseo|The specified landing URL is already in useseo|Titleseo|Title / Redirect URLseo|Title / URL / Landing Page IDseo|Title H1seo|Title Length Limitseo|Toseo|To be able to manage these settings, you need to delete the source file [file] [delete_link]seo|Twitter Titleseo|Typeseo|Uploaded Imagesseo|Use General Templateseo|Use localization / region and similar settings from the main URL, for example [example]seo|Use query parameters from the main URL, for example [example]seo|Video URLseo|Video: Episodeseo|Video: Movieseo|Video: Otherseo|Video: TV Showseo|Websiteseo|Website Name - [site.title]seo|[status] - a redirect forever, showing the robot and the visitor that the requested page no longer exists, but there is a similar page where the redirection takes placeseo|[status] - temporary redirection, meaning that the existing redirect is only for a while, for example, until the redesign of the site is completeseo|anchored pageseo|macrossigns;signs;signssitemap|Clear Cachesitemap|Delete all menu sectionssitemap|Enter Keywordsitemap|Enter correct linksitemap|In a New Windowsitemap|In the Current Windowsitemap|Macroses for Linksitemap|Menu Items Listsitemap|Menu Items Managementsitemap|Root Sectionsitemap|Sitemapsitemap|This keyword can not be used, please specify anothersite|16x16 or 32x32 or 196x196site|Add Countersite|Add Currencysite|Add Itemsite|Add Pagesite|Adding Pagesite|Additional Text In the Footersite|Admin Panelsite|After the opening site|Allow collection and subsequent analysis [a]of system performance statistics[/a]site|Allowed characters: [symbols]site|Appearancesite|Appearance / Settingssite|Apple Touch Iconsite|Auto-detectionsite|Auto-update was: [date]site|Autodetect localization when the user first visits the sitesite|Automatic exchange rate update is enabled, source - [provider]site|Available formats: [formats]site|Away Pagesite|Background Shadow Colorsite|Background Shadow Opacitysite|Banner [num]site|Before the closing site|Buttonsite|Button Colorsite|Cache will be cleared in a few minutessite|Case Sensitivesite|Categoriessite|Categorysite|Character Codesite|Check Againsite|Check mail deliverability when testing the system statesite|Choose Pagesite|Clearsite|Codesite|Contact ussite|Contentsite|Content Pagessite|Copyrightsite|Counterssite|Counters and Codessite|Currenciessite|Currencies / Adding Currencysite|Currencies / Editing Currencysite|Currencies / Listsite|Date Formatsite|Defaultsite|Default Map Pointsite|Default Project Currencysite|Directory for minified js/csssite|Displaysite|Download Reportsite|Edit countersite|Edit itemsite|Editing Pagesite|Enabledsite|Enter file namesite|Error loading currency exchange rates by provider: [provider]site|Errors in project settings and environment not foundsite|Exchange Rates Refreshsite|Exchange rate sourcesite|Existingsite|Extensionssite|Faviconsite|File Namesite|File does not existssite|File is emptysite|Filessite|Follow the link right awaysite|Footer Menusite|Form Titlesite|Generalsite|General Pagessite|Greetingsite|H1 Titlesite|HTTP Redirectsite|HTTPS Modesite|Header colorsite|Hide from Indexingsite|Home Pagesite|Home Page (region)site|Iconsite|If you change the type of URL formation, links to existing listings and other sections will be changed.site|Imagesite|Image (mobile)site|In the blocksite|In the Admin Panelsite|Items Listsite|Languagesite|Language auto-detectionsite|Linksite|Link to a Text Pagesite|Listsite|Listssite|Localizationsite|Logo #1site|Logo #2site|Logo #3site|Macroses for Linksite|Mail Deliverability Checksite|Main Menusite|Menusite|Menu Items List Viewsite|Menu Items Managementsite|Menu Managementsite|Name (short form)site|Name (with declension)site|New Menusite|Number of subcategoriessite|Numeric Codesite|On the Sitesite|PHP Settingssite|Pagesite|Page Positionsite|Page Textsite|Page Titlesite|Page footersite|Pagessite|Pages / Pages Listsite|Pages Linkssite|Pages Listsite|Pages List Viewsite|Pages Managementsite|Payed Services Pagesite|Phrasesite|Phrases rescannedsite|Prefixsite|Prevsite|Previous links will still work, but with redirection.site|Projectsite|Project On/Offsite|Project Shutdownsite|Promosite|Ratesite|Reason While Project is Offlinesite|Recommended size: [size]site|Redirect from the HTTP version of the site to HTTPSsite|Refreshsite|Regionsite|Regionssite|Regions Mapsite|Rescan Phrasessite|Resetsite|Search Filtersite|Selectsite|Select Pagesite|Servicessite|Settingssite|Site Cachesite|Site Titlesite|Sitemapsite|Systemsite|System Pagesite|System Settingssite|System Statussite|System operation statisticssite|The default currency was turned off by you, change the default currency in settingssite|The letter code is already in usesite|The map is not yet available for this region.site|The numeric code is already in usesite|This file name is already in use. Please specify another.site|This function is disabled in the System Settings and is not displayed to site users.site|Tilesite|Time Zonesite|Titlesite|To enable, you need to install the extension of exchange ratessite|To work with the site in this mode, follow this link.site|Translation Phrasessite|Typesite|Type phrase to search for translationsite|Unsubscribe Pagesite|Untranslatedsite|Update listing prices for searchsite|Updatessite|Url can't be emptysite|Valid symbols: [symbols]site|Viewsite|You will be redirected through an external link in [sec] seconds.site|Your optionsite|[context], [extension]site|adminpanel logosite|block settingssite|currency namesite|current year ([year])site|deletesite|don't refreshsite|header logo: [sizes]site|logo at auth/register pages etc.site|plugin [name]site|refreshsite|temporary files directorysite|temporary files directory during uploadsite|the exchange rate update will be done automatically once a daysite|the source will be selected automatically based on the default currency of the sitesite|theme [name]site|with the exchange rate updates, the prices of the listings used in the search by price will also be recalculated. The price specified by the user will remain unchangedsphinx|Added [cnt]sphinx|Adding Multiple Word Formssphinx|Adding Word Formsphinx|Changes to this list will begin to affect search results within 24 hours.sphinx|Editing Word Formsphinx|Enter synonymsphinx|Enter the original wordsphinx|Error connecting to SphinxQL database: [host], [msg]sphinx|For this function to work, you need to connect the Sphinx search engine.sphinx|Indicate on each new line a synonym and an original word, separating them with the "[separator]" sign, for example: colour [separator] colorsphinx|Multiple Word Formssphinx|One Word Formsphinx|Originalsphinx|Specify a list of word formssphinx|Status: [status]sphinx|Synonymsphinx|The original word contains a forbidden symbol: [symbol]sphinx|The original word is too shortsphinx|The specified words cannot be identicalsphinx|The synonym and original are separated by [separator]sphinx|The word synonym contains a forbidden symbol: [symbol]sphinx|The word synonym is too shortsphinx|The wordform [word] is already in usesphinx|Word Formsphinx|indexing fails, check servicesphinx|search and indexing workssphinx|wordform;wordforms;wordformssvc|Add [a]payment method[/a].svc|Adding a Servicesvc|Costsvc|Detailed Descriptionsvc|Enabledsvc|Go to My Profilesvc|How to sell faster?svc|Icon (large)svc|Icon (small)svc|Keywordsvc|Modulesvc|Promote existing listingsvc|Publish and promote new listingsvc|Publish listingsvc|Servicesvc|Service "[title]"svc|Service Editingsvc|Service Packagessvc|Service activation errorsvc|Service package "[title]"svc|Servicessvc|Short Descriptionsvc|Specify the costsvc|Specify the name of the servicesvc|Titlesvc|To increase the number of responses to your listing, make it more visible using our servicessvc|Top Up amount is incorrectsvc|Top Up error, contact the administrationsvc|Typesymbol;symbols;symbolssystem|Access Deniedsystem|Check the availability of the following functions: [list]system|Check your MySQL settings, setting "sql_mode" has an invalid value [val], instead of the required "" (empty string).system|Could not open file "[file]" for writingsystem|Cron-manager cannot access the file [file], check the owner and permissions.system|Default (MySQL)system|Different PHP versions are used for the project and the cron-manager: [fpm] and [cli]. Change the server settings so that the version is the same.system|Disable debug mode to improve site speed.system|Enable [a]HTTPS Mode[/a]system|Enable the required PHP "short_open_tag" setting by changing the value of "Off" to "On". [nl]Configuration files: [list]system|Error Cron task for Sphinx file rotation. File exist: [main]system|Error connecting to the database [host] - [error]system|Error connecting to the database [host] - [error][nl]Check the settings specified in the /config/sys.php filesystem|Error creating directory [path]system|Error creating file [file], check owner and permissions.system|Error creating file [path]system|Error deleting directory [path]system|Error deleting file [file], check owner and permissions.system|Error deleting file [path]system|Error sending email message.system|Error sending email messages. Check [a]mail settings[/a].system|Error uploading filesystem|Failed to determine MySQL versionsystem|Failed to get schema for this table "[table]"system|Files access errors: [nl][list]system|For security reasons, it is recommended to add the following functions to the PHP "disable_functions" settings: [func]. [nl]Configuration files: [list]system|For security reasons, it is recommended to disable the PHP "allow_url_include" setting by changing its value to "Off". [nl]Configuration files: [list]system|If the level of the node is an odd number then the left key is ALWAYS an even number, the same for even nodessystem|Incorrect URLsystem|Install the necessary libraries using Composer; to do this, run the following console command in the root directory of the project: composer installsystem|It is necessary to run verification from web-scriptsystem|Keys are ALWAYS unique, regardless of whether it is right or leftsystem|Launch of the cron-manager is too frequent, make sure that the cron task is running only once a minutesystem|Minimum MariaDB version required: [min]+ Current version: [ver] ([comment])system|Minimum MySQL version required: 5.7+ Current version: [ver] ([comment])system|Missing required parameter "[param]" in validation rule "[rule]"system|No values specified for SQL IN comparisonsystem|Operation completed successfullysystem|PHP version [version] and higher is recommendedsystem|Please specify the full url ([example]) to configure "site.static" setting in the /config/sys.php filesystem|Refresh the page and try againsystem|Resultsystem|Rulesystem|Scheduled scan task in CLI mode.system|Specify the path to the writable directorysystem|Starting the cron-manager is incorrect and may lead to file access errors, make sure that the cron task and web-script are executed from the same usersystem|Testing in progress. Do not close the page until completion (up to 3 minutes).system|The cron-manager is not configured to start, make sure that the following entry is specified in the cron settings on the server: [command]system|The difference between right and left key is ALWAYS an odd numbersystem|The following required PHP extensions need to be installed: [list]system|The largest right key is ALWAYS twice the number of nodessystem|The left key is ALWAYS smaller than the rightsystem|The maximal right key [key] != [id]system|The minimal left key [key] != [id]system|The smallest left key is ALWAYS 1system|The task of recalculating the status of events in the CLI mode is planned.system|This operation is not available in demo modesystem|This type of database is not supportedsystem|Unable to perform operationsystem|Unknown errorsystem|Waiting for verification from cron-managersystem|Waiting for verification from web-scriptsystem|We recommend using the ionCube loader extension version 10.2.0 and highersystem|Wrong parameter "[param]" in validation rule "[rule]"system|error: [message]tags|Add Tagtags|Adding New Tagtags|Alltags|Approvetags|Approved: [cnt]tags|Deletetags|Deleted: [cnt]tags|Edit Tagtags|Enter tag name...tags|List of Tagstags|Moderationtags|Name can't be emptytags|Replace Withtags|Tag Nametags|Tag replacedtags|Type Nametags|Unmoderatedtheme.platform|Active filter colortheme.platform|Body Text Fonttheme.platform|Color of action "Buttons"theme.platform|Color of the "Add listing" buttontheme.platform|Heading fonttheme.platform|Icons Color (SVG)theme.platform|Links Colortheme.platform|Main Colortheme.platform|Secondary Colortheme.platform|Text Colortill [date]totodayunactivatedunlockuploader|Could not rotate original image "[filename]"uploader|Error saving attachment data to table "[table]"uploader|Error saving image data to table "[table]"uploader|Failed to copy image "[filename]"uploader|Failed to save image "[filename]"uploader|Failed to save the file to a temporary folderuploader|Failed to save the original image "[path]"uploader|No downloadExternal methoduploader|Required image sizes are not specifieduploader|The image is larger than the allowable height [height]pxuploader|The image is larger than the allowable width [width]pxuploader|The image is less than the allowable height [height]pxuploader|The image is less than the allowable width [width]pxuploader|The original image "[filename]" was not founduploader|The prefix of the original size is incorrect (recropImages)uploader|Unable to download file by url: [url]uploader|Unable to download the fileuploader|Unable to get image file size data by url: [url]uploader|Wrong image file extension (allowed: [extensions]) by url: [url]upload|Error uploading fileupload|Error uploading file, contact administratorupload|File exceeds the maximum size allowedupload|File with this name has already been uploadedupload|Incorrect file nameupload|Incorrect file sizeupload|Prohibited file typeupload|The image is too large in width / heightusers|- reset sessions of administratorsusers|1 dayusers|1 hourusers|1 monthusers|2 weeksusers|30 minutesusers|6 hoursusers|7 daysusers|bold - white listusers|A user with this email address is already registeredusers|A user with this email address is already registered.users|A user with this email address is already registered. Forgot password?users|A user with this phone number is already registeredusers|A user with this phone number is already registered. Forgot password?users|A user with this phone number is already registered. Forgot your password?users|About myselfusers|Accessusers|Access Blocking Reasonusers|Access To the Admin Panelusers|Access by IP-addressesusers|Access denied due to: [reason]users|Access is blocked due to:
[reason]users|Accountusers|Account Activation Linkusers|Account activationusers|Account blocked due to: [reason]users|Account suspended: %susers|Account was activated successfullyusers|Activatedusers|Activation Linkusers|Activation code: [code]users|Active Groupsusers|Add Moderatorusers|Add Phoneusers|Add Photousers|Add Userusers|Add moreusers|Add to Whitelistusers|Add userusers|Admins Listusers|Admins Managementusers|All administrator sessions have been droppedusers|Alpha-Numericusers|An SMS with the password has been sent to your [phone]. It usually takes 1-2 minutes.users|An SMS with the password was sent to the [phone] number.users|An activation code has been sent to the phone number [phone].users|An authorization error occurred, try to refresh the page and Log In againusers|An email has been sent to [email]. Follow the instructions in the email to confirm your email address.users|An email has been sent to the specified address.users|An email has been sent to your email. Follow the instructions in the email.users|An error has occurred. Go to the settings and try again.users|Are you already registered?users|Ask for Email and Passwordusers|Ask for phone number only, password will be sended by SMSusers|Ask for phone, email and passwordusers|At this registration will be completed.users|Authorization Linkusers|Availableusers|Avatarusers|Avatar Height (maximum)users|Avatar Height (minimum)users|Avatar Width (maximum)users|Avatar Width (minimum)users|Balanceusers|Before Dateusers|Before Date...users|Blockusers|Block Accessusers|Blockedusers|Blocked Usersusers|Blockingusers|Blocking Durationusers|Blocking Reasonusers|Cancelusers|Cancel Subscriptionusers|Canceling changes will not be possible, continue?users|Captcha at Sign Upusers|Changeusers|Change Email Addressusers|Change Passwordusers|Change emailusers|Change numberusers|Change phone numberusers|Characters numberusers|Chatusers|Checkusers|Cityusers|Code Length to Checkusers|Code from SMSusers|Colorusers|Company Listingsusers|Complete Removalusers|Complete registrationusers|Confirmusers|Confirm email or phone number when registering via social networkusers|Contact Informationusers|Contact Personusers|Contact Phonesusers|Contactsusers|Contacts For Connecting Users With Youusers|Continueusers|Convertusers|Could not determine the IP address of the specified hostusers|Create Groupusers|Current Emailusers|Current Passwordusers|Current password is incorrectusers|Date of birthusers|Default Captcha Providerusers|Deleteusers|Delete Accountusers|Delete Selectedusers|Delete Userusers|Delete User Accountusers|Delete current avatar?users|Delete empty accountsusers|Delete phone?users|Delete user account?users|Descriptionusers|Did not get the email? Send Againusers|Did not receive a verification code? Perhaps your number was written with an error.users|Digitalusers|Disallow usage of temporary email addresses (dropmail.me, trbvm.com, 10mail.org, yomail.info, ...)users|Displayusers|Display phone number specified during registration in profile contacts (first)users|Display user online statususers|Editusers|Edit Email Addressusers|Emailusers|Email addressusers|Email address confirmationusers|Email address must not be the same as the current oneusers|Email already existsusers|Email template generated users:
[name_macros] - username, [host_macros] - project domainusers|Email template sent to the user after successful registration with confirmation of the phone numberusers|Email was successfully changedusers|Email* Onlyusers|Enter Emailusers|Enter IP-addressusers|Enter a correct loginusers|Enter current passwordusers|Enter each IP address or host name on a new line. To specify the range of IP addresses, separate its beginning and end with a hyphen (-), or use an asterisk (*) as a wildcard character.
IP-address will be checked:users|Enter each address on a new line. Use the asterisk (*) as a wildcard character to block a group of the same address. For example, *@gmail.com, *@*.example.com, etc.
E-mail will be checked:users|Enter emailusers|Enter loginusers|Enter new passwordusers|Enter new password againusers|Enter passwordusers|Enter the code from SMSusers|Enter the email that you indicated during registration.users|Enter the phone number or email that you indicated during registration.users|Enter your emailusers|Enter your email or phone numberusers|Enter your email to complete the registrationusers|Enter your nameusers|Enter your name to finish registrationusers|Enter your passwordusers|Enter your phone numberusers|Enter your phone or emailusers|Errorusers|Error saving information about the user #[id]users|Exact Addressusers|Examples: [colors]users|Favoritesusers|Femaleusers|For the first time on our site?users|Forgot password?users|Full Nameusers|Generatedusers|Generated Emailsusers|Generated Userusers|Gift for registrationusers|Gift on Balanceusers|Group IDusers|Group Membershipusers|Group Nameusers|Group [group] has full access.users|Group [group] has no access to the admin panel. No need to setup permissions.users|Group accessusers|Group access: [group]users|Groupsusers|Guestusers|Header Actions Menuusers|Hello, [name]!users|Hideusers|I agree with the User Agreement, as well as the transfer and processing my data.users|ID / Login / Emailusers|IP-addresses or Hostsusers|Icon classusers|If you clicked on the “unsubscribe from the newsletter” link by mistake, click on the button below.users|Incorrect date of birthusers|Incorrect emailusers|Incorrect email addressusers|Incorrect email or passwordusers|Incorrect email or phone numberusers|Incorrect loginusers|Incorrect login or passwordusers|Incorrect password confirmationusers|Incorrect phone numberusers|Incorrect verification codeusers|Indefinitelyusers|Individualusers|Instructions to change the password were sent to your email.users|Keywordusers|Last Nameusers|Letters, numbers, dashusers|Link Profilesusers|Listingsusers|Log Inusers|Log In to the siteusers|Log Outusers|Loginusers|Login already existsusers|Maleusers|Mass users blockusers|Maximum Phone Numbers Availableusers|Maximum Sizeusers|Maximum number of additional phone numbers in the user's profile, [num] - disabledusers|Message is too shortusers|Message sentusers|Messagesusers|Mode not specified.users|Moderators Listusers|Moduleusers|My Accountusers|Nameusers|Newusers|New Comments on Listingsusers|New Emailusers|New Messagesusers|New Passwordusers|New password is too shortusers|New password must not be shorter than [symbols] charactersusers|New password must not be the same as the current oneusers|New phone numberusers|Newsletter from [site_title]users|Nousers|No IP address or hostname specifiedusers|No valid email addresses found.users|Not specifiedusers|Notification Settingsusers|Notification sent to the user after registration, with instructions to activate the accountusers|Notification sent to the user in case of account blockingusers|Notification sent to the user in case of automatic registration.
Activating the listing / clicking on the link "continue chat"users|Notification sent to the user in case of unlocking the accountusers|Notification sent to the user in the case of a password recovery requestusers|Notification sent to the user when changing the email addressusers|Now you can go to the homepage or go to your profile settingsusers|Number of SMS Resendsusers|Number of waiting minutes while reaching maximum resends triesusers|Numbersusers|Online Statususers|Online Status Timeoutusers|Online nowusers|Only the following file types are allowed: {extensions}users|Ownerusers|Owner was deletedusers|Passwordusers|Password Recovery Linkusers|Password confirmationusers|Password confirmation failedusers|Password from SMSusers|Password recoveryusers|Password was resendedusers|Password was sended to you phone numberusers|Password was successfully changedusers|Password: [password]users|Periodusers|Phoneusers|Phone Confirmationusers|Phone Numberusers|Phone Number Filterusers|Phone Number In the Profileusers|Phone number confirmationusers|Phone number has been changed successfully.users|Phone or emailusers|Phone* + Emailusers|Phone* + Email*users|Phonesusers|Please click on the link in the email to confirm your email address.users|Please confirm that you agree with the user agreementusers|Private Listingsusers|Profileusers|Profile Settingsusers|Profile nameusers|Reason Shown To the Userusers|Recommended size [size].users|Reduce links in SMS text, for example - [url]users|Registrationusers|Registration Formusers|Registration Wayusers|Registration completedusers|Registration error, contact the administratorusers|Registration is almost completeusers|Registration via social networkusers|Registration:users|Remember meusers|Repeat Newusers|Repeat Passwordusers|Restore passwordusers|Result from the imageusers|SMS Providerusers|SMS Retry Timeoutusers|SMS URLs Shortcutsusers|SMS notifications are sent only for listings with the active "Premium" serviceusers|Saveusers|Search owner...users|Select usersusers|Sendusers|Send Messageusers|Send an email with an activation link or SMS when sing up via social networkusers|Send codeusers|Send code againusers|Send new passwordusers|Send new verification codeusers|Sexusers|Show the repeat password field in the registration formusers|Sign Inusers|Sign In using email or social networkusers|Sign In with social networksusers|Sign Upusers|Social Networksusers|Something went wrong. Perhaps the link you followed is incorrect.users|Sorry if you had time to get bored.users|Specified password is too shortusers|Specify Keywordusers|Specify the list of allowed country codes separated by commas, for example +380, +7, ...users|Subscribe to newslettersusers|Subscribedusers|System Groupusers|Temporary Emailsusers|Thank you!users|The account was deletedusers|The account will be deleted within 24 hours.users|The activation key has expired.users|The amount credited to the user's balance when registeredusers|The bulk operation is scheduled and will be completed within a few minutes.users|The date must be in the format DD-MM-YYYY.users|The file {file} has an incorrect sizeusers|The file {file} is too large, the maximum size allowed is {sizeLimit}users|The image is uploading, if you leave this page, the upload will be terminatedusers|The keyword must be uniqueusers|The link has expired. Please go to settings and try again.users|The message was sent successfullyusers|The message was successfully sent againusers|The password recovery link has expired or the link is invalid, retry.users|The phone number specified during registration is not displayed in the user's profileusers|The requested users do not exist.users|The user can use the function to completely delete his account in the profile settingsusers|The user deleted his account and was marked as blocked, the source email is [email], the login is [login]users|The user has the option to delete their account in the profile settings. In this case, the user’s account will be marked as blocked.users|The user must mark the "User Agreement" in the registration form, as well as in other forms performing user registrationusers|The user with this email is already registered. Already have a profile at [site_name]?users|The verification code was sent to the number you specifiedusers|The verification code was sent to the specified phone numberusers|The verification code was successfully sent againusers|This account has been blocked due to: [reason]users|This account is already activatedusers|This account is not activated, please follow the link sent to your email.
Retrieve emailusers|This account is not activated. Activateusers|This email was not found in the databaseusers|This phone number was not found in the databaseusers|To access your profile you need to Log Inusers|To be able to receive messages to this email in the future, follow the link from the letter.users|To speed up the authorization process, you can use your accounts in social networksusers|Typeusers|Unable to activate a suspended accountusers|Unactivatedusers|Unavailableusers|Unblockusers|Upload Photousers|Use the {value} macros for the value specified by userusers|Userusers|User Accountusers|User Agreementusers|User Editingusers|User Emailusers|User Groups Listusers|User Groups Managementusers|User Informationusers|User Listusers|User Nameusers|User Profileusers|User Profile Pageusers|User Profile [name]users|User Sessionsusers|User account was blocked due to:
[reason]users|User account will be activated immediately, confirmation of email address or phone is not requiredusers|User account will be deleted within 24 hoursusers|User activity timeout in minutes.
If the user is not active for more than the specified time, then he is considered offline.users|User blocked due to: [reason]users|User with specified phone number was already registeredusers|Username not defined.users|Usersusers|Users / Block accessusers|Users / Blockedusers|Users / Group Accessusers|Users / Group Addingusers|Users / Group Editingusers|Users / Groupsusers|Users / Password Recoveryusers|Users / Sign Inusers|Users / Sign Upusers|Users Blockingusers|Users Groupsusers|Users Listusers|Users Managementusers|Users cannot reply to his messagesusers|Users: Account blocking notificationusers|Users: Account unlock notificationusers|Users: Change Email Addressusers|Users: Notification of successful automatic registrationusers|Users: Password recoveryusers|Users: Registration notificationusers|Users: Registration notification (with phone number input)users|Verification Codeusers|Verify Emailusers|Via social networksusers|Viewusers|View Contactsusers|View messagesusers|Visited:users|Wasusers|Was online [date]users|We promise not to spam and write only on business!users|Website Linkusers|Without checkingusers|Yesusers|Yes (full access)users|You are almost registeredusers|You can delete your account if you no longer plan to use the siteusers|You cannot close access to yourself.users|You have successfully registered!users|You have successfully subscribedusers|You have successfully unsubscribedusers|You need to Sign In to view messages.users|Your Profileusers|Your emailusers|Your password has been changed successfully.users|Your phone numberusers|Your profile will be deleted within 24 hoursusers|[type] Notifications and Subscriptionusers|[users] blockedusers|[users] convertedusers|[users] selected for deletionusers|[users] unblockedusers|accessusers|admin blockingusers|and Go Backusers|before [date]users|confirmedusers|convertusers|delete allusers|delete current avatarusers|during user authorizationusers|during user registrationusers|email addressesusers|for userusers|group accessusers|lastusers|minutesusers|no usersusers|previoususers|registered [date]users|specify group membershipusers|symbolsusers|user;users;usersusers|when administrators are logged in to admin paneluser|Online Blockuser|User profile avatar blockuser|User profile contactsview|Addressview|Advertiseview|Back to My Listingsview|Changeview|Closeview|Companyview|Contact viewsview|Contactsview|Deactivateview|Deleteview|Do you want more people to see your listing?view|Individualview|It will be published after verificationview|It will be published again after verificationview|Jan,Feb,Mar,Apr,May,Jun,Jul,Aug,Sep,Oct,Nov,Decview|January,February,March,April,May,June,July,August,September,October,November,Decemberview|Listing blockedview|Listings viewsview|Message to vendorview|Message;Messages;Messagesview|Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Saturday,Sundayview|Number of Viewsview|On Mapview|On the site since [date]view|Phoneview|Profile Created [date]view|Promote listingview|Publishview|Reason for blocking:
[reason]view|Showview|Statistics of views for the monthview|The listing is not yet activated by the userview|The listing was removed or blocked by the moderatorview|This listing is under moderationview|Totalview|Total Views: [views]view|View Listingview|View Сontactsview|Views today: [views]view|Writeview|Write vendorview|[title] [city] - photo [num]view|[views_today] todayview|[views_total],view|area [district]view|contacts viewsview|listing viewsview|metro [station]view|on the mapview|view;views;viewsview|№[id]view|№[id] [sp]Created: [date][/sp]week;weeks;weeksyearyear;years;yearsyesterdayHeading Font