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We will try to answer it as soon as possible.contacts|Your namecontext|Date: [date]dayday;days;daysdesktopdev|A module with the same name already existsdev|Admin Panel Interfacedev|An error occurred while preparing the update file: # [step]dev|Cannot display the contents of this filedev|Check if the task manager is running (cron-manager)dev|Column:dev|Could not determine extension typedev|Data retrieval error, contact development departmentdev|Does not existdev|Error during database migrationdev|Error during rollbackdev|Error loading update file ([step])dev|Error renaming directory "[path]"dev|Error renaming file "[path]"dev|Error updating filesdev|Error uploading filedev|Error working with update configuration file: # [step]dev|Extension copy error ([code])dev|Failed migrations: [version]dev|Failed to backup file: [path]dev|Failed to delete status file: [path]dev|Failed to download update file.dev|Failed to initiate update download processdev|Failed to load update status file: [path]dev|Failed to migratedev|Failed to restore file: [file]dev|Failed to save current update status ([stage])dev|Failed to save status file ([stage])dev|Failed to update file: [path]dev|File processing is complete.dev|File structure errordev|File uploaded: [date]dev|GetLocaleTables method not founddev|Incorrect languagedev|Incorrect update status file structuredev|Incorrect version of the filedev|Insufficient permissions to write to directory: [path]dev|Invalid update version, try installing againdev|Linedev|Migration failed: [version]dev|Migration with the same version name ([version]) already existsdev|Module name is specified incorrectlydev|Module not found: [module]dev|Module: [name]dev|No data about the table: [table]dev|No serialized fields were found for the table: [name]dev|No table datadev|No write rightsdev|Not enough free disk space: [space]dev|Not enough permissions to work with file: [path]dev|Not enough permissions to write to the directory: [path]dev|Open_basedir 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Please use the search, go to the home page or any of the following:error|There is no such page hereerror|What are you looking for?ext|Colorsext|Could not find the directory "[path]"ext|Could not find the file "[file]"ext|Enter the correct extension nameext|Faviconext|Fontsext|Generalext|Logoext|Plugin with the same name ([name]) already existsext|Specify the extension name in Latin a-zext|Theme with the same name ([name]) already existsfiles|Check if the directory/file exists "[file]"files|Not enough permissions to write to directory "[path]"files|Not enough permissions to write to file "[path]"files|Unable to create directory "[dir]"files|Unable to create file "[file]"filter|Allfilter|All Categoriesfilter|All Countriesfilter|All citiesfilter|All listingsfilter|All regionsfilter|Applyfilter|Back to main categoriesfilter|Choose categoryfilter|Filterfilter|Go backfilter|Locationfilter|Metro / Regionfilter|No matterfilter|No, choose another onefilter|Not 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You cannot change it.listings|[photos] morelistings|[title] for [price]listings|category;categories;categorieslistings|e.g. 10listings|e.g. 10 listingslistings|favoriteslistings|freelistings|fromlistings|listing;listings;listingslistings|listings;listings;listingslistings|make price conversion for listings in the lists into the currency indicated in the categorylistings|numberlistings|photolistings|to vendorlistings|toplistings|until [date]listings|urgentlistings|vendorlistings|yeslocale|Failed to put LOCK on record for file "[file]"locale|Generallocale|Unable to open file for writing: "[file]"minute;minutes;minutesmobilemonthmonth;months;monthsnowoptions|binaryoptions|consistentpgn| - page [page]pgn|Nextpgn|Previouspgn|[cnt] per pagepgn|show allphoto;photos;photospublicator|Add Photopublicator|Add Textpublicator|Addresspublicator|All Imagespublicator|Built-in Linkpublicator|Built-in Link Textpublicator|Confirm delete?publicator|Content Languagepublicator|Donepublicator|Enter a link to the videopublicator|Enter title textpublicator|Findpublicator|Incorrect link formatpublicator|Initialization errorpublicator|Photopublicator|Photo+publicator|Subtitlepublicator|Supported: YouTube, Vimeo, Vkontaktepublicator|Textpublicator|Titlepublicator|Videopublicator|Without descriptionpublicator|delete photopublicator|h2-h6publicator|mappublicator|quotepublicator|text+mdpxsearch|By relevancesearch|From cheap to expensivesearch|From expensive to cheapsearch|Gallerysearch|Listsearch|Listingssearch|Listings {region.in}search|Newestsearch|On Mapsearch|Posted: [date]search|Search Listingssearch|Search results for query "[query]"search|Updated: [date]search|less mapsearch|more mapsecond;seconds;secondssendmail|Alwayssendmail|Completedsendmail|Emailsendmail|Full Namesendmail|Mailsendmail|Mail Templatessendmail|Mail: mass mailingsendmail|Message textsendmail|Notification sent in mass mailingsendmail|Pausedsendmail|Processingsendmail|SMSsendmail|Scheduledsendmail|Unsubscribe (URL)seo|All the empty list pages are tagged with no-index tagseo|All the list pages are tagged with index tagseo|Also, you can use original page macrosesseo|Canonical Pages Indexingseo|Check the server settings, at the current settings php does not process calls to the [robots] file by search robots. [a] Details [/a] [more] If the following line is in the Nginx settings: [code1] Note it on the following: [code2] [/more]seo|Check the settings of the files cached by the web server; at the current settings, PHP does not process calls to the Sitemap.xml file by search robots.seo|Description Length Limitseo|Failed to check access to file [file], access to the site is limited by password.seo|For all list pages, regardless of the results, an index tag is set.seo|For all pagesseo|For all pages of the list, starting with the second, the no-index tag will be setseo|For all pages starting from the second canonical page, a list page with page number will be indicatedseo|For all pages starting from the second canonical, the first page of the list will be indicatedseo|For pages with the ability to translateseo|Indexing Empty Listsseo|Keywords Length Limitseo|Landing Pagesseo|Landing pages function disabledseo|Meta Descriptionseo|Meta Keywordsseo|Meta Titleseo|Multilingual Sitemap.xmlseo|Pagination Indexingseo|Redirectsseo|Redirects function disabledseo|Title Length Limitseo|To be able to manage these settings, you need to delete the source file [file] [delete_link]signs;signs;signssitemap|Enter correct linksitemap|In a New Windowsitemap|In the Current Windowsitemap|Root Sectionsitemap|Sitemapsite|16x16 or 32x32 or 196x196site|Allow collection and subsequent analysis [a]of system performance statistics[/a]site|Apple Touch Iconsite|Autodetect localization when the user first visits the sitesite|Available formats: [formats]site|Away Pagesite|Categoriessite|Check Againsite|Clearsite|Contact ussite|Currenciessite|Directory for minified js/csssite|Download Reportsite|Error loading currency exchange rates by provider: [provider]site|Errors in project settings and environment not foundsite|Faviconsite|File does not existssite|File is emptysite|Follow the link right awaysite|HTTP Redirectsite|HTTPS Modesite|Home Page (region)site|Language auto-detectionsite|Logo #1site|Logo #2site|Logo #3site|Pagessite|Prevsite|Promosite|Redirect from the HTTP version of the site to HTTPSsite|Refreshsite|Regions Mapsite|Resetsite|Servicessite|Settingssite|Site Cachesite|Sitemapsite|System Statussite|System operation statisticssite|The map is not yet available for this region.site|This function is disabled in the System Settings and is not displayed to site users.site|Time Zonesite|Unsubscribe Pagesite|You will be redirected through an external link in [sec] seconds.site|adminpanel logosite|header logo: [sizes]site|logo at auth/register pages etc.site|temporary files directorysite|temporary files directory during uploadsphinx|Added [cnt]sphinx|Enter synonymsphinx|Enter the original wordsphinx|Error connecting to SphinxQL database: [host], [msg]sphinx|Specify a list of word formssphinx|The original word contains a forbidden symbol: [symbol]sphinx|The original word is too shortsphinx|The specified words cannot be identicalsphinx|The synonym and original are separated by [separator]sphinx|The word synonym contains a forbidden symbol: [symbol]sphinx|The word synonym is too shortsphinx|The wordform [word] is already in usesphinx|wordform;wordforms;wordformssvc|Add [a]payment method[/a].svc|Go to My Profilesvc|How to sell faster?svc|Icon (large)svc|Icon (small)svc|Promote existing listingsvc|Publish and promote new listingsvc|Publish listingsvc|Servicesvc|Service "[title]"svc|Service activation errorsvc|Service package "[title]"svc|Servicessvc|To increase the number of responses to your listing, make it more visible using our servicessvc|Top Up amount is incorrectsvc|Top Up error, contact the administrationsymbol;symbols;symbolssystem|Access Deniedsystem|Check the availability of the following functions: [list]system|Check your MySQL settings, setting "sql_mode" has an invalid value [val], instead of the required "" (empty string).system|Could not open file "[file]" for writingsystem|Cron-manager cannot access the file [file], check the owner and permissions.system|Different PHP versions are used for the project and the cron-manager: [fpm] and [cli]. Change the server settings so that the version is the same.system|Disable debug mode to improve site speed.system|Enable [a]HTTPS Mode[/a]system|Enable the required PHP "short_open_tag" setting by changing the value of "Off" to "On". [nl]Configuration files: [list]system|Error Cron task for Sphinx file rotation. File exist: [main]system|Error connecting to the database [host] - [error]system|Error connecting to the database [host] - [error][nl]Check the settings specified in the /config/sys.php filesystem|Error creating directory [path]system|Error creating file [file], check owner and permissions.system|Error creating file [path]system|Error deleting directory [path]system|Error deleting file [file], check owner and permissions.system|Error deleting file [path]system|Error sending email messages. Check [a]mail settings[/a].system|Error uploading filesystem|Failed to determine MySQL versionsystem|Failed to get schema for this table "[table]"system|Files access errors: [nl][list]system|For security reasons, it is recommended to add the following functions to the PHP "disable_functions" settings: [func]. [nl]Configuration files: [list]system|For security reasons, it is recommended to disable the PHP "allow_url_include" setting by changing its value to "Off". [nl]Configuration files: [list]system|If the level of the node is an odd number then the left key is ALWAYS an even number, the same for even nodessystem|Incorrect URLsystem|Install the necessary libraries using Composer; to do this, run the following console command in the root directory of the project: composer installsystem|It is necessary to run verification from web-scriptsystem|Keys are ALWAYS unique, regardless of whether it is right or leftsystem|Launch of the cron-manager is too frequent, make sure that the cron task is running only once a minutesystem|Minimum MariaDB version required: [min]+ Current version: [ver] ([comment])system|Minimum MySQL version required: 5.7+ Current version: [ver] ([comment])system|Missing required parameter "[param]" in validation rule "[rule]"system|No values specified for SQL IN comparisonsystem|Operation completed successfullysystem|PHP version [version] and higher is recommendedsystem|Please specify the full url ([example]) to configure "site.static" setting in the /config/sys.php filesystem|Refresh the page and try againsystem|Resultsystem|Rulesystem|Scheduled scan task in CLI mode.system|Specify the path to the writable directorysystem|Starting the cron-manager is incorrect and may lead to file access errors, make sure that the cron task and web-script are executed from the same usersystem|Testing in progress. Do not close the page until completion (up to 3 minutes).system|The cron-manager is not configured to start, make sure that the following entry is specified in the cron settings on the server: [command]system|The difference between right and left key is ALWAYS an odd numbersystem|The following required PHP extensions need to be installed: [list]system|The largest right key is ALWAYS twice the number of nodessystem|The left key is ALWAYS smaller than the rightsystem|The maximal right key [key] != [id]system|The minimal left key [key] != [id]system|The smallest left key is ALWAYS 1system|The task of recalculating the status of events in the CLI mode is planned.system|This operation is not available in demo modesystem|This type of database is not supportedsystem|Unable to perform operationsystem|Unknown errorsystem|Waiting for verification from cron-managersystem|Waiting for verification from web-scriptsystem|We recommend using the ionCube loader extension version 10.2.0 and highersystem|Wrong parameter "[param]" in validation rule "[rule]"system|error: [message]todayuploader|Could not rotate original image "[filename]"uploader|Error saving attachment data to table "[table]"uploader|Error saving image data to table "[table]"uploader|Failed to copy image "[filename]"uploader|Failed to save image "[filename]"uploader|Failed to save the file to a temporary folderuploader|Failed to save the original image "[path]"uploader|No downloadExternal methoduploader|Required image sizes are not specifieduploader|The image is larger than the allowable height [height]pxuploader|The image is larger than the allowable width [width]pxuploader|The image is less than the allowable height [height]pxuploader|The image is less than the allowable width [width]pxuploader|The original image "[filename]" was not founduploader|The prefix of the original size is incorrect (recropImages)uploader|Unable to download file by url: [url]uploader|Unable to download the fileuploader|Unable to get image file size data by url: [url]uploader|Wrong image file extension (allowed: [extensions]) by url: [url]upload|Error uploading fileupload|Error uploading file, contact administratorupload|File exceeds the maximum size allowedupload|File with this name has already been uploadedupload|Incorrect file nameupload|Incorrect file sizeupload|Prohibited file typeupload|The image is too large in width / heightusers|A user with this email address is already registeredusers|A user with this email address is already registered.users|A user with this email address is already registered. Forgot password?users|A user with this phone number is already registeredusers|A user with this phone number is already registered. Forgot password?users|A user with this phone number is already registered. Forgot your password?users|Access denied due to: [reason]users|Account Activation Linkusers|Account activationusers|Account blocked due to: [reason]users|Activation Linkusers|Activation code: [code]users|Add Photousers|Add moreusers|An SMS with the password has been sent to your [phone]. It usually takes 1-2 minutes.users|An SMS with the password was sent to the [phone] number.users|An activation code has been sent to the phone number [phone].users|An authorization error occurred, try to refresh the page and Log In againusers|An email has been sent to [email]. Follow the instructions in the email to confirm your email address.users|An email has been sent to the specified address.users|An email has been sent to your email. Follow the instructions in the email.users|An error has occurred. Go to the settings and try again.users|Are you already registered?users|At this registration will be completed.users|Authorization Linkusers|Avatarusers|Balanceusers|Blocking Reasonusers|Cancelusers|Cancel Subscriptionusers|Changeusers|Change Email Addressusers|Change Passwordusers|Change emailusers|Change numberusers|Change phone numberusers|Characters numberusers|Chatusers|Checkusers|Cityusers|Code from SMSusers|Company Listingsusers|Complete registrationusers|Confirmusers|Contact Informationusers|Contact Personusers|Contactsusers|Contacts For Connecting Users With Youusers|Continueusers|Could not determine the IP address of the specified hostusers|Current Emailusers|Current Passwordusers|Current password is incorrectusers|Delete Accountusers|Did not get the email? Send Againusers|Did not receive a verification code? Perhaps your number was written with an error.users|Editusers|Emailusers|Email address confirmationusers|Email address must not be the same as the current oneusers|Email template sent to the user after successful registration with confirmation of the phone numberusers|Email was successfully changedusers|Enter emailusers|Enter new passwordusers|Enter new password againusers|Enter passwordusers|Enter the code from SMSusers|Enter the email that you indicated during registration.users|Enter the phone number or email that you indicated during registration.users|Enter your emailusers|Enter your email or phone numberusers|Enter your email to complete the registrationusers|Enter your nameusers|Enter your name to finish registrationusers|Enter your passwordusers|Enter your phone numberusers|Enter your phone or emailusers|Errorusers|Error saving information about the user #[id]users|Exact Addressusers|Favoritesusers|For the first time on our site?users|Forgot password?users|Gift for registrationusers|Hello, [name]!users|I agree with the User Agreement, as well as the transfer and processing my data.users|Icon classusers|If you clicked on the “unsubscribe from the newsletter” link by mistake, click on the button below.users|Incorrect date of birthusers|Incorrect emailusers|Incorrect email addressusers|Incorrect email or passwordusers|Incorrect email or phone numberusers|Incorrect loginusers|Incorrect login or passwordusers|Incorrect password confirmationusers|Incorrect phone numberusers|Incorrect verification codeusers|Individualusers|Instructions to change the password were sent to your email.users|Keywordusers|Letters, numbers, dashusers|Link Profilesusers|Listingsusers|Log In to the siteusers|Log Outusers|Message is too shortusers|Message sentusers|Messagesusers|Mode not specified.users|My Accountusers|Nameusers|New Comments on Listingsusers|New Emailusers|New Messagesusers|New Passwordusers|New password must not be shorter than [symbols] charactersusers|New password must not be the same as the current oneusers|New phone numberusers|Newsletter from [site_title]users|No IP address or hostname specifiedusers|No valid email addresses found.users|Not specifiedusers|Notification Settingsusers|Notification sent to the user after registration, with instructions to activate the accountusers|Notification sent to the user in case of account blockingusers|Notification sent to the user in case of automatic registration.
Activating the listing / clicking on the link "continue chat"users|Notification sent to the user in case of unlocking the accountusers|Notification sent to the user in the case of a password recovery requestusers|Notification sent to the user when changing the email addressusers|Now you can go to the homepage or go to your profile settingsusers|Numbersusers|Online nowusers|Only the following file types are allowed: {extensions}users|Passwordusers|Password Recovery Linkusers|Password confirmation failedusers|Password from SMSusers|Password recoveryusers|Password was resendedusers|Password was sended to you phone numberusers|Password was successfully changedusers|Password: [password]users|Phoneusers|Phone Numberusers|Phone number confirmationusers|Phone number has been changed successfully.users|Phone or emailusers|Please click on the link in the email to confirm your email address.users|Please confirm that you agree with the user agreementusers|Private Listingsusers|Profile Settingsusers|Profile nameusers|Recommended size [size].users|Registrationusers|Registration completedusers|Registration error, contact the administratorusers|Registration is almost completeusers|Registration via social networkusers|Remember meusers|Repeat Passwordusers|Restore passwordusers|Result from the imageusers|SMS notifications are sent only for listings with the active "Premium" serviceusers|Saveusers|Sendusers|Send codeusers|Send code againusers|Send new passwordusers|Send new verification codeusers|Sign Inusers|Sign In using email or social networkusers|Sign In with social networksusers|Sign Upusers|Social Networksusers|Something went wrong. Perhaps the link you followed is incorrect.users|Sorry if you had time to get bored.users|Specify Keywordusers|Subscribe to newslettersusers|Thank you!users|The account was deletedusers|The account will be deleted within 24 hours.users|The activation key has expired.users|The date must be in the format DD-MM-YYYY.users|The file {file} has an incorrect sizeusers|The file {file} is too large, the maximum size allowed is {sizeLimit}users|The image is uploading, if you leave this page, the upload will be terminatedusers|The keyword must be uniqueusers|The link has expired. Please go to settings and try again.users|The message was sent successfullyusers|The message was successfully sent againusers|The password recovery link has expired or the link is invalid, retry.users|The requested users do not exist.users|The user deleted his account and was marked as blocked, the source email is [email], the login is [login]users|The user with this email is already registered. Already have a profile at [site_name]?users|The verification code was sent to the number you specifiedusers|The verification code was sent to the specified phone numberusers|The verification code was successfully sent againusers|This account has been blocked due to: [reason]users|This account is not activated, please follow the link sent to your email.
Retrieve emailusers|This account is not activated. Activateusers|This email was not found in the databaseusers|This phone number was not found in the databaseusers|To access your profile you need to Log Inusers|To be able to receive messages to this email in the future, follow the link from the letter.users|To speed up the authorization process, you can use your accounts in social networksusers|Upload Photousers|Use the {value} macros for the value specified by userusers|Userusers|User Emailusers|User Nameusers|User Profile [name]users|User account was blocked due to:
[reason]users|User blocked due to: [reason]users|Username not defined.users|Usersusers|Users: Account blocking notificationusers|Users: Account unlock notificationusers|Users: Change Email Addressusers|Users: Notification of successful automatic registrationusers|Users: Password recoveryusers|Users: Registration notificationusers|Users: Registration notification (with phone number input)users|Verify Emailusers|Via social networksusers|Viewusers|View Contactsusers|View messagesusers|Was online [date]users|We promise not to spam and write only on business!users|Without checkingusers|You are almost registeredusers|You can delete your account if you no longer plan to use the siteusers|You cannot close access to yourself.users|You have successfully registered!users|You have successfully subscribedusers|You have successfully unsubscribedusers|You need to Sign In to view messages.users|Your emailusers|Your password has been changed successfully.users|Your phone numberusers|Your profile will be deleted within 24 hoursusers|[users] blockedusers|[users] convertedusers|[users] selected for deletionusers|[users] unblockedusers|registered [date]users|user;users;usersuser|User profile avatar blockuser|User profile contactsview|Addressview|Advertiseview|Back to My Listingsview|Changeview|Closeview|Companyview|Contact viewsview|Contactsview|Deactivateview|Deleteview|Do you want more people to see your listing?view|Individualview|It will be published after verificationview|It will be published again after verificationview|Jan,Feb,Mar,Apr,May,Jun,Jul,Aug,Sep,Oct,Nov,Decview|January,February,March,April,May,June,July,August,September,October,November,Decemberview|Listing blockedview|Listings viewsview|Message to vendorview|Message;Messages;Messagesview|Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Saturday,Sundayview|Number of Viewsview|On Mapview|On the site since [date]view|Phoneview|Profile Created [date]view|Promote listingview|Publishview|Reason for blocking:
[reason]view|Showview|Statistics of views for the monthview|The listing is not yet activated by the userview|The listing was removed or blocked by the moderatorview|This listing is under moderationview|Totalview|Total Views: [views]view|View Listingview|View Сontactsview|Views today: [views]view|Writeview|Write vendorview|[title] [city] - photo [num]view|[views_today] todayview|[views_total],view|area [district]view|contacts viewsview|listing viewsview|metro [station]view|on the mapview|view;views;viewsview|№[id]view|№[id] [sp]Created: [date][/sp]week;weeks;weeksyearyear;years;yearsyesterday