after saving the property'); _t('dp','Default Value'); _t('dp','without values'); _t('dp','custom option'); _t('dp','Search Ranges'); _t('dp','from'); _t('dp','to'); _t('dp','step'); _t('dp','Display in one line'); _t('dynprops','Select the properties you need to copy'); _t('dynprops','Specify where to copy'); _t('dynprops','Select the properties you need to move'); _t('dynprops','Specify title'); _t('dynprops','Error adding properties'); _t('dynprops','Error saving settings properties'); _t('dynprops','Specify the end of the range'); _t('dynprops','Specify range step'); _t('dynprops','Only numbers are allowed to enter in the [title] field'); _t('dynprops','Field value [title] is out of range'); _t('dynprops','The limit on the number of text fields has been reached'); _t('dynprops','The limit on the number of numeric fields has been reached'); _t('dp','Single Line Text Box (input text)'); _t('dp','Multiline Text Box (textarea)'); _t('dp','Text Editor'); _t('dp','Choice Yes/No'); _t('dp','Checkbox'); _t('dp','Drop-down list'); _t('dp','Multi-select List (ctrl)'); _t('dp','Group with Single Choice'); _t('dp','Group with Multiple Choice'); _t('dp','Range'); _t('dp','Number'); _t('dynprops','No more than [num] values can be specified for this property type'); _t('dynprops','management'); _t('dynprops','Type'); _t('dynprops','with attachment'); _t('','Name'); _t('dynprops','Refinement to the title'); _t('dynprops','for attachment'); _t('dynprops','Default Value'); _t('dynprops','Clear'); _t('dynprops','Cache Key'); _t('dynprops','Required'); _t('dynprops','to be filled'); _t('dynprops','search field'); _t('dynprops','hidden by default'); _t('','Save'); _t('','Cancel'); _t('system','The minimal left key [key] != [id]'); _t('system','The maximal right key [key] != [id]'); _t('dev','Insufficient permissions to write to directory: [path]'); _t('dev','The waiting period for invoice payment has expired, start the update installation again'); _t('dev','The update has been canceled, start the installation process again'); _t('dev','Failed to initiate update download process'); _t('ext','Enter the correct extension name'); _t('ext','Specify the extension name in Latin a-z'); _t('dev','A module with the same name already exists'); _t('ext','Plugin with the same name ([name]) already exists'); _t('ext','Theme with the same name ([name]) already exists'); _t('dev','Unable to create directory "[dir]"'); _t('dev','Extension copy error ([code])'); _t('dev','Unable to create file "[file]"'); _t('dev','Failed migrations: [version]'); _t('dev','Cannot display the contents of this file'); _t('dev','Specify the name of the module in Latin letters a-z'); _t('dev','Module name is specified incorrectly'); _t('dev','The specified path is not the directory "[dir]"'); _t('dev','Does not exist'); _t('dev','No write rights'); _t('dev','Open_basedir constraint'); _t('dev','The PHP version is specified incorrectly, the valid format is "n.n", for example 7.2'); _t('dev','PHP version cannot be less than [min] or current [current]'); _t('dev','Processing in progress, please wait'); _t('dev','Not enough permissions to write to the directory: [path]'); _t('dev','Incorrect language'); _t('dev','File uploaded: [date]'); _t('dev','Check if the task manager is running (cron-manager)'); _t('dev','Error uploading file'); _t('dev','The file does not match the required structure'); _t('dev','Line'); _t('dev','Column:'); _t('dev','File structure error'); _t('dev','Processed: [total]'); _t('dev','Incorrect version of the file'); _t('dev','Start: [date]'); _t('dev','Module: [name]'); _t('dev','Plugin: [name]'); _t('dev','Module not found: [module]'); _t('dev','GetLocaleTables method not found'); _t('dev','No table data'); _t('dev','No data about the table: [table]'); _t('dev','Unkown table type: [name]'); _t('dev','No serialized fields were found for the table: [name]'); _t('dev','Table: [name]'); _t('dev','File processing is complete.'); _t('ext','Could not find the directory "[path]"'); _t('ext','Could not find the file "[file]"'); _t('dev','Not enough free disk space: [space]'); _t('dev','Invalid update version, try installing again'); _t('dev','Error loading update file ([step])'); _t('dev','Failed to download update file.'); _t('dev','Error updating files'); _t('dev','Error during database migration'); _t('dev','Failed to restore file: [file]'); _t('dev','Error renaming directory "[path]"'); _t('dev','Error renaming file "[path]"'); _t('dev','An error occurred while preparing the update file: # [step]'); _t('dev','Error working with update configuration file: # [step]'); _t('dev','Not enough permissions to work with file: [path]'); _t('dev','Failed to backup file: [path]'); _t('dev','Failed to update file: [path]'); _t('dev','Failed to delete status file: [path]'); _t('dev','Failed to save current update status ([stage])'); _t('dev','Failed to save status file ([stage])'); _t('dev','Failed to load update status file: [path]'); _t('dev','Incorrect update status file structure'); _t('dev','Migration failed: [version]'); _t('dev','Unable to rollback to a previous version'); _t('dev','Error during rollback'); _t('dev','Failed to migrate'); _t('seo','Also, you can use original page macroses'); _t('','Title'); _t('img','Failed to save image'); _t('uploader','The image is less than the allowable width [width]px'); _t('uploader','The image is larger than the allowable width [width]px'); _t('uploader','The image is less than the allowable height [height]px'); _t('uploader','The image is larger than the allowable height [height]px'); _t('uploader','Unable to download file by url: [url]'); _t('uploader','Unable to get image file size data by url: [url]'); _t('uploader','Wrong image file extension (allowed: [extensions]) by url: [url]'); _t('uploader','Failed to save the file to a temporary folder'); _t('uploader','Failed to save the original image "[path]"'); _t('uploader','Failed to save image "[filename]"'); _t('uploader','Required image sizes are not specified'); _t('uploader','No downloadExternal method'); _t('uploader','Unable to download the file'); _t('uploader','The original image "[filename]" was not found'); _t('uploader','Failed to copy image "[filename]"'); _t('uploader','Could not rotate original image "[filename]"'); _t('images','Data to save the image was incorrect'); _t('images','Failed to get information about the record #[id] from the table [table]'); _t('images','Failed to save image, limit reached: [limit]'); _t('images','Failed to save the image data of the entry "[id]" to the table "[table]"'); _t('system','Launch of the cron-manager is too frequent, make sure that the cron task is running only once a minute'); _t('system','Cron-manager cannot access the file [file], check the owner and permissions.'); _t('system','Testing in progress. Do not close the page until completion (up to 3 minutes).'); _t('system','The task of recalculating the status of events in the CLI mode is planned.'); _t('system','The following required PHP extensions need to be installed: [list]'); _t('system','Check the availability of the following functions: [list]'); _t('system','Enable the required PHP "short_open_tag" setting by changing the value of "Off" to "On". [nl]Configuration files: [list]'); _t('system','For security reasons, it is recommended to disable the PHP "allow_url_include" setting by changing its value to "Off". [nl]Configuration files: [list]'); _t('system','For security reasons, it is recommended to add the following functions to the PHP "disable_functions" settings: [func]. [nl]Configuration files: [list]'); _t('system','PHP version [version] and higher is recommended'); _t('system','We recommend using the ionCube loader extension version 10.2.0 and higher'); _t('system','Install the necessary libraries using Composer; to do this, run the following console command in the root directory of the project: composer install'); _t('system','Files access errors: [nl][list]'); _t('system','The cron-manager is not configured to start, make sure that the following entry is specified in the cron settings on the server: [command]'); _t('system','Different PHP versions are used for the project and the cron-manager: [fpm] and [cli]. Change the server settings so that the version is the same.'); _t('system','Scheduled scan task in CLI mode.'); _t('system','Starting the cron-manager is incorrect and may lead to file access errors, make sure that the cron task and web-script are executed from the same user'); _t('system','Error deleting file [file], check owner and permissions.'); _t('system','Error creating file [file], check owner and permissions.'); _t('system','It is necessary to run verification from web-script'); _t('system','Waiting for verification from cron-manager'); _t('system','Waiting for verification from web-script'); _t('system','Enable [a]HTTPS Mode[/a]'); _t('system','Please specify the full url ([example]) to configure "site.static" setting in the /config/sys.php file'); _t('system','Error sending email messages. Check [a]mail settings[/a].'); _t('system','Disable debug mode to improve site speed.'); _t('system','Minimum MariaDB version required: [min]+ Current version: [ver] ([comment])'); _t('system','Minimum MySQL version required: 5.7+ Current version: [ver] ([comment])'); _t('site','Prev'); _t('site','Refresh'); _t('site','Clear'); _t('site','System Status'); _t('site','Errors in project settings and environment not found'); _t('site','Check Again'); _t('site','Download Report'); _t('bills','Closed to admin-user: [user_id]'); _t('comments','Minimum response text length: [min]'); _t('','character;characters;characters'); _t('comments','Error adding comment'); _t('publicator','Text'); _t('publicator','Photo'); _t('publicator','Photo+'); _t('publicator','Video'); _t('publicator','h2-h6'); _t('publicator','quote'); _t('publicator','text+md'); _t('publicator','map'); _t('publicator','Content Language'); _t('publicator','Initialization error'); _t('publicator','Title'); _t('publicator','Enter title text'); _t('publicator','Confirm delete?'); _t('publicator','Add Text'); _t('publicator','Subtitle'); _t('publicator','All Images'); _t('publicator','Without description'); _t('publicator','delete photo'); _t('publicator','Add Photo'); _t('publicator','Built-in Link'); _t('publicator','Built-in Link Text'); _t('publicator','Enter a link to the video'); _t('publicator','Supported: YouTube, Vimeo, Vkontakte'); _t('publicator','Done'); _t('publicator','Incorrect link format'); _t('publicator','Find'); _t('publicator','Address'); _t('form','Only the following file types are allowed: {extensions}'); _t('form','The file {file} is too large, the maximum size allowed is {sizeLimit}'); _t('form','The file {file} has an incorrect size'); _t('form','You can upload no more than {limit} files'); _t('form','The image is uploading, if you leave this page, the upload will be terminated'); _t('uploader','Error saving attachment data to table "[table]"'); _t('locale','Unable to open file for writing: "[file]"'); _t('locale','Failed to put LOCK on record for file "[file]"'); _t('site','File does not exists'); _t('site','File is empty'); _t('system','Could not open file "[file]" for writing'); _t('dynprops','Properties available for inheritance'); _t('','Action'); _t('dynprops','Search'); _t('dynprops','inherit'); _t('dynprops','copy'); _t('dynprops','No properties available for inheritance'); _t('dynprops','Properties'); _t('dynprops','Add New'); _t('dynprops','Inheritance'); _t('dynprops','no'); _t('dynprops','yes'); _t('','Edit'); _t('','Delete'); _t('dynprops','Delete field permanently?'); _t('','Move higher'); _t('','Move lower'); _t('dynprops','No Properties'); _t('dynprops','Copy selected to'); _t('dynprops','Copy'); _t('dynprops','Properties Inheritance'); _t('','Please, wait…'); _t('dynprops','Select properties to copy'); _t('dynprops','Specify where you want to copy'); _t('dynprops','Selected properties ({copied}) were successfully copied'); _t('dynprops','Attaching property'); _t('dynprops','Search field'); _t('system','Rule'); _t('system','Result'); _t('system','The left key is ALWAYS smaller than the right'); _t('system','The smallest left key is ALWAYS 1'); _t('system','The largest right key is ALWAYS twice the number of nodes'); _t('system','The difference between right and left key is ALWAYS an odd number'); _t('system','If the level of the node is an odd number then the left key is ALWAYS an even number, the same for even nodes'); _t('system','Keys are ALWAYS unique, regardless of whether it is right or left'); _t('system','error: [message]'); _t('images','The required image sizes are not specified'); _t('uploader','Error saving image data to table "[table]"'); _t('uploader','The prefix of the original size is incorrect (recropImages)'); _t('sendmail','Mail'); _t('sendmail','Email'); _t('sendmail','Scheduled'); _t('sendmail','Processing'); _t('sendmail','Paused'); _t('sendmail','Completed'); _t('sendmail','Full Name'); _t('sendmail','Always'); _t('sendmail','Mail Templates');