template('admin/settings.sys', ['options' => &$options]);
* Список шаблонов уведомлений
* @return array
public function sendmailTemplates(): array
$amountExample = '
' . Currency::formatPriceAndCurrency(100) . '
$templates = [
'users_balance_plus' => [
'title' => _t('bills', 'Balance Top Up'),
'description' => _t('bills', 'Notification sent to the user in case of successful balance Top Up'),
'vars' => [
'{name}' => _t('users', 'User Name'),
'{email}' => _t('', 'Email'),
'{amount}' => _t('bills', 'Top Up Amount [tip]', ['tip' => $amountExample]),
'{balance}' => _t('bills', 'Current Balance [tip]', ['tip' => $amountExample]),
'{auth_link}' => _t('users', 'Authorization Link'),
'priority' => 20,
'enotify' => 0, # всегда
'users_balance_admin_plus' => [
'title' => _t('bills', 'Balance Top Up by Administrator'),
'description' => _t('bills', 'Notification sent to the user when administrator Top Up user\'s balance'),
'vars' => [
'{name}' => _t('users', 'User Name'),
'{email}' => _t('', 'Email'),
'{amount}' => _t('bills', 'Top Up Amount [tip]', ['tip' => $amountExample]),
'{balance}' => _t('bills', 'Current Balance [tip]', ['tip' => $amountExample]),
'{description}' => _t('bills', 'Description'),
'{auth_link}' => _t('users', 'Authorization Link'),
'priority' => 21,
'enotify' => 0, # всегда
'users_balance_admin_minus' => [
'title' => _t('bills', 'Account Write-Off by the Administrator'),
'description' => _t('bills', 'Notification sent to the user when the administrator write-off money from the account'),
'vars' => [
'{name}' => _t('users', 'User Name'),
'{email}' => _t('', 'Email'),
'{amount}' => _t('bills', 'Top Up Amount [tip]', ['tip' => $amountExample]),
'{balance}' => _t('bills', 'Current Balance [tip]', ['tip' => $amountExample]),
'{description}' => _t('bills', 'Description'),
'{auth_link}' => _t('users', 'Authorization Link'),
'priority' => 22,
'enotify' => 0, # всегда
return $templates;
* Метод обрабатывающий ситуацию с удалением пользователя
* @param int $userID ID пользователя
* @param array $options доп. параметры удаления
* @return void
public function onUserDeleted($userID, array $options = [])
$this->model->onUserDeleted($userID, $options);
* Формирование URL
* @param string $key ключ
* @param array $params доп. параметры
* @param bool $dynamic динамическая ссылка
* @return string
public function url(string $key, array $params = [], $dynamic = false): string
return $this->router->url('bills-' . $key, $params, ['dynamic' => $dynamic, 'module' => 'bills']);