'', 'Add Question' => '', 'All Categories' => '', 'Allowed characters: [symbols]' => '', 'Are you sure you want to delete the category "[title]"?' => '', 'Before deleting the category "[category]", specify the category to which the questions ([num]) referring to the removing category:' => '', 'Categories' => '', 'Categories / Deleting' => '', 'Category' => '', 'Category Management' => '', 'Delete All Categories' => '', 'Displayed' => '', 'FAQ' => '', 'Favorites' => '', 'General' => '', 'Help' => '', 'Help / Categories List' => '', 'Help / Home' => '', 'Help / Search for a Question' => '', 'Help / View Question' => '', 'Incorrect Keyword' => '', 'Last Changes: [date]' => '', 'Main Section' => '', 'Main category is incorrect' => '', 'Name of the category (current)' => '', 'No Detailed Description' => '', 'Number of questions per page in the list' => '', 'Pages Links' => '', 'Quantity In the List' => '', 'Question Title' => '', 'Question category (current)' => '', 'Questions' => '', 'Questions Management' => '', 'Root Section' => '', 'SEO' => '', 'Section pages' => '', 'Select' => '', 'Select Category' => '', 'Select Сategory' => '', 'Short Description' => '', 'Short description (up to 150 characters)' => '', 'The selected category should not contain subcategories' => '', 'The specified keyword is already in use. Please choose another' => '', 'Title of all categories' => '', 'Title of all categories
(reverse order)' => '', 'Unable to delete category if there are subcategories' => '', 'Unable to delete category when there are nested items' => '', 'per page' => '', );