'', '2 weeks' => '', '7 days' => '', 'Action' => '', 'Allowed to import only XML files' => '', 'An error occurred while analysing the file. ([msg])' => '', 'Are you sure you want to remove the import?' => '', 'Category' => '', 'Category not found.' => '', 'Category specified incorrectly' => '', 'Comment' => '', 'Company blocking' => '', 'Could not find listings to import' => '', 'Could not open file "[path]"' => '', 'Delete user' => '', 'Download Template' => '', 'Download XML template' => '', 'Error processing import file, contact your administrator' => '', 'Error reading file parameters' => '', 'Error reading import parameters' => '', 'Error saving listing.' => '', 'Failed to get category data by id=[id]' => '', 'Failed to get user data by id=[id]' => '', 'Failed to load import file' => '', 'File' => '', 'File not found' => '', 'Import' => '', 'Import data deleted successfully' => '', 'Import file MD5 does not match' => '', 'Import file does not match required structure (#1)' => '', 'Import file does not match required structure (#2)' => '', 'Import history is empty' => '', 'Invalid URL' => '', 'Invalid XML: Detected use of unacceptable DOCTYPE' => '', 'Link to File' => '', 'Listing Title' => '', 'Listing detailed description' => '', 'Listing status' => '', 'Listings' => '', 'Listings Import' => '', 'Listings import has been successfully initiated' => '', 'Month' => '', 'No user specified.' => '', 'Not specified' => '', 'Period' => '', 'Periodic imports' => '', 'Processed' => '', 'Processing period' => '', 'Provide the URL path to the import file, for example http://site.com/import.xml' => '', 'Published' => '', 'Publishing period' => '', 'Removed from Published' => '', 'Required block [name] not found. Skip, line: [num]' => '', 'Select File (up to [size])' => '', 'Skip, line: [num]' => '', 'Skip, listing: # [id]' => '', 'Source' => '', 'Status' => '', 'The listing is assigned to another user. Skip, line: [num]' => '', 'The title cannot be empty.' => '', 'The title cannot be empty. Skip, line: [num]' => '', 'The user was specified incorrectly' => '', 'To access the account, you must Log In' => '', 'To be able to import listings open the company.' => '', 'URL' => '', 'Unknown file format' => '', 'Unknown file type' => '', 'User blocking' => '', 'User is not found. Skip, line: [num]' => '', 'User_id not specified.' => '', 'You must select a category' => '', 'You must select a listing status' => '', 'added: [count]' => '', 'await' => '', 'canceled' => '', 'completed' => '', 'completed with an error' => '', 'in process' => '', 'listing;listings;listings' => '', 'skipped: [count]' => '', 'updated: [count]' => '', );