'', '- number of raises' => '', 'Add' => '', 'Auto UP' => '', 'Available' => '', 'Available raises:' => '', 'Categories' => '', 'Cost' => '', 'Days by default' => '', 'Enter category name' => '', 'Enter name of region' => '', 'For One Day' => '', 'For the Specified Period' => '', 'Free UP' => '', 'Icon (big)' => '', 'Icon (small)' => '', 'In the Add Form' => '', 'Raised' => '', 'Regional Cost' => '', 'Regions' => '', 'Select a category for regional cost' => '', 'Service Cost' => '', 'Service Packages' => '', 'Service Validity Period' => '', 'Services' => '', 'Specify regional cost' => '', 'The number of days after which the free raising of the listings becomes available, [num] - the function is disabled.' => '', 'days' => '', 'every' => '', );