'A listing without promotion, is not distinguished by anything against the background of the same offers' => '',
'Apply' => '',
'Automatic raise activated' => '',
'Automatic raise deactivated' => '',
'Every 3 days' => '',
'Every weekday' => '',
'Everyday' => '',
'Free UP of All Listings Link' => '',
'Free listing Raise link' => '',
'Highlighting the listing
[title]' => '',
'Listing ID' => '',
'Listing Title' => '',
'Listing link' => '',
'Listings: Notification of a Possibility of Free UP for Several Listings' => '',
'Listings: Notification of the Possibility of Free UP for a Listing' => '',
'Name' => '',
'No promotion' => '',
'Notification sent to the user in case of the availability of free Raise his listing' => '',
'Notification sent to the user in case of the availability of free Raise several of his listings' => '',
'Number of Listings' => '',
'Once a week' => '',
'Pin the listing to [days]
[title]' => '',
'Pin the listing
[title]' => '',
'Pin to [input] day' => '',
'Please, wait…' => '',
'Promotion of the Listing' => '',
'Raise automatically' => '',
'Raising of listing in the list
[title]' => '',
'Selected listings were successfully raised' => '',
'Service package "[pack]"
[title]' => '',
'Services Included in the Package' => '',
'Successfully raised [cnt].' => '',
'The listing was successfully raised' => '',
'The possibility of a free raising for this announcement will be available [date]' => '',
'day;days;days' => '',
'e.g. 10' => '',
'e.g. 10 listings' => '',
'five hours' => '',
'four hours' => '',
'half an hour' => '',
'hour' => '',
'in' => '',
'paid: [up]' => '',
'periodically' => '',
'three hours' => '',
'to' => '',
'two hours' => '',
'with' => '',