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header. eb: Edit then use both versions. el or e1: Edit then use the left version. er or e2: Edit then use the right version. e: Discard both versions then edit a new one. l or 1: Use the left version. r or 2: Use the right version. s: Silently include common lines. v: Verbosely include common lines. q: Quit. cannot interactively merge standard inputsubsidiary program '%s' could not be invokedsubsidiary program '%s' failed (exit status %d)subsidiary program '%s' not foundsubsidiary program '%s' failed-o, --output=FILE operate interactively, sending output to FILEUsage: %s [OPTION]... FILE1 FILE2 Side-by-side merge of differences between FILE1 and FILE2.Mandatory arguments to long options are mandatory for short options too. Exit status is 0 if inputs are the same, 1 if different, 2 if trouble.If a FILE is '-', read standard input.both files to be compared are directories-i, --ignore-case consider upper- and lower-case to be the same-E, --ignore-tab-expansion ignore changes due to tab expansion-Z, --ignore-trailing-space ignore white space at line end-b, --ignore-space-change ignore changes in the amount of white space-W, --ignore-all-space ignore all white space-B, --ignore-blank-lines ignore changes whose lines are all blank-I, --ignore-matching-lines=RE ignore changes all whose lines match RE --strip-trailing-cr strip trailing carriage return on input-a, --text treat all files as text-w, --width=NUM output at most NUM (default 130) print columns-l, --left-column output only the left column of common lines-s, --suppress-common-lines do not output common lines-t, --expand-tabs expand tabs to spaces in output --tabsize=NUM tab stops at every NUM (default 8) print columns-d, --minimal try hard to find a smaller set of changes-H, --speed-large-files assume large files, many scattered small changes --diff-program=PROGRAM use PROGRAM to compare files --help display this help and exit-v, --version output version information and exit%swrite failedfclosestandard outputread failed/tmpTMPDIR%s/sdiffXXXXXX--- %s %ld --- %s %ld,%ld +++ %s %ld +++ %s %ld,%ld forkwaitpidmkstemp/usr/share/localeEDITOR-a-b-B-d-E-H-i-I--left-column-tThomas LordGNU diffutilssdiff-W-w-Z%s %s %s %s --strip-trailing-cr--tabsizeabBdEHiI:lo:stvw:WZmissing operand after '%s'extra operand '%s'--suppress-common-lines-y----sdiff-merge-assistpipefdopendiff-programexpand-tabshelpignore-all-spaceignore-blank-linesignore-caseignore-matching-linesignore-space-changeignore-tab-expansionignore-trailing-spaceminimalspeed-large-filestextversionwidth3@3@E1@E1@E1@E1@E1@E1@E1@E1@E1@E1@E1@E1@E1@E1@E1@E1@E1@E1@E1@E1@E1@E1@E1@E1@E1@E1@E1@E1@E1@E1@E1@E1@E1@E1@E1@E1@E1@E1@E1@E1@E1@E1@E1@E1@E1@E1@E1@E1@E1@E1@1@E1@E1@E1@E1@E1@E1@3@E1@E1@E1@E1@1@3@3@E1@E1@3@e @u @u @U @u @u @D @) @u @u @u @u @u @u @u @u @u @u @u @u @u @ @u @u @ @u @u @u @u @u @u @@@u @@u @u @u @u @@u @u @@u @u @@u @u @u @@@u @@@u @u @u @u @u @u @u @u @|@@@@`@;@@X@@@0@h@@@@@;@x@ȅ@@;@P@@;@@(@x@;@@@@@t@@W@B+@i7@IM@ba@Ev@Z@l@dQ@o@HL@@s`@@a@v@w 3.3: program errorstack overflowA NULL argv[0] was passed through an exec system call. /.libs/lt-mbuiter.hmbsinit (&iter->state)*iter->cur.ptr == '\0'iter->cur.wc == 0%s (%s)UTF-8mbuiter_multi_nextmbiter.hmbiter_multi_next%s (%s) %s %s %s (C)Written by %s. Written by %s and %s. Written by %s, %s, and %s. Report bugs to: %s bug-diffutils@gnu.org%s home page: <%s> License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by %s, %s, %s, and %s. Written by %s, %s, %s, %s, and %s. Written by %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, and %s. Written by %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, and %s. Written by %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, and %s. Written by %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, and %s. 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