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COPIED... removing '\r' from %s ...svn:mergeinfoargssubversion/svnadmin/main.cNot enough argumentsToo many arguments10bdb-txn-nosyncbdb-log-autoremovefs-typepre-1.4-compatiblepre-1.5-compatiblepre-1.6-compatiblesvnadminfsfs-cache-deltasfsfs-cache-fulltextsMissing revisionOnly one revision allowedsvn:logTransaction '%s' removed. administratorNo paths to unlock providedPath '%s' isn't locked. Removed lock on '%s'. /Too many arguments givenPath: %s UUID Token: %s Owner: %s Created: %s Expires: %s Comment (%i lines): %s Comment (%i line): %s Invalid revision specifierDeltifying revision %ld... Upgrade completed. Recovery completed. svn: helpsubcommand argument required Unknown command: '%s' Repository argument requiredsvn_subrsvn_repossvn_fssvn_delta--versioncrashtestcreatedeltifydump?hotcopylist-dblogslist-unused-dblogsloadlslockslstxnspackrecoverrmlocksrmtxnssetlogsetrevpropsetuuidupgradeverifyshow help on a subcommandincrementaldump incrementallyuse deltas in dump outputbypass-hooksbypass-prop-validationquietignore-uuidforce-uuidparent-dirbdb-log-keepconfig-dirclean-logsuse-pre-commit-hookuse-post-commit-hookuse-pre-revprop-change-hookuse-post-revprop-change-hookwaitmemory-cache-sizePacking revisions in shard %s...Packing revprops in shard %s... ------- Committed revision %ld >>> ------- Committed new rev %ld (loaded from original rev %ld) >>> * replacing path : %s ...<<< Started new transaction, based on original revision %ld Repository lock acquired. Please wait; recovering the repository may take some time... Repository lock acquired. Please wait; upgrading the repository may take some time... general usage: svnadmin SUBCOMMAND REPOS_PATH [ARGS & OPTIONS ...] Type 'svnadmin help ' for help on a specific subcommand. Type 'svnadmin --version' to see the program version and FS modules. Available subcommands: The following repository back-end (FS) modules are available: Revisions must not be greater than the youngest revision (%ld)First revision cannot be higher than secondFailed to get exclusive repository access; perhaps another process such as httpd, svnserve or svn has it open?Waiting on repository lock; perhaps another process has it open? Upgrade of this repository's underlying versioned filesystem is not supported; consider dumping and loading the data elsewhereUpgrade of this repository is not supported; consider dumping and loading the data elsewhereThe latest repos revision is %ld. Invalid property value found in dumpstream; consider repairing the source or using --bypass-prop-validation while loading.Multiple revision arguments encountered; try '-r N:M' instead of '-r N -r M'Syntax error in revision argument '%s''%s' is a URL when it should be a local pathSubcommand '%s' doesn't accept option '%s' Type 'svnadmin help %s' for usage. Try 'svnadmin help' for more infousage: svnadmin crashtest REPOS_PATH Open the repository at REPOS_PATH, then abort, thus simulating a process that crashes while holding an open repository handle. usage: svnadmin create REPOS_PATH Create a new, empty repository at REPOS_PATH. usage: svnadmin deltify [-r LOWER[:UPPER]] REPOS_PATH Run over the requested revision range, performing predecessor delti- fication on the paths changed in those revisions. Deltification in essence compresses the repository by only storing the differences or delta from the preceding revision. If no revisions are specified, this will simply deltify the HEAD revision. usage: svnadmin dump REPOS_PATH [-r LOWER[:UPPER] [--incremental]] Dump the contents of filesystem to stdout in a 'dumpfile' portable format, sending feedback to stderr. Dump revisions LOWER rev through UPPER rev. If no revisions are given, dump all revision trees. If only LOWER is given, dump that one revision tree. If --incremental is passed, the first revision dumped will describe only the paths changed in that revision; otherwise it will describe every path present in the repository as of that revision. (In either case, the second and subsequent revisions, if any, describe only paths changed in those revisions.) usage: svnadmin help [SUBCOMMAND...] Describe the usage of this program or its subcommands. usage: svnadmin hotcopy REPOS_PATH NEW_REPOS_PATH Makes a hot copy of a repository. usage: svnadmin list-dblogs REPOS_PATH List all Berkeley DB log files. WARNING: Modifying or deleting logfiles which are still in use will cause your repository to be corrupted. usage: svnadmin list-unused-dblogs REPOS_PATH List unused Berkeley DB log files. usage: svnadmin load REPOS_PATH Read a 'dumpfile'-formatted stream from stdin, committing new revisions into the repository's filesystem. If the repository was previously empty, its UUID will, by default, be changed to the one specified in the stream. Progress feedback is sent to stdout. usage: svnadmin lslocks REPOS_PATH [PATH-IN-REPOS] Print descriptions of all locks on or under PATH-IN-REPOS (which, if not provided, is the root of the repository). usage: svnadmin lstxns REPOS_PATH Print the names of all uncommitted transactions. usage: svnadmin pack REPOS_PATH Possibly compact the repository into a more efficient storage model. This may not apply to all repositories, in which case, exit. usage: svnadmin recover REPOS_PATH Run the recovery procedure on a repository. Do this if you've been getting errors indicating that recovery ought to be run. Berkeley DB recovery requires exclusive access and will exit if the repository is in use by another process. usage: svnadmin rmlocks REPOS_PATH LOCKED_PATH... Unconditionally remove lock from each LOCKED_PATH. usage: svnadmin rmtxns REPOS_PATH TXN_NAME... Delete the named transaction(s). usage: svnadmin setlog REPOS_PATH -r REVISION FILE Set the log-message on revision REVISION to the contents of FILE. Use --bypass-hooks to avoid triggering the revision-property-related hooks (for example, if you do not want an email notification sent from your post-revprop-change hook, or because the modification of revision properties has not been enabled in the pre-revprop-change hook). NOTE: Revision properties are not versioned, so this command will overwrite the previous log message. usage: svnadmin setrevprop REPOS_PATH -r REVISION NAME FILE Set the property NAME on revision REVISION to the contents of FILE. Use --use-pre-revprop-change-hook/--use-post-revprop-change-hook to trigger the revision property-related hooks (for example, if you want an email notification sent from your post-revprop-change hook). NOTE: Revision properties are not versioned, so this command will overwrite the previous value of the property. usage: svnadmin setuuid REPOS_PATH [NEW_UUID] Reset the repository UUID for the repository located at REPOS_PATH. If NEW_UUID is provided, use that as the new repository UUID; otherwise, generate a brand new UUID for the repository. usage: svnadmin upgrade REPOS_PATH Upgrade the repository located at REPOS_PATH to the latest supported schema version. This functionality is provided as a convenience for repository administrators who wish to make use of new Subversion functionality without having to undertake a potentially costly full repository dump and load operation. As such, the upgrade performs only the minimum amount of work needed to accomplish this while still maintaining the integrity of the repository. It does not guarantee the most optimized repository state as a dump and subsequent load would. usage: svnadmin verify REPOS_PATH Verifies the data stored in the repository. show program version informationspecify revision number ARG (or X:Y range)bypass the repository hook systembypass property validation logicno progress (only errors) to stderrignore any repos UUID found in the streamset repos UUID to that found in stream, if anytype of repository: 'fsfs' (default) or 'bdb'load at specified directory in repositorydisable fsync at transaction commit [Berkeley DB]disable automatic log file removal [Berkeley DB]read user configuration files from directory ARGremove redundant Berkeley DB log files from source repository [Berkeley DB]call pre-commit hook before committing revisionscall post-commit hook after committing revisionscall hook before changing revision propertycall hook after changing revision propertywait instead of exit if the repository is in use by another processuse format compatible with Subversion versions earlier than 1.4use format compatible with Subversion versions earlier than 1.5use format compatible with Subversion versions earlier than 1.6size of the extra in-memory cache in MB used to minimize redundant operations. Default: 16. [used for FSFS repositories only] H`oox8з `ȸ;<& X@p`0Ppл0X`P0p P@``P0`H@0Pp P zRx *zRx $ FJ w?;*3$"D"\C\X4tسBDD D0w  AABG @DXH,Af<XZBBA A(D@ (A ABBK d$xRBEE E(D0A8G@i 8A0A(B BBBH S 8A0A(B BBBK 4p]BEA A(O0{(D ABB$)ADG SAD,AML@u AAG DBBB G(D0GPF 0A(A BBBJ \dBBL K(A0L`B 0A(A BBBF W 0A(A BBBI <BEG D(D0_ (D ABBA 4xBGG I@u  AABF <<BLD G(GG (A ABBC 4|BGG L@y  AABG ,xAML@y AAK LHBBB H(D0F8DE 8A0A(B BBBE L4gBBB H(D0F8DF 8A0A(B BBBD LBBB B(F0D8OpE 8A0A(B BBBH _D t H DADG M GAO Z AAD | FAJ ,<ANID AAB <lP0BBF G(G`X (A ABBJ ,@BANI`r AAD 4`BNF D0x  AABJ ,ANIPr AAD ,DANI0n AAH 4tXBFI I@r  AABH 4mBNF Dpx  AABJ <HBHA A(I@u (A ABBH 4$ZBLF P ABI bAB4\CANI N AAH DGALZ BJE B(A0A8G] 8A0A(B BBBA DeBEE E(H0H8M@l8A0A(B BBB,>=fgpGfqgTppgEq g@WpqrqMg`UrrqMKgpGgc`ugEugbvhbvh@`(wq   MhQPx$hP_x+h^Pyq0h\y8hN{@hLp{qGhK{r NhJ}rYhIahZpihpYrqMKghph?phger8hhehh hh hqhh@e@ipei؄i 'iH2i Fi [i(wiXiHe[ePneiM( gggg*@8BR`r - cH P oP  e   p$ ooooo| ----..&.6.F.V.f.v.........//&/6/F/V/f/v/////////00&060F0V0f0v00000000011&161F1V1f1v11111111122&262F2V2f2v22222222233&363F3V3f3v333333svnadmin.debugy7zXZִF!t/]?Eh=ڊ2No `i@k03M]./N=j6'bis-B9knB6)IiJ~e]k+eRn/9VƢCQ,$OoLWH;@L8}A6.Lۊ hS01QF)!΅"kpljK|oGEZOjW/fL J aUEڞ{u^/¸*_C7$z P76^Yp}T|>Yq˒Co 軠0sĞ)A)z7:$Hz[xV r&[,aRFk/c 'tx`H=[nl/No^JI!7,o͚U[KnnxLIU &MЁF2";i9<YK$}q]&ԣ? 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