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Arrays represent basic values and behave very much like lists, except the type of objects stored in them is constrained. Methods: append() -- append a new item to the end of the array buffer_info() -- return information giving the current memory info byteswap() -- byteswap all the items of the array count() -- return number of occurrences of an object extend() -- extend array by appending multiple elements from an iterable fromfile() -- read items from a file object fromlist() -- append items from the list fromstring() -- append items from the string index() -- return index of first occurrence of an object insert() -- insert a new item into the array at a provided position pop() -- remove and return item (default last) read() -- DEPRECATED, use fromfile() remove() -- remove first occurrence of an object reverse() -- reverse the order of the items in the array tofile() -- write all items to a file object tolist() -- return the array converted to an ordinary list tostring() -- return the array converted to a string write() -- DEPRECATED, use tofile() Attributes: typecode -- the typecode character used to create the array itemsize -- the length in bytes of one array item This module defines an object type which can efficiently represent an array of basic values: characters, integers, floating point numbers. Arrays are sequence types and behave very much like lists, except that the type of objects stored in them is constrained. The type is specified at object creation time by using a type code, which is a single character. The following type codes are defined: Type code C Type Minimum size in bytes 'c' character 1 'b' signed integer 1 'B' unsigned integer 1 'u' Unicode character 2 'h' signed integer 2 'H' unsigned integer 2 'i' signed integer 2 'I' unsigned integer 2 'l' signed integer 4 'L' unsigned integer 4 'f' floating point 4 'd' floating point 8 The constructor is: array(typecode [, initializer]) -- create a new array __sizeof__() -> int Size of the array in memory, in bytes.Return state information for pickling.tounicode() -> unicode Convert the array to a unicode string. The array must be a type 'u' array; otherwise a ValueError is raised. Use array.tostring().decode() to obtain a unicode string from an array of some other type.fromunicode(ustr) Extends this array with data from the unicode string ustr. The array must be a type 'u' array; otherwise a ValueError is raised. Use array.fromstring(ustr.decode(...)) to append Unicode data to an array of some other type.tostring() -> string Convert the array to an array of machine values and return the string representation.fromstring(string) Appends items from the string, interpreting it as an array of machine values,as if it had been read from a file using the fromfile() method).tolist() -> list Convert array to an ordinary list with the same items.fromlist(list) Append items to array from list.tofile(f) Write all items (as machine values) to the file object f. Also called as write.fromfile(f, n) Read n objects from the file object f and append them to the end of the array. Also called as read.reverse() Reverse the order of the items in the array.byteswap() Byteswap all items of the array. If the items in the array are not 1, 2, 4, or 8 bytes in size, RuntimeError is raised.append(x) Append new value x to the end of the array.buffer_info() -> (address, length) Return a tuple (address, length) giving the current memory address and the length in items of the buffer used to hold array's contents The length should be multiplied by the itemsize attribute to calculate the buffer length in bytes.insert(i,x) Insert a new item x into the array before position i.extend(array or iterable) Append items to the end of the array.pop([i]) Return the i-th element and delete it from the array. i defaults to -1.remove(x) Remove the first occurrence of x in the array.index(x) Return index of first occurrence of x in the array.count(x) Return number of occurrences of x in the array.copy(array) Return a copy of the array.l(-A-p-m8 SY   b0pa@ ` [SPSP-@-:9T@90[; F@_R@-PTLl@8 lPL m. m9 mK "m9 /m D l`I` 6mG k? k@ ?m` k7 k> Em@K` JmF Um E@ \mp8 dm_ kmpD` rm5 {mY mP` mPD m4pjmp4jc4`2b`4WBP41u4Wh@4`1H04PVi 40I4Xl4`0L33f2/d2`/arraymodule.so.debugPI7zXZִF!t/]?Eh=ڊ2Naem*ɕ2>-RwI>X+XV%ʆv}~Gzdwzl,Qm,>C'129%X@l2T o7(:{KLg7U,;ehD/}@HJoBUsvqsˈ~&ON7o6 :DŃ`0mMط-HN럫ee^Hj+J[hR w [2}s&C7GXq Ӿ${ZK$cC!XClr Y{K: )K13=6~T/WA;)9}Fh²=sJu7P=:]rzW@b>eHcB{eqY&<] /}xƼ:t\7~k]W,`-KmZɖ]zռa3Jz[I2H[9Mvvkw9956zi Õ4g7R|xF874=)RӘ}av2Tq!͸4}a>(g@X:쉑$VM|Zm)eslyc8_ :l7 emdT;K!|#x#lyZaHH3NT.6.1S9軜]NIJGHPt $JYi-#9 b{lZMUJn lZDPuvPX,NBNփGCf%񖨘k9~5Ko989Ċځ5IBr\V/l6SDM!oi{m4+X7jz DBUlQLL EQi =OS=JeEmXFR;#oYSma6 99?! y܁m;?5PƲCi=v,c.No(U[UG~?{ 1XdAgYZ.shstrtab.note.gnu.build-id.gnu.hash.dynsym.dynstr.gnu.version.gnu.version_r.rela.dyn.rela.plt.init.text.fini.rodata.eh_frame_hdr.eh_frame.init_array.fini_array.jcr.data.rel.ro.dynamic.got.got.plt.data.bss.gnu_debuglink.gnu_debugdata $o<( 00 00 0 W8oEoHHPT`^B!!h((c0(0( nP,P,R9tee zeemmPpPp` `h hp px x P P    @ 4