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'wbits' is window buffer size. Compressor objects support compress() and flush() methods; decompressor objects support decompress() and flush().crc32(string[, start]) -- Compute a CRC-32 checksum of string. An optional starting value can be specified. The returned checksum is a signed integer.adler32(string[, start]) -- Compute an Adler-32 checksum of string. An optional starting value can be specified. The returned checksum is a signed integer.flush( [length] ) -- Return a string containing any remaining decompressed data. length, if given, is the initial size of the output buffer. The decompressor object can no longer be used after this call.copy() -- Return a copy of the decompression object.copy() -- Return a copy of the compression object.flush( [mode] ) -- Return a string containing any remaining compressed data. mode can be one of the constants Z_SYNC_FLUSH, Z_FULL_FLUSH, Z_FINISH; the default value used when mode is not specified is Z_FINISH. If mode == Z_FINISH, the compressor object can no longer be used after calling the flush() method. Otherwise, more data can still be compressed.decompress(data, max_length) -- Return a string containing the decompressed version of the data. After calling this function, some of the input data may still be stored in internal buffers for later processing. Call the flush() method to clear these buffers. If the max_length parameter is specified then the return value will be no longer than max_length. Unconsumed input data will be stored in the unconsumed_tail attribute.compress(data) -- Return a string containing data compressed. After calling this function, some of the input data may still be stored in internal buffers for later processing. Call the flush() method to clear these buffers.decompress(string[, wbits[, bufsize]]) -- Return decompressed string. Optional arg wbits is the window buffer size. Optional arg bufsize is the initial output buffer size.compress(string[, level]) -- Returned compressed string. Optional arg level is the compression level, in 0-9.decompressobj([wbits]) -- Return a decompressor object. Optional arg wbits is the window buffer size.compressobj([level]) -- Return a compressor object. Optional arg level is the compression level, in 0-9.3D 40"K 3 L 2C 4J 3`L 4,H V4P* E 5(F 4&I V4p$F 5/@F 55@zlibmodule.so.debugz(77zXZִF!t//]?Eh=ڊ2N8@!4Ib.Ð~(>)"14ƮD Wxtjc +xݤDI&'m,evɍYQ[{!#ܑʷӺͱ y@?< ب:n A}x ŧGoZv]MW벜ETIZuz! ^fӪ~Pʍ%|5} v(w i̝~X<|wr3-$A8AQXŝodr)e@zM:)nLP{cd {Aqp OJ]# ; U{it\A\Tzj8,pXJ /4R|rh+k`2\wϰU{`{΢O5腈!#W%١@"}ū/_{py=p:M$oK>S2LiD![K'!Pd}MNlGH<69 f*SS/i)uFKm*rȔn.H /mCGSY`Ԝ2UmQ0]ŕHl/>{³A(:ЂND$$j꘭|Ko&6x~{V?-xjB"cF?ޗLv1FIփEe.UELѬ/˳D h(16v'L<6M1Lc4%½`MZ8yYIȣ╘шRrKaZ8G<蟃Y |q0 ӇʍRCxΖr72rJBXH> y0ygY