README for GNU `indent' 2.2.11. GNU indent changes the appearance of a C program by inserting or deleting whitespace according to a plethora of options. Some canned styles of formatting are supported as well. GNU indent is a descendant of BSD indent. This file is part of the GNU indent distribution. GNU indent does NOT work for C++, if it does for you then you're just lucky. Don't ask for support for C++. Read the file NEWS for more information, especially to see what's different from the last version, and what future versions may do. To install indent, please read the file INSTALL included with the distribution. If you are installing indent on VMS, see the file miscel/README.VMS. For VMS and other platforms there is a variety of files in the directory miscel that may be of use. Move the files that may be of use to the src directory before use. For license and copying information, see the file COPYING. DOCUMENTATION For complete documentation on the Web, please visit: GNU uses a language called "texinfo" for its documentation source which produces both an on-line, interactive version and a hardcopy version for printing. An HTML version is now produced as well. The on-line versions, `' and `indent.1', are installed along with the executable by typing "make install". Refer to the Texinfo manual for more information on the `info' system. The hardcopy version is produced from the source file `indent.texinfo' in a pdf or Postscript format file. To produce the pdf version type: make pdf To produce the Postscript version, type: make ps Note that you must have the TeX typographical system installed for this to work. The HTML version is included along with the distribution, and consists of the file: doc/indent.html This file can also be accessed at the URL To create the HTML version from the texinfo version, type: make html Obviously you will need the texi2html tool. BUG REPORTS Please address bug-reports and suggestions or comments to: How to report bugs: Please begin your bug report with a concise and factual description of the behaviour you consider to be abberant. If you have narrowed the problem down to the use of a particular option, please mention that. In general, also be sure to mention the command line options used to invoke indent, as well as the contents of your if you are using one. Then include the *smallest possible* piece of code which generates the described symptom. It is very helpful if you can manage to reduce the size of the sample code. Finally, if you have investigated the problem further, include debugger stack traces, modifications, or speculation you have. SENDING CODE If you send a patch as part of your bug fix, or send me code for new features, please send them as diffs. In particular, send me the result of "diff -c ". Because of the regression testing I require of indent, it is extremely unlikely that your code will be installed into indent "as-is"; however it may still be helpful, and will likely have solved your particular problem.