;;; systemtap-mode.el --- A mode for SystemTap ;; Copyright (C) 2008 Tomoki Sekiyama ;; Copyright (C) 2012 RĂ¼diger Sonderfeld ;; Authors: 2008 Tomoki Sekiyama ;; 2012 RĂ¼diger Sonderfeld ;; Maintainer: ruediger@c-plusplus.de ;; Keywords: tools languages ;; Version: 0.02 ;; URL: https://github.com/ruediger/systemtap-mode ;; This file is NOT part of GNU Emacs. ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ;; (at your option) any later version. ;; ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to ;; the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, ;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ;;; Commentary: ;; This code is based on the original systemtap-mode.el written by ;; Tomoki Sekiyama. It can be found at ;; http://coderepos.org/share/browser/lang/elisp/systemtap-mode/systemtap-mode.el?format=txt ;; TODO: ;; - indent embedded-C %{ ... %} correctly ;; - add parameter for indentation ;; - ... ;;; Code: (defconst systemtap-mode-version "0.02" "SystemTap Mode version number.") (defgroup systemtap-mode nil "A mode for SystemTap." :prefix "systemtap-" :group 'tools :group 'languages) (require 'cc-mode) (require 'cc-awk) (eval-when-compile (require 'cc-langs) (require 'cc-fonts) (require 'cl)) (eval-and-compile (c-add-language 'systemtap-mode 'awk-mode)) ;; Syntax definitions for SystemTap (c-lang-defconst c-primitive-type-kwds systemtap '("string" "long" "global" "private")) (c-lang-defconst c-modifier-kwds systemtap (append '("probe" "function") (c-lang-const c-modifier-kwds))) (c-lang-defconst c-block-stmt-2-kwds systemtap '("else" "for" "foreach" "if" "while")) (c-lang-defconst c-simple-stmt-kwds systemtap '("break" "continue" "delete" "next" "return")) (c-lang-defconst c-identifier-syntax-modifications systemtap '((?. . "_") (?' . "."))) (defcustom systemtap-font-lock-extra-types nil "Font-lock extra types for SystemTap mode." :group 'systemtap-mode) (defconst systemtap-font-lock-keywords-1 (c-lang-const c-matchers-1 systemtap) "Minimal highlighting for SystemTap mode.") (defconst systemtap-font-lock-keywords-2 (c-lang-const c-matchers-2 systemtap) "Fast normal highlighting for SystemTap mode.") (defconst systemtap-font-lock-keywords-3 (c-lang-const c-matchers-3 systemtap) "Accurate normal highlighting for SystemTap mode.") (defvar systemtap-font-lock-keywords systemtap-font-lock-keywords-3 "Default expressions to highlight in SystemTap mode.") (defvar systemtap-mode-syntax-table nil "Syntax table used in systemtap-mode buffers.") (unless systemtap-mode-syntax-table (setq systemtap-mode-syntax-table (funcall (c-lang-const c-make-mode-syntax-table systemtap)))) (defvar systemtap-mode-abbrev-table nil "Abbreviation table used in systemtap-mode buffers.") (defvar systemtap-mode-map (let ((map (c-make-inherited-keymap))) (define-key map "\C-ce" 'systemtap-execute-script) (define-key map "\C-cc" 'systemtap-interrupt-script) map) "Keymap used in systemtap-mode buffers.") (easy-menu-define systemtap-menu systemtap-mode-map "SystemTap Mode Commands" (cons "SystemTap" (append '(["Execute This Script" systemtap-execute-script t] ["Interrupt Execution of Script" systemtap-interrupt-script (get-process "systemtap-script")] "----") (c-lang-const c-mode-menu systemtap)))) ;; Execution function of Current Script (defvar systemtap-buffer-name "*SystemTap*" "Name of the SystemTap execution buffer.") (defcustom systemtap-stap-program "stap" "SystemTap's stap program to execute scripts." :type 'file :group 'systemtap-mode) (defcustom systemtap-stap-options '("-v") "A list of options to give to stap." :type '(repeat string) :group 'systemtap-mode) (defun systemtap-execute-script () "Execute current SystemTap script." (interactive) (when (get-buffer systemtap-buffer-name) (kill-buffer systemtap-buffer-name)) (get-buffer-create systemtap-buffer-name) (display-buffer systemtap-buffer-name) (let* ((file-name (buffer-file-name)) (options (append systemtap-stap-options (list file-name)))) (apply #'start-process "systemtap-script" systemtap-buffer-name systemtap-stap-program options)) (message "Execution of SystemTap script started.")) (defun systemtap-interrupt-script () "Interrupt running SystemTap script." (interactive) (interrupt-process "systemtap-script") (message "SystemTap script is interrupted.")) ;;;###autoload (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.stp\\'" . systemtap-mode)) ;;;###autoload (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.stpm\\'" . systemtap-mode)) (require 'simple) ;;;###autoload ; prog-mode is newer than emacs 23 (define-derived-mode systemtap-mode fundamental-mode "SystemTap" "Major mode for editing SystemTap scripts. Key bindings: \\{systemtap-mode-map}" :group 'systemtap :syntax-table systemtap-mode-syntax-table :abbrev-table systemtap-mode-abbrev-table (c-initialize-cc-mode t) (use-local-map systemtap-mode-map) (c-init-language-vars systemtap-mode) (c-common-init 'systemtap-mode) (easy-menu-add systemtap-menu) (c-run-mode-hooks 'c-mode-common-hook) (c-update-modeline)) (provide 'systemtap-mode) ;;; systemtap-mode.el ends here