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Certificate signing. Communications encipherment. Digital signatures. Hexdump: Not After: %s Not Before: %s Path Length Constraint: %d Policy Language: %s Policy: ASCII: Storage data encipherment. Authority Key Identifier (%s): CRL Number (%s): Challenge password: %s Creation: %s Curve: %s Expiration: %s Expiration: Never Exponent (bits %d): Exponent (bits %d): Exponent: G: G: Issued: %s Key Usage: Modulus (bits %d): Modulus (bits %d): Next Update: %s Next at: %s Not After: %s Not Before: %s P: P: Public key (bits %d): Public key (bits %d): Q: Q: Revocation time: %s Revoked at: %s Serial Number (hex): This Update: %s Unknown attribute %s: Unknown extension %s (%s): X: X: Y: Y: %s fingerprint: %sPublic Key Algorithm: %s Algorithm Security Level: %s (%d bits) Attributes: Extensions: Fingerprint (hex): Fingerprint's random art: ID (hex): Issuer: %s Key Security Level: %s Name[%d]: %s No revoked certificates. Produced At: %s Public Key Algorithm: %s Public Key ID: Public key's random art: Responder ID: %.*s Revoked Name[%d]: %s Revoked certificates (%d): Revoked: False Revoked: True Serial Number (hex): Signature Algorithm: %s Signature: Subject: %s Time stamps: Update dates: Validity: Version: %d Version: 1 (default) Hexdump: Subkey[%d]: %s otherName ASCII: %s ASCII: %s Any purpose. %s Certificate Authority (CA): FALSE %s Certificate Authority (CA): TRUE %s Code signing. %s Email protection. %s Excluded: %s Hexdump: %s Ipsec IKE. %s OCSP signing. %s Path Length Constraint: %d %s Permitted: %s TLS WWW Client. %s TLS WWW Server. %s Time stamping. %s otherName DER: %s otherName OID: %.*s %s Authority Information Access (%s): %s Authority Key Identifier (%s): %s Basic Constraints (%s): %s CRL Distribution points (%s): %s Issuer Alternative Name (%s): %s Key Purpose (%s): %s Key Usage (%s): %s Name Constraints (%s): %s Private Key Usage Period (%s): %s Proxy Certificate Information (%s): %s Subject Alternative Name (%s): %s Subject Key Identifier (%s): %s Unknown extension %s (%s): %s Extensions: %sCRL signing. %sCertificate signing. %sDNSname: %.*s %sData encipherment. %sDigital signature. %sKey agreement. %sKey decipher only. %sKey encipher only. %sKey encipherment. %sNon repudiation. %sRFC822Name: %.*s %sURI: %.*s %sUnknown name: %sXMPP Address: %.*s %sdirectoryName: %.*s (unknown error code)A TLS fatal alert has been received.A TLS packet with unexpected length was received.A TLS warning alert has been received.A heartbeat ping message was received.A heartbeat pong message was received.A packet with illegal or unsupported version was received.ASN1 parser: Element was not found.ASN1 parser: Error in DER parsing.ASN1 parser: Error in TAG.ASN1 parser: Error in type 'ANY'.ASN1 parser: Generic parsing error.ASN1 parser: Identifier was not foundASN1 parser: Overflow in DER parsing.ASN1 parser: Syntax error.ASN1 parser: Value is not valid.ASN1 parser: Value was not found.ASN1 parser: error in implicit tagAccess was deniedAn algorithm that is not enabled was negotiated.An error has been detected in the library and cannot continue operations.An error was encountered at the TLS Finished packet calculation.An illegal TLS extension was received.An illegal parameter has been received.An illegal parameter was found.An unexpected TLS handshake packet was received.An unexpected TLS packet was received.An unimplemented or disabled feature has been requested.An unknown public key algorithm was encountered.An unsupported extension was sentBad record MACBase64 decoding error.Base64 encoding error.Base64 unexpected header error.CA is unknownCannot initialize a session with the TPM.Certificate is badCertificate is expiredCertificate is not supportedCertificate was revokedChannel binding data not availableClose notifyCompression of the TLS record packet has failed.Could not authenticate peer.Could not export a large integer.Could not find OpenPGP subkey.Could not get OpenPGP key.Could not negotiate a supported cipher suite.Could not negotiate a supported compression method.Could not retrieve the specified certificateDecode errorDecompression failedDecompression of the TLS record packet has failed.Decrypt errorDecryption failedDecryption has failed.Encryption has failed.Error in Database backend.Error in parsing.Error in password file.Error in protocol versionError in provided PIN.Error in provided SRK password for TPM.Error in provided password for key to be loaded in TPM.Error in public key generation.Error in sockets initialization.Error in the certificate.Error in the pull function.Error in the push function.Error in the system's randomness device.Error interfacing with /dev/cryptoError loading the keyring.Error opening /dev/cryptoError while performing self checks.Error while reading file.Export restrictionFailed to acquire random data.Function was interrupted.GnuTLS internal error.Handshake failedHashing has failed.Illegal parameterInsufficient credentials for that request.Insufficient securityInternal errorInternal error in memory allocation.Key usage violation in certificate has been detected.No certificate (SSL 3.0)No certificate was found.No common application protocol could be negotiated.No or insufficient priorities were set.No renegotiation is allowedNo supported ECC curves were foundNo supported application protocol could be negotiatedNo supported cipher suites have been found.No supported compression algorithms have been found.No temporary DH parameters were found.No temporary RSA parameters were found.OCSP Request Information: OCSP Response Information: OpenPGP Certificate Information: Other Information: PKCS #10 Certificate Request Information: PKCS #11 PIN expiredPKCS #11 PIN lockedPKCS #11 error in attributePKCS #11 error in dataPKCS #11 error in devicePKCS #11 error in keyPKCS #11 error in sessionPKCS #11 error in signaturePKCS #11 error in slotPKCS #11 error in tokenPKCS #11 error.PKCS #11 initialization error.PKCS #11 unsupported featurePKCS #11 user errorParsing error in password file.Peer has terminated the connectionPublic Key ID: Public Key Information: Public Key Usage: Public key decryption has failed.Public key encryption has failed.Public key signature verification has failed.Public key signing has failed.Record overflowRehandshake was requested by the peer.Resource temporarily unavailable, try again.Safe renegotiation failed.Some constraint limits were reached.Subject Success.TLS Application data were received, while expecting handshake data.TPM error.TPM is not initialized.TPM key was not found in persistent storage.The Diffie-Hellman prime sent by the server is not acceptable (not long enough).The Message Authentication Code verification failed.The OCSP response is invalidThe OID is not supported.The OpenPGP User ID is revoked.The OpenPGP fingerprint is not supported.The OpenPGP key has not a preferred key set.The PKCS structure's bag type is unknown.The PKCS structure's content type is unknown.The SRP username supplied is illegal.The SRP username supplied is unknown.The SRP/PSK username is missing or not knownThe TLS connection was non-properly terminated.The TPM library (trousers) cannot be found.The certificate and the given key do not match.The certificate has unsupported attributes.The certificate type is not supported.The cipher type is unsupported.The cookie was bad.The crypto library version is too old.The curve is unsupportedThe given DSA key is incompatible with the selected TLS protocol.The given memory buffer is too short to hold parameters.The given password contains invalid characters.The handshake data size is too large.The hash algorithm is unknown.The initialization of crypto backend has failed.The operation timed outThe operation was cancelled due to user errorThe provided X.509 certificate list is not sorted (in subject to issuer order)The request is invalid.The requested PKCS #11 object is not availableThe requested data were not available.The requested session has expired.The scanning of a large integer has failed.The server name sent was not recognizedThe signature algorithm is not supported.The specified algorithm or protocol is unknown.The specified session has been invalidated for some reason.The tasn1 library version is too old.The transmitted packet is too large (EMSGSIZE).The upper limit of record packet sequence numbers has been reached. Wow!There is already a crypto algorithm with lower priority.There is no certificate status (OCSP).There is no self test for this algorithm.Thread locking errorToo many empty record packets have been received.Too many handshake packets have been received.Unexpected messageUnknown Subject Alternative name in X.509 certificate.Unknown certificateUnsafe renegotiation denied.Unsupported critical extension in X.509 certificate.Unsupported extension in X.509 certificate.User canceledVerifying TLS/IA phase checksum failedWrong padding in PKCS1 packet.X.509 Certificate Information: X.509 Certificate Revocation List Information: created: %s, criticalerror: get_key_usage: %s expires: %s, fingerprint: key algorithm %s (%d bits)name[%d]: %s, never expires, not criticalrevoked name[%d]: %s, signed using %s (broken!), signed using %s, unknownunknown key algorithm (%d)warning: generalName contains an embedded NUL, replacing with '!' warning: signed using a broken signature algorithm that can be forged. Project-Id-Version: gnutls 3.3.29 Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: bug-gnutls@gnu.org POT-Creation-Date: 2018-02-16 08:16+0100 PO-Revision-Date: 2018-02-16 08:16+0100 Last-Translator: Automatically generated Language-Team: none Language: en@boldquot MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1); ASCII: Access Method: %s (%s) Authentication. Certificate signing. Communications encipherment. Digital signatures. Hexdump: Not After: %s Not Before: %s Path Length Constraint: %d Policy Language: %s Policy: ASCII: Storage data encipherment. Authority Key Identifier (%s): CRL Number (%s): Challenge password: %s Creation: %s Curve: %s Expiration: %s Expiration: Never Exponent (bits %d): Exponent (bits %d): Exponent: G: G: Issued: %s Key Usage: Modulus (bits %d): Modulus (bits %d): Next Update: %s Next at: %s Not After: %s Not Before: %s P: P: Public key (bits %d): Public key (bits %d): Q: Q: Revocation time: %s Revoked at: %s Serial Number (hex): This Update: %s Unknown attribute %s: Unknown extension %s (%s): X: X: Y: Y: %s fingerprint: %sPublic Key Algorithm: %s Algorithm Security Level: %s (%d bits) Attributes: Extensions: Fingerprint (hex): Fingerprint's random art: ID (hex): Issuer: %s Key Security Level: %s Name[%d]: %s No revoked certificates. Produced At: %s Public Key Algorithm: %s Public Key ID: Public key's random art: Responder ID: %.*s Revoked Name[%d]: %s Revoked certificates (%d): Revoked: False Revoked: True Serial Number (hex): Signature Algorithm: %s Signature: Subject: %s Time stamps: Update dates: Validity: Version: %d Version: 1 (default) Hexdump: Subkey[%d]: %s otherName ASCII: %s ASCII: %s Any purpose. %s Certificate Authority (CA): FALSE %s Certificate Authority (CA): TRUE %s Code signing. %s Email protection. %s Excluded: %s Hexdump: %s Ipsec IKE. %s OCSP signing. %s Path Length Constraint: %d %s Permitted: %s TLS WWW Client. %s TLS WWW Server. %s Time stamping. %s otherName DER: %s otherName OID: %.*s %s Authority Information Access (%s): %s Authority Key Identifier (%s): %s Basic Constraints (%s): %s CRL Distribution points (%s): %s Issuer Alternative Name (%s): %s Key Purpose (%s): %s Key Usage (%s): %s Name Constraints (%s): %s Private Key Usage Period (%s): %s Proxy Certificate Information (%s): %s Subject Alternative Name (%s): %s Subject Key Identifier (%s): %s Unknown extension %s (%s): %s Extensions: %sCRL signing. %sCertificate signing. %sDNSname: %.*s %sData encipherment. %sDigital signature. %sKey agreement. %sKey decipher only. %sKey encipher only. %sKey encipherment. %sNon repudiation. %sRFC822Name: %.*s %sURI: %.*s %sUnknown name: %sXMPP Address: %.*s %sdirectoryName: %.*s (unknown error code)A TLS fatal alert has been received.A TLS packet with unexpected length was received.A TLS warning alert has been received.A heartbeat ping message was received.A heartbeat pong message was received.A packet with illegal or unsupported version was received.ASN1 parser: Element was not found.ASN1 parser: Error in DER parsing.ASN1 parser: Error in TAG.ASN1 parser: Error in type 'ANY'.ASN1 parser: Generic parsing error.ASN1 parser: Identifier was not foundASN1 parser: Overflow in DER parsing.ASN1 parser: Syntax error.ASN1 parser: Value is not valid.ASN1 parser: Value was not found.ASN1 parser: error in implicit tagAccess was deniedAn algorithm that is not enabled was negotiated.An error has been detected in the library and cannot continue operations.An error was encountered at the TLS Finished packet calculation.An illegal TLS extension was received.An illegal parameter has been received.An illegal parameter was found.An unexpected TLS handshake packet was received.An unexpected TLS packet was received.An unimplemented or disabled feature has been requested.An unknown public key algorithm was encountered.An unsupported extension was sentBad record MACBase64 decoding error.Base64 encoding error.Base64 unexpected header error.CA is unknownCannot initialize a session with the TPM.Certificate is badCertificate is expiredCertificate is not supportedCertificate was revokedChannel binding data not availableClose notifyCompression of the TLS record packet has failed.Could not authenticate peer.Could not export a large integer.Could not find OpenPGP subkey.Could not get OpenPGP key.Could not negotiate a supported cipher suite.Could not negotiate a supported compression method.Could not retrieve the specified certificateDecode errorDecompression failedDecompression of the TLS record packet has failed.Decrypt errorDecryption failedDecryption has failed.Encryption has failed.Error in Database backend.Error in parsing.Error in password file.Error in protocol versionError in provided PIN.Error in provided SRK password for TPM.Error in provided password for key to be loaded in TPM.Error in public key generation.Error in sockets initialization.Error in the certificate.Error in the pull function.Error in the push function.Error in the system's randomness device.Error interfacing with /dev/cryptoError loading the keyring.Error opening /dev/cryptoError while performing self checks.Error while reading file.Export restrictionFailed to acquire random data.Function was interrupted.GnuTLS internal error.Handshake failedHashing has failed.Illegal parameterInsufficient credentials for that request.Insufficient securityInternal errorInternal error in memory allocation.Key usage violation in certificate has been detected.No certificate (SSL 3.0)No certificate was found.No common application protocol could be negotiated.No or insufficient priorities were set.No renegotiation is allowedNo supported ECC curves were foundNo supported application protocol could be negotiatedNo supported cipher suites have been found.No supported compression algorithms have been found.No temporary DH parameters were found.No temporary RSA parameters were found.OCSP Request Information: OCSP Response Information: OpenPGP Certificate Information: Other Information: PKCS #10 Certificate Request Information: PKCS #11 PIN expiredPKCS #11 PIN lockedPKCS #11 error in attributePKCS #11 error in dataPKCS #11 error in devicePKCS #11 error in keyPKCS #11 error in sessionPKCS #11 error in signaturePKCS #11 error in slotPKCS #11 error in tokenPKCS #11 error.PKCS #11 initialization error.PKCS #11 unsupported featurePKCS #11 user errorParsing error in password file.Peer has terminated the connectionPublic Key ID: Public Key Information: Public Key Usage: Public key decryption has failed.Public key encryption has failed.Public key signature verification has failed.Public key signing has failed.Record overflowRehandshake was requested by the peer.Resource temporarily unavailable, try again.Safe renegotiation failed.Some constraint limits were reached.Subject Success.TLS Application data were received, while expecting handshake data.TPM error.TPM is not initialized.TPM key was not found in persistent storage.The Diffie-Hellman prime sent by the server is not acceptable (not long enough).The Message Authentication Code verification failed.The OCSP response is invalidThe OID is not supported.The OpenPGP User ID is revoked.The OpenPGP fingerprint is not supported.The OpenPGP key has not a preferred key set.The PKCS structure's bag type is unknown.The PKCS structure's content type is unknown.The SRP username supplied is illegal.The SRP username supplied is unknown.The SRP/PSK username is missing or not knownThe TLS connection was non-properly terminated.The TPM library (trousers) cannot be found.The certificate and the given key do not match.The certificate has unsupported attributes.The certificate type is not supported.The cipher type is unsupported.The cookie was bad.The crypto library version is too old.The curve is unsupportedThe given DSA key is incompatible with the selected TLS protocol.The given memory buffer is too short to hold parameters.The given password contains invalid characters.The handshake data size is too large.The hash algorithm is unknown.The initialization of crypto backend has failed.The operation timed outThe operation was cancelled due to user errorThe provided X.509 certificate list is not sorted (in subject to issuer order)The request is invalid.The requested PKCS #11 object is not availableThe requested data were not available.The requested session has expired.The scanning of a large integer has failed.The server name sent was not recognizedThe signature algorithm is not supported.The specified algorithm or protocol is unknown.The specified session has been invalidated for some reason.The tasn1 library version is too old.The transmitted packet is too large (EMSGSIZE).The upper limit of record packet sequence numbers has been reached. Wow!There is already a crypto algorithm with lower priority.There is no certificate status (OCSP).There is no self test for this algorithm.Thread locking errorToo many empty record packets have been received.Too many handshake packets have been received.Unexpected messageUnknown Subject Alternative name in X.509 certificate.Unknown certificateUnsafe renegotiation denied.Unsupported critical extension in X.509 certificate.Unsupported extension in X.509 certificate.User canceledVerifying TLS/IA phase checksum failedWrong padding in PKCS1 packet.X.509 Certificate Information: X.509 Certificate Revocation List Information: created: %s, criticalerror: get_key_usage: %s expires: %s, fingerprint: key algorithm %s (%d bits)name[%d]: %s, never expires, not criticalrevoked name[%d]: %s, signed using %s (broken!), signed using %s, unknownunknown key algorithm (%d)warning: generalName contains an embedded NUL, replacing with ‘!’ warning: signed using a broken signature algorithm that can be forged.