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Could not get current context for %s, not relabeling tty. %s! Could not get new context for %s, not relabeling tty. %s! Could not set new context for %s %s: Can't load policy and enforcing mode requested: %s %s: Can't load policy: %s %s: Policy is already loaded and initial load requested ******************** IMPORTANT *********************** ...600-1024ApplicationsRoot UsersSelect:TCP PortsUDP PortsActionAddAdd %sAdd SELinux UserAdd SELinux UsersAdd UserAdd userAddr %s is defined in policy, cannot be deletedAddr %s is not definedAllApplicationApplyAre you sure you want to delete %s '%s'?BooleanBoolean %s is defined in policy, cannot be deletedBoolean %s is not definedBoolean NameBuiltin Permissive TypesCan not combine +/- with other types of categoriesCan not have multiple sensitivitiesCan not modify sensitivity levels using '+' on %sCannot find your entry in the shadow passwd file. Cannot read policy store.ContextCould not add SELinux user %sCould not add addr %sCould not add file context for %sCould not add interface %sCould not add login mapping for %sCould not add port %(PROTOCOL)s/%(PORT)sCould not check if SELinux user %s is definedCould not check if addr %s is definedCould not check if boolean %s is definedCould not check if file context for %s is definedCould not check if interface %s is definedCould not check if login mapping for %s is definedCould not check if port %(PROTOCOL)s/%(PORT)s is definedCould not check if port @%(PROTOCOL)s/%(PORT)s is definedCould not close descriptors. Could not commit semanage transactionCould not create a key for %(PROTOTYPE)s/%(PORT)sCould not create a key for %sCould not create addr for %sCould not create context for %sCould not create file context for %sCould not create interface for %sCould not create key for %sCould not create login mapping for %sCould not create module keyCould not create port for %(PROTOCOL)s/%(PORT)sCould not create semanage handleCould not delete SELinux user %sCould not delete addr %sCould not delete boolean %sCould not delete file context for %sCould not delete interface %sCould not delete login mapping for %sCould not delete port %(PROTOCOL)s/%(PORT)sCould not delete the file context %sCould not delete the port %sCould not determine enforcing mode. Could not establish semanage connectionCould not extract key for %sCould not get module nameCould not list SELinux modulesCould not list SELinux usersCould not list addrsCould not list booleansCould not list file contextsCould not list interfacesCould not list local file contextsCould not list login mappingsCould not list portsCould not list roles for user %sCould not list the file contextsCould not list the portsCould not modify SELinux user %sCould not modify addr %sCould not modify boolean %sCould not modify file context for %sCould not modify interface %sCould not modify login mapping for %sCould not modify port %(PROTOCOL)s/%(PORT)sCould not open file %s Could not query addr %sCould not query file context %sCould not query file context for %sCould not query interface %sCould not query seuser for %sCould not query user for %sCould not remove module %s (remove failed)Could not remove permissive domain %s (remove failed)Could not set MLS level for %sCould not set MLS range for %sCould not set SELinux user for %sCould not set active value of boolean %sCould not set addr context for %sCould not set exec context to %s. Could not set file context for %sCould not set interface context for %sCould not set mask for %sCould not set message context for %sCould not set mls fields in addr context for %sCould not set mls fields in file context for %sCould not set mls fields in interface context for %sCould not set module key nameCould not set name for %sCould not set permissive domain %s (module installation failed)Could not set role in addr context for %sCould not set role in file context for %sCould not set role in interface context for %sCould not set type in addr context for %sCould not set type in file context for %sCould not set type in interface context for %sCould not set user in addr context for %sCould not set user in file context for %sCould not set user in interface context for %sCould not start semanage transactionCould not test MLS enabled statusCouldn't get default type. CustomizedCustomized Permissive TypesDefaultDeleteDelete %sDelete UserDelete userDescriptionDisableDisabledEnableEnforcingEnter MLS/MCS Range for this SELinux User. s0-s0:c1023Equivalence: %sError allocating memory. Error allocating shell's argv0. Error changing uid, aborting. Error connecting to audit system. Error resetting KEEPCAPS, aborting Error sending audit message. Error! Could not open %s. Error! Shell is not valid. Error: multiple levels specified Error: multiple roles specified Error: multiple types specified Error: you are not allowed to change levels on a non secure terminal ExecutableExisting_UserFailed to close tty properly File TypeFile LabelingFile context for %s is defined in policy, cannot be deletedFile context for %s is not definedFile path : %sFile path: %sFile specification can not include spacesGPLGroup ViewInterface %s is defined in policy, cannot be deletedInterface %s is not definedInvalid PortInvalid file specificationLabelingLanguageLinux Group %s does not existLinux User %s does not existLogin NameLogin NameLogin mapping for %s is defined in policy, cannot be deletedLogin mapping for %s is not definedLogin nameMCS LevelMCS RangeMISSING FILE PATHMLSMLS/MLS/ MCS RangeMLS/MCS LevelMLS/MCS RangeMLS/MCS Range: %sModify %sModify SELinux UsersModify UserModify userModule NameModule does not exists %s More TypesMore...NameNo context in file %s Node Address is requiredNot yet implementedOptions Error %s Out of memory! Password:PermissivePortPort %(PROTOCOL)s/%(PORT)s already definedPort %(PROTOCOL)s/%(PORT)s is defined in policy, cannot be deletedPort %(PROTOCOL)s/%(PORT)s is not definedPort @%(PROTOCOL)s/%(PORT)s is not definedPort NumberPort is requiredPrefixPriorityProtoProtocolProtocol udp or tcp is requiredRed Hat 2007Requires at least one categoryRequires prefix or rolesRequires prefix, roles, level or rangeRequires setypeRequires setype or serangeRequires setype, serange or seuserRequires seuser or serangeRevert ChangesRoleRoles: %sSELinux UserSELinux AdministrationSELinux InterfaceSELinux Port TypeSELinux Port TypeSELinux RolesSELinux Type is requiredSELinux UserSELinux User : %sSELinux User NameSELinux User: %sSELinux UsernameSELinux booleanSELinux fcontextSELinux name: %sSELinux policy is not managed or store cannot be accessed.SELinux user %s is defined in policy, cannot be deletedSELinux user %s is not definedSELinux user '%s' is requiredSandboxSelect PortsSelinux File TypeSemanage transaction already in progressSemanage transaction not in progressSends emailServiceSorry, -l may be used with SELinux MLS support. Sorry, newrole may be used only on a SELinux kernel. Sorry, run_init may be used only on a SELinux kernel. StateStatusTo make this policy package active, execute:Type is requiredTypesUSAGE: run_init