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If you are planning on basing your work on an upstream branch that already exists at the remote, you may need to run "git fetch" to retrieve it. If you are planning to push out a new local branch that will track its remote counterpart, you may want to use "git push -u" to set the upstream config as you push. If you wanted to make '%s' track '%s', do this: It looks like you may be committing a cherry-pick. If this is not correct, please remove the file %s and try again. It looks like you may be committing a merge. If this is not correct, please remove the file %s and try again. To choose either option permanently, see push.default in 'git help config'. Write a tag message Lines starting with '%c' will be ignored. Write a tag message Lines starting with '%c' will be kept; you may remove them yourself if you want to. %-*s forces to %-*s (%s) %-*s forces to %s %-*s pushes to %-*s (%s) %-*s pushes to %s %s and with remote git branch --set-upstream-to %s git branch -d %s (%s has become dangling) (%s will become dangling) and with remote or: %s or: git show [options] ... (Once your working directory is clean, run "git rebase --continue") (all conflicts fixed: run "git commit") (all conflicts fixed: run "git rebase --continue") (all conflicts fixed: run "git revert --continue") (commit or discard the untracked or modified content in submodules) (fix conflicts and run "git commit") (fix conflicts and run "git revert --continue") (fix conflicts and then run "git am --resolved") (fix conflicts and then run "git rebase --continue") (unable to update local ref) (use "git %s ..." to include in what will be committed) (use "git add ..." to mark resolution) (use "git add ..." to update what will be committed) (use "git add/rm ..." as appropriate to mark resolution) (use "git add/rm ..." to update what will be committed) (use "git am --abort" to restore the original branch) (use "git am --skip" to skip this patch) (use "git bisect reset" to get back to the original branch) (use "git checkout -- ..." to discard changes in working directory) (use "git commit --amend" to amend the current commit) (use "git commit" to conclude merge) (use "git pull" to merge the remote branch into yours) (use "git pull" to update your local branch) (use "git push" to publish your local commits) (use "git rebase --abort" to check out the original branch) (use "git rebase --continue" once you are satisfied with your changes) (use "git rebase --skip" to skip this patch) (use "git reset %s ..." to unstage) (use "git revert --abort" to cancel the revert operation) (use "git rm --cached ..." to unstage) (use "git rm ..." to mark resolution) Failed to parse dirstat cut-off percentage '%s' Fetch URL: %s HEAD branch (remote HEAD is ambiguous, may be one of the following): HEAD branch: %s Local branch configured for 'git pull': Local branches configured for 'git pull': Local ref configured for 'git push'%s: Local refs configured for 'git push'%s: Local refs will be mirrored by 'git push' Push URL: %s Remote branch:%s Remote branches:%s Unknown dirstat parameter '%s' Warn: $name doesn't contain commit $sha1_dst Warn: $name doesn't contain commit $sha1_src Warn: $name doesn't contain commits $sha1_src and $sha1_dst %s has become dangling! %s will become dangling! (left unresolved) (nothing to squash) (root-commit) (status not queried) (use -u option to show untracked files) * [pruned] %s * [would prune] %s **** invalid ref **** ... and %d more. ??? merges with remote %s new (next fetch will store in remotes/%s) shared stale (use 'git remote prune' to remove) tracked! %-*s %-*s -> %s (can't fetch in current branch)$onto_name: there are more than one merge bases$onto_name: there is no merge base$reference is not valid reference${REV}: Could not drop stash entry%d line adds whitespace errors.%d lines add whitespace errors.%lu day ago%lu days ago%lu hour ago%lu hours ago%lu minute ago%lu minutes ago%lu month ago%lu months ago%lu second ago%lu seconds ago%lu week ago%lu weeks ago%lu year%lu years%lu year ago%lu years ago%s %s is not a commit!%s (or --work-tree=) not allowed without specifying %s (or --git-dir=)%s - not something we can merge%s already exists%s did not send all necessary objects %s exists and is not a directory%s has type %o, expected %o%s is a directory in %s adding as %s instead%s is not a valid '%s' object%s is okay %s reset is not allowed in a bare repository%s%s Git repository in %s%s %s, %lu month ago%s, %lu months ago%s, source=%s, destination=%s%s: %s%s: %s cannot be used with %s%s: Unable to write new index file%s: already exists in index%s: already exists in working directory%s: bad revision%s: can't cherry-pick a %s%s: cannot lock the ref%s: cannot parse parent commit %s%s: cannot update the ref%s: does not exist in index%s: does not match index%s: patch does not apply%s: wrong type%sAuthor: %s%sCommitter: %s'$arg' does not appear to be a valid revision'$args' is not a stash reference'$args' is not a stash-like commit'$invalid' is not a valid commit'$sm_path' already exists and is not a valid git repo'$sm_path' already exists in the index'%s' appears to be a git command, but we were not able to execute it. Maybe git-%s is broken?'%s' cannot be used with %s'%s' cannot be used with '%s''%s' cannot be used with switching branches'%s' cannot be used with updating paths'%s' does not look like a v2 bundle file'%s' does not point to a commit'%s' has changes staged in the index (use --cached to keep the file, or -f to force removal)'%s' has local modifications (use --cached to keep the file, or -f to force removal)'%s' has staged content different from both the file and the HEAD (use -f to force removal)'%s' is beyond a symbolic link'%s' is not a commit'%s' is not a valid branch name.'%s' is not a valid remote name'%s' is not a valid tag name.'%s': %s'%s': cmd for supported man viewer. Please consider using 'man..path' instead.'%s': not a regular file or symlink'%s': path for unsupported man viewer. Please consider using 'man..cmd' instead.'%s': short read %s'%s': unable to read %s'%s': unknown man viewer.'git bisect bad' can take only one argument.'git help -a' and 'git help -g' lists available subcommands and some concept guides. See 'git help ' or 'git help ' to read about a specific subcommand or concept.(+/-)x(To restore them type "git stash apply")(bad commit) (delete)(detached from %s)(for porcelains) forget saved unresolved conflicts(matching)(no URL)(no branch)(no branch, bisect started on %s)(no branch, rebasing %s)(non-fast-forward)(none)(reading log message from standard input) (synonym to --stat)(use 'rm -rf' if you really want to remove it including all of its history)* remote %s** warning: file %s becomes empty but is not deleted, behind --3way outside a repository--[no-]exclude-standard cannot be used for tracked contents.--add --delete doesn't make sense--all and --mirror are incompatible--all and --tags are incompatible--all can't be combined with refspecs--bare and --origin %s options are incompatible.--bare and --separate-git-dir are incompatible.--cached or --untracked cannot be used with --no-index.--cached outside a repository--check does not make sense--column and --verbose are incompatible--column and -n are incompatible--command must be the first argument--contains option is only allowed with -l.--delete doesn't make sense without any refs--delete is incompatible with --all, --mirror and --tags--delete only accepts plain target ref names--depth and --unshallow cannot be used together--depth is ignored in local clones; use file:// instead.--dirty is incompatible with committishes--fix-thin cannot be used without --stdin--index outside a repository--long and -z are incompatible--long is incompatible with --abbrev=0--mirror and --tags are incompatible--mirror can't be combined with refspecs--mirror is dangerous and deprecated; please use --mirror=fetch or --mirror=push instead--mixed with paths is deprecated; use 'git reset -- ' instead.--name-only does not make sense--name-status does not make sense--no-index or --untracked cannot be used with revs.--open-files-in-pager only works on the worktree--patch is incompatible with --{hard,mixed,soft}--points-at option is only allowed with -l.--quiet is only valid with a single pathname--reset-author can be used only with -C, -c or --amend.--subject-prefix and -k are mutually exclusive.--track needs a branch name--unshallow on a complete repository does not make sense--verify with no packfile name given-A and -u are mutually incompatible-NUM-a and -r options to 'git branch' do not make sense with a branch name-b, -B and --orphan are mutually exclusive-n and -k are mutually exclusive.-n option is only allowed with -l.-x and -X cannot be used together-z only makes sense with --stdin...3-way merge if no file level merging required3-way merge in presence of adds and removes: perhaps a D/F conflict? [,]// can be one of: blob, tree, commit, tag?? what are you talking about?A Git glossaryA branch named '%s' already exists.A git directory for '$sm_name' is found locally with remote(s):A tutorial introduction to Git (for version 1.5.1 or newer)Aborting commit due to empty commit message. Aborting commit; you did not edit the message. Aborting notes merge resolutionActionAdd file contents to the indexAdding %sAdding as %s insteadAdding existing repo at '$sm_path' to the indexAdding merged %sAll conflicts fixed but you are still merging.Already on '%s' Already up-to-date!Ambiguous object name: '%s'.An overview of recommended workflows with GitApplied patch %s cleanly.Apply? [y]es/[n]o/[e]dit/[v]iew patch/[a]ccept all Applying patch %%s with %d reject...Applying patch %%s with %d rejects...Applying: $FIRSTLINEAre you sure [Y/n]? Auto packing the repository for optimum performance. You may also run "git gc" manually. See "git help gc" for more information. Auto-merging %sAutomatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result. Automatic merge went well; stopped before committing as requested Available custom strategies are:Available strategies are:Bad %s value: '%s'Bad HEAD - I need a HEADBad HEAD - strange symbolic refBad bisect_write argument: $stateBad branch.%s.mergeoptions string: %sBad notes.rewriteMode value: '%s'Bad rev input: $argBad rev input: $revBranch %s set up to track local branch %s by rebasing.Branch %s set up to track local branch %s.Branch %s set up to track local ref %s by rebasing.Branch %s set up to track local ref %s.Branch %s set up to track remote branch %s from %s by rebasing.Branch %s set up to track remote branch %s from %s.Branch %s set up to track remote ref %s by rebasing.Branch %s set up to track remote ref %s.Branch '%s' has no upstream informationBranch is renamed, but update of config-file failedBranch rename failedBranch renamed to %s, but HEAD is not updated!CONFLICT (%s): Merge conflict in %sCONFLICT (%s): There is a directory with name %s in %s. Adding %s as %sCONFLICT (%s/delete): %s deleted in %s and %s in %s. Version %s of %s left in tree at %s.CONFLICT (%s/delete): %s deleted in %s and %s in %s. Version %s of %s left in tree.CONFLICT (rename/add): Rename %s->%s in %s. %s added in %sCONFLICT (rename/rename): Rename "%s"->"%s" in branch "%s" rename "%s"->"%s" in "%s"%sCONFLICT (rename/rename): Rename %s->%s in %s. Rename %s->%s in %sCan merge only exactly one commit into empty headCan not do reflog for '%s' Can't cherry-pick into empty headCan't revert as initial commitCannot %s during a %sCannot access current working directoryCannot access work tree '%s'Cannot add notes. Found existing notes for object %s. Use '-f' to overwrite existing notesCannot apply a stash in the middle of a mergeCannot come back to cwdCannot commit uninitialized/unreferenced notes treeCannot copy notes. Found existing notes for object %s. Use '-f' to overwrite existing notesCannot delete the branch '%s' which you are currently on.Cannot determine remote HEADCannot do %s reset with paths.Cannot do a %s reset in the middle of a merge.Cannot fall back to three-way merge.Cannot force update the current branch.Cannot get commit message for %sCannot give description to detached HEADCannot initialize stashCannot merge multiple branches into empty headCannot open existing pack file '%s'Cannot open existing pack idx file for '%s'Cannot open patch file %sCannot overwriteCannot prepare timestamp regexp %sCannot read HEADCannot read indexCannot rebase onto multiple branchesCannot record working tree stateCannot remove temporary index (can't happen)Cannot remove worktree changesCannot save the current index stateCannot save the current statusCannot save the current worktree stateCannot setup tracking information; starting point '%s' is not a branch.Cannot switch branch to a non-commit '%s'Cannot unstage modified filesCannot update paths and switch to branch '%s' at the same time.Cannot update paths and switch to branch '%s' at the same time. Did you intend to checkout '%s' which can not be resolved as commit?Changes from $mb to $onto:Changes not staged for commit:Changes to be committed:Checking out '$start_head' failed. Try 'git bisect reset '.Checking patch %s...Checking rename of '%s' to '%s' Checkout a branch or paths to the working treeCleared directory '$sm_path'Clever... amending the last one with dirty index.Clone a repository into a new directoryClone of '$url' into submodule path '$sm_path' failedClone succeeded, but checkout failed. You can inspect what was checked out with 'git status' and retry the checkout with 'git checkout -f HEAD' Cloning into '%s'... Cloning into bare repository '%s'... Commit %s does not have a GPG signature.Commit %s does not have parent %dCommit %s has a bad GPG signature allegedly by %s.Commit %s has a good GPG signature by %s Commit %s has an untrusted GPG signature, allegedly by %s.Commit %s is a merge but no -m option was given.Commit Body is:Commit contents optionsCommit message optionsCommit your changes or stash them to proceed.Committing unmerged notesConfig file locationConflicts in index. Try without --index.Context reduced to (%ld/%ld) to apply fragment at %dCorrupt MERGE_HEAD file (%s)Could not append '%s'Could not append '%s' to '%s'Could not apply '%s'Could not check out original HEAD '$branch'. Try 'git bisect reset '.Could not create directory '%s'Could not create empty submodule directory '$sm_path'Could not create git link %sCould not create sequencer directory %sCould not delete %sCould not fetch %sCould not find a tracked remote branch, please specify manually. Could not find merge strategy '%s'. Could not find remote branch %s to clone.Could not format %s.Could not get fetch map for refspec %sCould not make %s writable by groupCould not move back to $head_nameCould not open %sCould not open '%s' for writingCould not open '%s' for writing.Could not parse commit %s Could not parse line %d.Could not parse object '%s'Could not parse object '%s'.Could not parse parent commit %s Could not read %s.Could not read from '%s'Could not read object %sCould not read the indexCould not remove branch %sCould not remove config section '%s'Could not remove submodule work tree '$sm_path'Could not rename config section '%s' to '%s'Could not reset index file to revision '%s'.Could not resolve HEAD commit Could not run 'git rev-list'Could not save index treeCould not set '%s'Could not setup %sCould not setup master '%s'Could not spawn pack-objectsCould not stat '%s'Could not write new index file.Could not write patchCould not write to %sCould not write to '%s'Couldn't find remote ref HEADCouldn't look up commit object for '%s'Couldn't look up commit object for HEADCover letter needs email formatCreate an empty Git repository or reinitialize an existing oneCreate, list, delete or verify a tag object signed with GPGCurrent branch $branch_name is up to date, rebase forced.Current branch $branch_name is up to date.Defining attributes per pathDefining submodule propertiesDeleted branch %s (was %s). Deleted remote branch %s (was %s). Deleted tag '%s' (was %s) Did you hand edit your patch? It does not apply to blobs recorded in its index.Dirty index: cannot apply patches (dirty: $files)Do not treat root commits as boundaries (Default: off)Do you want me to do it for you [Y/n]? Does not point to a valid commit: $onto_nameDon't know how to clone %sDon't know how to fetch from %sDownload objects and refs from another repositoryDropped ${REV} ($s)Dump marks to this fileEmpty commit message.Empty patch. Aborted.Entering '$prefix$sm_path'Error building treesError deleting branch '%s'Error deleting remote branch '%s'Error in objectError wrapping up %sError wrapping up %s.Explicit paths specified without -i nor -o; assuming --only paths...Failed to add submodule '$sm_path'Failed to chdir: %sFailed to copy notes from '%s' to '%s'Failed to create output filesFailed to execute internal mergeFailed to find tree of %s.Failed to find tree of HEAD.Failed to lock ref for updateFailed to merge in the changes.Failed to parse --dirstat/-X option parameter: %sFailed to parse --submodule option parameter: '%s'Failed to parse emacsclient version.Failed to read object '%s'.Failed to recurse into submodule path '$prefix$sm_path'Failed to recurse into submodule path '$sm_path'Failed to register submodule '$sm_path'Failed to register update mode for submodule path '$sm_path'Failed to register url for submodule path '$sm_path'Failed to resolve '%s' as a valid ref.Failed to resolve '%s' as a valid revision.Failed to resolve '%s' as a valid tree.Failed to resolve HEAD as a valid ref.Failed to start emacsclient.Failed to write refFake a tagger when tags lack oneFalling back to patching base and 3-way merge...Fast-forwarded $branch_name to $onto_name.Fatal merge failure, shouldn't happen.Fetch from and merge with another repository or a local branchFetching %s Fetching a group and specifying refspecs does not make senseFinal output: %d %s Find by binary search the change that introduced a bugFind line copies within and across filesFind line movements within and across filesFinishing SQUASH_MSGFirst, rewinding head to replay your work on top of it...Fix them up in the work tree, and then use 'git add/rm ' as appropriate to mark resolution and make a commit, or use 'git commit -a'.Forward-port local commits to the updated upstream headFound errors in 'diff.dirstat' config variable: %sFrom %.*s GPG sign commitGeneral optionsGeneric optionsGitdir '$a' is part of the submodule path '$b' or vice versaHEAD (no branch)HEAD detached at HEAD detached from HEAD does not point to a branchHEAD is now atHEAD is now at %sHEAD not found below refs/heads!Huh? %.*s is in index?Hunk #%d applied cleanly.Hunk #%d succeeded at %d (offset %d line).Hunk #%d succeeded at %d (offset %d lines).If you want to keep them by creating a new branch, this may be a good time to do so with: git branch new_branch_name %s If you want to reuse this local git directory instead of cloning again fromIgnore whitespace differencesIgnored filesImport marks from this fileIndex was not unstashed.Indexing objectsInitial commitInitial commit on Initialized emptyInvalid %s: '%s'Invalid branch name: '%s'Invalid cleanup mode %sInvalid key: %sInvalid old URL pattern: %sInvalid untracked files mode '%s'Invalid value for %s: %sIt looks like git-am is in progress. Cannot rebase.It seems that there is already a $state_dir_base directory, and I wonder if you are in the middle of another rebase. If that is the case, please try $cmd_live_rebase If that is not the case, please $cmd_clear_stale_rebase and run me again. I am stopping in case you still have something valuable there.It took %.2f seconds to enumerate untracked files. 'status -uno' may speed it up, but you have to be careful not to forget to add new files yourself (see 'git help status').Join two or more development histories togetherLinewrap outputList, create, or delete branchesMainline was specified but commit %s is not a merge.Malformed ident string: '%s'Malformed input line: '%s'.Malformed options sheet: %sMaximum widthMaybe you wanted to say 'git add .'? Merge optionsMerge with strategy %s failed. MergingMerging:MessagingMissing author: %sMissing branch name; try -bMissing notes on source object %s. Cannot copy.Move or rename a file, a directory, or a symlinkMultiple remote HEAD branches. Please choose one explicitly with:Need a repository to create a bundle.Need a repository to unbundle.Need exactly one range.Negative patterns are ignored in git attributes Use '\!' for literal leading exclamation.No annotated tags can describe '%s'. However, there were unannotated tags: try --tags.No branch name specifiedNo branch named '%s'.No changesNo changes - did you forget to use 'git add'? If there is nothing left to stage, chances are that something else already introduced the same changes; you might want to skip this patch.No changes -- Patch already applied.No changes selectedNo commit on branch '%s' yet.No commit specified and merge.defaultToUpstream not set.No commits parsed.No configured push destination. Either specify the URL from the command-line or configure a remote repository using git remote add and then push using the remote name git push No current branch.No default upstream defined for the current branch.No existing author found with '%s'No local changes to saveNo logfile givenNo merge message -- not updating HEAD No merge strategy handled the merge. No names found, cannot describe anything.No note found for object %s.No paths with --include/--only does not make sense.No rebase in progress?No remote for the current branch.No remote repository specified. Please, specify either a URL or a remote name from which new revisions should be fetched.No remote tracking branch for %s from %sNo stash found.No submodule mapping found in .gitmodules for path '$sm_path'No such URL found: %sNo such branch: '%s'No such remote '%s'No such remote or remote group: %sNo such remote: %sNo tags can describe '%s'. Try --always, or create some tags.No upstream configured for branch '%s'No url found for submodule path '$sm_path' in .gitmodulesNon-fast-forward commit does not make sense into an empty headNope. Not a git repositoryNot a range.Not a valid branch point: '%s'.Not a valid object name %sNot a valid object name: '%s'.Not a valid ref: %sNot all child objects of %s are reachableNot committing merge; use 'git commit' to complete the merge. Not currently on any branch.Not handling anything other than two heads merge.Not possible to fast-forward, aborting.Not setting branch %s as its own upstream.Not tracking: ambiguous information for ref %sNot updating non-default fetch refspec %s Please update the configuration manually if necessary.Note: A branch outside the refs/remotes/ hierarchy was not removed; to delete it, use:Note: Some branches outside the refs/remotes/ hierarchy were not removed; to delete them, use:Nothing specified, nothing added. Object %s has no note On branch Only one StGIT patch series can be applied at onceOnly one of --include/--only/--all/--interactive/--patch can be used.Only one of -c/-C/-F/--fixup can be used.Option "%s" is ignored for %s Option "%s" value "%s" is not valid for %sOption --ignore-missing can only be used together with --dry-runOption -m cannot be combined with -c/-C/-F/--fixup.Options --squash and --fixup cannot be used togetherOtherOutput full tree for each commitOverwriting existing notes for object %s Padding space between columnsPadding space on left borderPadding space on right borderPatch does not have a valid e-mail address.Patch failed at $msgnum $FIRSTLINEPatch format $patch_format is not supported.Patch format detection failed.Patch is empty. Was it split wrong? If you would prefer to skip this patch, instead run "$cmdline --skip". To restore the original branch and stop patching run "$cmdline --abort".Path '%s' is in submodule '%.*s'Paths with -a does not make sense.Please call 'bisect_state' with at least one argument.Please commit or stash them.Please enter a commit message to explain why this merge is necessary, especially if it merges an updated upstream into a topic branch. Lines starting with '%c' will be ignored, and an empty message aborts the commit. Please enter the commit message for your changes. Lines starting with '%c' will be ignored, and an empty message aborts the commit. Please enter the commit message for your changes. Lines starting with '%c' will be kept; you may remove them yourself if you want to. An empty message aborts the commit. Please make up your mind. --skip or --abort?Please supply the message using either -m or -F option. Please supply the note contents using either -m or -F optionPrevious HEAD position wasPrint lines matching a patternProcess only line range n,m, counting from 1Pruning %sPull is not possible because you have unmerged files.Pull is not possible because you have unmerged files. Please, fix them up in the work tree, and then use 'git add/rm ' as appropriate to mark resolution, or use 'git commit -a'.Pushing to %s Reactivating local git directory for submodule '$sm_name'.Receiving objectsRecord changes to the repositoryRefusing to create empty bundle.Refusing to fetch into current branch %s of non-bare repositoryRefusing to rewrite notes in %s (outside of refs/notes/)Reinitialized existingRejected hunk #%d.Remote branch %s not found in upstream %sRemove files from the working tree and from the indexRemoving %sRemoving %s Removing %s to make room for subdirectory Removing note for object %s Renamed a misnamed branch '%s' awayRenaming %s to %s Renaming %s to %s and %s to %s insteadRepository has been updated, but unable to write new_index file. Check that disk is not full or quota is not exceeded, and then "git reset HEAD" to recover.Repository lacks necessary blobs to fall back on 3-way merge.Repository lacks these prerequisite commits:Reset branch '%s' Reset current HEAD to the specified stateResolve operation not in progress, we are not resuming.Resolving deltasRewinding the tree to pristine... SHA1 COLLISION FOUND WITH %s !Show author email instead of name (Default: off)Show blame entries as we find them, incrementallyShow blank SHA-1 for boundary commits (Default: off)Show changes between commits, commit and working tree, etcShow commit logsShow in a format designed for machine consumptionShow long commit SHA1 (Default: off)Show original filename (Default: auto)Show original linenumber (Default: off)Show output score for blame entriesShow porcelain format with per-line commit informationShow raw timestamp (Default: off)Show the email address of each authorShow the working tree statusShow various types of objectsShow work cost statisticsSkip output of blob dataSkipped %s (merged same as existing)Skipping repository %s Specific git-branch actions:Specifies intentionally untracked files to ignoreSpecifying revisions and ranges for GitSpend extra cycles to find better matchSquash commit -- not updating HEAD Squash commit into empty head not supported yetStopping at '$sm_path'; script returned non-zero status.Submodule '$name' ($url) registered for path '$sm_path'Submodule '$name' ($url) unregistered for path '$sm_path'Submodule changes to be committed:Submodule path '$prefix$sm_path' not initialized Maybe you want to use 'update --init'?Submodule path '$prefix$sm_path': checked out '$sha1'Submodule path '$prefix$sm_path': merged in '$sha1'Submodule path '$prefix$sm_path': rebased into '$sha1'Submodule work tree '$sm_path' contains a .git directorySubmodule work tree '$sm_path' contains local modifications; use '-f' to discard themSubmodules changed but not updated:Suppress author name and timestamp (Default: off)Suppress commit descriptions, only provides commit countSwitched to a new branch '%s' Switched to and reset branch '%s' Switched to branch '%s' Synchronizing submodule url for '$prefix$sm_path'Tag creation optionsTag listing optionsThe --cached option cannot be used with the --files optionThe --edit-todo action can only be used during interactive rebase.The --exec option must be used with the --interactive optionThe --set-upstream flag is deprecated and will be removed. Consider using --track or --set-upstream-to The -b/--binary option has been a no-op for long time, and it will be removed. Please do not use it anymore.The -m/-F/-c/-C options have been deprecated for the 'edit' subcommand. Please use 'git notes add -f -m/-F/-c/-C' instead. The behavior of 'git add %s (or %s)' with no path argument from a subdirectory of the tree will change in Git 2.0 and should not be used anymore. To add content for the whole tree, run: git add %s :/ (or git add %s :/) To restrict the command to the current directory, run: git add %s . (or git add %s .) With the current Git version, the command is restricted to the current directory. The branch '%s' is not fully merged. If you are sure you want to delete it, run 'git branch -D %s'.The bundle contains this ref:The bundle contains these %d refs:The bundle records a complete history.The bundle requires this ref:The bundle requires these %d refs:The common Git guides are: The copy of the patch that failed is found in: $dotest/patchThe current branch %s has multiple upstream branches, refusing to push.The current branch %s has no upstream branch. To push the current branch and set the remote as upstream, use git push --set-upstream %s %s The current patch is empty.The following path is ignored by one of your .gitignore files: $sm_path Use -f if you really want to add it.The following paths are ignored by one of your .gitignore files: The most commonly used git commands are:The note contents has been left in %sThe pre-rebase hook refused to rebase.The previous cherry-pick is now empty, possibly due to conflict resolution. If you wish to commit it anyway, use: git commit --allow-empty Otherwise, please use 'git reset' The tag message has been left in %s The upstream branch of your current branch does not match the name of your current branch. To push to the upstream branch on the remote, use git push %s HEAD:%s To push to the branch of the same name on the remote, use git push %s %s %sThere are too many unreachable loose objects; run 'git prune' to remove them.There is no merge to abort (MERGE_HEAD missing).Too many arguments.Too many revisions specified: $REVTracking not set up: name too long: %sTrying merge strategy %s... Trying really trivial in-index merge... Two output directories?TypeURL: %sUh oh. Your system reports no Git commands at all.Unable to add %s to databaseUnable to add merge result for '%s'Unable to checkout '$sha1' in submodule path '$prefix$sm_path'Unable to checkout submodule '$sm_path'Unable to fetch in submodule path '$prefix$sm_path'Unable to fetch in submodule path '$sm_path'Unable to find current revision in submodule path '$prefix$sm_path'Unable to merge '$sha1' in submodule path '$prefix$sm_path'Unable to rebase '$sha1' in submodule path '$prefix$sm_path'Unable to update cache tree Unable to write index.Unable to write new index fileUnexpected tail checksum for %s (disk corruption?)Unknown commit %sUnknown option for merge-recursive: -X%sUnknown subcommand: %sUnknown type: %dUnknown value for 'diff.submodule' config variable: '%s'Unmerged paths:Unprocessed path??? %sUnstaged changes after refreshing the index:Unstaged changes after reset:Untracked filesUntracked files not listed%sUnusable instruction sheet: %sUpdate of config-file failedUpdate remote refs along with associated objectsUpdated tag '%s' (was %s) Updates were rejected because a pushed branch tip is behind its remote counterpart. Check out this branch and merge the remote changes (e.g. 'git pull') before pushing again. See the 'Note about fast-forwards' in 'git push --help' for details.Updates were rejected because a pushed branch tip is behind its remote counterpart. If you did not intend to push that branch, you may want to specify branches to push or set the 'push.default' configuration variable to 'simple', 'current' or 'upstream' to push only the current branch.Updates were rejected because the remote contains work that you do not have locally. This is usually caused by another repository pushing to the same ref. You may want to first merge the remote changes (e.g., 'git pull') before pushing again. See the 'Note about fast-forwards' in 'git push --help' for details.Updates were rejected because the tag already exists in the remote.Updates were rejected because the tip of your current branch is behind its remote counterpart. Merge the remote changes (e.g. 'git pull') before pushing again. See the 'Note about fast-forwards' in 'git push --help' for details.Updating %sUpdating %s..%s Upstream branch '%s' not stored as a remote-tracking branchUse '.' if you really want to deinitialize all submodulesUse -f if you really want to add them. Use 's contents as the final imageUse [] instead of [PATCH]Use mail map fileUse revisions from instead of calling git-rev-listUse the done feature to terminate the streamUse the same output mode as git-annotate (Default: off)Using both --reset-author and --author does not make senseUsing index info to reconstruct a base tree...Using the %s to prepare resolving by hand. Verify that the named commit has a valid GPG signatureWARNING: You called a Git command named '%s', which does not exist. Continuing under the assumption that you meant '%s'Warning: bisecting only with a bad commit.Warning: fetch updated the current branch head. Warning: fast-forwarding your working tree from Warning: commit $orig_head.Warning: you are leaving %d commit behind, not connected to any of your branches: %s Warning: you are leaving %d commits behind, not connected to any of your branches: %s We are not bisecting.When you have resolved this problem, run "$cmdline --resolved". If you prefer to skip this patch, run "$cmdline --skip" instead. To restore the original branch and stop patching, run "$cmdline --abort".When you have resolved this problem, run "git rebase --continue". If you prefer to skip this patch, run "git rebase --skip" instead. To check out the original branch and stop rebasing, run "git rebase --abort".Will not delete all non-push URLsWonderful. Would remove %s Would skip repository %s Writing SQUASH_MSGYou appear to have cloned an empty repository.You are currently bisecting, started from branch '%s'.You are currently bisecting.You are currently cherry-picking.You are currently editing a commit during a rebase.You are currently editing a commit while rebasing branch '%s' on '%s'.You are currently rebasing branch '%s' on '%s'.You are currently rebasing.You are currently reverting commit %s.You are currently splitting a commit during a rebase.You are currently splitting a commit while rebasing branch '%s' on '%s'.You are in the middle of a cherry-pick -- cannot amend.You are in the middle of a merge -- cannot amend.You are in the middle of an am session.You are not currently on a branch. To push the history leading to the current (detached HEAD) state now, use git push %s HEAD: You are on a branch yet to be bornYou are pushing to remote '%s', which is not the upstream of your current branch '%s', without telling me what to push to update which remote branch.You asked to amend the most recent commit, but doing so would make it empty. You can repeat your command with --allow-empty, or you can remove the commit entirely with "git reset HEAD^". You cannot combine --no-ff with --ff-only.You cannot combine --squash with --no-ff.You cannot update a remote ref that points at a non-commit object, or update a remote ref to make it point at a non-commit object, without using the '--force' option. You didn't specify any refspecs to push, and push.default is "nothing".You do not have a valid HEAD.You do not have the initial commit yetYou have not concluded your cherry-pick (CHERRY_PICK_HEAD exists).You have not concluded your cherry-pick (CHERRY_PICK_HEAD exists). Please, commit your changes before you can merge.You have not concluded your merge (MERGE_HEAD exists).You have not concluded your merge (MERGE_HEAD exists). Please, commit your changes before you can merge.You have nothing to amend.You have unmerged paths.You must edit all merge conflicts and then mark them as resolved using git addYou must specify a repository to clone.You need to give me at least one good and one bad revisions. (You can use "git bisect bad" and "git bisect good" for that.)You need to set your committer info firstYou need to specify a tag name.You need to start by "git bisect start"You need to start by "git bisect start". You then need to give me at least one good and one bad revisions. (You can use "git bisect bad" and "git bisect good" for that.)You ran 'git add' with neither '-A (--all)' or '--ignore-removal', whose behaviour will change in Git 2.0 with respect to paths you removed. Paths like '%s' that are removed from your working tree are ignored with this version of Git. * 'git add --ignore-removal ', which is the current default, ignores paths you removed from your working tree. * 'git add --all ' will let you also record the removals. Run 'git status' to check the paths you removed from your working tree. You seem to have moved HEAD since the last 'am' failure. Not rewinding to ORIG_HEADYou still have unmerged paths in your index did you forget to use 'git add'?Your branch and '%s' have diverged, and have %d and %d different commit each, respectively. Your branch and '%s' have diverged, and have %d and %d different commits each, respectively. Your branch is ahead of '%s' by %d commit. Your branch is ahead of '%s' by %d commits. Your branch is behind '%s' by %d commit, and can be fast-forwarded. Your branch is behind '%s' by %d commits, and can be fast-forwarded. Your index file is unmerged.Your local changes would be overwritten by cherry-pick.Your local changes would be overwritten by revert.Your name and email address were configured automatically based on your username and hostname. Please check that they are accurate. You can suppress this message by setting them explicitly: git config --global user.name "Your Name" git config --global user.email you@example.com After doing this, you may fix the identity used for this commit with: git commit --amend --reset-author [%s: ahead %d, behind %d][%s: ahead %d][%s: behind %d][ahead %d, behind %d][ahead %d][behind %d][deleted][new branch][new ref][new tag][rejected][rev-opts] are documented in git-rev-list(1)[tag update][up to date]`git %s' is aliased to `%s'a cherry-pick or revert is already in progressabort if fast-forward is not possibleabort notes mergeabort the current in-progress mergeact on remote-tracking branchesactionadd (at most ) entries from shortlog to merge commit messageadd to ignore rulesadd Cc: headeradd Signed-off-by:add To: headeradd URLadd a new variable: name valueadd a signatureadd branchadd changes from all tracked and untracked filesadd email headeradd entries from standard input to the indexadd specified files to index for commitadd the specified entry to the indexadd the standard git exclusionsadd to index only; do not add content to object databaseadd/addadded by them:added by us:addinfo_cache failed for path '%s'adding files failedafter resolving the conflicts, mark the corrected paths with 'git add ' or 'git rm 'after resolving the conflicts, mark the corrected paths with 'git add ' or 'git rm ' and commit the result with 'git commit'ahead alias for --log (deprecated)allow adding otherwise ignored filesallow calling of grep(1) (ignored by this build)allow commits with empty messagesallow creation of more than one treeallow explicitly ignored files to be overwrittenallow fast-forwardallow fast-forward (default)allow missing objectsallow overlapping hunksallow recursive removalallow to print `undefined` namesallow updating of HEAD refalso apply the patch (use with --stat/--summary/--check)also consider packs and alternate objectsalways use long formatamend previous commitannotated and GPG-signed tagannotated tag %s has no embedded nameannotated tag %s not availableannotated tag, needs a messageappend on dirty working tree (default: "-dirty")append commit nameappend to .git/FETCH_HEAD instead of overwritingapply a patch without touching the working treeapply changes matching the given pathapply the patch in reverseapplying to an empty historyarchive formatattach the patchattempt three-way merge if a patch does not applyattempt to remove non-existent note is not an errorauthoravailable git commands in '%s'bad %sbad index version '%s'bad object type.bad repository '%s'bad sourcebe more quietbe more thorough (increased runtime)be more verbosebe quietbe quiet, only report errorsbe verbosebe verbose; must be placed before a subcommandbehind binary patch does not apply to '%s'binary patch to '%s' creates incorrect result (expecting %s, got %s)bisect run cannot continue any morebisect run failed: 'bisect_state $state' exited with error code $resbisect run failed: exit code $res from '$command' is < 0 or >= 128bisect run successblobblob expected for %s '%s'both --cached and trees are given.both added:both deleted:both modified:boundarybranchbranch '%s' does not existbranch '%s' does not point at a commitbranch '%s' not found.branch name requiredbranch(es) to trackbugbug: unhandled diff status %cbuild a temporary index based on embedded index informationbypass post-rewrite hookbypass pre-commit hookbypass pre-push hookcan not move directory into itselfcan't open patch '%s'cancel revert or cherry-pick sequencecannot abort from a branch yet to be borncannot be interactive without stdin connected to a terminal.cannot chdir to %scannot checkout %scannot close written keep file '%s'cannot copy '%s' to '%s'cannot create '%s'cannot do a partial commit during a cherry-pick.cannot do a partial commit during a merge.cannot edit description of more than one branchcannot fill %d bytecannot fill %d bytescannot fstat packfilecannot have both --quiet and --verbosecannot lock HEAD refcannot mkdir %scannot move directory over filecannot open %s: %scannot open %s: %s cannot open '%s'cannot open packfile '%s'cannot opendir '%s'cannot pread pack filecannot read $file for replayingcannot read %s: %scannot read '%s'cannot read existing object %scannot read object %scannot read object %s '%s'cannot read the indexcannot readlink '%s'cannot rename the current branch while not on any.cannot resolve HEADcannot specify pathnames with --stdincannot stat '%s'cannot stat template '%s'cannot store index filecannot store pack filecannot strip one component off url '$remoteurl'cannot symlink '%s' '%s'cannot tell cwdcannot update HEAD refcannot use -a with -dcannot write keep file '%s'case insensitive matchingchain length = %d: %lu objectchain length = %d: %lu objectschange upstream infocheckcheck if - even missing - files are ignored in dry runcheck out all files in the indexcheckout instead of the remote's HEADcheckout our version for unmerged filescheckout their version for unmerged filescherry-pick failedclean.requireForce defaults to true and neither -n nor -f given; refusing to cleanclean.requireForce set to true and neither -n nor -f given; refusing to cleanclear assumed-unchanged bitclear skip-worktree bitclone only one branch, HEAD or --branchclosing file '%s'color '*!+-' corresponding to the branchcombine patterns specified with -ecommandcommitcommit all changed filescommit has empty messagecommit messagecommit only specified filescompleted with %d local objectscompress bettercompress fasterconflict style (merge or diff3)confusion beyond insanityconfusion beyond insanity in parse_pack_objects()consider most recent tags (default: 10)contentcontinue refresh even when index needs updatecontrol recursive fetching of submodulescontrol recursive pushing of submodulesconvert to a complete repositorycopied: %s -> %scopy out the files from named stagecorrupt binary patch at line %d: %.*scorrupt index filecorrupt patch at line %dcorrupt patch for subproject %scould not apply %s... %scould not create archive file '%s'could not create file '%s'could not create leading directories of '%s'could not create temporary file '%s': %scould not create work tree dir '%s'.could not lookup commit %scould not open '%s'could not open '%s' for readingcould not open or read '%s'could not parse %scould not parse HEAD commitcould not parse newly created commitcould not read '%s'could not read 'show' outputcould not read MERGE_MODEcould not read MERGE_MSGcould not read SQUASH_MSGcould not read commit message: %scould not read log file '%s'could not read log from standard inputcould not redirect outputcould not revert %s... %scould not run gpg.could not run stash.could not set upstream of HEAD to %s when it does not point to any branch.could not unset upstream of HEAD when it does not point to any branch.could not verify the tag '%s'could not write branch description template: %scould not write commit templatecouldn't look up newly created commitcreatecreate a bare repositorycreate a mirror repository (implies bare)create a shallow clone of that depthcreate a single commit instead of doing a mergecreate and checkout a new branchcreate reflog for new branchcreate the branch's reflogcreate thin packscreate/reset and checkout a branchcreating '%s' faileddatedebug search strategy on stderrdebug unpack-treesdecorate optionsdeepen history of shallow clonedefaultdefault mode for recursiondeflate error (%d)deletedelete URLsdelete branch (even if not merged)delete fully merged branchdelete refsdelete refs/remotes//HEADdelete replace refsdelete symbolic refdelete tagsdelete the referencedeleted by them:deleted by us:deleted file %s still has contentsdeleted file still has contentsdeleted: %sdeleting '%s' faileddeleting branch '%s' that has been merged to '%s', but not yet merged to HEAD.delta base offset is out of bounddepthdereference tags into object IDsdescend at most levelsdestination existsdestination path '%s' already exists and is not an empty directory.detach the HEAD at named commitdetached HEADdetect new or modified lines that have whitespace errorsdirdirectory from which templates will be useddirectory/filedo not create an empty pack outputdo not fetch all tags (--no-tags)do not hide commits by graftsdo not ignore new filesdo not know what to do with %06o %s '%s'do not limit pathspecs to sparse entries onlydo not list removed filesdo not print names of files removeddo not print results to stdout (useful with --verify)do not query remotesdo not remove, show onlydo not show a diffstat at the end of the mergedo not show progress meterdo not trust the line counts in the hunk headersdo not warn about conflictsdon't add, only refresh the indexdon't apply changes matching the given pathdon't automatically commitdon't check the working tree after mergingdon't checkout new filesdon't create a checkoutdon't expect at least one line of contextdon't include a patch matching a commit upstreamdon't match patterns in binary filesdon't output binary diffsdon't print the patch filenamesdon't show empty directoriesdon't show filenamesdon't strip/add [PATCH]don't update the index or the work treedon't use local hardlinks, always copydone. dry runearly EOFedit current diff and applyedit message before committingedit the commit messageedit the description for the branchemacsclient version '%d' too old (< 22).emailempty commit set passedenable auto-gc modeenable message threading, styles: shallow, deepenable more strict checkingend revert or cherry-pick sequenceensure at least lines of context matcherror building treeserror while closing pack fileerror: unknown option for 'stash save': $option To provide a message, use git stash save -- '$option'exclude patterns are read from exit with a zero status even if nothing matchedexit with zero when there's no errorexpire objects older than