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Check cable?$*$0: Usage: daemon [+/-nicelevel] {program}$0: configuration for ${1} not found.$STRING$alias device ${DEVICE} does not seem to be present, delaying initialization.$base $killlevel$base shutdown$base startup${base} (pid $pid) is running...${base} dead but pid file exists${base} dead but subsys locked${base} is stopped${base} status unknown due to insufficient privileges.'No route to host' adding route '$networkipv6' via gateway '$gatewayipv6' through device '$device'*** /etc/selinux/config indicates you want to manually fix labeling*** Relabeling could take a very long time, depending on file*** Warning -- SELinux ${SELINUXTYPE} policy relabel is required.*** Warning -- SELinux ${SELINUXTYPE} policy relabel is required. *** problems. Dropping you to a shell; the system will reboot*** system size and speed of hard drives.*** when you leave the shell./etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/chat-${DEVNAME} does not exist/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/chat-${DEVNAME} does not exist for ${DEVICE}6to4 configuration is not validArgument 1 is empty but should contain interface name - skip IPv6to4 initializationBridge support not available: brctl not foundBringing up interface $i: Bringing up loopback interface: Cannot add IPv6 address '$address' on dev '$device'Cannot enable IPv6 privacy method '$IPV6_PRIVACY', not supported by kernelConfigured devices:Currently active devices:DEBUG Determining IP information for ${DEVICE}...Device ${DEVICE} does not seem to be present, delaying initialization.Device ${DEVICE} has MAC address ${FOUNDMACADDR}, instead of configured address ${HWADDR}. Ignoring.Device ${DEVICE} has different MAC address than expected, ignoring.Device '$DEVICE' is already up, please shutdown firstDevice '$DEVICE' isn't supported as a valid GRE device name.Device '$DEVICE' isn't supported here, use IPV6_AUTOTUNNEL setting and restart (IPv6) networkingDevice '$device' doesn't existDevice '$device' enabling didn't workDevice 'tun6to4' (from '$DEVICE') is already up, shutdown firstDisabling netconsoleERROR ERROR: could not add vlan ${VID} as ${DEVICE} on dev ${PHYSDEV}Error occurred while calculating the IPv6to4 prefixError, some other host already uses address ${IPADDR}.FAILEDFailed to bring up ${DEVICE}.Given IPv4 address '$ipv4addr' is not globally usableGiven IPv6 MTU '$ipv6_mtu' is out of rangeGiven IPv6 default device '$device' doesn't exist or isn't upGiven IPv6 default device '$device' requires an explicit nexthopGiven IPv6 default gateway '$address' has scope '$device_scope' defined, given default gateway device '$device' will be not usedGiven IPv6 default gateway '$address' is link-local, but no scope or gateway device is specifiedGiven IPv6 default gateway '$address' is not in proper formatGiven address '$addr' is not a global IPv4 one (arg 1)Given address '$addr' is not a valid IPv4 one (arg 1)Given device '$device' is not supported (arg 1)Given pidfile '$pidfile' doesn't exist, cannot send trigger to radvdGiven remote address '$addressipv4tunnel' on tunnel device '$device' is already configured on device '$devnew'Global IPv6 forwarding is disabled in configuration, but not currently disabled in kernelGlobal IPv6 forwarding is enabled in configuration, but not currently enabled in kernelINFO IPv6to4 configuration needs an IPv4 address on related interface or otherwise specifiedInitializing netconsoleInvalid tunnel type $TYPEMissing config file $PARENTCONFIG.Missing parameter 'IPv4 address' (arg 1)Missing parameter 'IPv4-tunnel address' (arg 2)Missing parameter 'IPv6 MTU' (arg 2)Missing parameter 'IPv6-address' (arg 2)Missing parameter 'IPv6-gateway' (arg 2)Missing parameter 'IPv6-network' (arg 1)Missing parameter 'address' (arg 1)Missing parameter 'device' (arg 1)Missing parameter 'global IPv4 address' (arg 2)Missing parameter 'local IPv4 address' (arg 2)Missing parameter 'selection' (arg 2)Missing remote IPv4 address of tunnel, configuration is not validNo 802.1Q VLAN support available in kernel for device ${DEVICE}No 802.1Q VLAN support available in kernel.No parameters given to setup a default routeNo reason given for sending trigger to radvdPASSEDPHYSDEV should be set for device ${DEVICE}Pidfile '$pidfile' is empty, cannot send trigger to radvdPlease restart network with '/sbin/service network restart'Resetting hostname ${HOSTNAME}: Server address not specified in /etc/sysconfig/netconsoleSetting up a new ${PEERCONF} config fileShutting down interface $i: Shutting down loopback interface: Tunnel device '$device' bringing up didn't workTunnel device '$device' creation didn't workTunnel device 'sit0' enabling didn't workUnknown errorUnsupported mechanism '$mechanism' for sending trigger to radvdUnsupported reason '$reason' for sending trigger to radvdUnsupported selection '$selection' specified (arg 2)Usage: $0 {start|stop|reload|restart|showsysctl}Usage: $0 {start|stop|status|restart|condrestart}Usage: $0 {start|stop|status|restart|reload|force-reload}Usage: ifup Usage: killproc [-p pidfile] [ -d delay] {program} [-signal]Usage: pidfileofproc {program}Usage: pidofproc [-p pidfile] {program}Usage: status [-p pidfile] {program}Usage: sys-unconfigUsers cannot control this device.Using 6to4 and RADVD IPv6 forwarding usually should be enabled, but it isn'tWARN WARNINGWarning: configured MTU '$IPV6TO4_MTU' for 6to4 exceeds maximum limit of '$tunnelmtu', ignoredWarning: interface 'tun6to4' does not support 'IPV6_DEFAULTGW', ignoredWarning: ipppd (kernel 2.4.x and below) doesn't support IPv6 using encapsulation 'syncppp'Warning: link doesn't support IPv6 using encapsulation 'rawip'adsl-start does not exist or is not executable for ${DEVICE}error in $FILE: IPADDR_START and IPADDR_END don't agreeerror in $FILE: IPADDR_START greater than IPADDR_ENDerror in $FILE: already seen device $parent_device:$DEVNUM in $devseenerror in $FILE: already seen ipaddr $IPADDR in $ipseenerror in $FILE: didn't specify device or ipaddrerror in $FILE: invalid alias numbererror in ifcfg-${parent_device}: filesifup-ppp for ${DEVICE} exitingifup-ppp for ${DEVNAME} exitingnetconsole module loadednetconsole module not loadednetconsole: can't resolve MAC address of $SYSLOGADDRpppd does not exist or is not executablepppd does not exist or is not executable for ${DEVICE}pppd started for ${DEVNAME} on ${MODEMPORT} at ${LINESPEED}radvd control enabled, but config is not completeradvd not (properly) installed, triggering failedusage: $0 usage: ifdown usage: ifup-aliases [] usage: ifup-routes []Project-Id-Version: fedora-initscripts PO-Revision-Date: 2012-03-07 01:11+0000 Last-Translator: Wei Liu Language-Team: Chinese (China) Language: zh_CN MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8-bit Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0; 确定 完成。失败。失败:不存在链接。检查电缆?$*$0: 用法:daemon [+/-nicelevel] {program}$0: 未发现 ${1} 配置。$STRING$alias 设备 ${DEVICE} 似乎不存在,推迟其初始化。$base $killlevel$base 关闭$base 启动${base} (pid $pid) 正在运行...${base} 已死,但 pid 文件存在${base} 已死,但是 subsys 被锁已停止 ${base}由于权限不足,${base} 状态未知。“ 没有到达主机的路由” 正在添加经过网关 '$gatewayipv6' 通过设备 '$device' 的路由 '$networkipv6'*** /etc/selinux/config 表明您要手动修正标记*** 重标记可能会花很长的时间,取决于文件*** 警告 -- 需进行 SELinux ${SELINUXTYPE} 策略重标记。*** 警告 -- SELinux ${SELINUXTYPE} 策略需重新标记。*** 出现问题。正在转到 shell;系统将重启*** 硬盘驱动器的系统大小和速度。*** 当您离开 shell 时。/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/chat-${DEVNAME} 不存在${DEVICE} 所需的 /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/chat-${DEVNAME} 不存在6to4 配置无效参数1 应当包含接口名称但却无值 - 略过 IPv6to4 初始化网桥支持不可用:未找到 brctl正在打开接口 $i:正在打开环回接口:无法在设备 '$device' 上添加 IPv6 地址 '$address' 无法启用 IPv6 私有方法 '$IPV6_PRIVACY' ,内核不支持已配置设备:当前活跃设备:调试正在确定 ${DEVICE} 的 IP 信息...设备 ${DEVICE} 似乎不存在, 延迟初始化操作。设备 ${DEVICE} 具有 MAC 地址 ${FOUNDMACADDR},而不是配置的地址 ${HWADDR}。忽略。 ${DEVICE} 设备的 MAC 地址与预期不符,忽略。设备“$DEVICE”已打开,请先关闭设备 '$DEVICE' 不是受支持的有效 GRE 设备名.在此处不支持设备 '$DEVICE' ,使用 IPV6_AUTOTUNNEL 设置并重启 (IPv6) 联网设备 '$device' 不存在设备 '$device' 启用无效设备 'tun6to4'(来自 '$DEVICE')已在运行,请先关闭正在禁用 netconsole错误 错误:无法在 dev ${PHYSDEV}上将 vlan ${VID} 添加为 ${DEVICE}IPv6to4 前缀计算出错出错了,其它主机已在使用 ${IPADDR} 地址。失败启动 ${DEVICE} 失败。给定 IPv4 地址 '$ipv4addr' 不是全局通用的给定的 IPv6 MTU '$ipv6_mtu' 超出范围指定的 IPv6 默认设备 '$device' 不存在或未启动给定的 IPv6 默认设备 '$device' 需要明确的下一跳给定的 IPv6 默认网关 '$address' 具有已定义的范围 '$device_scope' , 给定的网关设备 '$device' 将不再使用给定的 IPv6 默认网关 '$address' 是链路本地地址, 但是没有指定范围或网关设备指定的 IPv6 默认网关 '$address' 格式不正确所给的地址 '$addr' 不是全局通用的 IPv4 地址 (参数1)给定地址“$addr”不是有效 IPv4 地址(参数 1)不支持给定的设备 '$device' (参数 1)给定的 pid 文件 '$pidfile' 不存在, 无法发送触发器给 radvd在隧道设备 '$device' 上指定的远端地址 '$addressipv4tunnel' 已在设备 '$devnew' 上配置IPv6 全局转发已在配置中禁用,但当前未在内核中禁用。IPv6 全局转发已在配置中启用,但当前未在内核中启用。信息 IPv6to4 配置需要一个在相关接口上的 IPv4 地址或另外指定。正在初始化 netconsole隧道类型 $TYPE 无效缺少配置文件 $PARENTCONFIG。缺少参数 'IPv4 address' (参数 1)缺少参数“IPv4 隧道地址” ( 参数2)缺少参数 'IPv6 MTU' (参数2)缺少参数 'IPv6-address' (参数2)缺少参数 'IPv6-gateway' (参数2)缺少参数 'IPv6-network' (参数1)缺少参数 'address' (参数1)缺少参数 'device' (参数1)缺少参数 'global IPv4 address' (参数2)缺少参数“本地 IPv4 地址”(参数2)缺少参数 'selection' (参数2)缺少隧道的远程 IPv4 地址,配置无效!在内核中未提供对设备 ${DEVICE} 的 802.1Q VLAN 支持。内核中没有 802.1Q VLAN 支持。设置默认路由的参数未给定未给出发送触发器给 radvd 的理由通过应为设备 ${DEVICE} 设定 PHYSDEVpidfile '$pidfile' 无内容, 无法发送触发器给 radvd请使用“/sbin/service network restart”重启网络正在重设主机名 ${HOSTNAME}:服务器地址未在 /etc/sysconfig/netconsole 中指定正在建立新的 ${PEERCONF} 配置文件正在关闭接口 $i:正在关闭环回接口:隧道设备 '$device' 启动失败隧道设备 '$device' 创建无效隧道设备 'sit0' 启动无效未知错误不支持“$mechanism”机制用于发送触发器给 radvd不支持以原因 '$reason' 发送触发器给 radvd不支持指定的 '$selection' 选项 (参数 2)用法:$0 {start|stop|reload|restart|showsysctl}用法:$0 {start|stop|status|restart|condrestart}用法:$0 {start|stop|status|restart|reload|force-reload}用法:ifup <设备名>用法:killproc [-p pidfile] [ -d delay] {program} [-signal]用法:pidfileofproc {program}用法:pidofproc [-p pidfile] {program}用法:status [-p pidfile] {program}用法: sys-unconfig用户不能控制这一设备。通常应启用 6to4 和 RADVD IPv6 转发,但未启用警告 警告警告:为 6to4 配置的 MTU“$IPV6TO4_MTU”超过了 “$tunnelmtu”的最大限值,已忽略。警告:接口“tun6to4”不支持“IPV6_DEFAULTGW”,忽略警告:ipppd(内核 2.4.x 及更低版本)不支持使用封装“syncppp”的 IPv6警告:链接不支持使用封装“rawip”的 IPv6adsl-start 不存在或无法对 ${DEVICE} 执行$FILE 中出错:IPADDR_START 和 IPADDR_END 不符$FILE 中的错误:IPADDR_START 大于 IPADDR_END$FILE 错误:已见设备 $parent_device:在 $devseen 中的 $DEVNUM$FILE 中出错:$ipseen 中有 IP 地址 $IPADDR $FILE 中出错:device 或 ipaddr 未指定$FILE 中出错:无效别名数ifcfg-${parent_device} 中: 文件出错对 ${DEVICE} 的 ifup-ppp 正在退出对 ${DEVNAME} 的 ifup-ppp 正在退出已载入 netconsole 模块未加载 netconsole 模块netconsole:无法解析 $SYSLOGADDR 的 MAC 地址pppd 不存在或不可执行pppd 不存在或对 ${DEVICE} 不可执行已为设备 ${DEVNAME} 在接口 ${MODEMPORT} 上以速率 ${LINESPEED} 启动 pppdradvd 控制已启用,但其配置不完整未 (正确) 安装 radvd, 触发失败用法:$0 用法:ifdown <设备名>用法:ifup-aliases [] 用法: ifup-routes []