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The data transfers are using ports that are unrelated to the signaling connection and are therefore blocked by the firewall without the helper.A firewalld icmptype provides the information for an Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) type for firewalld.A firewalld service is a combination of ports, protocols, modules and destination addresses.A firewalld zone defines the level of trust for network connections, interfaces and source addresses bound to the zone. The zone combines services, ports, protocols, masquerading, port/packet forwarding, icmp filters and rich rules. The zone can be bound to interfaces and source addresses.AboutAbout %sActionAction:Active BindingsAddAdd ChainAdd Command LineAdd ContextAdd Entries From FileAdd EntryAdd Forward PortAdd ICMP TypeAdd IPSetAdd InterfaceAdd PassthroughAdd PortAdd ProtocolAdd Rich RuleAdd RuleAdd ServiceAdd SourceAdd User IdAdd User NameAdd ZoneAdd a rule with the arguments args to a chain in a table with a priority.Add additional ports or port ranges, which need to be accessible for all hosts or networks that can connect to the machine.Add additional ports or port ranges, which need to be accessible for all hosts or networks.Add additional source ports or port ranges, which need to be accessible for all hosts or networks that can connect to the machine.Add additional source ports or port ranges, which need to be accessible for all hosts or networks.Add entries to bind interfaces to the zone. If the interface will be used by a connection, the zone will be set to the zone specified in the connection.Add entries to bind source addresses or areas to the zone. You can also bind to a MAC source address, but with limitations. Port forwarding and masquerading will not work for MAC source bindings.Add entries to forward ports either from one port to another on the local system or from the local system to another system. Forwarding to another system is only useful if the interface is masqueraded. Port forwarding is IPv4 only.Add protocols, which need to be accessible for all hosts or networks.Additional chains for use with rules.AddressAllAll FilesAll network traffic is blocked.An IPSet can be used to create white or black lists and is able to store for example IP addresses, port numbers or MAC addresses. ArgsArgs:AuditAudit:Authorization failed.AuthorsAutomatic HelpersBase Helper SettingsBase ICMP Type SettingsBase IPSet SettingsBase Service SettingsBase Zone SettingsBindingsBlock all network trafficBold entries are mandatory, all others are optional.Built-in helper, rename not supported.Built-in icmp, rename not supported.Built-in ipset, rename not supported.Built-in service, rename not supported.Built-in zone, rename not supported.ChainChain:ChainsChange Default ZoneChange Log DeniedChange LogDenied value.Change ZoneChange Zones of Connections...Change default zone for connections or interfaces.Change which zone a network connection belongs to.Change zone of bindingChanges applied.Command lineCommand linesCommentConfiguration:Configure Automatic Helper AssigmentConfigure Automatic Helper Assignment setting.Configure Shields UP/Down Zones...Configure Shields Up/Down ZonesConnection to FirewallD established.Connection to FirewallD lost.Connection to firewalld established.ConnectionsContextContextsCurrent default zone of the system.Currently visible configuration. Runtime configuration is the actual active configuration. Permanent configuration will be active after service or system reload or restart.Default TargetDefault ZoneDefault Zone '{default_zone}' active for connection '{connection}' on interface '{interface}'Default Zone:Default Zone: %sDefault Zone: '%s'Default zone '{default_zone}' {activated_deactivated} for connection '{connection}' on interface '{interface}'Default zone changed to '%s'.Default zone used by network connection '%s'Define ports or port ranges, which are monitored by the helper.Description:DestDestinationDestination:Direct ChainDirect ConfigurationDirect Passthrough RuleDirect RuleEdit ChainEdit Command LineEdit ContextEdit EntryEdit Firewall Settings...Edit Forward PortEdit ICMP TypeEdit IPSetEdit InterfaceEdit PassthroughEdit PortEdit ProtocolEdit Rich RuleEdit RuleEdit ServiceEdit SourceEdit User IdEdit User NameEdit ZoneElementElement:Enable NotificationsEntriesEntries of the IPSet. You will only be able to see entries of ipsets that are not using the timeout option, also only the entries, that have been added by firewalld. Entries, that have been directly added with the ipset command wil not be listed here.EntryErrorFailed to connect to firewalld. Please make sure that the service has been started correctly and try again.Failed to get connections from NetworkManagerFailed to load icons.Failed to read file '%s': %sFailed to set zone {zone} for connection {connection_name}FamilyFamily:FirewallFirewall AppletFirewall ConfigurationFirewallD has been reloaded.For host or network white or blacklisting deactivate the element.Forward to another portForwarding to another system is only useful if the interface is masqueraded. Do you want to masquerade this zone ?Hashsize:HelperHelpersHere you can define which services are trusted in the zone. Trusted services are accessible from all hosts and networks that can reach the machine from connections, interfaces and sources bound to this zone.Here you can select the zones used for Shields Up and Shields Down.Here you can set rich language rules for the zone.Hide active runtime bindings of connections, interfaces and sources to zonesICMP FilterICMP TypeICMP TypesICMP Types can only be changed in the permanent configuration view. The runtime configuration of ICMP Types is fixed.IP address:IPSetIPSetsIPSets can only be created or deleted in the permanent configuration view.IPv4IPv4:IPv6IPv6:Icmp TypeIf Invert Filter is enabled, marked ICMP entries are accepted and the others are rejected. In a zone with the target DROP, they are dropped.If a command entry on the whitelist ends with an asterisk '*', then all command lines starting with the command will match. If the '*' is not there the absolute command inclusive arguments must match.If you enable local forwarding, you have to specify a port. This port has to be different to the source port.If you enable masquerading, IP forwarding will be enabled for your IPv4 networks.If you specify destination addresses, the service entry will be limited to the destination address and type. If both entries are empty, there is no limitation.IgnoreInitial hash size, default 1024InterfaceInterfacesInvalid nameInvert FilterLevel:LicenseLoad ICMP Type DefaultsLoad IPSet DefaultsLoad Service DefaultsLoad Zone DefaultsLocal forwardingLockdownLockdown WhitelistLockdown locks firewall configuration so that only applications on lockdown whitelist are able to change it.Lockdown:Log DeniedLog:Make runtime configuration permanentMarkMark the ICMP types in the list, which should be rejected. All other ICMP types are allowed to pass the firewall. The default is no limitation.Mark:Mask:Masquerade zoneMasqueradingMasquerading allows you to set up a host or router that connects your local network to the internet. Your local network will not be visible and the hosts appear as a single address on the internet. Masquerading is IPv4 only.Max number of elements, default 65536Maxelem:Meaning: Log of denied packets. But this is too long. LogDenied is also the parameter used in firewalld.conf.Automatic Helpers:Meaning: Log of denied packets. But this is too long. LogDenied is also the parameter used in firewalld.conf.Log Denied:Module:ModulesName already existsName:Netfilter helper modules are needed for some services.Network traffic is not blocked anymore.No Active Zones.No NetworkManager imports availableNo connection to firewall daemonOther Module:Other Protocol:Panic ModePanic Mode:Panic mode means that all incoming and outgoing packets are dropped.PassthroughPermanentPlease be careful with passthrough rules to not damage the firewall.Please configure base ICMP type settings:Please configure base helper settings:Please configure base ipset settings:Please configure base service settings:Please configure base zone settings:Please enter a mark with an optional mask.Please enter a port and protocol.Please enter a protocol.Please enter a rich rule.Please enter a source.Please enter an interface name:Please enter an ipset entry:Please enter an ipv4 address with the form address[/mask].Please enter an ipv4 or ipv6 address with the form address[/mask].Please enter an ipv6 address with the form address[/mask].Please enter the command line.Please enter the context.Please enter the user id.Please enter the user name.Please select a filePlease select a helper:Please select a netfilter conntrack helper:Please select a service.Please select an ICMP typePlease select an ipset:Please select default zone from the list below.Please select ipv and enter the args.Please select ipv and table and enter the chain name.Please select ipv and table, chain priority and enter the args.Please select the automatic helpers value:Please select the log denied value:Please select the source and destination options according to your needs.PortPort / Port Range:Port ForwardingPort and ProtocolPortsPrefix:PriorityPriority:ProtocolProtocol:ProtocolsReload FirewalldReloads firewall rules. Current permanent configuration will become new runtime configuration. i.e. all runtime only changes done until reload are lost with reload if they have not been also in permanent configuration.RemoveRemove All EntriesRemove ChainRemove Command LineRemove ContextRemove Entries From FileRemove EntryRemove Forward PortRemove ICMP TypeRemove IPSetRemove InterfaceRemove PassthroughRemove PortRemove ProtocolRemove Rich RuleRemove RuleRemove Selected EntryRemove ServiceRemove SourceRemove User IdRemove User NameRemove ZoneReset To DefaultRich RuleRich RulesRulesRuntimeRuntime To PermanentSelect zone for connection '%s'Select zone for interface '%s'Select zone for source %sSelect zone for source '%s'ServiceServicesServices can only be changed in the permanent configuration view. The runtime configuration of services is fixed.Shields Down Zone:Shields UpShields Up Zone:Short:Show active runtime bindings of connections, interfaces and sources to zonesSourceSource PortSource PortsSource:SourcesSpecify whether this ICMP Type is available for IPv4 and/or IPv6.SrcTableTable:Target:Text FilesThe Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) is mainly used to send error messages between networked computers, but additionally for informational messages like ping requests and replies.The context is the security (SELinux) context of a running application or service. To get the context of a running application use ps -e --context.The direct configuration gives a more direct access to the firewall. These options require user to know basic iptables concepts, i.e. tables, chains, commands, parameters and targets. Direct configuration should be used only as a last resort when it is not possible to use other firewalld features.The ipv argument of each option has to be ipv4 or ipv6 or eb. With ipv4 it will be for iptables, with ipv6 for ip6tables and with eb for ethernet bridges (ebtables).The lockdown feature is a light version of user and application policies for firewalld. It limits changes to the firewall. The lockdown whitelist can contain commands, contexts, users and user ids.The mark and the mask fields are both 32 bits wide unsigned numbers.The mask can be a network mask or a number for ipv4. The mask is a number for ipv6.The mask can be a network mask or a number.The mask is a number.The passthrough rules are directly passed through to the firewall and are not placed in special chains. All iptables, ip6tables and ebtables options can be used.The priority is used to order rules. Priority 0 means add rule on top of the chain, with a higher priority the rule will be added further down. Rules with the same priority are on the same level and the order of these rules is not fixed and may change. If you want to make sure that a rule will be added after another one, use a low priority for the first and a higher for the following.This IPSet uses the timeout option, therefore no entries are visible here. The entries should be taken care directly with the ipset command.This feature is useful for people using the default zones mostly. For users, that are changing zones of connections, it might be of limited use.Timeout value in secondsTimeout:To AddressTo PortTo enable this Action has to be 'reject' and Family either 'ipv4' or 'ipv6' (not both).Trying to connect to firewalld, waiting...Type:Used by network connection '%s'User IDUser IdsUser idUser ids.User nameUser namesUser names.Version:WarningWith limit:ZoneZone '%s' activated for interface '%s'Zone '%s' activated for source '%s'Zone '%s': ICMP type '%s' is not available.Zone '%s': Service '%s' is not available.Zone '{zone}' active for connection '{connection}' on interface '{interface}'Zone '{zone}' active for interface '{interface}'Zone '{zone}' active for source {source}Zone '{zone}' {activated_deactivated} for connection '{connection}' on interface '{interface}'Zone '{zone}' {activated_deactivated} for interface '{interface}'Zone '{zone}' {activated_deactivated} for source '{source}'Zone: %sZones_File_Help_Options_Viewacceptactivatedalertcriticaldaydeactivateddebugdisableddropebemergencyenablederrorfirewall;network;security;iptables;netfilter;forward-porthouricmp-blockicmp-typeinfoinvertedipv4ipv4 and ipv6ipv6ipv:labellevellimitlogmarkmasquerademinutenatnoticeportprotocolrawrejectsecondsecurityservicesource-portwarningwith Type:yes{entry} (Default Zone: {default_zone}){entry} (Zone: {zone})Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: POT-Creation-Date: 2020-01-13 14:38-0500 PO-Revision-Date: 2018-11-16 08:29+0000 Last-Translator: Copied by Zanata Language-Team: Chinese (Taiwan) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/firewalld/language/zh_TW/) Language: zh_TW MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0; X-Generator: Zanata 4.6.2 - é¸å– -/連線追蹤輔助器是è¦è¼”助使用ä¸åŒè¨Šè™Ÿã€è³‡æ–™å‚³è¼¸æµå‘çš„å”定é‹ä½œã€‚資料傳輸若使用無關訊號連線的連接埠,在沒有輔助器的情æ³ä¸‹æœƒè¢«é˜²ç«ç‰†å°éŽ–。firewalld icmptype 為 firewalld 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