|x y , #  ( =E ; ! ( / : /[  (  ( 8 8C |  ! 8W"u"?)+A m)"EE; %`:/j'z+:0 I:B$+ 7 St  &)!I9k!*?"Ru!%&A+h ;8J es, 9SpB9!Uw&B9/Q--),'4 \} 0$!# 6P-h*(D3/ c*+0 6? 3v     !6,!c!%!!!C!'&"+N"z"&"$""9"?9#y#+#X#$>*$ i$"v$7$;$! %1/%>a%%$%-% &)&E&[&{&&&'&&'1)'['v'''''''($($;(`(s((((%()(#))=)2g)2)) )) *0 *Q*d*w******8*8+V+o++"+++,+),/I,Jy,<,5-87-@p-F--.,.?.%W.5}.(.:_0/,uZ%pgVT'`Sa+3Hoc>"PfbG;Y?tIDvywql 8 \U2K5*eE&$nN=R@9|iBj[m{ F6MC)d(X1 O . #zrA]QJk!sh7x<-^LW4 Problem %1$i: %2$s Problem: %s %i problem detected: %i problems detected: %s: gpgme_ctx_set_engine_info(): %s%s: gpgme_data_new_from_fd(): %s%s: gpgme_op_import(): %s'%s' is not an allowed valueAttempt to insert transaction item into completed transactionAttempt to update transaction item in completed transactionBad id for repo: %s, byte = %s %dCache-only enabled but no cache for '%s'Can't add console output to unsaved transactionCannot create directory "%s": %sCannot create repo temporary directory "%s": %sCannot download '%s': %s.Cannot find a valid baseurl for repo: %sCannot open %s: %sCannot rename directory "%s" to "%s": %sConfiguration: OptionBinding with id "%s" already existsConfiguration: OptionBinding with id "%s" does not existCould not depsolve transaction; Couldn't find a history databaseDownloaded file for %s not foundError %i running transactionError %i running transaction testError running transaction and no problems were reported!Error running transaction: %sFailed renaming %1$s to %2$s: %3$sFailed setting perms on %1$s: %2$sFailed to check untrusted: Failed to ensure %1$s as repo %2$s not found(%3$i repos loaded)Failed to get filesystem free size for %sFailed to get filesystem free size for %s: Failed to get value for CacheDirFailed to synchronize cache for repo '%s'Fatal error, run database recoveryGetValue(): Value not setIll-formed Selector used for the operation, incorrect comparison typeIll-formed Selector, presence of multiple match objects in the filterIn progressLog handler with id %ld doesn't existMaximum download speed is lower than minimum. Please change configuration of minrate or throttleNo transaction in progressNot enough free space in %1$s: needed %2$s, available %3$sNot in progressPackageTarget initialization failed: %sRepository %s has no mirror or baseurl set.Repository '%s' has unsupported type: 'type=%s', skipping.Sources not set when trying to ensure package %sThe operation would result in removing the following protected packages: Transaction did not go to writing phase, but returned no error(%i)Transaction has already began!TransactionItem state is not set: %sTransformer: can't open history persist diralready at 100%% state [%s]can not create temporary file %scan not list keys: %scan not read file %1$s: %2$scancelled by user actioncannot create temporary file: %scannot open directory %1$s: %2$scould not add erase element %1$s(%2$i)could not convert '%s' to bytescould not convert '%s' to secondsdone on a state %1$p that did not have a size set! [%2$s]failed calculating RPMDB checksumfailed creating cachedir %sfailed loading RPMDBfailed opening tmp file: %sfailed to add install element: %1$s [%2$i]failed to add solvfailed to auto-detect architecturefailed to find package %sfailed to make %s absolutefailed to open(generic error): %sfailed to open: %sfailed to remove %sfailed to set number steps: %ifailed to set rootfailed to verify key for %sfailed writing debugdata to %1$s: %2$sgetCachedir(): Computation of SHA256 failedgiven path '%s' does not exist.given path '%s' is not absolute.given value [%d] should be greater than allowed value [%d].given value [%d] should be less than allowed value [%d].invalid boolean value '%s'invalid valueno %1$d string for %2$sno solution possibleno solution, cannot remove protected packageno solv in the goalno solver setno value specifiednot found deltainfo for: %snot found filelist for: %snot found modules for: %snot found updateinfo for: %snull repo md filepackage %1$s cannot be verified and repo %2$s is GPG enabled: %3$spercentage '%s' is out of rangepercentage not 100: %ipublic key unavailable for %srepo %s: 0x%s already importedrepo %s: imported key 0x%s.repo: downloading from remote: %srepo: using cache for: %srepo_add_repomdxml/rpmmd() has failed.repo_add_solv() has failed.resume cannot be used simultaneously with the byterangestart paramreviving: '%s' can be revived - metalink checksums match.reviving: '%s' can be revived - repomd matches.reviving: failed for '%s', mismatched %s sum.reviving: failed for '%s', mismatched repomd.reviving: repo '%s' skipped, no metalink.reviving: repo '%s' skipped, no usable hash.seconds value '%s' must not be negativesignature does not verify for %ssignature not found for %sunknown unit '%s'write_ext(%1$d) has failed: %2$dwrite_main() failed to re-load written solv filewrite_main() failed writing data: %iProject-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: POT-Creation-Date: 2018-10-15 09:13+0200 PO-Revision-Date: 2018-11-02 05:25+0000 Last-Translator: Copied by Zanata Language-Team: Chinese (Taiwan) Language: zh_TW MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0 X-Generator: Zanata 4.6.2 問題 %1$i: %2$s 問題: %s %i 檢測到問題: %s: gpgme_ctx_set_engine_info(): %s%s: gpgme_data_new_from_fd(): %s%s: gpgme_op_import(): %s「%s」非允許的值嘗試將事務項插入已完成的事務中嘗試更新已完成事務中的事務項回購的錯誤ID: %s, ,byte = %s %d已啟用「只快取 (cache-only)」,但是沒有 %s 的快取。無法將控制台輸出添加到未保存的事務無法創建目錄“%s“: %s無法創建repo臨時目錄“%s“: %s無法下載「%s」:%s。無法找到軟體庫的有效 baseurl:%s不能打開 %s: %s無法重命名目錄“%s“ 至 ”%s“: %s配置:具有id的OptionBinding“%s“ 已經存在配置:具有id的OptionBinding“%s“ 不存在無法解決交易; 找不到歷史數據庫已下載的文件 %s 未找到錯誤 %i 運行事務錯誤 %i 運行事務測試運行事務時出錯並且沒有報告任何問題!運行事務時出錯: %s重命名失敗 %1$s 至 %2$s: %3$s設置燙髮失敗 %1$s: %2$s無法檢查不受信任: 無法確保 %1$s 作為回購 %2$s 未找到(%3$i repos加載)無法獲得文件系統空閒大小 %s無法獲得文件系統空閒大小 %s: 無法獲得CacheDir的值無法為軟體庫「%s」同步快取致命錯誤,運行數據庫恢復GetValue():未設置值用於操作的錯誤選擇器,不正確的比較類型形狀錯誤的選擇器,過濾器中存在多個匹配對象正在進行中帶有id的日誌處理程序 %ld 不存在最大下載速度低於最低下載速度。請調整 minrate 或 throttle 的設定檔沒有正在進行的交易沒有足夠的可用空間 %1$s:需要 %2$s, ,可用 %3$s沒有進展PackageTarget初始化失敗: %s軟體庫「%s」沒有設定任何鏡像或 baseurl。存儲庫'%s'有不支持的類型:'type =%s',跳過。嘗試確保包時未設置源 %s該操作將導致刪除以下受保護的包: 交易沒有進入寫作階段,但沒有返回錯誤(%i)交易已經開始了!未設置TransactionItem狀態: %s變形金剛:無法打開歷史堅持導演已經處於100 %%狀態[%s]無法創建臨時文件 %s無法列出鍵: %s無法讀取文件 %1$s: %2$s由用戶操作取消無法創建臨時文件: %s無法打開目錄 %1$s: %2$s無法添加擦除元素 %1$s(%2$i)無法轉換'%s'到字節無法轉換'%s'到秒完成一個州 %1$p 沒有尺寸設定! [%2$s]計算RPMDB校驗和失敗創建cachedir失敗了 %s加載RPMDB失敗打開tmp文件失敗: %s無法添加安裝元素: %1$s [%2$i]未能添加solv無法自動檢測架構找不到包裹 %s未能成功 %s 絕對無法打開(一般錯誤): %s未能打開: %s未能刪除 %s未能設置數字步驟: %i無法設置root無法驗證密鑰 %s寫入debugdata失敗了 %1$s: %2$sgetCachedir():SHA256的計算失敗提供的位址「%s」不存在。提供的位址「%s」並非絕對位址提供的值 [%d] 需要大於允許的值 [%d]。提供的值 [%d] 需要小於允許的值 [%d]。無效的布林值「%s」無效值沒有 %1$d 字符串 %2$s無法解決問題沒有解決方案,無法刪除受保護的包沒有解決目標沒有解算器集沒有指定值找不到deltainfo: %s找不到文件列表: %s找不到模塊: %s找不到updateinfo: %snull repo md文件包 %1$s 無法驗證和回購 %2$s 已啟用GPG: %3$s「%s」百分比超出範圍百分比不是100: %i公鑰不可用 %s回購 %s:0x%s 已經導入回購 %s:導入的密鑰0x%s。repo:從遠程下載: %srepo:使用快取為:%srepo_add_repomdxml / rpmmd()失敗了。repo_add_solv()失敗了。resume不能與byterangestart param同時使用reviving:可以重生(revived)「%s」 - metalink checksum 符合。reviving:可以復活 (revived)「%s」 - repomd 符合。reviving:因為 %s 總和不符合,「%s」失敗reviving:由於不符合的 repomd,「%s」失敗。reviving:由於沒有 Metalink,所以跳過軟體庫「%s」reviving:由於沒有可使用的雜湊值,跳過軟體庫「%s」次要值「%s」需為負值簽名無法驗證 %s找不到簽名 %s未知的單位「%s」write_ext(%1$d) 失敗了: %2$dwrite_main()無法重新加載寫入的solv文件write_main()寫入數據失敗: %i