replication = $replication; $this->template = $template; } /** * returns HTML for error message * * @return string HTML code */ public function getHtmlForErrorMessage() { $html = ''; if (isset($_SESSION['replication']['sr_action_status']) && isset($_SESSION['replication']['sr_action_info']) ) { if ($_SESSION['replication']['sr_action_status'] == 'error') { $error_message = $_SESSION['replication']['sr_action_info']; $html .= Message::error($error_message)->getDisplay(); $_SESSION['replication']['sr_action_status'] = 'unknown'; } elseif ($_SESSION['replication']['sr_action_status'] == 'success') { $success_message = $_SESSION['replication']['sr_action_info']; $html .= Message::success($success_message)->getDisplay(); $_SESSION['replication']['sr_action_status'] = 'unknown'; } } return $html; } /** * returns HTML for master replication * * @return string HTML code */ public function getHtmlForMasterReplication() { if (! isset($_POST['repl_clear_scr'])) { $masterStatusTable = $this->getHtmlForReplicationStatusTable('master', true, false); $slaves = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchResult('SHOW SLAVE HOSTS', null, null); $urlParams = $GLOBALS['url_params']; $urlParams['mr_adduser'] = true; $urlParams['repl_clear_scr'] = true; } if (isset($_POST['mr_adduser'])) { $masterAddSlaveUser = $this->getHtmlForReplicationMasterAddSlaveUser(); } return $this->template->render('server/replication/master_replication', [ 'clear_screen' => isset($_POST['repl_clear_scr']), 'master_status_table' => $masterStatusTable ?? '', 'slaves' => $slaves ?? [], 'url_params' => $urlParams ?? [], 'master_add_user' => isset($_POST['mr_adduser']), 'master_add_slave_user' => $masterAddSlaveUser ?? '', ]); } /** * returns HTML for master replication configuration * * @return string HTML code */ public function getHtmlForMasterConfiguration() { $databaseMultibox = $this->getHtmlForReplicationDbMultibox(); return $this->template->render('server/replication/master_configuration', [ 'database_multibox' => $databaseMultibox, ]); } /** * returns HTML for slave replication configuration * * @param bool $serverSlaveStatus Whether it is Master or Slave * @param array $serverSlaveReplication Slave replication * * @return string HTML code */ public function getHtmlForSlaveConfiguration( $serverSlaveStatus, array $serverSlaveReplication ) { $serverSlaveMultiReplication = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchResult( 'SHOW ALL SLAVES STATUS' ); if ($serverSlaveStatus) { $urlParams = $GLOBALS['url_params']; $urlParams['sr_take_action'] = true; $urlParams['sr_slave_server_control'] = true; if ($serverSlaveReplication[0]['Slave_IO_Running'] == 'No') { $urlParams['sr_slave_action'] = 'start'; } else { $urlParams['sr_slave_action'] = 'stop'; } $urlParams['sr_slave_control_parm'] = 'IO_THREAD'; $slaveControlIoLink = Url::getCommon($urlParams, ''); if ($serverSlaveReplication[0]['Slave_SQL_Running'] == 'No') { $urlParams['sr_slave_action'] = 'start'; } else { $urlParams['sr_slave_action'] = 'stop'; } $urlParams['sr_slave_control_parm'] = 'SQL_THREAD'; $slaveControlSqlLink = Url::getCommon($urlParams, ''); if ($serverSlaveReplication[0]['Slave_IO_Running'] == 'No' || $serverSlaveReplication[0]['Slave_SQL_Running'] == 'No' ) { $urlParams['sr_slave_action'] = 'start'; } else { $urlParams['sr_slave_action'] = 'stop'; } $urlParams['sr_slave_control_parm'] = null; $slaveControlFullLink = Url::getCommon($urlParams, ''); $urlParams['sr_slave_action'] = 'reset'; $slaveControlResetLink = Url::getCommon($urlParams, ''); $urlParams = $GLOBALS['url_params']; $urlParams['sr_take_action'] = true; $urlParams['sr_slave_skip_error'] = true; $slaveSkipErrorLink = Url::getCommon($urlParams, ''); $urlParams = $GLOBALS['url_params']; $urlParams['sl_configure'] = true; $urlParams['repl_clear_scr'] = true; $reconfigureMasterLink = Url::getCommon($urlParams, ''); $slaveStatusTable = $this->getHtmlForReplicationStatusTable('slave', true, false); $slaveIoRunning = $serverSlaveReplication[0]['Slave_IO_Running'] !== 'No'; $slaveSqlRunning = $serverSlaveReplication[0]['Slave_SQL_Running'] !== 'No'; } return $this->template->render('server/replication/slave_configuration', [ 'server_slave_multi_replication' => $serverSlaveMultiReplication, 'url_params' => $GLOBALS['url_params'], 'master_connection' => $_POST['master_connection'] ?? '', 'server_slave_status' => $serverSlaveStatus, 'slave_status_table' => $slaveStatusTable ?? '', 'slave_sql_running' => $slaveSqlRunning ?? false, 'slave_io_running' => $slaveIoRunning ?? false, 'slave_control_full_link' => $slaveControlFullLink ?? '', 'slave_control_reset_link' => $slaveControlResetLink ?? '', 'slave_control_sql_link' => $slaveControlSqlLink ?? '', 'slave_control_io_link' => $slaveControlIoLink ?? '', 'slave_skip_error_link' => $slaveSkipErrorLink ?? '', 'reconfigure_master_link' => $reconfigureMasterLink ?? '', 'has_slave_configure' => isset($_POST['sl_configure']), ]); } /** * returns HTML code for selecting databases * * @return string HTML code */ public function getHtmlForReplicationDbMultibox() { $databases = []; foreach ($GLOBALS['dblist']->databases as $database) { if (! $GLOBALS['dbi']->isSystemSchema($database)) { $databases[] = $database; } } return $this->template->render('server/replication/database_multibox', [ 'databases' => $databases, ]); } /** * returns HTML for changing master * * @param string $submitName submit button name * * @return string HTML code */ public function getHtmlForReplicationChangeMaster($submitName) { list( $usernameLength, $hostnameLength ) = $this->getUsernameHostnameLength(); return $this->template->render('server/replication/change_master', [ 'server_id' => time(), 'username_length' => $usernameLength, 'hostname_length' => $hostnameLength, 'submit_name' => $submitName, ]); } /** * This function returns html code for table with replication status. * * @param string $type either master or slave * @param boolean $isHidden if true, then default style is set to hidden, * default value false * @param boolean $hasTitle if true, then title is displayed, default true * * @return string HTML code */ public function getHtmlForReplicationStatusTable( $type, $isHidden = false, $hasTitle = true ): string { global $master_variables, $slave_variables; global $master_variables_alerts, $slave_variables_alerts; global $master_variables_oks, $slave_variables_oks; global $server_master_replication, $server_slave_replication; $replicationVariables = $master_variables; $variablesAlerts = $master_variables_alerts; $variablesOks = $master_variables_oks; $serverReplication = $server_master_replication; if ($type === 'slave') { $replicationVariables = $slave_variables; $variablesAlerts = $slave_variables_alerts; $variablesOks = $slave_variables_oks; $serverReplication = $server_slave_replication; } $variables = []; foreach ($replicationVariables as $variable) { $serverReplicationVariable = is_array($serverReplication) && isset($serverReplication[0]) ? $serverReplication[0][$variable] : ''; $variables[$variable] = [ 'name' => $variable, 'status' => '', 'value' => $serverReplicationVariable, ]; if (isset($variablesAlerts[$variable]) && $variablesAlerts[$variable] === $serverReplicationVariable ) { $variables[$variable]['status'] = 'attention'; } elseif (isset($variablesOks[$variable]) && $variablesOks[$variable] === $serverReplicationVariable ) { $variables[$variable]['status'] = 'allfine'; } $variablesWrap = [ 'Replicate_Do_DB', 'Replicate_Ignore_DB', 'Replicate_Do_Table', 'Replicate_Ignore_Table', 'Replicate_Wild_Do_Table', 'Replicate_Wild_Ignore_Table', ]; if (in_array($variable, $variablesWrap)) { $variables[$variable]['value'] = str_replace( ',', ', ', $serverReplicationVariable ); } } return $this->template->render('server/replication/status_table', [ 'type' => $type, 'is_hidden' => $isHidden, 'has_title' => $hasTitle, 'variables' => $variables, ]); } /** * get the correct username and hostname lengths for this MySQL server * * @return array username length, hostname length */ public function getUsernameHostnameLength() { $fields_info = $GLOBALS['dbi']->getColumns('mysql', 'user'); $username_length = 16; $hostname_length = 41; foreach ($fields_info as $val) { if ($val['Field'] == 'User') { strtok($val['Type'], '()'); $v = strtok('()'); if (Util::isInteger($v)) { $username_length = (int) $v; } } elseif ($val['Field'] == 'Host') { strtok($val['Type'], '()'); $v = strtok('()'); if (Util::isInteger($v)) { $hostname_length = (int) $v; } } } return [ $username_length, $hostname_length, ]; } /** * returns html code to add a replication slave user to the master * * @return string HTML code */ public function getHtmlForReplicationMasterAddSlaveUser() { list( $usernameLength, $hostnameLength ) = $this->getUsernameHostnameLength(); if (isset($_POST['username']) && strlen($_POST['username']) === 0) { $GLOBALS['pred_username'] = 'any'; } $username = ''; if (! empty($_POST['username'])) { $username = $GLOBALS['new_username'] ?? $_POST['username']; } $currentUser = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchValue('SELECT USER();'); if (! empty($currentUser)) { $userHost = str_replace( "'", '', mb_substr( $currentUser, mb_strrpos($currentUser, '@') + 1 ) ); if ($userHost !== 'localhost' && $userHost !== '') { $thisHost = $userHost; } } // when we start editing a user, $GLOBALS['pred_hostname'] is not defined if (! isset($GLOBALS['pred_hostname']) && isset($_POST['hostname'])) { switch (mb_strtolower($_POST['hostname'])) { case 'localhost': case '': $GLOBALS['pred_hostname'] = 'localhost'; break; case '%': $GLOBALS['pred_hostname'] = 'any'; break; default: $GLOBALS['pred_hostname'] = 'userdefined'; break; } } return $this->template->render('server/replication/master_add_slave_user', [ 'username_length' => $usernameLength, 'hostname_length' => $hostnameLength, 'has_username' => isset($_POST['username']), 'username' => $username, 'hostname' => $_POST['hostname'] ?? '', 'predefined_username' => $GLOBALS['pred_username'] ?? '', 'predefined_hostname' => $GLOBALS['pred_hostname'] ?? '', 'this_host' => $thisHost ?? null, ]); } /** * handle control requests * * @return void */ public function handleControlRequest() { if (isset($_POST['sr_take_action'])) { $refresh = false; $result = false; $messageSuccess = null; $messageError = null; if (isset($_POST['slave_changemaster']) && ! $GLOBALS['cfg']['AllowArbitraryServer']) { $_SESSION['replication']['sr_action_status'] = 'error'; $_SESSION['replication']['sr_action_info'] = __('Connection to server is disabled, please enable $cfg[\'AllowArbitraryServer\'] in phpMyAdmin configuration.'); } elseif (isset($_POST['slave_changemaster'])) { $result = $this->handleRequestForSlaveChangeMaster(); } elseif (isset($_POST['sr_slave_server_control'])) { $result = $this->handleRequestForSlaveServerControl(); $refresh = true; switch ($_POST['sr_slave_action']) { case 'start': $messageSuccess = __('Replication started successfully.'); $messageError = __('Error starting replication.'); break; case 'stop': $messageSuccess = __('Replication stopped successfully.'); $messageError = __('Error stopping replication.'); break; case 'reset': $messageSuccess = __('Replication resetting successfully.'); $messageError = __('Error resetting replication.'); break; default: $messageSuccess = __('Success.'); $messageError = __('Error.'); break; } } elseif (isset($_POST['sr_slave_skip_error'])) { $result = $this->handleRequestForSlaveSkipError(); } if ($refresh) { $response = Response::getInstance(); if ($response->isAjax()) { $response->setRequestStatus($result); $response->addJSON( 'message', $result ? Message::success($messageSuccess) : Message::error($messageError) ); } else { Core::sendHeaderLocation( './server_replication.php' . Url::getCommonRaw($GLOBALS['url_params']) ); } } unset($refresh); } } /** * handle control requests for Slave Change Master * * @return boolean */ public function handleRequestForSlaveChangeMaster() { $sr = []; $_SESSION['replication']['m_username'] = $sr['username'] = $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($_POST['username']); $_SESSION['replication']['m_password'] = $sr['pma_pw'] = $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($_POST['pma_pw']); $_SESSION['replication']['m_hostname'] = $sr['hostname'] = $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($_POST['hostname']); $_SESSION['replication']['m_port'] = $sr['port'] = $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($_POST['text_port']); $_SESSION['replication']['m_correct'] = ''; $_SESSION['replication']['sr_action_status'] = 'error'; $_SESSION['replication']['sr_action_info'] = __('Unknown error'); // Attempt to connect to the new master server $link_to_master = $this->replication->connectToMaster( $sr['username'], $sr['pma_pw'], $sr['hostname'], $sr['port'] ); if (! $link_to_master) { $_SESSION['replication']['sr_action_status'] = 'error'; $_SESSION['replication']['sr_action_info'] = sprintf( __('Unable to connect to master %s.'), htmlspecialchars($sr['hostname']) ); } else { // Read the current master position $position = $this->replication->slaveBinLogMaster($link_to_master); if (empty($position)) { $_SESSION['replication']['sr_action_status'] = 'error'; $_SESSION['replication']['sr_action_info'] = __( 'Unable to read master log position. ' . 'Possible privilege problem on master.' ); } else { $_SESSION['replication']['m_correct'] = true; if (! $this->replication->slaveChangeMaster( $sr['username'], $sr['pma_pw'], $sr['hostname'], $sr['port'], $position, true, false ) ) { $_SESSION['replication']['sr_action_status'] = 'error'; $_SESSION['replication']['sr_action_info'] = __('Unable to change master!'); } else { $_SESSION['replication']['sr_action_status'] = 'success'; $_SESSION['replication']['sr_action_info'] = sprintf( __('Master server changed successfully to %s.'), htmlspecialchars($sr['hostname']) ); } } } return $_SESSION['replication']['sr_action_status'] === 'success'; } /** * handle control requests for Slave Server Control * * @return boolean */ public function handleRequestForSlaveServerControl() { if (empty($_POST['sr_slave_control_parm'])) { $_POST['sr_slave_control_parm'] = null; } if ($_POST['sr_slave_action'] == 'reset') { $qStop = $this->replication->slaveControl("STOP", null, DatabaseInterface::CONNECT_USER); $qReset = $GLOBALS['dbi']->tryQuery("RESET SLAVE;"); $qStart = $this->replication->slaveControl("START", null, DatabaseInterface::CONNECT_USER); $result = ($qStop !== false && $qStop !== -1 && $qReset !== false && $qReset !== -1 && $qStart !== false && $qStart !== -1); } else { $qControl = $this->replication->slaveControl( $_POST['sr_slave_action'], $_POST['sr_slave_control_parm'], DatabaseInterface::CONNECT_USER ); $result = ($qControl !== false && $qControl !== -1); } return $result; } /** * handle control requests for Slave Skip Error * * @return boolean */ public function handleRequestForSlaveSkipError() { $count = 1; if (isset($_POST['sr_skip_errors_count'])) { $count = $_POST['sr_skip_errors_count'] * 1; } $qStop = $this->replication->slaveControl("STOP", null, DatabaseInterface::CONNECT_USER); $qSkip = $GLOBALS['dbi']->tryQuery( "SET GLOBAL SQL_SLAVE_SKIP_COUNTER = " . $count . ";" ); $qStart = $this->replication->slaveControl("START", null, DatabaseInterface::CONNECT_USER); $result = ($qStop !== false && $qStop !== -1 && $qSkip !== false && $qSkip !== -1 && $qStart !== false && $qStart !== -1); return $result; } }