sqlQueryForm = $sqlQueryForm; $this->template = $template; $this->relation = $relation; } /** * Filters tracking entries * * @param array $data the entries to filter * @param string $filter_ts_from "from" date * @param string $filter_ts_to "to" date * @param array $filter_users users * * @return array filtered entries */ public function filter( array $data, $filter_ts_from, $filter_ts_to, array $filter_users ): array { $tmp_entries = []; $id = 0; foreach ($data as $entry) { $timestamp = strtotime($entry['date']); $filtered_user = in_array($entry['username'], $filter_users); if ($timestamp >= $filter_ts_from && $timestamp <= $filter_ts_to && (in_array('*', $filter_users) || $filtered_user) ) { $tmp_entries[] = [ 'id' => $id, 'timestamp' => $timestamp, 'username' => $entry['username'], 'statement' => $entry['statement'], ]; } $id++; } return $tmp_entries; } /** * Function to get html for data definition and data manipulation statements * * @param string $urlQuery url query * @param int $lastVersion last version * @param string $db database * @param array $selected selected tables * @param string $type type of the table; table, view or both * * @return string HTML */ public function getHtmlForDataDefinitionAndManipulationStatements( $urlQuery, $lastVersion, $db, array $selected, $type = 'both' ) { return $this->template->render('create_tracking_version', [ 'url_query' => $urlQuery, 'last_version' => $lastVersion, 'db' => $db, 'selected' => $selected, 'type' => $type, 'default_statements' => $GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['tracking_default_statements'], ]); } /** * Function to get html for activate/deactivate tracking * * @param string $action activate|deactivate * @param string $urlQuery url query * @param int $lastVersion last version * * @return string HTML */ public function getHtmlForActivateDeactivateTracking( $action, $urlQuery, $lastVersion ) { return $this->template->render('table/tracking/activate_deactivate', [ 'action' => $action, 'url_query' => $urlQuery, 'last_version' => $lastVersion, 'db' => $GLOBALS['db'], 'table' => $GLOBALS['table'], ]); } /** * Function to get the list versions of the table * * @return array */ public function getListOfVersionsOfTable() { $relation = $this->relation; $cfgRelation = $relation->getRelationsParam(); $sql_query = " SELECT * FROM " . Util::backquote($cfgRelation['db']) . "." . Util::backquote($cfgRelation['tracking']) . " WHERE db_name = '" . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($GLOBALS['db']) . "' " . " AND table_name = '" . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($GLOBALS['table']) . "' " . " ORDER BY version DESC "; return $relation->queryAsControlUser($sql_query); } /** * Function to get html for main page parts that do not use $_REQUEST * * @param string $urlQuery url query * @param array $urlParams url parameters * @param string $pmaThemeImage path to theme's image folder * @param string $textDir text direction * @param int $lastVersion last tracking version * * @return string */ public function getHtmlForMainPage( $urlQuery, $urlParams, $pmaThemeImage, $textDir, $lastVersion = null ) { $selectableTablesSqlResult = $this->getSqlResultForSelectableTables(); $selectableTablesEntries = []; while ($entry = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchArray($selectableTablesSqlResult)) { $entry['is_tracked'] = Tracker::isTracked( $entry['db_name'], $entry['table_name'] ); $selectableTablesEntries[] = $entry; } $selectableTablesNumRows = $GLOBALS['dbi']->numRows($selectableTablesSqlResult); $versionSqlResult = $this->getListOfVersionsOfTable(); if ($lastVersion === null) { $lastVersion = $this->getTableLastVersionNumber($versionSqlResult); } $GLOBALS['dbi']->dataSeek($versionSqlResult, 0); $versions = []; while ($version = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchArray($versionSqlResult)) { $versions[] = $version; } $type = $GLOBALS['dbi']->getTable($GLOBALS['db'], $GLOBALS['table']) ->isView() ? 'view' : 'table'; return $this->template->render('table/tracking/main', [ 'url_query' => $urlQuery, 'url_params' => $urlParams, 'db' => $GLOBALS['db'], 'table' => $GLOBALS['table'], 'selectable_tables_num_rows' => $selectableTablesNumRows, 'selectable_tables_entries' => $selectableTablesEntries, 'selected_table' => isset($_POST['table']) ? $_POST['table'] : null, 'last_version' => $lastVersion, 'versions' => $versions, 'type' => $type, 'default_statements' => $GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['tracking_default_statements'], 'pmaThemeImage' => $pmaThemeImage, 'text_dir' => $textDir, ]); } /** * Function to get the last version number of a table * * @param array $sql_result sql result * * @return int */ public function getTableLastVersionNumber($sql_result) { $maxversion = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchArray($sql_result); return intval(is_array($maxversion) ? $maxversion['version'] : null); } /** * Function to get sql results for selectable tables * * @return array */ public function getSqlResultForSelectableTables() { $relation = $this->relation; $cfgRelation = $relation->getRelationsParam(); $sql_query = " SELECT DISTINCT db_name, table_name FROM " . Util::backquote($cfgRelation['db']) . "." . Util::backquote($cfgRelation['tracking']) . " WHERE db_name = '" . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($GLOBALS['db']) . "' " . " ORDER BY db_name, table_name"; return $relation->queryAsControlUser($sql_query); } /** * Function to get html for tracking report and tracking report export * * @param string $url_query url query * @param array $data data * @param array $url_params url params * @param boolean $selection_schema selection schema * @param boolean $selection_data selection data * @param boolean $selection_both selection both * @param int $filter_ts_to filter time stamp from * @param int $filter_ts_from filter time stamp tp * @param array $filter_users filter users * * @return string */ public function getHtmlForTrackingReport( $url_query, array $data, array $url_params, $selection_schema, $selection_data, $selection_both, $filter_ts_to, $filter_ts_from, array $filter_users ) { $html = '

' . __('Tracking report') . ' [' . __('Close') . ']

'; $html .= '' . __('Tracking statements') . ' ' . htmlspecialchars($data['tracking']) . '
'; $html .= '
'; list($str1, $str2, $str3, $str4, $str5) = $this->getHtmlForElementsOfTrackingReport( $selection_schema, $selection_data, $selection_both ); // Prepare delete link content here $drop_image_or_text = ''; if (Util::showIcons('ActionLinksMode')) { $drop_image_or_text .= Util::getImage( 'b_drop', __('Delete tracking data row from report') ); } if (Util::showText('ActionLinksMode')) { $drop_image_or_text .= __('Delete'); } /* * First, list tracked data definition statements */ if (count($data['ddlog']) == 0 && count($data['dmlog']) === 0) { $msg = Message::notice(__('No data')); $msg->display(); } $html .= $this->getHtmlForTrackingReportExportForm1( $data, $url_params, $selection_schema, $selection_data, $selection_both, $filter_ts_to, $filter_ts_from, $filter_users, $str1, $str2, $str3, $str4, $str5, $drop_image_or_text ); $html .= $this->getHtmlForTrackingReportExportForm2( $url_params, $str1, $str2, $str3, $str4, $str5 ); $html .= "

\n"; return $html; } /** * Generate HTML element for report form * * @param boolean $selection_schema selection schema * @param boolean $selection_data selection data * @param boolean $selection_both selection both * * @return array */ public function getHtmlForElementsOfTrackingReport( $selection_schema, $selection_data, $selection_both ) { $str1 = ''; $str2 = ''; $str3 = ''; $str4 = ''; $str5 = '' . ''; return [ $str1, $str2, $str3, $str4, $str5, ]; } /** * Generate HTML for export form * * @param array $data data * @param array $url_params url params * @param boolean $selection_schema selection schema * @param boolean $selection_data selection data * @param boolean $selection_both selection both * @param int $filter_ts_to filter time stamp from * @param int $filter_ts_from filter time stamp tp * @param array $filter_users filter users * @param string $str1 HTML for logtype select * @param string $str2 HTML for "from date" * @param string $str3 HTML for "to date" * @param string $str4 HTML for user * @param string $str5 HTML for "list report" * @param string $drop_image_or_text HTML for image or text * * @return string HTML for form */ public function getHtmlForTrackingReportExportForm1( array $data, array $url_params, $selection_schema, $selection_data, $selection_both, $filter_ts_to, $filter_ts_from, array $filter_users, $str1, $str2, $str3, $str4, $str5, $drop_image_or_text ) { $ddlog_count = 0; $html = '
'; $html .= Url::getHiddenInputs($url_params + [ 'report' => 'true', 'version' => $_POST['version'], ]); $html .= sprintf( __('Show %1$s with dates from %2$s to %3$s by user %4$s %5$s'), $str1, $str2, $str3, $str4, $str5 ); if ($selection_schema || $selection_both && count($data['ddlog']) > 0) { list($temp, $ddlog_count) = $this->getHtmlForDataDefinitionStatements( $data, $filter_users, $filter_ts_from, $filter_ts_to, $url_params, $drop_image_or_text ); $html .= $temp; unset($temp); } //endif /* * Secondly, list tracked data manipulation statements */ if (($selection_data || $selection_both) && count($data['dmlog']) > 0) { $html .= $this->getHtmlForDataManipulationStatements( $data, $filter_users, $filter_ts_from, $filter_ts_to, $url_params, $ddlog_count, $drop_image_or_text ); } $html .= '
'; return $html; } /** * Generate HTML for export form * * @param array $url_params Parameters * @param string $str1 HTML for logtype select * @param string $str2 HTML for "from date" * @param string $str3 HTML for "to date" * @param string $str4 HTML for user * @param string $str5 HTML for "list report" * * @return string HTML for form */ public function getHtmlForTrackingReportExportForm2( array $url_params, $str1, $str2, $str3, $str4, $str5 ) { $html = '
'; $html .= Url::getHiddenInputs($url_params + [ 'report' => 'true', 'version' => $_POST['version'], ]); $html .= sprintf( __('Show %1$s with dates from %2$s to %3$s by user %4$s %5$s'), $str1, $str2, $str3, $str4, $str5 ); $html .= '
'; $html .= '
'; $html .= Url::getHiddenInputs($url_params + [ 'report' => 'true', 'version' => $_POST['version'], 'logtype' => $_POST['logtype'], 'date_from' => $_POST['date_from'], 'date_to' => $_POST['date_to'], 'users' => $_POST['users'], 'report_export' => 'true', ]); $str_export1 = ''; $str_export2 = ''; $html .= "
" . sprintf(__('Export as %s'), $str_export1) . $str_export2 . "
"; $html .= '
'; return $html; } /** * Function to get html for data manipulation statements * * @param array $data data * @param array $filter_users filter users * @param int $filter_ts_from filter time staml from * @param int $filter_ts_to filter time stamp to * @param array $url_params url parameters * @param int $ddlog_count data definition log count * @param string $drop_image_or_text drop image or text * * @return string */ public function getHtmlForDataManipulationStatements( array $data, array $filter_users, $filter_ts_from, $filter_ts_to, array $url_params, $ddlog_count, $drop_image_or_text ) { // no need for the secondth returned parameter list($html,) = $this->getHtmlForDataStatements( $data, $filter_users, $filter_ts_from, $filter_ts_to, $url_params, $drop_image_or_text, 'dmlog', __('Data manipulation statement'), $ddlog_count, 'dml_versions' ); return $html; } /** * Function to get html for data definition statements in schema snapshot * * @param array $data data * @param array $filter_users filter users * @param int $filter_ts_from filter time stamp from * @param int $filter_ts_to filter time stamp to * @param array $url_params url parameters * @param string $drop_image_or_text drop image or text * * @return array */ public function getHtmlForDataDefinitionStatements( array $data, array $filter_users, $filter_ts_from, $filter_ts_to, array $url_params, $drop_image_or_text ) { list($html, $line_number) = $this->getHtmlForDataStatements( $data, $filter_users, $filter_ts_from, $filter_ts_to, $url_params, $drop_image_or_text, 'ddlog', __('Data definition statement'), 1, 'ddl_versions' ); return [ $html, $line_number, ]; } /** * Function to get html for data statements in schema snapshot * * @param array $data data * @param array $filterUsers filter users * @param int $filterTsFrom filter time stamp from * @param int $filterTsTo filter time stamp to * @param array $urlParams url parameters * @param string $dropImageOrText drop image or text * @param string $whichLog dmlog|ddlog * @param string $headerMessage message for this section * @param int $lineNumber line number * @param string $tableId id for the table element * * @return array [$html, $lineNumber] */ private function getHtmlForDataStatements( array $data, array $filterUsers, $filterTsFrom, $filterTsTo, array $urlParams, $dropImageOrText, $whichLog, $headerMessage, $lineNumber, $tableId ) { $offset = $lineNumber; $entries = []; foreach ($data[$whichLog] as $entry) { $timestamp = strtotime($entry['date']); if ($timestamp >= $filterTsFrom && $timestamp <= $filterTsTo && (in_array('*', $filterUsers) || in_array($entry['username'], $filterUsers)) ) { $entry['formated_statement'] = Util::formatSql($entry['statement'], true); $deleteParam = 'delete_' . $whichLog; $entry['url_params'] = Url::getCommon($urlParams + [ 'report' => 'true', 'version' => $_POST['version'], $deleteParam => $lineNumber - $offset, ], ''); $entry['line_number'] = $lineNumber; $entries[] = $entry; } $lineNumber++; } $html = $this->template->render('table/tracking/report_table', [ 'table_id' => $tableId, 'header_message' => $headerMessage, 'entries' => $entries, 'drop_image_or_text' => $dropImageOrText, ]); return [ $html, $lineNumber, ]; } /** * Function to get html for schema snapshot * * @param string $url_query url query * * @return string */ public function getHtmlForSchemaSnapshot($url_query) { $html = '

' . __('Structure snapshot') . ' [' . __('Close') . ']

'; $data = Tracker::getTrackedData( $_POST['db'], $_POST['table'], $_POST['version'] ); // Get first DROP TABLE/VIEW and CREATE TABLE/VIEW statements $drop_create_statements = $data['ddlog'][0]['statement']; if (mb_strstr($data['ddlog'][0]['statement'], 'DROP TABLE') || mb_strstr($data['ddlog'][0]['statement'], 'DROP VIEW') ) { $drop_create_statements .= $data['ddlog'][1]['statement']; } // Print SQL code $html .= Util::getMessage( sprintf( __('Version %s snapshot (SQL code)'), htmlspecialchars($_POST['version']) ), $drop_create_statements ); // Unserialize snapshot $temp = Core::safeUnserialize($data['schema_snapshot']); if ($temp === null) { $temp = [ 'COLUMNS' => [], 'INDEXES' => [], ]; } $columns = $temp['COLUMNS']; $indexes = $temp['INDEXES']; $html .= $this->getHtmlForColumns($columns); if (count($indexes) > 0) { $html .= $this->getHtmlForIndexes($indexes); } // endif $html .= '

'; return $html; } /** * Function to get html for displaying columns in the schema snapshot * * @param array $columns columns * * @return string */ public function getHtmlForColumns(array $columns) { return $this->template->render('table/tracking/structure_snapshot_columns', [ 'columns' => $columns, ]); } /** * Function to get html for the indexes in schema snapshot * * @param array $indexes indexes * * @return string */ public function getHtmlForIndexes(array $indexes) { return $this->template->render('table/tracking/structure_snapshot_indexes', [ 'indexes' => $indexes, ]); } /** * Function to handle the tracking report * * @param array $data tracked data * * @return string HTML for the message */ public function deleteTrackingReportRows(array &$data) { $html = ''; if (isset($_POST['delete_ddlog'])) { // Delete ddlog row data $html .= $this->deleteFromTrackingReportLog( $data, 'ddlog', 'DDL', __('Tracking data definition successfully deleted') ); } if (isset($_POST['delete_dmlog'])) { // Delete dmlog row data $html .= $this->deleteFromTrackingReportLog( $data, 'dmlog', 'DML', __('Tracking data manipulation successfully deleted') ); } return $html; } /** * Function to delete from a tracking report log * * @param array $data tracked data * @param string $which_log ddlog|dmlog * @param string $type DDL|DML * @param string $message success message * * @return string HTML for the message */ public function deleteFromTrackingReportLog(array &$data, $which_log, $type, $message) { $html = ''; $delete_id = $_POST['delete_' . $which_log]; // Only in case of valid id if ($delete_id == (int) $delete_id) { unset($data[$which_log][$delete_id]); $successfullyDeleted = Tracker::changeTrackingData( $GLOBALS['db'], $GLOBALS['table'], $_POST['version'], $type, $data[$which_log] ); if ($successfullyDeleted) { $msg = Message::success($message); } else { $msg = Message::rawError(__('Query error')); } $html .= $msg->getDisplay(); } return $html; } /** * Function to export as sql dump * * @param array $entries entries * * @return string HTML SQL query form */ public function exportAsSqlDump(array $entries) { $html = ''; $new_query = "# " . __( 'You can execute the dump by creating and using a temporary database. ' . 'Please ensure that you have the privileges to do so.' ) . "\n" . "# " . __('Comment out these two lines if you do not need them.') . "\n" . "\n" . "CREATE database IF NOT EXISTS pma_temp_db; \n" . "USE pma_temp_db; \n" . "\n"; foreach ($entries as $entry) { $new_query .= $entry['statement']; } $msg = Message::success( __('SQL statements exported. Please copy the dump or execute it.') ); $html .= $msg->getDisplay(); $db_temp = $GLOBALS['db']; $table_temp = $GLOBALS['table']; $GLOBALS['db'] = $GLOBALS['table'] = ''; $html .= $this->sqlQueryForm->getHtml($new_query, 'sql'); $GLOBALS['db'] = $db_temp; $GLOBALS['table'] = $table_temp; return $html; } /** * Function to export as sql execution * * @param array $entries entries * * @return array */ public function exportAsSqlExecution(array $entries) { $sql_result = []; foreach ($entries as $entry) { $sql_result = $GLOBALS['dbi']->query("/*NOTRACK*/\n" . $entry['statement']); } return $sql_result; } /** * Function to export as entries * * @param array $entries entries * * @return void */ public function exportAsFileDownload(array $entries) { ini_set('url_rewriter.tags', ''); // Replace all multiple whitespaces by a single space $table = htmlspecialchars(preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', $_POST['table'])); $dump = "# " . sprintf( __('Tracking report for table `%s`'), $table ) . "\n" . '# ' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "\n"; foreach ($entries as $entry) { $dump .= $entry['statement']; } $filename = 'log_' . $table . '.sql'; Response::getInstance()->disable(); Core::downloadHeader( $filename, 'text/x-sql', strlen($dump) ); echo $dump; exit; } /** * Function to activate or deactivate tracking * * @param string $action activate|deactivate * * @return string HTML for the success message */ public function changeTracking($action) { $html = ''; if ($action == 'activate') { $method = 'activateTracking'; $message = __('Tracking for %1$s was activated at version %2$s.'); } else { $method = 'deactivateTracking'; $message = __('Tracking for %1$s was deactivated at version %2$s.'); } $status = Tracker::$method( $GLOBALS['db'], $GLOBALS['table'], $_POST['version'] ); if ($status) { $msg = Message::success( sprintf( $message, htmlspecialchars($GLOBALS['db'] . '.' . $GLOBALS['table']), htmlspecialchars($_POST['version']) ) ); $html .= $msg->getDisplay(); } return $html; } /** * Function to get tracking set * * @return string */ public function getTrackingSet() { $tracking_set = ''; // a key is absent from the request if it has been removed from // tracking_default_statements in the config if (isset($_POST['alter_table']) && $_POST['alter_table'] == true) { $tracking_set .= 'ALTER TABLE,'; } if (isset($_POST['rename_table']) && $_POST['rename_table'] == true) { $tracking_set .= 'RENAME TABLE,'; } if (isset($_POST['create_table']) && $_POST['create_table'] == true) { $tracking_set .= 'CREATE TABLE,'; } if (isset($_POST['drop_table']) && $_POST['drop_table'] == true) { $tracking_set .= 'DROP TABLE,'; } if (isset($_POST['alter_view']) && $_POST['alter_view'] == true) { $tracking_set .= 'ALTER VIEW,'; } if (isset($_POST['create_view']) && $_POST['create_view'] == true) { $tracking_set .= 'CREATE VIEW,'; } if (isset($_POST['drop_view']) && $_POST['drop_view'] == true) { $tracking_set .= 'DROP VIEW,'; } if (isset($_POST['create_index']) && $_POST['create_index'] == true) { $tracking_set .= 'CREATE INDEX,'; } if (isset($_POST['drop_index']) && $_POST['drop_index'] == true) { $tracking_set .= 'DROP INDEX,'; } if (isset($_POST['insert']) && $_POST['insert'] == true) { $tracking_set .= 'INSERT,'; } if (isset($_POST['update']) && $_POST['update'] == true) { $tracking_set .= 'UPDATE,'; } if (isset($_POST['delete']) && $_POST['delete'] == true) { $tracking_set .= 'DELETE,'; } if (isset($_POST['truncate']) && $_POST['truncate'] == true) { $tracking_set .= 'TRUNCATE,'; } $tracking_set = rtrim($tracking_set, ','); return $tracking_set; } /** * Deletes a tracking version * * @param string $version tracking version * * @return string HTML of the success message */ public function deleteTrackingVersion($version) { $html = ''; $versionDeleted = Tracker::deleteTracking( $GLOBALS['db'], $GLOBALS['table'], $version ); if ($versionDeleted) { $msg = Message::success( sprintf( __('Version %1$s of %2$s was deleted.'), htmlspecialchars($version), htmlspecialchars($GLOBALS['db'] . '.' . $GLOBALS['table']) ) ); $html .= $msg->getDisplay(); } return $html; } /** * Function to create the tracking version * * @return string HTML of the success message */ public function createTrackingVersion() { $html = ''; $tracking_set = $this->getTrackingSet(); $versionCreated = Tracker::createVersion( $GLOBALS['db'], $GLOBALS['table'], $_POST['version'], $tracking_set, $GLOBALS['dbi']->getTable($GLOBALS['db'], $GLOBALS['table'])->isView() ); if ($versionCreated) { $msg = Message::success( sprintf( __('Version %1$s was created, tracking for %2$s is active.'), htmlspecialchars($_POST['version']), htmlspecialchars($GLOBALS['db'] . '.' . $GLOBALS['table']) ) ); $html .= $msg->getDisplay(); } return $html; } /** * Create tracking version for multiple tables * * @param array $selected list of selected tables * * @return void */ public function createTrackingForMultipleTables(array $selected) { $tracking_set = $this->getTrackingSet(); foreach ($selected as $selected_table) { Tracker::createVersion( $GLOBALS['db'], $selected_table, $_POST['version'], $tracking_set, $GLOBALS['dbi']->getTable($GLOBALS['db'], $selected_table)->isView() ); } } /** * Function to get the entries * * @param array $data data * @param int $filter_ts_from filter time stamp from * @param int $filter_ts_to filter time stamp to * @param array $filter_users filter users * * @return array */ public function getEntries(array $data, $filter_ts_from, $filter_ts_to, array $filter_users) { $entries = []; // Filtering data definition statements if ($_POST['logtype'] == 'schema' || $_POST['logtype'] == 'schema_and_data' ) { $entries = array_merge( $entries, $this->filter( $data['ddlog'], $filter_ts_from, $filter_ts_to, $filter_users ) ); } // Filtering data manipulation statements if ($_POST['logtype'] == 'data' || $_POST['logtype'] == 'schema_and_data' ) { $entries = array_merge( $entries, $this->filter( $data['dmlog'], $filter_ts_from, $filter_ts_to, $filter_users ) ); } // Sort it $ids = $timestamps = $usernames = $statements = []; foreach ($entries as $key => $row) { $ids[$key] = $row['id']; $timestamps[$key] = $row['timestamp']; $usernames[$key] = $row['username']; $statements[$key] = $row['statement']; } array_multisort( $timestamps, SORT_ASC, $ids, SORT_ASC, $usernames, SORT_ASC, $statements, SORT_ASC, $entries ); return $entries; } /** * Function to get version status * * @param array $version version info * * @return string The status message */ public function getVersionStatus(array $version) { if ($version['tracking_active'] == 1) { return __('active'); } return __('not active'); } /** * Get HTML for tracked and untracked tables * * @param string $db current database * @param string $urlQuery url query string * @param string $pmaThemeImage path to theme's image folder * @param string $textDir text direction * * @return string HTML */ public function getHtmlForDbTrackingTables( string $db, string $urlQuery, string $pmaThemeImage, string $textDir ) { $relation = $this->relation; $cfgRelation = $relation->getRelationsParam(); // Prepare statement to get HEAD version $allTablesQuery = ' SELECT table_name, MAX(version) as version FROM ' . Util::backquote($cfgRelation['db']) . '.' . Util::backquote($cfgRelation['tracking']) . ' WHERE db_name = \'' . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($db) . '\' ' . ' GROUP BY table_name' . ' ORDER BY table_name ASC'; $allTablesResult = $relation->queryAsControlUser($allTablesQuery); $untrackedTables = $this->getUntrackedTables($db); // If a HEAD version exists $versions = []; $headVersionExists = is_object($allTablesResult) && $GLOBALS['dbi']->numRows($allTablesResult) > 0; if ($headVersionExists) { while ($oneResult = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchArray($allTablesResult)) { list($tableName, $versionNumber) = $oneResult; $tableQuery = ' SELECT * FROM ' . Util::backquote($cfgRelation['db']) . '.' . Util::backquote($cfgRelation['tracking']) . ' WHERE `db_name` = \'' . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($db) . '\' AND `table_name` = \'' . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($tableName) . '\' AND `version` = \'' . $versionNumber . '\''; $tableResult = $relation->queryAsControlUser($tableQuery); $versionData = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchArray($tableResult); $versionData['status_button'] = $this->getStatusButton( $versionData, $urlQuery ); $versions[] = $versionData; } } $html = $this->template->render('database/tracking/tables', [ 'db' => $db, 'head_version_exists' => $headVersionExists, 'untracked_tables_exists' => count($untrackedTables) > 0, 'versions' => $versions, 'url_query' => $urlQuery, 'text_dir' => $textDir, 'untracked_tables' => $untrackedTables, 'pma_theme_image' => $pmaThemeImage, ]); return $html; } /** * Helper function: Recursive function for getting table names from $table_list * * @param array $table_list Table list * @param string $db Current database * @param boolean $testing Testing * * @return array */ public function extractTableNames(array $table_list, $db, $testing = false) { $untracked_tables = []; $sep = $GLOBALS['cfg']['NavigationTreeTableSeparator']; foreach ($table_list as $key => $value) { if (is_array($value) && array_key_exists('is' . $sep . 'group', $value) && $value['is' . $sep . 'group'] ) { $untracked_tables = array_merge($this->extractTableNames($value, $db), $untracked_tables); //Recursion step } else { if (is_array($value) && ($testing || Tracker::getVersion($db, $value['Name']) == -1)) { $untracked_tables[] = $value['Name']; } } } return $untracked_tables; } /** * Get untracked tables * * @param string $db current database * * @return array */ public function getUntrackedTables($db) { $table_list = Util::getTableList($db); //Use helper function to get table list recursively. return $this->extractTableNames($table_list, $db); } /** * Get tracking status button * * @param array $versionData data about tracking versions * @param string $urlQuery url query string * * @return string HTML */ private function getStatusButton(array $versionData, $urlQuery) { $state = $this->getVersionStatus($versionData); $options = [ 0 => [ 'label' => __('not active'), 'value' => 'deactivate_now', 'selected' => $state != 'active', ], 1 => [ 'label' => __('active'), 'value' => 'activate_now', 'selected' => $state == 'active', ], ]; $link = 'tbl_tracking.php' . $urlQuery . '&table=' . htmlspecialchars($versionData['table_name']) . '&version=' . $versionData['version']; return Util::toggleButton( $link, 'toggle_activation', $options, null ); } }