+t;*!*&LQ c?Zq< ,"Oo(&$4'Y'"8*"0Si!y - J f -Q '  ) Q %C i w   (7 (` % <  * 6S$j!,1Jf'2)$:Ml' ++" !*(%  &#' $) %1$d values were expected, but found %2$d.A "RETURNS" keyword was expected.A closing bracket was expected.A comma or a closing bracket was expected.A new statement was found, but no delimiter between it and the previous one.A rename operation was expected.A symbol name was expected!A symbol name was expected! A reserved keyword can not be used as a column name without backquotes.A table name was expected.An alias was expected.An alias was previously found.An expression was expected.An offset was expected.An opening bracket followed by a set of values was expected.An opening bracket was expected.At least one column definition was expected.Ending quote %1$s was expected.Expected delimiter.Expected whitespace(s) before delimiter.Keyword "TO" was expected.Keyword at end of statement.Missing expression.No transaction was previously started.Not implemented yet.The name of the entity was expected.The new name of the table was expected.The old name of the table was expected.This option conflicts with "%1$s".This type of clause is not valid in Multi-table queries.This type of clause was previously parsed.Unexpected beginning of statement.Unexpected character.Unexpected dot.Unexpected end of CASE expressionUnexpected keyword.Unexpected ordering of clauses.Unexpected token.Unrecognized alter operation.Unrecognized data type.Unrecognized keyword.Unrecognized statement type.Variable name was expected.Project-Id-Version: SQL parser 5 Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translators@phpmyadmin.net PO-Revision-Date: 2019-03-11 15:03+0000 Last-Translator: Muhammad Rifqi Priyo Susanto Language-Team: Indonesian Language: id MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0; X-Generator: Weblate 3.5.1 X-Poedit-Basepath: ../../.. Nilai %1$d diharapkan. Namun, ditemukan %2$d.Sebuah kata kunci "RETURNS" diharapkan.Sebuah kurung tutup diharapkan.Sebuah koma atau kurung tutup diharapkan.Suatu pernyataan baru ditemukan, tetapi tanpa pembatas antara itu dan sebelumnya.Sebuah operasi ganti nama diharapkan.Sebuah nama simbol diharapkan!Sebuah nama simbol diharapkan! Kata kunci yang telah diatur tidak dapat digunakan sebagai nama kolom tanpa tanda kutip.Sebuah nama tabel diharapkan.Sebuah alias diharapkan.Sebuah alias telah ditemukan sebelumnya.Sebuah perintah (expression) diharapkan.Suatu pergeseran (offset) diharapkan.Sebuah kurung buka yang diikuti oleh nilai-nilai diharapkan.Sebuah kurung buka diharapkan.Setidaknya satu definisi kolom diharapkan.Petik akhir %1$s diharapkan.Mengharapkan pembatas.Mengharapkan spasi sebelum pembatas.Kata kunci "TO" diharapkan.Kata kunci pada akhir pernyataan.Perintah (expression) hilang.Tidak ada transaksi yang dimulai sebelumnya.Belum diimplementasikan.Nama entitas diharapkan.Nama baru tabel diharapkan.Nama lama tabel diharapkan.Pilihan ini bertentangan dengan "%1$s".Jenis klausa ini tidak sah dalam kueri multitabel.Jenis klausa ini telah diurai sebelumnya.Awal pernyataan tak terduga.Karakter tak terduga.Titik tak terduga.Akhir operasi CASE tak terdugaKata kunci tak terduga.Pengurutan klausa tak terduga.Token tak terduga.Operasi ubah tabel (alter) tak dikenal.Tipe data tak dikenal.Kata kunci tak dikenal.Jenis pernyataan tak dikenal.Nama variabel diharapkan.