'INSERT' => true,
* Clauses that must be inlined.
* These clauses usually are short and it's nicer to have them inline.
* @var array
public static $INLINE_CLAUSES = [
'CREATE' => true,
'INTO' => true,
'LIMIT' => true,
'PARTITION BY' => true,
'PARTITION' => true,
'PROCEDURE' => true,
'VALUES' => true,
* @param array $options the formatting options
public function __construct(array $options = [])
$this->options = $this->getMergedOptions($options);
* The specified formatting options are merged with the default values.
* @param array $options
* @return array
private function getMergedOptions(array $options)
$options = array_merge(
if (isset($options['formats'])) {
$options['formats'] = self::mergeFormats($this->getDefaultFormats(), $options['formats']);
} else {
$options['formats'] = $this->getDefaultFormats();
if ($options['line_ending'] === null) {
$options['line_ending'] = $options['type'] === 'html' ? '
' : "\n";
if ($options['indentation'] === null) {
$options['indentation'] = $options['type'] === 'html' ? ' ' : ' ';
// `parts_newline` requires `clause_newline`
$options['parts_newline'] &= $options['clause_newline'];
return $options;
* The default formatting options.
* @return array
protected function getDefaultOptions()
return [
* The format of the result.
* @var string The type ('text', 'cli' or 'html')
'type' => PHP_SAPI === 'cli' ? 'cli' : 'text',
* The line ending used.
* By default, for text this is "\n" and for HTML this is "
* @var string
'line_ending' => null,
* The string used for indentation.
* @var string
'indentation' => null,
* Whether comments should be removed or not.
* @var bool
'remove_comments' => false,
* Whether each clause should be on a new line.
* @var bool
'clause_newline' => true,
* Whether each part should be on a new line.
* Parts are delimited by brackets and commas.
* @var bool
'parts_newline' => true,
* Whether each part of each clause should be indented.
* @var bool
'indent_parts' => true,
* The styles used for HTML formatting.
* [$type, $flags, $span, $callback].
* @return array
protected function getDefaultFormats()
return [
'type' => Token::TYPE_KEYWORD,
'flags' => Token::FLAG_KEYWORD_RESERVED,
'html' => 'class="sql-reserved"',
'cli' => "\x1b[35m",
'function' => 'strtoupper',
'type' => Token::TYPE_KEYWORD,
'flags' => 0,
'html' => 'class="sql-keyword"',
'cli' => "\x1b[95m",
'function' => 'strtoupper',
'type' => Token::TYPE_COMMENT,
'flags' => 0,
'html' => 'class="sql-comment"',
'cli' => "\x1b[37m",
'function' => '',
'type' => Token::TYPE_BOOL,
'flags' => 0,
'html' => 'class="sql-atom"',
'cli' => "\x1b[36m",
'function' => 'strtoupper',
'type' => Token::TYPE_NUMBER,
'flags' => 0,
'html' => 'class="sql-number"',
'cli' => "\x1b[92m",
'function' => 'strtolower',
'type' => Token::TYPE_STRING,
'flags' => 0,
'html' => 'class="sql-string"',
'cli' => "\x1b[91m",
'function' => '',
'type' => Token::TYPE_SYMBOL,
'flags' => Token::FLAG_SYMBOL_PARAMETER,
'html' => 'class="sql-parameter"',
'cli' => "\x1b[31m",
'function' => '',
'type' => Token::TYPE_SYMBOL,
'flags' => 0,
'html' => 'class="sql-variable"',
'cli' => "\x1b[36m",
'function' => '',
private static function mergeFormats(array $formats, array $newFormats)
$added = [];
$integers = [
$strings = [
/* Sanitize the array so that we do not have to care later */
foreach ($newFormats as $j => $new) {
foreach ($integers as $name) {
if (! isset($new[$name])) {
$newFormats[$j][$name] = 0;
foreach ($strings as $name) {
if (! isset($new[$name])) {
$newFormats[$j][$name] = '';
/* Process changes to existing formats */
foreach ($formats as $i => $original) {
foreach ($newFormats as $j => $new) {
if ($new['type'] === $original['type']
&& $original['flags'] === $new['flags']
) {
$formats[$i] = $new;
$added[] = $j;
/* Add not already handled formats */
foreach ($newFormats as $j => $new) {
if (! in_array($j, $added)) {
$formats[] = $new;
return $formats;
* Formats the given list of tokens.
* @param TokensList $list the list of tokens
* @return string
public function formatList($list)
* The query to be returned.
* @var string
$ret = '';
* The indentation level.
* @var int
$indent = 0;
* Whether the line ended.
* @var bool
$lineEnded = false;
* Whether current group is short (no linebreaks).
* @var bool
$shortGroup = false;
* The name of the last clause.
* @var string
$lastClause = '';
* A stack that keeps track of the indentation level every time a new
* block is found.
* @var array
$blocksIndentation = [];
* A stack that keeps track of the line endings every time a new block
* is found.
* @var array
$blocksLineEndings = [];
* Whether clause's options were formatted.
* @var bool
$formattedOptions = false;
* Previously parsed token.
* @var Token|null
$prev = null;
// In order to be able to format the queries correctly, the next token
// must be taken into consideration. The loop below uses two pointers,
// `$prev` and `$curr` which store two consecutive tokens.
// Actually, at every iteration the previous token is being used.
for ($list->idx = 0; $list->idx < $list->count; ++$list->idx) {
* Token parsed at this moment.
* @var Token
$curr = $list->tokens[$list->idx];
if ($list->idx + 1 < $list->count) {
$next = $list->tokens[$list->idx + 1];
} else {
$next = null;
if ($curr->type === Token::TYPE_WHITESPACE) {
// Keep linebreaks before and after comments
if (strpos($curr->token, "\n") !== false && (
($prev !== null && $prev->type === Token::TYPE_COMMENT) ||
($next !== null && $next->type === Token::TYPE_COMMENT)
) {
$lineEnded = true;
// Whitespaces are skipped because the formatter adds its own.
if ($curr->type === Token::TYPE_COMMENT && $this->options['remove_comments']) {
// Skip Comments if option `remove_comments` is enabled
// Checking if pointers were initialized.
if ($prev !== null) {
// Checking if a new clause started.
if (static::isClause($prev) !== false) {
$lastClause = $prev->value;
$formattedOptions = false;
// The options of a clause should stay on the same line and everything that follows.
if ($this->options['parts_newline']
&& ! $formattedOptions
&& empty(self::$INLINE_CLAUSES[$lastClause])
&& (
$curr->type !== Token::TYPE_KEYWORD
|| (
$curr->type === Token::TYPE_KEYWORD
&& $curr->flags & Token::FLAG_KEYWORD_FUNCTION
) {
$formattedOptions = true;
$lineEnded = true;
// Checking if this clause ended.
if ($isClause = static::isClause($curr)) {
if (($isClause === 2 || $this->options['clause_newline'])
&& empty(self::$SHORT_CLAUSES[$lastClause])
) {
$lineEnded = true;
if ($this->options['parts_newline'] && $indent > 0) {
// Inline JOINs
if (($prev->type === Token::TYPE_KEYWORD && isset(JoinKeyword::$JOINS[$prev->value]))
|| (in_array($curr->value, ['ON', 'USING'], true)
&& isset(JoinKeyword::$JOINS[$list->tokens[$list->idx - 2]->value]))
|| isset($list->tokens[$list->idx - 4], JoinKeyword::$JOINS[$list->tokens[$list->idx - 4]->value])
|| isset($list->tokens[$list->idx - 6], JoinKeyword::$JOINS[$list->tokens[$list->idx - 6]->value])
) {
$lineEnded = false;
// Indenting BEGIN ... END blocks.
if ($prev->type === Token::TYPE_KEYWORD && $prev->keyword === 'BEGIN') {
$lineEnded = true;
$blocksIndentation[] = $indent;
} elseif ($curr->type === Token::TYPE_KEYWORD && $curr->keyword === 'END') {
$lineEnded = true;
$indent = array_pop($blocksIndentation);
// Formatting fragments delimited by comma.
if ($prev->type === Token::TYPE_OPERATOR && $prev->value === ',') {
// Fragments delimited by a comma are broken into multiple
// pieces only if the clause is not inlined or this fragment
// is between brackets that are on new line.
if (end($blocksLineEndings) === true
|| (
&& ! $shortGroup
&& $this->options['parts_newline']
) {
$lineEnded = true;
// Handling brackets.
// Brackets are indented only if the length of the fragment between
// them is longer than 30 characters.
if ($prev->type === Token::TYPE_OPERATOR && $prev->value === '(') {
$blocksIndentation[] = $indent;
$shortGroup = true;
if (static::getGroupLength($list) > 30) {
$lineEnded = true;
$shortGroup = false;
$blocksLineEndings[] = $lineEnded;
} elseif ($curr->type === Token::TYPE_OPERATOR && $curr->value === ')') {
$indent = array_pop($blocksIndentation);
$lineEnded |= array_pop($blocksLineEndings);
$shortGroup = false;
// Adding the token.
$ret .= $this->toString($prev);
// Finishing the line.
if ($lineEnded) {
$ret .= $this->options['line_ending']
. str_repeat($this->options['indentation'], (int) $indent);
$lineEnded = false;
} else {
// If the line ended there is no point in adding whitespaces.
// Also, some tokens do not have spaces before or after them.
if (// A space after delimiters that are longer than 2 characters.
$prev->keyword === 'DELIMITER'
|| ! (
($prev->type === Token::TYPE_OPERATOR && ($prev->value === '.' || $prev->value === '('))
// No space after . (
|| ($curr->type === Token::TYPE_OPERATOR
&& ($curr->value === '.' || $curr->value === ','
|| $curr->value === '(' || $curr->value === ')'))
// No space before . , ( )
|| $curr->type === Token::TYPE_DELIMITER && mb_strlen((string) $curr->value, 'UTF-8') < 2
) {
$ret .= ' ';
// Iteration finished, consider current token as previous.
$prev = $curr;
if ($this->options['type'] === 'cli') {
return $ret . "\x1b[0m";
return $ret;
public function escapeConsole($string)
return str_replace(
* Tries to print the query and returns the result.
* @param Token $token the token to be printed
* @return string
public function toString($token)
$text = $token->token;
static $prev;
foreach ($this->options['formats'] as $format) {
if ($token->type === $format['type']
&& ($token->flags & $format['flags']) === $format['flags']
) {
// Running transformation function.
if (! empty($format['function'])) {
$func = $format['function'];
$text = $func($text);
// Formatting HTML.
if ($this->options['type'] === 'html') {
return '' . htmlspecialchars($text, ENT_NOQUOTES) . '';
} elseif ($this->options['type'] === 'cli') {
if ($prev !== $format['cli']) {
$prev = $format['cli'];
return $format['cli'] . $this->escapeConsole($text);
return $this->escapeConsole($text);
if ($this->options['type'] === 'cli') {
if ($prev !== "\x1b[39m") {
$prev = "\x1b[39m";
return "\x1b[39m" . $this->escapeConsole($text);
return $this->escapeConsole($text);
} elseif ($this->options['type'] === 'html') {
return htmlspecialchars($text, ENT_NOQUOTES);
return $text;
* Formats a query.
* @param string $query The query to be formatted
* @param array $options the formatting options
* @return string the formatted string
public static function format($query, array $options = [])
$lexer = new Lexer($query);
$formatter = new self($options);
return $formatter->formatList($lexer->list);
* Computes the length of a group.
* A group is delimited by a pair of brackets.
* @param TokensList $list the list of tokens
* @return int
public static function getGroupLength($list)
* The number of opening brackets found.
* This counter starts at one because by the time this function called,
* the list already advanced one position and the opening bracket was
* already parsed.
* @var int
$count = 1;
* The length of this group.
* @var int
$length = 0;
for ($idx = $list->idx; $idx < $list->count; ++$idx) {
// Counting the brackets.
if ($list->tokens[$idx]->type === Token::TYPE_OPERATOR) {
if ($list->tokens[$idx]->value === '(') {
} elseif ($list->tokens[$idx]->value === ')') {
if ($count === 0) {
// Keeping track of this group's length.
$length += mb_strlen((string) $list->tokens[$idx]->value, 'UTF-8');
return $length;
* Checks if a token is a statement or a clause inside a statement.
* @param Token $token the token to be checked
* @return int|bool
public static function isClause($token)
if (($token->type === Token::TYPE_KEYWORD && isset(Parser::$STATEMENT_PARSERS[$token->keyword]))
|| ($token->type === Token::TYPE_NONE && strtoupper($token->token) === 'DELIMITER')
) {
return 2;
} elseif ($token->type === Token::TYPE_KEYWORD && isset(Parser::$KEYWORD_PARSERS[$token->keyword])
) {
return 1;
return false;