false, /* * drop ... DATABASE ... */ 'drop_database' => false, /* * ... GROUP BY ... */ 'group' => false, /* * ... HAVING ... */ 'having' => false, /* * INSERT ... * or * REPLACE ... * or * DELETE ... */ 'is_affected' => false, /* * select ... PROCEDURE ANALYSE( ... ) ... */ 'is_analyse' => false, /* * select COUNT( ... ) ... */ 'is_count' => false, /* * DELETE ... */ 'is_delete' => false, // @deprecated; use `querytype` /* * EXPLAIN ... */ 'is_explain' => false, // @deprecated; use `querytype` /* * select ... INTO OUTFILE ... */ 'is_export' => false, /* * select FUNC( ... ) ... */ 'is_func' => false, /* * select ... GROUP BY ... * or * select ... HAVING ... */ 'is_group' => false, /* * INSERT ... * or * REPLACE ... * or * LOAD DATA ... */ 'is_insert' => false, /* * ANALYZE ... * or * CHECK ... * or * CHECKSUM ... * or * OPTIMIZE ... * or * REPAIR ... */ 'is_maint' => false, /* * CALL ... */ 'is_procedure' => false, /* * REPLACE ... */ 'is_replace' => false, // @deprecated; use `querytype` /* * SELECT ... */ 'is_select' => false, // @deprecated; use `querytype` /* * SHOW ... */ 'is_show' => false, // @deprecated; use `querytype` /* * Contains a subquery. */ 'is_subquery' => false, /* * ... JOIN ... */ 'join' => false, /* * ... LIMIT ... */ 'limit' => false, /* * TODO */ 'offset' => false, /* * ... ORDER ... */ 'order' => false, /* * The type of the query (which is usually the first keyword of * the statement). */ 'querytype' => false, /* * Whether a page reload is required. */ 'reload' => false, /* * SELECT ... FROM ... */ 'select_from' => false, /* * ... UNION ... */ 'union' => false, ]; /** * Gets an array with flags select statement has. * * @param SelectStatement $statement the statement to be processed * @param array $flags flags set so far * * @return array */ private static function getFlagsSelect($statement, $flags) { $flags['querytype'] = 'SELECT'; $flags['is_select'] = true; if (! empty($statement->from)) { $flags['select_from'] = true; } if ($statement->options->has('DISTINCT')) { $flags['distinct'] = true; } if (! empty($statement->group) || ! empty($statement->having)) { $flags['is_group'] = true; } if (! empty($statement->into) && ($statement->into->type === 'OUTFILE') ) { $flags['is_export'] = true; } $expressions = $statement->expr; if (! empty($statement->join)) { foreach ($statement->join as $join) { $expressions[] = $join->expr; } } foreach ($expressions as $expr) { if (! empty($expr->function)) { if ($expr->function === 'COUNT') { $flags['is_count'] = true; } elseif (in_array($expr->function, static::$FUNCTIONS)) { $flags['is_func'] = true; } } if (! empty($expr->subquery)) { $flags['is_subquery'] = true; } } if (! empty($statement->procedure) && ($statement->procedure->name === 'ANALYSE') ) { $flags['is_analyse'] = true; } if (! empty($statement->group)) { $flags['group'] = true; } if (! empty($statement->having)) { $flags['having'] = true; } if (! empty($statement->union)) { $flags['union'] = true; } if (! empty($statement->join)) { $flags['join'] = true; } return $flags; } /** * Gets an array with flags this statement has. * * @param Statement|null $statement the statement to be processed * @param bool $all if `false`, false values will not be included * * @return array */ public static function getFlags($statement, $all = false) { $flags = ['querytype' => false]; if ($all) { $flags = self::$ALLFLAGS; } if ($statement instanceof AlterStatement) { $flags['querytype'] = 'ALTER'; $flags['reload'] = true; } elseif ($statement instanceof CreateStatement) { $flags['querytype'] = 'CREATE'; $flags['reload'] = true; } elseif ($statement instanceof AnalyzeStatement) { $flags['querytype'] = 'ANALYZE'; $flags['is_maint'] = true; } elseif ($statement instanceof CheckStatement) { $flags['querytype'] = 'CHECK'; $flags['is_maint'] = true; } elseif ($statement instanceof ChecksumStatement) { $flags['querytype'] = 'CHECKSUM'; $flags['is_maint'] = true; } elseif ($statement instanceof OptimizeStatement) { $flags['querytype'] = 'OPTIMIZE'; $flags['is_maint'] = true; } elseif ($statement instanceof RepairStatement) { $flags['querytype'] = 'REPAIR'; $flags['is_maint'] = true; } elseif ($statement instanceof CallStatement) { $flags['querytype'] = 'CALL'; $flags['is_procedure'] = true; } elseif ($statement instanceof DeleteStatement) { $flags['querytype'] = 'DELETE'; $flags['is_delete'] = true; $flags['is_affected'] = true; } elseif ($statement instanceof DropStatement) { $flags['querytype'] = 'DROP'; $flags['reload'] = true; if ($statement->options->has('DATABASE') || $statement->options->has('SCHEMA') ) { $flags['drop_database'] = true; } } elseif ($statement instanceof ExplainStatement) { $flags['querytype'] = 'EXPLAIN'; $flags['is_explain'] = true; } elseif ($statement instanceof InsertStatement) { $flags['querytype'] = 'INSERT'; $flags['is_affected'] = true; $flags['is_insert'] = true; } elseif ($statement instanceof LoadStatement) { $flags['querytype'] = 'LOAD'; $flags['is_affected'] = true; $flags['is_insert'] = true; } elseif ($statement instanceof ReplaceStatement) { $flags['querytype'] = 'REPLACE'; $flags['is_affected'] = true; $flags['is_replace'] = true; $flags['is_insert'] = true; } elseif ($statement instanceof SelectStatement) { $flags = self::getFlagsSelect($statement, $flags); } elseif ($statement instanceof ShowStatement) { $flags['querytype'] = 'SHOW'; $flags['is_show'] = true; } elseif ($statement instanceof UpdateStatement) { $flags['querytype'] = 'UPDATE'; $flags['is_affected'] = true; } elseif ($statement instanceof SetStatement) { $flags['querytype'] = 'SET'; } if (($statement instanceof SelectStatement) || ($statement instanceof UpdateStatement) || ($statement instanceof DeleteStatement) ) { if (! empty($statement->limit)) { $flags['limit'] = true; } if (! empty($statement->order)) { $flags['order'] = true; } } return $flags; } /** * Parses a query and gets all information about it. * * @param string $query the query to be parsed * * @return array The array returned is the one returned by * `static::getFlags()`, with the following keys added: * - parser - the parser used to analyze the query; * - statement - the first statement resulted from parsing; * - select_tables - the real name of the tables selected; * if there are no table names in the `SELECT` * expressions, the table names are fetched from the * `FROM` expressions * - select_expr - selected expressions */ public static function getAll($query) { $parser = new Parser($query); if (empty($parser->statements[0])) { return static::getFlags(null, true); } $statement = $parser->statements[0]; $ret = static::getFlags($statement, true); $ret['parser'] = $parser; $ret['statement'] = $statement; if ($statement instanceof SelectStatement) { $ret['select_tables'] = []; $ret['select_expr'] = []; // Finding tables' aliases and their associated real names. $tableAliases = []; foreach ($statement->from as $expr) { if (isset($expr->table, $expr->alias) && ($expr->table !== '') && ($expr->alias !== '') ) { $tableAliases[$expr->alias] = [ $expr->table, $expr->database ?? null, ]; } } // Trying to find selected tables only from the select expression. // Sometimes, this is not possible because the tables aren't defined // explicitly (e.g. SELECT * FROM film, SELECT film_id FROM film). foreach ($statement->expr as $expr) { if (isset($expr->table) && ($expr->table !== '')) { if (isset($tableAliases[$expr->table])) { $arr = $tableAliases[$expr->table]; } else { $arr = [ $expr->table, isset($expr->database) && ($expr->database !== '') ? $expr->database : null, ]; } if (! in_array($arr, $ret['select_tables'])) { $ret['select_tables'][] = $arr; } } else { $ret['select_expr'][] = $expr->expr; } } // If no tables names were found in the SELECT clause or if there // are expressions like * or COUNT(*), etc. tables names should be // extracted from the FROM clause. if (empty($ret['select_tables'])) { foreach ($statement->from as $expr) { if (isset($expr->table) && ($expr->table !== '')) { $arr = [ $expr->table, isset($expr->database) && ($expr->database !== '') ? $expr->database : null, ]; if (! in_array($arr, $ret['select_tables'])) { $ret['select_tables'][] = $arr; } } } } } return $ret; } /** * Gets a list of all tables used in this statement. * * @param Statement $statement statement to be scanned * * @return array */ public static function getTables($statement) { $expressions = []; if (($statement instanceof InsertStatement) || ($statement instanceof ReplaceStatement) ) { $expressions = [$statement->into->dest]; } elseif ($statement instanceof UpdateStatement) { $expressions = $statement->tables; } elseif (($statement instanceof SelectStatement) || ($statement instanceof DeleteStatement) ) { $expressions = $statement->from; } elseif (($statement instanceof AlterStatement) || ($statement instanceof TruncateStatement) ) { $expressions = [$statement->table]; } elseif ($statement instanceof DropStatement) { if (! $statement->options->has('TABLE')) { // No tables are dropped. return []; } $expressions = $statement->fields; } elseif ($statement instanceof RenameStatement) { foreach ($statement->renames as $rename) { $expressions[] = $rename->old; } } $ret = []; foreach ($expressions as $expr) { if (! empty($expr->table)) { $expr->expr = null; // Force rebuild. $expr->alias = null; // Aliases are not required. $ret[] = Expression::build($expr); } } return $ret; } /** * Gets a specific clause. * * @param Statement $statement the parsed query that has to be modified * @param TokensList $list the list of tokens * @param string $clause the clause to be returned * @param int|string $type The type of the search. * If int, * -1 for everything that was before * 0 only for the clause * 1 for everything after * If string, the name of the first clause that * should not be included. * @param bool $skipFirst whether to skip the first keyword in clause * * @return string */ public static function getClause($statement, $list, $clause, $type = 0, $skipFirst = true) { /** * The index of the current clause. * * @var int */ $currIdx = 0; /** * The count of brackets. * We keep track of them so we won't insert the clause in a subquery. * * @var int */ $brackets = 0; /** * The string to be returned. * * @var string */ $ret = ''; /** * The clauses of this type of statement and their index. * * @var array */ $clauses = array_flip(array_keys($statement->getClauses())); /** * Lexer used for lexing the clause. * * @var Lexer */ $lexer = new Lexer($clause); /** * The type of this clause. * * @var string */ $clauseType = $lexer->list->getNextOfType(Token::TYPE_KEYWORD)->keyword; /** * The index of this clause. * * @var int */ $clauseIdx = $clauses[$clauseType] ?? -1; $firstClauseIdx = $clauseIdx; $lastClauseIdx = $clauseIdx; // Determining the behavior of this function. if ($type === -1) { $firstClauseIdx = -1; // Something small enough. $lastClauseIdx = $clauseIdx - 1; } elseif ($type === 1) { $firstClauseIdx = $clauseIdx + 1; $lastClauseIdx = 10000; // Something big enough. } elseif (is_string($type) && isset($clauses[$type])) { if ($clauses[$type] > $clauseIdx) { $firstClauseIdx = $clauseIdx + 1; $lastClauseIdx = $clauses[$type] - 1; } else { $firstClauseIdx = $clauses[$type] + 1; $lastClauseIdx = $clauseIdx - 1; } } // This option is unavailable for multiple clauses. if ($type !== 0) { $skipFirst = false; } for ($i = $statement->first; $i <= $statement->last; ++$i) { $token = $list->tokens[$i]; if ($token->type === Token::TYPE_COMMENT) { continue; } if ($token->type === Token::TYPE_OPERATOR) { if ($token->value === '(') { ++$brackets; } elseif ($token->value === ')') { --$brackets; } } if ($brackets === 0) { // Checking if the section was changed. if (($token->type === Token::TYPE_KEYWORD) && isset($clauses[$token->keyword]) && ($clauses[$token->keyword] >= $currIdx) ) { $currIdx = $clauses[$token->keyword]; if ($skipFirst && ($currIdx === $clauseIdx)) { // This token is skipped (not added to the old // clause) because it will be replaced. continue; } } } if (($firstClauseIdx <= $currIdx) && ($currIdx <= $lastClauseIdx)) { $ret .= $token->token; } } return trim($ret); } /** * Builds a query by rebuilding the statement from the tokens list supplied * and replaces a clause. * * It is a very basic version of a query builder. * * @param Statement $statement the parsed query that has to be modified * @param TokensList $list the list of tokens * @param string $old The type of the clause that should be * replaced. This can be an entire clause. * @param string $new The new clause. If this parameter is omitted * it is considered to be equal with `$old`. * @param bool $onlyType whether only the type of the clause should * be replaced or the entire clause * * @return string */ public static function replaceClause($statement, $list, $old, $new = null, $onlyType = false) { // TODO: Update the tokens list and the statement. if ($new === null) { $new = $old; } if ($onlyType) { return static::getClause($statement, $list, $old, -1, false) . ' ' . $new . ' ' . static::getClause($statement, $list, $old, 0) . ' ' . static::getClause($statement, $list, $old, 1, false); } return static::getClause($statement, $list, $old, -1, false) . ' ' . $new . ' ' . static::getClause($statement, $list, $old, 1, false); } /** * Builds a query by rebuilding the statement from the tokens list supplied * and replaces multiple clauses. * * @param Statement $statement the parsed query that has to be modified * @param TokensList $list the list of tokens * @param array $ops Clauses to be replaced. Contains multiple * arrays having two values: [$old, $new]. * Clauses must be sorted. * * @return string */ public static function replaceClauses($statement, $list, array $ops) { $count = count($ops); // Nothing to do. if ($count === 0) { return ''; } /** * Value to be returned. * * @var string */ $ret = ''; // If there is only one clause, `replaceClause()` should be used. if ($count === 1) { return static::replaceClause( $statement, $list, $ops[0][0], $ops[0][1] ); } // Adding everything before first replacement. $ret .= static::getClause($statement, $list, $ops[0][0], -1) . ' '; // Doing replacements. foreach ($ops as $i => $clause) { $ret .= $clause[1] . ' '; // Adding everything between this and next replacement. if ($i + 1 !== $count) { $ret .= static::getClause($statement, $list, $clause[0], $ops[$i + 1][0]) . ' '; } } // Adding everything after the last replacement. return $ret . static::getClause($statement, $list, $ops[$count - 1][0], 1); } /** * Gets the first full statement in the query. * * @param string $query the query to be analyzed * @param string $delimiter the delimiter to be used * * @return array array containing the first full query, the * remaining part of the query and the last * delimiter */ public static function getFirstStatement($query, $delimiter = null) { $lexer = new Lexer($query, false, $delimiter); $list = $lexer->list; /** * Whether a full statement was found. * * @var bool */ $fullStatement = false; /** * The first full statement. * * @var string */ $statement = ''; for ($list->idx = 0; $list->idx < $list->count; ++$list->idx) { $token = $list->tokens[$list->idx]; if ($token->type === Token::TYPE_COMMENT) { continue; } $statement .= $token->token; if (($token->type === Token::TYPE_DELIMITER) && ! empty($token->token)) { $delimiter = $token->token; $fullStatement = true; break; } } // No statement was found so we return the entire query as being the // remaining part. if (! $fullStatement) { return [ null, $query, $delimiter, ]; } // At least one query was found so we have to build the rest of the // remaining query. $query = ''; for (++$list->idx; $list->idx < $list->count; ++$list->idx) { $query .= $list->tokens[$list->idx]->token; } return [ trim($statement), $query, $delimiter, ]; } /** * Gets a starting offset of a specific clause. * * @param Statement $statement the parsed query that has to be modified * @param TokensList $list the list of tokens * @param string $clause the clause to be returned * * @return int */ public static function getClauseStartOffset($statement, $list, $clause) { /** * The count of brackets. * We keep track of them so we won't insert the clause in a subquery. * * @var int */ $brackets = 0; /** * The clauses of this type of statement and their index. * * @var array */ $clauses = array_flip(array_keys($statement->getClauses())); for ($i = $statement->first; $i <= $statement->last; ++$i) { $token = $list->tokens[$i]; if ($token->type === Token::TYPE_COMMENT) { continue; } if ($token->type === Token::TYPE_OPERATOR) { if ($token->value === '(') { ++$brackets; } elseif ($token->value === ')') { --$brackets; } } if ($brackets === 0) { if (($token->type === Token::TYPE_KEYWORD) && isset($clauses[$token->keyword]) && ($clause === $token->keyword) ) { return $i; } elseif ($token->keyword === 'UNION') { return -1; } } } return -1; } }