* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Component\Config\Resource; /** * ClassExistenceResource represents a class existence. * Freshness is only evaluated against resource existence. * * The resource must be a fully-qualified class name. * * @author Fabien Potencier * * @final since Symfony 4.3 */ class ClassExistenceResource implements SelfCheckingResourceInterface { private $resource; private $exists; private static $autoloadLevel = 0; private static $autoloadedClass; private static $existsCache = []; /** * @param string $resource The fully-qualified class name * @param bool|null $exists Boolean when the existency check has already been done */ public function __construct(string $resource, bool $exists = null) { $this->resource = $resource; if (null !== $exists) { $this->exists = [(bool) $exists, null]; } } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function __toString() { return $this->resource; } /** * @return string The file path to the resource */ public function getResource() { return $this->resource; } /** * {@inheritdoc} * * @throws \ReflectionException when a parent class/interface/trait is not found */ public function isFresh($timestamp) { $loaded = class_exists($this->resource, false) || interface_exists($this->resource, false) || trait_exists($this->resource, false); if (null !== $exists = &self::$existsCache[$this->resource]) { if ($loaded) { $exists = [true, null]; } elseif (0 >= $timestamp && !$exists[0] && null !== $exists[1]) { throw new \ReflectionException($exists[1]); } } elseif ([false, null] === $exists = [$loaded, null]) { if (!self::$autoloadLevel++) { spl_autoload_register(__CLASS__.'::throwOnRequiredClass'); } $autoloadedClass = self::$autoloadedClass; self::$autoloadedClass = ltrim($this->resource, '\\'); try { $exists[0] = class_exists($this->resource) || interface_exists($this->resource, false) || trait_exists($this->resource, false); } catch (\Exception $e) { $exists[1] = $e->getMessage(); try { self::throwOnRequiredClass($this->resource, $e); } catch (\ReflectionException $e) { if (0 >= $timestamp) { throw $e; } } } catch (\Throwable $e) { $exists[1] = $e->getMessage(); throw $e; } finally { self::$autoloadedClass = $autoloadedClass; if (!--self::$autoloadLevel) { spl_autoload_unregister(__CLASS__.'::throwOnRequiredClass'); } } } if (null === $this->exists) { $this->exists = $exists; } return $this->exists[0] xor !$exists[0]; } /** * @internal */ public function __sleep(): array { if (null === $this->exists) { $this->isFresh(0); } return ['resource', 'exists']; } /** * @internal */ public function __wakeup() { if (\is_bool($this->exists)) { $this->exists = [$this->exists, null]; } } /** * Throws a reflection exception when the passed class does not exist but is required. * * A class is considered "not required" when it's loaded as part of a "class_exists" or similar check. * * This function can be used as an autoload function to throw a reflection * exception if the class was not found by previous autoload functions. * * A previous exception can be passed. In this case, the class is considered as being * required totally, so if it doesn't exist, a reflection exception is always thrown. * If it exists, the previous exception is rethrown. * * @throws \ReflectionException * * @internal */ public static function throwOnRequiredClass($class, \Exception $previous = null) { // If the passed class is the resource being checked, we shouldn't throw. if (null === $previous && self::$autoloadedClass === $class) { return; } if (class_exists($class, false) || interface_exists($class, false) || trait_exists($class, false)) { if (null !== $previous) { throw $previous; } return; } if ($previous instanceof \ReflectionException) { throw $previous; } $message = sprintf('Class "%s" not found.', $class); if (self::$autoloadedClass !== $class) { $message = substr_replace($message, sprintf(' while loading "%s"', self::$autoloadedClass), -1, 0); } if (null !== $previous) { $message = $previous->getMessage(); } $e = new \ReflectionException($message, 0, $previous); if (null !== $previous) { throw $e; } $trace = debug_backtrace(); $autoloadFrame = [ 'function' => 'spl_autoload_call', 'args' => [$class], ]; if (false === $i = array_search($autoloadFrame, $trace, true)) { throw $e; } if (isset($trace[++$i]['function']) && !isset($trace[$i]['class'])) { switch ($trace[$i]['function']) { case 'get_class_methods': case 'get_class_vars': case 'get_parent_class': case 'is_a': case 'is_subclass_of': case 'class_exists': case 'class_implements': case 'class_parents': case 'trait_exists': case 'defined': case 'interface_exists': case 'method_exists': case 'property_exists': case 'is_callable': return; } $props = [ 'file' => isset($trace[$i]['file']) ? $trace[$i]['file'] : null, 'line' => isset($trace[$i]['line']) ? $trace[$i]['line'] : null, 'trace' => \array_slice($trace, 1 + $i), ]; foreach ($props as $p => $v) { if (null !== $v) { $r = new \ReflectionProperty('Exception', $p); $r->setAccessible(true); $r->setValue($e, $v); } } } throw $e; } }