* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Loader\Configurator; use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Alias; use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ChildDefinition; use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerBuilder; use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Definition; use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Exception\ServiceNotFoundException; use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Loader\PhpFileLoader; /** * @author Nicolas Grekas */ class ServicesConfigurator extends AbstractConfigurator { const FACTORY = 'services'; private $defaults; private $container; private $loader; private $instanceof; private $path; private $anonymousHash; private $anonymousCount; public function __construct(ContainerBuilder $container, PhpFileLoader $loader, array &$instanceof, string $path = null, int &$anonymousCount = 0) { $this->defaults = new Definition(); $this->container = $container; $this->loader = $loader; $this->instanceof = &$instanceof; $this->path = $path; $this->anonymousHash = ContainerBuilder::hash($path ?: mt_rand()); $this->anonymousCount = &$anonymousCount; $instanceof = []; } /** * Defines a set of defaults for following service definitions. */ final public function defaults(): DefaultsConfigurator { return new DefaultsConfigurator($this, $this->defaults = new Definition(), $this->path); } /** * Defines an instanceof-conditional to be applied to following service definitions. */ final public function instanceof(string $fqcn): InstanceofConfigurator { $this->instanceof[$fqcn] = $definition = new ChildDefinition(''); return new InstanceofConfigurator($this, $definition, $fqcn, $this->path); } /** * Registers a service. * * @param string|null $id The service id, or null to create an anonymous service * @param string|null $class The class of the service, or null when $id is also the class name */ final public function set(?string $id, string $class = null): ServiceConfigurator { $defaults = $this->defaults; $allowParent = !$defaults->getChanges() && empty($this->instanceof); $definition = new Definition(); if (null === $id) { if (!$class) { throw new \LogicException('Anonymous services must have a class name.'); } $id = sprintf('.%d_%s', ++$this->anonymousCount, preg_replace('/^.*\\\\/', '', $class).'~'.$this->anonymousHash); $definition->setPublic(false); } else { $definition->setPublic($defaults->isPublic()); } $definition->setAutowired($defaults->isAutowired()); $definition->setAutoconfigured($defaults->isAutoconfigured()); $definition->setBindings($defaults->getBindings()); $definition->setChanges([]); $configurator = new ServiceConfigurator($this->container, $this->instanceof, $allowParent, $this, $definition, $id, $defaults->getTags(), $this->path); return null !== $class ? $configurator->class($class) : $configurator; } /** * Creates an alias. */ final public function alias(string $id, string $referencedId): AliasConfigurator { $ref = static::processValue($referencedId, true); $alias = new Alias((string) $ref, $this->defaults->isPublic()); $this->container->setAlias($id, $alias); return new AliasConfigurator($this, $alias); } /** * Registers a PSR-4 namespace using a glob pattern. */ final public function load(string $namespace, string $resource): PrototypeConfigurator { $allowParent = !$this->defaults->getChanges() && empty($this->instanceof); return new PrototypeConfigurator($this, $this->loader, $this->defaults, $namespace, $resource, $allowParent); } /** * Gets an already defined service definition. * * @throws ServiceNotFoundException if the service definition does not exist */ final public function get(string $id): ServiceConfigurator { $allowParent = !$this->defaults->getChanges() && empty($this->instanceof); $definition = $this->container->getDefinition($id); return new ServiceConfigurator($this->container, $definition->getInstanceofConditionals(), $allowParent, $this, $definition, $id, []); } /** * Registers a service. */ final public function __invoke(string $id, string $class = null): ServiceConfigurator { return $this->set($id, $class); } public function __destruct() { $this->loader->registerAliasesForSinglyImplementedInterfaces(); } }