* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Loader; use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Alias; use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Argument\ArgumentInterface; use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Argument\BoundArgument; use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Argument\IteratorArgument; use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Argument\ServiceLocatorArgument; use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Argument\TaggedIteratorArgument; use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ChildDefinition; use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerBuilder; use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerInterface; use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Definition; use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Exception\InvalidArgumentException; use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Exception\RuntimeException; use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Extension\ExtensionInterface; use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Reference; use Symfony\Component\ExpressionLanguage\Expression; use Symfony\Component\Yaml\Exception\ParseException; use Symfony\Component\Yaml\Parser as YamlParser; use Symfony\Component\Yaml\Tag\TaggedValue; use Symfony\Component\Yaml\Yaml; /** * YamlFileLoader loads YAML files service definitions. * * @author Fabien Potencier */ class YamlFileLoader extends FileLoader { private static $serviceKeywords = [ 'alias' => 'alias', 'parent' => 'parent', 'class' => 'class', 'shared' => 'shared', 'synthetic' => 'synthetic', 'lazy' => 'lazy', 'public' => 'public', 'abstract' => 'abstract', 'deprecated' => 'deprecated', 'factory' => 'factory', 'file' => 'file', 'arguments' => 'arguments', 'properties' => 'properties', 'configurator' => 'configurator', 'calls' => 'calls', 'tags' => 'tags', 'decorates' => 'decorates', 'decoration_inner_name' => 'decoration_inner_name', 'decoration_priority' => 'decoration_priority', 'decoration_on_invalid' => 'decoration_on_invalid', 'autowire' => 'autowire', 'autoconfigure' => 'autoconfigure', 'bind' => 'bind', ]; private static $prototypeKeywords = [ 'resource' => 'resource', 'namespace' => 'namespace', 'exclude' => 'exclude', 'parent' => 'parent', 'shared' => 'shared', 'lazy' => 'lazy', 'public' => 'public', 'abstract' => 'abstract', 'deprecated' => 'deprecated', 'factory' => 'factory', 'arguments' => 'arguments', 'properties' => 'properties', 'configurator' => 'configurator', 'calls' => 'calls', 'tags' => 'tags', 'autowire' => 'autowire', 'autoconfigure' => 'autoconfigure', 'bind' => 'bind', ]; private static $instanceofKeywords = [ 'shared' => 'shared', 'lazy' => 'lazy', 'public' => 'public', 'properties' => 'properties', 'configurator' => 'configurator', 'calls' => 'calls', 'tags' => 'tags', 'autowire' => 'autowire', 'bind' => 'bind', ]; private static $defaultsKeywords = [ 'public' => 'public', 'tags' => 'tags', 'autowire' => 'autowire', 'autoconfigure' => 'autoconfigure', 'bind' => 'bind', ]; private $yamlParser; private $anonymousServicesCount; private $anonymousServicesSuffix; protected $autoRegisterAliasesForSinglyImplementedInterfaces = false; /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function load($resource, $type = null) { $path = $this->locator->locate($resource); $content = $this->loadFile($path); $this->container->fileExists($path); // empty file if (null === $content) { return; } // imports $this->parseImports($content, $path); // parameters if (isset($content['parameters'])) { if (!\is_array($content['parameters'])) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The "parameters" key should contain an array in %s. Check your YAML syntax.', $path)); } foreach ($content['parameters'] as $key => $value) { $this->container->setParameter($key, $this->resolveServices($value, $path, true)); } } // extensions $this->loadFromExtensions($content); // services $this->anonymousServicesCount = 0; $this->anonymousServicesSuffix = '~'.ContainerBuilder::hash($path); $this->setCurrentDir(\dirname($path)); try { $this->parseDefinitions($content, $path); } finally { $this->instanceof = []; $this->registerAliasesForSinglyImplementedInterfaces(); } } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function supports($resource, $type = null) { if (!\is_string($resource)) { return false; } if (null === $type && \in_array(pathinfo($resource, PATHINFO_EXTENSION), ['yaml', 'yml'], true)) { return true; } return \in_array($type, ['yaml', 'yml'], true); } private function parseImports(array $content, string $file) { if (!isset($content['imports'])) { return; } if (!\is_array($content['imports'])) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The "imports" key should contain an array in %s. Check your YAML syntax.', $file)); } $defaultDirectory = \dirname($file); foreach ($content['imports'] as $import) { if (!\is_array($import)) { $import = ['resource' => $import]; } if (!isset($import['resource'])) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('An import should provide a resource in %s. Check your YAML syntax.', $file)); } $this->setCurrentDir($defaultDirectory); $this->import($import['resource'], $import['type'] ?? null, $import['ignore_errors'] ?? false, $file); } } private function parseDefinitions(array $content, string $file) { if (!isset($content['services'])) { return; } if (!\is_array($content['services'])) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The "services" key should contain an array in %s. Check your YAML syntax.', $file)); } if (\array_key_exists('_instanceof', $content['services'])) { $instanceof = $content['services']['_instanceof']; unset($content['services']['_instanceof']); if (!\is_array($instanceof)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Service "_instanceof" key must be an array, "%s" given in "%s".', \gettype($instanceof), $file)); } $this->instanceof = []; $this->isLoadingInstanceof = true; foreach ($instanceof as $id => $service) { if (!$service || !\is_array($service)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Type definition "%s" must be a non-empty array within "_instanceof" in %s. Check your YAML syntax.', $id, $file)); } if (\is_string($service) && 0 === strpos($service, '@')) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Type definition "%s" cannot be an alias within "_instanceof" in %s. Check your YAML syntax.', $id, $file)); } $this->parseDefinition($id, $service, $file, []); } } $this->isLoadingInstanceof = false; $defaults = $this->parseDefaults($content, $file); foreach ($content['services'] as $id => $service) { $this->parseDefinition($id, $service, $file, $defaults); } } /** * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ private function parseDefaults(array &$content, string $file): array { if (!\array_key_exists('_defaults', $content['services'])) { return []; } $defaults = $content['services']['_defaults']; unset($content['services']['_defaults']); if (!\is_array($defaults)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Service "_defaults" key must be an array, "%s" given in "%s".', \gettype($defaults), $file)); } foreach ($defaults as $key => $default) { if (!isset(self::$defaultsKeywords[$key])) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The configuration key "%s" cannot be used to define a default value in "%s". Allowed keys are "%s".', $key, $file, implode('", "', self::$defaultsKeywords))); } } if (isset($defaults['tags'])) { if (!\is_array($tags = $defaults['tags'])) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Parameter "tags" in "_defaults" must be an array in %s. Check your YAML syntax.', $file)); } foreach ($tags as $tag) { if (!\is_array($tag)) { $tag = ['name' => $tag]; } if (!isset($tag['name'])) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('A "tags" entry in "_defaults" is missing a "name" key in %s.', $file)); } $name = $tag['name']; unset($tag['name']); if (!\is_string($name) || '' === $name) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The tag name in "_defaults" must be a non-empty string in %s.', $file)); } foreach ($tag as $attribute => $value) { if (!is_scalar($value) && null !== $value) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Tag "%s", attribute "%s" in "_defaults" must be of a scalar-type in %s. Check your YAML syntax.', $name, $attribute, $file)); } } } } if (isset($defaults['bind'])) { if (!\is_array($defaults['bind'])) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Parameter "bind" in "_defaults" must be an array in %s. Check your YAML syntax.', $file)); } foreach ($this->resolveServices($defaults['bind'], $file) as $argument => $value) { $defaults['bind'][$argument] = new BoundArgument($value, true, BoundArgument::DEFAULTS_BINDING, $file); } } return $defaults; } private function isUsingShortSyntax(array $service): bool { foreach ($service as $key => $value) { if (\is_string($key) && ('' === $key || '$' !== $key[0])) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Parses a definition. * * @param array|string $service * * @throws InvalidArgumentException When tags are invalid */ private function parseDefinition(string $id, $service, string $file, array $defaults) { if (preg_match('/^_[a-zA-Z0-9_]*$/', $id)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Service names that start with an underscore are reserved. Rename the "%s" service or define it in XML instead.', $id)); } if (\is_string($service) && 0 === strpos($service, '@')) { $this->container->setAlias($id, $alias = new Alias(substr($service, 1))); if (isset($defaults['public'])) { $alias->setPublic($defaults['public']); } return; } if (\is_array($service) && $this->isUsingShortSyntax($service)) { $service = ['arguments' => $service]; } if (null === $service) { $service = []; } if (!\is_array($service)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('A service definition must be an array or a string starting with "@" but %s found for service "%s" in %s. Check your YAML syntax.', \gettype($service), $id, $file)); } $this->checkDefinition($id, $service, $file); if (isset($service['alias'])) { $this->container->setAlias($id, $alias = new Alias($service['alias'])); if (\array_key_exists('public', $service)) { $alias->setPublic($service['public']); } elseif (isset($defaults['public'])) { $alias->setPublic($defaults['public']); } foreach ($service as $key => $value) { if (!\in_array($key, ['alias', 'public', 'deprecated'])) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The configuration key "%s" is unsupported for the service "%s" which is defined as an alias in "%s". Allowed configuration keys for service aliases are "alias", "public" and "deprecated".', $key, $id, $file)); } if ('deprecated' === $key) { $alias->setDeprecated(true, $value); } } return; } if ($this->isLoadingInstanceof) { $definition = new ChildDefinition(''); } elseif (isset($service['parent'])) { if (!empty($this->instanceof)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The service "%s" cannot use the "parent" option in the same file where "_instanceof" configuration is defined as using both is not supported. Move your child definitions to a separate file.', $id)); } foreach ($defaults as $k => $v) { if ('tags' === $k) { // since tags are never inherited from parents, there is no confusion // thus we can safely add them as defaults to ChildDefinition continue; } if ('bind' === $k) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Attribute "bind" on service "%s" cannot be inherited from "_defaults" when a "parent" is set. Move your child definitions to a separate file.', $id)); } if (!isset($service[$k])) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Attribute "%s" on service "%s" cannot be inherited from "_defaults" when a "parent" is set. Move your child definitions to a separate file or define this attribute explicitly.', $k, $id)); } } if ('' !== $service['parent'] && '@' === $service['parent'][0]) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The value of the "parent" option for the "%s" service must be the id of the service without the "@" prefix (replace "%s" with "%s").', $id, $service['parent'], substr($service['parent'], 1))); } $definition = new ChildDefinition($service['parent']); } else { $definition = new Definition(); if (isset($defaults['public'])) { $definition->setPublic($defaults['public']); } if (isset($defaults['autowire'])) { $definition->setAutowired($defaults['autowire']); } if (isset($defaults['autoconfigure'])) { $definition->setAutoconfigured($defaults['autoconfigure']); } $definition->setChanges([]); } if (isset($service['class'])) { $definition->setClass($service['class']); } if (isset($service['shared'])) { $definition->setShared($service['shared']); } if (isset($service['synthetic'])) { $definition->setSynthetic($service['synthetic']); } if (isset($service['lazy'])) { $definition->setLazy((bool) $service['lazy']); if (\is_string($service['lazy'])) { $definition->addTag('proxy', ['interface' => $service['lazy']]); } } if (isset($service['public'])) { $definition->setPublic($service['public']); } if (isset($service['abstract'])) { $definition->setAbstract($service['abstract']); } if (\array_key_exists('deprecated', $service)) { $definition->setDeprecated(true, $service['deprecated']); } if (isset($service['factory'])) { $definition->setFactory($this->parseCallable($service['factory'], 'factory', $id, $file)); } if (isset($service['file'])) { $definition->setFile($service['file']); } if (isset($service['arguments'])) { $definition->setArguments($this->resolveServices($service['arguments'], $file)); } if (isset($service['properties'])) { $definition->setProperties($this->resolveServices($service['properties'], $file)); } if (isset($service['configurator'])) { $definition->setConfigurator($this->parseCallable($service['configurator'], 'configurator', $id, $file)); } if (isset($service['calls'])) { if (!\is_array($service['calls'])) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Parameter "calls" must be an array for service "%s" in %s. Check your YAML syntax.', $id, $file)); } foreach ($service['calls'] as $k => $call) { if (!\is_array($call) && (!\is_string($k) || !$call instanceof TaggedValue)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Invalid method call for service "%s": expected map or array, %s given in %s.', $id, $call instanceof TaggedValue ? '!'.$call->getTag() : \gettype($call), $file)); } if (\is_string($k)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Invalid method call for service "%s", did you forgot a leading dash before "%s: ..." in %s?', $id, $k, $file)); } if (isset($call['method'])) { $method = $call['method']; $args = $call['arguments'] ?? []; $returnsClone = $call['returns_clone'] ?? false; } else { if (1 === \count($call) && \is_string(key($call))) { $method = key($call); $args = $call[$method]; if ($args instanceof TaggedValue) { if ('returns_clone' !== $args->getTag()) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Unsupported tag "!%s", did you mean "!returns_clone" for service "%s" in %s?', $args->getTag(), $id, $file)); } $returnsClone = true; $args = $args->getValue(); } else { $returnsClone = false; } } elseif (empty($call[0])) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Invalid call for service "%s": the method must be defined as the first index of an array or as the only key of a map in %s.', $id, $file)); } else { $method = $call[0]; $args = $call[1] ?? []; $returnsClone = $call[2] ?? false; } } if (!\is_array($args)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The second parameter for function call "%s" must be an array of its arguments for service "%s" in %s. Check your YAML syntax.', $method, $id, $file)); } $args = $this->resolveServices($args, $file); $definition->addMethodCall($method, $args, $returnsClone); } } $tags = isset($service['tags']) ? $service['tags'] : []; if (!\is_array($tags)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Parameter "tags" must be an array for service "%s" in %s. Check your YAML syntax.', $id, $file)); } if (isset($defaults['tags'])) { $tags = array_merge($tags, $defaults['tags']); } foreach ($tags as $tag) { if (!\is_array($tag)) { $tag = ['name' => $tag]; } if (!isset($tag['name'])) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('A "tags" entry is missing a "name" key for service "%s" in %s.', $id, $file)); } $name = $tag['name']; unset($tag['name']); if (!\is_string($name) || '' === $name) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The tag name for service "%s" in %s must be a non-empty string.', $id, $file)); } foreach ($tag as $attribute => $value) { if (!is_scalar($value) && null !== $value) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('A "tags" attribute must be of a scalar-type for service "%s", tag "%s", attribute "%s" in %s. Check your YAML syntax.', $id, $name, $attribute, $file)); } } $definition->addTag($name, $tag); } if (null !== $decorates = $service['decorates'] ?? null) { if ('' !== $decorates && '@' === $decorates[0]) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The value of the "decorates" option for the "%s" service must be the id of the service without the "@" prefix (replace "%s" with "%s").', $id, $service['decorates'], substr($decorates, 1))); } $decorationOnInvalid = \array_key_exists('decoration_on_invalid', $service) ? $service['decoration_on_invalid'] : 'exception'; if ('exception' === $decorationOnInvalid) { $invalidBehavior = ContainerInterface::EXCEPTION_ON_INVALID_REFERENCE; } elseif ('ignore' === $decorationOnInvalid) { $invalidBehavior = ContainerInterface::IGNORE_ON_INVALID_REFERENCE; } elseif (null === $decorationOnInvalid) { $invalidBehavior = ContainerInterface::NULL_ON_INVALID_REFERENCE; } elseif ('null' === $decorationOnInvalid) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Invalid value "%s" for attribute "decoration_on_invalid" on service "%s". Did you mean null (without quotes) in "%s"?', $decorationOnInvalid, $id, $file)); } else { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Invalid value "%s" for attribute "decoration_on_invalid" on service "%s". Did you mean "exception", "ignore" or null in "%s"?', $decorationOnInvalid, $id, $file)); } $renameId = isset($service['decoration_inner_name']) ? $service['decoration_inner_name'] : null; $priority = isset($service['decoration_priority']) ? $service['decoration_priority'] : 0; $definition->setDecoratedService($decorates, $renameId, $priority, $invalidBehavior); } if (isset($service['autowire'])) { $definition->setAutowired($service['autowire']); } if (isset($defaults['bind']) || isset($service['bind'])) { // deep clone, to avoid multiple process of the same instance in the passes $bindings = isset($defaults['bind']) ? unserialize(serialize($defaults['bind'])) : []; if (isset($service['bind'])) { if (!\is_array($service['bind'])) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Parameter "bind" must be an array for service "%s" in %s. Check your YAML syntax.', $id, $file)); } $bindings = array_merge($bindings, $this->resolveServices($service['bind'], $file)); $bindingType = $this->isLoadingInstanceof ? BoundArgument::INSTANCEOF_BINDING : BoundArgument::SERVICE_BINDING; foreach ($bindings as $argument => $value) { if (!$value instanceof BoundArgument) { $bindings[$argument] = new BoundArgument($value, true, $bindingType, $file); } } } $definition->setBindings($bindings); } if (isset($service['autoconfigure'])) { if (!$definition instanceof ChildDefinition) { $definition->setAutoconfigured($service['autoconfigure']); } elseif ($service['autoconfigure']) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The service "%s" cannot have a "parent" and also have "autoconfigure". Try setting "autoconfigure: false" for the service.', $id)); } } if (\array_key_exists('namespace', $service) && !\array_key_exists('resource', $service)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('A "resource" attribute must be set when the "namespace" attribute is set for service "%s" in %s. Check your YAML syntax.', $id, $file)); } if (\array_key_exists('resource', $service)) { if (!\is_string($service['resource'])) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('A "resource" attribute must be of type string for service "%s" in %s. Check your YAML syntax.', $id, $file)); } $exclude = isset($service['exclude']) ? $service['exclude'] : null; $namespace = isset($service['namespace']) ? $service['namespace'] : $id; $this->registerClasses($definition, $namespace, $service['resource'], $exclude); } else { $this->setDefinition($id, $definition); } } /** * Parses a callable. * * @param string|array $callable A callable reference * * @throws InvalidArgumentException When errors occur * * @return string|array|Reference A parsed callable */ private function parseCallable($callable, string $parameter, string $id, string $file) { if (\is_string($callable)) { if ('' !== $callable && '@' === $callable[0]) { if (false === strpos($callable, ':')) { return [$this->resolveServices($callable, $file), '__invoke']; } throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The value of the "%s" option for the "%s" service must be the id of the service without the "@" prefix (replace "%s" with "%s" in "%s").', $parameter, $id, $callable, substr($callable, 1), $file)); } if (false !== strpos($callable, ':') && false === strpos($callable, '::')) { $parts = explode(':', $callable); @trigger_error(sprintf('Using short %s syntax for service "%s" is deprecated since Symfony 4.4, use "[\'@%s\', \'%s\']" instead.', $parameter, $id, ...$parts), E_USER_DEPRECATED); return [$this->resolveServices('@'.$parts[0], $file), $parts[1]]; } return $callable; } if (\is_array($callable)) { if (isset($callable[0]) && isset($callable[1])) { return [$this->resolveServices($callable[0], $file), $callable[1]]; } if ('factory' === $parameter && isset($callable[1]) && null === $callable[0]) { return $callable; } throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Parameter "%s" must contain an array with two elements for service "%s" in %s. Check your YAML syntax.', $parameter, $id, $file)); } throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Parameter "%s" must be a string or an array for service "%s" in %s. Check your YAML syntax.', $parameter, $id, $file)); } /** * Loads a YAML file. * * @param string $file * * @return array The file content * * @throws InvalidArgumentException when the given file is not a local file or when it does not exist */ protected function loadFile($file) { if (!class_exists('Symfony\Component\Yaml\Parser')) { throw new RuntimeException('Unable to load YAML config files as the Symfony Yaml Component is not installed.'); } if (!stream_is_local($file)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('This is not a local file "%s".', $file)); } if (!file_exists($file)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The file "%s" does not exist.', $file)); } if (null === $this->yamlParser) { $this->yamlParser = new YamlParser(); } try { $configuration = $this->yamlParser->parseFile($file, Yaml::PARSE_CONSTANT | Yaml::PARSE_CUSTOM_TAGS); } catch (ParseException $e) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The file "%s" does not contain valid YAML: %s', $file, $e->getMessage()), 0, $e); } return $this->validate($configuration, $file); } /** * Validates a YAML file. * * @throws InvalidArgumentException When service file is not valid */ private function validate($content, string $file): ?array { if (null === $content) { return $content; } if (!\is_array($content)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The service file "%s" is not valid. It should contain an array. Check your YAML syntax.', $file)); } foreach ($content as $namespace => $data) { if (\in_array($namespace, ['imports', 'parameters', 'services'])) { continue; } if (!$this->container->hasExtension($namespace)) { $extensionNamespaces = array_filter(array_map(function (ExtensionInterface $ext) { return $ext->getAlias(); }, $this->container->getExtensions())); throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('There is no extension able to load the configuration for "%s" (in %s). Looked for namespace "%s", found %s', $namespace, $file, $namespace, $extensionNamespaces ? sprintf('"%s"', implode('", "', $extensionNamespaces)) : 'none')); } } return $content; } /** * Resolves services. * * @return array|string|Reference|ArgumentInterface */ private function resolveServices($value, string $file, bool $isParameter = false) { if ($value instanceof TaggedValue) { $argument = $value->getValue(); if ('iterator' === $value->getTag()) { if (!\is_array($argument)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('"!iterator" tag only accepts sequences in "%s".', $file)); } $argument = $this->resolveServices($argument, $file, $isParameter); try { return new IteratorArgument($argument); } catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('"!iterator" tag only accepts arrays of "@service" references in "%s".', $file)); } } if ('service_locator' === $value->getTag()) { if (!\is_array($argument)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('"!service_locator" tag only accepts maps in "%s".', $file)); } $argument = $this->resolveServices($argument, $file, $isParameter); try { return new ServiceLocatorArgument($argument); } catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('"!service_locator" tag only accepts maps of "@service" references in "%s".', $file)); } } if (\in_array($value->getTag(), ['tagged', 'tagged_iterator', 'tagged_locator'], true)) { $forLocator = 'tagged_locator' === $value->getTag(); if (\is_array($argument) && isset($argument['tag']) && $argument['tag']) { if ($diff = array_diff(array_keys($argument), ['tag', 'index_by', 'default_index_method', 'default_priority_method'])) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('"!%s" tag contains unsupported key "%s"; supported ones are "tag", "index_by", "default_index_method", and "default_priority_method".', $value->getTag(), implode('"", "', $diff))); } $argument = new TaggedIteratorArgument($argument['tag'], $argument['index_by'] ?? null, $argument['default_index_method'] ?? null, $forLocator, $argument['default_priority_method'] ?? null); } elseif (\is_string($argument) && $argument) { $argument = new TaggedIteratorArgument($argument, null, null, $forLocator); } else { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('"!%s" tags only accept a non empty string or an array with a key "tag" in "%s".', $value->getTag(), $file)); } if ($forLocator) { $argument = new ServiceLocatorArgument($argument); } return $argument; } if ('service' === $value->getTag()) { if ($isParameter) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Using an anonymous service in a parameter is not allowed in "%s".', $file)); } $isLoadingInstanceof = $this->isLoadingInstanceof; $this->isLoadingInstanceof = false; $instanceof = $this->instanceof; $this->instanceof = []; $id = sprintf('.%d_%s', ++$this->anonymousServicesCount, preg_replace('/^.*\\\\/', '', isset($argument['class']) ? $argument['class'] : '').$this->anonymousServicesSuffix); $this->parseDefinition($id, $argument, $file, []); if (!$this->container->hasDefinition($id)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Creating an alias using the tag "!service" is not allowed in "%s".', $file)); } $this->container->getDefinition($id)->setPublic(false); $this->isLoadingInstanceof = $isLoadingInstanceof; $this->instanceof = $instanceof; return new Reference($id); } throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Unsupported tag "!%s".', $value->getTag())); } if (\is_array($value)) { foreach ($value as $k => $v) { $value[$k] = $this->resolveServices($v, $file, $isParameter); } } elseif (\is_string($value) && 0 === strpos($value, '@=')) { if (!class_exists(Expression::class)) { throw new \LogicException(sprintf('The "@=" expression syntax cannot be used without the ExpressionLanguage component. Try running "composer require symfony/expression-language".')); } return new Expression(substr($value, 2)); } elseif (\is_string($value) && 0 === strpos($value, '@')) { if (0 === strpos($value, '@@')) { $value = substr($value, 1); $invalidBehavior = null; } elseif (0 === strpos($value, '@!')) { $value = substr($value, 2); $invalidBehavior = ContainerInterface::IGNORE_ON_UNINITIALIZED_REFERENCE; } elseif (0 === strpos($value, '@?')) { $value = substr($value, 2); $invalidBehavior = ContainerInterface::IGNORE_ON_INVALID_REFERENCE; } else { $value = substr($value, 1); $invalidBehavior = ContainerInterface::EXCEPTION_ON_INVALID_REFERENCE; } if (null !== $invalidBehavior) { $value = new Reference($value, $invalidBehavior); } } return $value; } /** * Loads from Extensions. */ private function loadFromExtensions(array $content) { foreach ($content as $namespace => $values) { if (\in_array($namespace, ['imports', 'parameters', 'services'])) { continue; } if (!\is_array($values) && null !== $values) { $values = []; } $this->container->loadFromExtension($namespace, $values); } } /** * Checks the keywords used to define a service. */ private function checkDefinition(string $id, array $definition, string $file) { if ($this->isLoadingInstanceof) { $keywords = self::$instanceofKeywords; } elseif (isset($definition['resource']) || isset($definition['namespace'])) { $keywords = self::$prototypeKeywords; } else { $keywords = self::$serviceKeywords; } foreach ($definition as $key => $value) { if (!isset($keywords[$key])) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The configuration key "%s" is unsupported for definition "%s" in "%s". Allowed configuration keys are "%s".', $key, $id, $file, implode('", "', $keywords))); } } } }