/* vim: set expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4: */
 * Main export handling code
 * @package PhpMyAdmin

use PhpMyAdmin\Core;
use PhpMyAdmin\DatabaseInterface;
use PhpMyAdmin\Encoding;
use PhpMyAdmin\Export;
use PhpMyAdmin\Plugins;
use PhpMyAdmin\Plugins\ExportPlugin;
use PhpMyAdmin\Relation;
use PhpMyAdmin\Response;
use PhpMyAdmin\Sanitize;
use PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Parser;
use PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Statements\SelectStatement;
use PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Utils\Misc;
use PhpMyAdmin\Url;
use PhpMyAdmin\Util;

if (! defined('ROOT_PATH')) {

global $db, $sql_query;

include_once ROOT_PATH . 'libraries/common.inc.php';

/** @var Response $response */
$response = $containerBuilder->get(Response::class);

/** @var DatabaseInterface $dbi */
$dbi = $containerBuilder->get(DatabaseInterface::class);

$header = $response->getHeader();
$scripts = $header->getScripts();

/** @var Export $export */
$export = $containerBuilder->get('export');

//check if it's the GET request to check export time out
if (isset($_GET['check_time_out'])) {
    if (isset($_SESSION['pma_export_error'])) {
        $err = $_SESSION['pma_export_error'];
        echo "timeout";
    } else {
        echo "success";

 * Sets globals from $_POST
 * - Please keep the parameters in order of their appearance in the form
 * - Some of these parameters are not used, as the code below directly
 *   verifies from the superglobal $_POST or $_REQUEST
 * TODO: this should be removed to avoid passing user input to GLOBALS
 * without checking
$post_params = [
    // csv_replace should have been here but we use it directly from $_POST

foreach ($post_params as $one_post_param) {
    if (isset($_POST[$one_post_param])) {
        $GLOBALS[$one_post_param] = $_POST[$one_post_param];

$table = $GLOBALS['table'];

PhpMyAdmin\Util::checkParameters(['what', 'export_type']);

// sanitize this parameter which will be used below in a file inclusion
$what = Core::securePath($_POST['what']);

// export class instance, not array of properties, as before
/** @var ExportPlugin $export_plugin */
$export_plugin = Plugins::getPlugin(
        'export_type' => $export_type,
        'single_table' => isset($single_table),

// Check export type
if (empty($export_plugin)) {
    Core::fatalError(__('Bad type!'));

 * valid compression methods
$compression_methods = [

 * init and variable checking
$compression = '';
$onserver = false;
$save_on_server = false;
$buffer_needed = false;
$back_button = '';
$refreshButton = '';
$save_filename = '';
$file_handle = '';
$err_url = '';
$filename = '';
$separate_files = '';

// Is it a quick or custom export?
if (isset($_POST['quick_or_custom'])
    && $_POST['quick_or_custom'] == 'quick'
) {
    $quick_export = true;
} else {
    $quick_export = false;

if ($_POST['output_format'] == 'astext') {
    $asfile = false;
} else {
    $asfile = true;
    if (isset($_POST['as_separate_files'])
        && ! empty($_POST['as_separate_files'])
    ) {
        if (isset($_POST['compression'])
            && ! empty($_POST['compression'])
            && $_POST['compression'] == 'zip'
        ) {
            $separate_files = $_POST['as_separate_files'];
    if (in_array($_POST['compression'], $compression_methods)) {
        $compression = $_POST['compression'];
        $buffer_needed = true;
    if (($quick_export && ! empty($_POST['quick_export_onserver']))
        || (! $quick_export && ! empty($_POST['onserver']))
    ) {
        if ($quick_export) {
            $onserver = $_POST['quick_export_onserver'];
        } else {
            $onserver = $_POST['onserver'];
        // Will we save dump on server?
        $save_on_server = ! empty($cfg['SaveDir']) && $onserver;

 * If we are sending the export file (as opposed to just displaying it
 * as text), we have to bypass the usual PhpMyAdmin\Response mechanism
if (isset($_POST['output_format']) && $_POST['output_format'] == 'sendit' && ! $save_on_server) {
    //Disable all active buffers (see: ob_get_status(true) at this point)
    do {
        if (ob_get_length() > 0) {
            $hasBuffer = ob_end_clean();
        } else {
            $hasBuffer = false;
    } while ($hasBuffer);

$tables = [];
// Generate error url and check for needed variables
if ($export_type == 'server') {
    $err_url = 'server_export.php' . Url::getCommon();
} elseif ($export_type == 'database' && strlen($db) > 0) {
    $err_url = 'db_export.php' . Url::getCommon(['db' => $db]);
    // Check if we have something to export
    if (isset($table_select)) {
        $tables = $table_select;
    } else {
        $tables = [];
} elseif ($export_type == 'table' && strlen($db) > 0 && strlen($table) > 0) {
    $err_url = 'tbl_export.php' . Url::getCommon(
            'db' => $db,
            'table' => $table,
} else {
    Core::fatalError(__('Bad parameters!'));

// Merge SQL Query aliases with Export aliases from
// export page, Export page aliases are given more
// preference over SQL Query aliases.
$parser = new Parser($sql_query);
$aliases = [];
if (! empty($parser->statements[0])
    && ($parser->statements[0] instanceof SelectStatement)
) {
    $aliases = Misc::getAliases($parser->statements[0], $db);
if (! empty($_POST['aliases'])) {
    $aliases = $export->mergeAliases($aliases, $_POST['aliases']);
    $_SESSION['tmpval']['aliases'] = $_POST['aliases'];

 * Increase time limit for script execution and initializes some variables
if (! empty($cfg['MemoryLimit'])) {
    ini_set('memory_limit', $cfg['MemoryLimit']);
register_shutdown_function([$export, 'shutdown']);
// Start with empty buffer
$dump_buffer = '';
$dump_buffer_len = 0;

// Array of dump_buffers - used in separate file exports
$dump_buffer_objects = [];

// We send fake headers to avoid browser timeout when buffering
$time_start = time();

// Defines the default <CR><LF> format.
// For SQL always use \n as MySQL wants this on all platforms.
if ($what == 'sql') {
    $crlf = "\n";
} else {
    $crlf = PHP_EOL;

$output_kanji_conversion = Encoding::canConvertKanji();

// Do we need to convert charset?
$output_charset_conversion = $asfile
    && Encoding::isSupported()
    && isset($charset) && $charset != 'utf-8';

// Use on the fly compression?
$GLOBALS['onfly_compression'] = $GLOBALS['cfg']['CompressOnFly']
    && $compression == 'gzip';
if ($GLOBALS['onfly_compression']) {
    $GLOBALS['memory_limit'] = $export->getMemoryLimit();

// Generate filename and mime type if needed
if ($asfile) {
    if (empty($remember_template)) {
        $remember_template = '';
    list($filename, $mime_type) = $export->getFilenameAndMimetype(
} else {
    $mime_type = '';

// Open file on server if needed
if ($save_on_server) {
    list($save_filename, $message, $file_handle) = $export->openFile(

    // problem opening export file on server?
    if (! empty($message)) {
        $export->showPage($db, $table, $export_type);
} else {
     * Send headers depending on whether the user chose to download a dump file
     * or not
    if ($asfile) {
        // Download
        // (avoid rewriting data containing HTML with anchors and forms;
        // this was reported to happen under Plesk)
        ini_set('url_rewriter.tags', '');
        $filename = Sanitize::sanitizeFilename($filename);

        Core::downloadHeader($filename, $mime_type);
    } else {
        // HTML
        if ($export_type == 'database') {
            $num_tables = count($tables);
            if ($num_tables === 0) {
                $message = PhpMyAdmin\Message::error(
                    __('No tables found in database.')
                $active_page = 'db_export.php';
                include ROOT_PATH . 'db_export.php';
        list($html, $back_button, $refreshButton) = $export->getHtmlForDisplayedExportHeader(
        echo $html;
    } // end download

/** @var Relation $relation */
$relation = $containerBuilder->get('relation');

// Fake loop just to allow skip of remain of this code by break, I'd really
// need exceptions here :-)
do {
    // Re - initialize
    $dump_buffer = '';
    $dump_buffer_len = 0;

    // Add possibly some comments to export
    if (! $export_plugin->exportHeader()) {

    // Will we need relation & co. setup?
    $do_relation = isset($GLOBALS[$what . '_relation']);
    $do_comments = isset($GLOBALS[$what . '_include_comments'])
        || isset($GLOBALS[$what . '_comments']);
    $do_mime     = isset($GLOBALS[$what . '_mime']);
    if ($do_relation || $do_comments || $do_mime) {
        $cfgRelation = $relation->getRelationsParam();

    // Include dates in export?
    $do_dates = isset($GLOBALS[$what . '_dates']);

    $whatStrucOrData = $GLOBALS[$what . '_structure_or_data'];

     * Builds the dump
    if ($export_type == 'server') {
        if (! isset($db_select)) {
            $db_select = '';
    } elseif ($export_type == 'database') {
        if (! isset($table_structure) || ! is_array($table_structure)) {
            $table_structure = [];
        if (! isset($table_data) || ! is_array($table_data)) {
            $table_data = [];
        if (! empty($_POST['structure_or_data_forced'])) {
            $table_structure = $tables;
            $table_data = $tables;
        if (isset($lock_tables)) {
            $export->lockTables($db, $tables, "READ");
            try {
            } finally {
        } else {
    } else {
        // We export just one table
        // $allrows comes from the form when "Dump all rows" has been selected
        if (! isset($allrows)) {
            $allrows = '';
        if (! isset($limit_to)) {
            $limit_to = '0';
        if (! isset($limit_from)) {
            $limit_from = '0';
        if (isset($lock_tables)) {
            try {
                $export->lockTables($db, [$table], "READ");
            } finally {
        } else {
    if (! $export_plugin->exportFooter()) {
} while (false);
// End of fake loop

if ($save_on_server && ! empty($message)) {
    $export->showPage($db, $table, $export_type);

 * Send the dump as a file...
if (empty($asfile)) {
    echo $export->getHtmlForDisplayedExportFooter($back_button, $refreshButton);
} // end if

// Convert the charset if required.
if ($output_charset_conversion) {
    $dump_buffer = Encoding::convertString(

// Compression needed?
if ($compression) {
    if (! empty($separate_files)) {
        $dump_buffer = $export->compress(
    } else {
        $dump_buffer = $export->compress($dump_buffer, $compression, $filename);

/* If we saved on server, we have to close file now */
if ($save_on_server) {
    $message = $export->closeFile(
    $export->showPage($db, $table, $export_type);
} else {
    echo $dump_buffer;