_defaultCfg; include ROOT_PATH . 'libraries/config.default.php'; // load additional config information $this->_cfgDb = include ROOT_PATH . 'libraries/config.values.php'; // apply default values overrides if (count($this->_cfgDb['_overrides'])) { foreach ($this->_cfgDb['_overrides'] as $path => $value) { Core::arrayWrite($path, $cfg, $value); } } $this->_baseCfg = $baseConfig; $this->_isInSetup = $baseConfig === null; $this->_id = 'ConfigFile' . $GLOBALS['server']; if (! isset($_SESSION[$this->_id])) { $_SESSION[$this->_id] = []; } } /** * Sets names of config options which will be placed in config file even if * they are set to their default values (use only full paths) * * @param array $keys the names of the config options * * @return void */ public function setPersistKeys(array $keys) { // checking key presence is much faster than searching so move values // to keys $this->_persistKeys = array_flip($keys); } /** * Returns flipped array set by {@link setPersistKeys()} * * @return array */ public function getPersistKeysMap() { return $this->_persistKeys; } /** * By default ConfigFile allows setting of all configuration keys, use * this method to set up a filter on {@link set()} method * * @param array|null $keys array of allowed keys or null to remove filter * * @return void */ public function setAllowedKeys($keys) { if ($keys === null) { $this->_setFilter = null; return; } // checking key presence is much faster than searching so move values // to keys $this->_setFilter = array_flip($keys); } /** * Sets path mapping for updating config in * {@link updateWithGlobalConfig()} or reading * by {@link getConfig()} or {@link getConfigArray()} * * @param array $mapping Contains the mapping of "Server/config options" * to "Server/1/config options" * * @return void */ public function setCfgUpdateReadMapping(array $mapping) { $this->_cfgUpdateReadMapping = $mapping; } /** * Resets configuration data * * @return void */ public function resetConfigData() { $_SESSION[$this->_id] = []; } /** * Sets configuration data (overrides old data) * * @param array $cfg Configuration options * * @return void */ public function setConfigData(array $cfg) { $_SESSION[$this->_id] = $cfg; } /** * Sets config value * * @param string $path Path * @param mixed $value Value * @param string $canonicalPath Canonical path * * @return void */ public function set($path, $value, $canonicalPath = null) { if ($canonicalPath === null) { $canonicalPath = $this->getCanonicalPath($path); } // apply key whitelist if ($this->_setFilter !== null && ! isset($this->_setFilter[$canonicalPath]) ) { return; } // if the path isn't protected it may be removed if (isset($this->_persistKeys[$canonicalPath])) { Core::arrayWrite($path, $_SESSION[$this->_id], $value); return; } $defaultValue = $this->getDefault($canonicalPath); $removePath = $value === $defaultValue; if ($this->_isInSetup) { // remove if it has a default value or is empty $removePath = $removePath || (empty($value) && empty($defaultValue)); } else { // get original config values not overwritten by user // preferences to allow for overwriting options set in // config.inc.php with default values $instanceDefaultValue = Core::arrayRead( $canonicalPath, $this->_baseCfg ); // remove if it has a default value and base config (config.inc.php) // uses default value $removePath = $removePath && ($instanceDefaultValue === $defaultValue); } if ($removePath) { Core::arrayRemove($path, $_SESSION[$this->_id]); return; } Core::arrayWrite($path, $_SESSION[$this->_id], $value); } /** * Flattens multidimensional array, changes indices to paths * (eg. 'key/subkey'). * Used as array_walk() callback. * * @param mixed $value Value * @param mixed $key Key * @param mixed $prefix Prefix * * @return void */ private function _flattenArray($value, $key, $prefix) { // no recursion for numeric arrays if (is_array($value) && ! isset($value[0])) { $prefix .= $key . '/'; array_walk($value, [$this, '_flattenArray'], $prefix); } else { $this->_flattenArrayResult[$prefix . $key] = $value; } } /** * Returns default config in a flattened array * * @return array */ public function getFlatDefaultConfig() { $this->_flattenArrayResult = []; array_walk($this->_defaultCfg, [$this, '_flattenArray'], ''); $flatConfig = $this->_flattenArrayResult; $this->_flattenArrayResult = null; return $flatConfig; } /** * Updates config with values read from given array * (config will contain differences to defaults from config.defaults.php). * * @param array $cfg Configuration * * @return void */ public function updateWithGlobalConfig(array $cfg) { // load config array and flatten it $this->_flattenArrayResult = []; array_walk($cfg, [$this, '_flattenArray'], ''); $flatConfig = $this->_flattenArrayResult; $this->_flattenArrayResult = null; // save values map for translating a few user preferences paths, // should be complemented by code reading from generated config // to perform inverse mapping foreach ($flatConfig as $path => $value) { if (isset($this->_cfgUpdateReadMapping[$path])) { $path = $this->_cfgUpdateReadMapping[$path]; } $this->set($path, $value, $path); } } /** * Returns config value or $default if it's not set * * @param string $path Path of config file * @param mixed $default Default values * * @return mixed */ public function get($path, $default = null) { return Core::arrayRead($path, $_SESSION[$this->_id], $default); } /** * Returns default config value or $default it it's not set ie. it doesn't * exist in config.default.php ($cfg) and config.values.php * ($_cfg_db['_overrides']) * * @param string $canonicalPath Canonical path * @param mixed $default Default value * * @return mixed */ public function getDefault($canonicalPath, $default = null) { return Core::arrayRead($canonicalPath, $this->_defaultCfg, $default); } /** * Returns config value, if it's not set uses the default one; returns * $default if the path isn't set and doesn't contain a default value * * @param string $path Path * @param mixed $default Default value * * @return mixed */ public function getValue($path, $default = null) { $v = Core::arrayRead($path, $_SESSION[$this->_id], null); if ($v !== null) { return $v; } $path = $this->getCanonicalPath($path); return $this->getDefault($path, $default); } /** * Returns canonical path * * @param string $path Path * * @return string */ public function getCanonicalPath($path) { return preg_replace('#^Servers/([\d]+)/#', 'Servers/1/', $path); } /** * Returns config database entry for $path * * @param string $path path of the variable in config db * @param mixed $default default value * * @return mixed */ public function getDbEntry($path, $default = null) { return Core::arrayRead($path, $this->_cfgDb, $default); } /** * Returns server count * * @return int */ public function getServerCount() { return isset($_SESSION[$this->_id]['Servers']) ? count($_SESSION[$this->_id]['Servers']) : 0; } /** * Returns server list * * @return array|null */ public function getServers() { return isset($_SESSION[$this->_id]['Servers']) ? $_SESSION[$this->_id]['Servers'] : null; } /** * Returns DSN of given server * * @param integer $server server index * * @return string */ public function getServerDSN($server) { if (! isset($_SESSION[$this->_id]['Servers'][$server])) { return ''; } $path = 'Servers/' . $server; $dsn = 'mysqli://'; if ($this->getValue("$path/auth_type") == 'config') { $dsn .= $this->getValue("$path/user"); if (! empty($this->getValue("$path/password"))) { $dsn .= ':***'; } $dsn .= '@'; } if ($this->getValue("$path/host") != 'localhost') { $dsn .= $this->getValue("$path/host"); $port = $this->getValue("$path/port"); if ($port) { $dsn .= ':' . $port; } } else { $dsn .= $this->getValue("$path/socket"); } return $dsn; } /** * Returns server name * * @param int $id server index * * @return string */ public function getServerName($id) { if (! isset($_SESSION[$this->_id]['Servers'][$id])) { return ''; } $verbose = $this->get("Servers/$id/verbose"); if (! empty($verbose)) { return $verbose; } $host = $this->get("Servers/$id/host"); return empty($host) ? 'localhost' : $host; } /** * Removes server * * @param int $server server index * * @return void */ public function removeServer($server) { if (! isset($_SESSION[$this->_id]['Servers'][$server])) { return; } $lastServer = $this->getServerCount(); for ($i = $server; $i < $lastServer; $i++) { $_SESSION[$this->_id]['Servers'][$i] = $_SESSION[$this->_id]['Servers'][$i + 1]; } unset($_SESSION[$this->_id]['Servers'][$lastServer]); if (isset($_SESSION[$this->_id]['ServerDefault']) && $_SESSION[$this->_id]['ServerDefault'] == $lastServer ) { unset($_SESSION[$this->_id]['ServerDefault']); } } /** * Returns configuration array (full, multidimensional format) * * @return array */ public function getConfig() { $c = $_SESSION[$this->_id]; foreach ($this->_cfgUpdateReadMapping as $mapTo => $mapFrom) { // if the key $c exists in $map_to if (Core::arrayRead($mapTo, $c) !== null) { Core::arrayWrite($mapTo, $c, Core::arrayRead($mapFrom, $c)); Core::arrayRemove($mapFrom, $c); } } return $c; } /** * Returns configuration array (flat format) * * @return array */ public function getConfigArray() { $this->_flattenArrayResult = []; array_walk($_SESSION[$this->_id], [$this, '_flattenArray'], ''); $c = $this->_flattenArrayResult; $this->_flattenArrayResult = null; $persistKeys = array_diff( array_keys($this->_persistKeys), array_keys($c) ); foreach ($persistKeys as $k) { $c[$k] = $this->getDefault($this->getCanonicalPath($k)); } foreach ($this->_cfgUpdateReadMapping as $mapTo => $mapFrom) { if (! isset($c[$mapFrom])) { continue; } $c[$mapTo] = $c[$mapFrom]; unset($c[$mapFrom]); } return $c; } }