dbi = $dbi; $this->relation = $relation; $this->template = $template; } /** * Function to get html for displaying the page edit/delete form * * @param string $db database name * @param string $operation 'edit' or 'delete' depending on the operation * * @return string html content */ public function getHtmlForEditOrDeletePages($db, $operation) { $cfgRelation = $this->relation->getRelationsParam(); return $this->template->render('database/designer/edit_delete_pages', [ 'db' => $db, 'operation' => $operation, 'pdfwork' => $cfgRelation['pdfwork'], 'pages' => $this->getPageIdsAndNames($db), ]); } /** * Function to get html for displaying the page save as form * * @param string $db database name * * @return string html content */ public function getHtmlForPageSaveAs($db) { $cfgRelation = $this->relation->getRelationsParam(); return $this->template->render('database/designer/page_save_as', [ 'db' => $db, 'pdfwork' => $cfgRelation['pdfwork'], 'pages' => $this->getPageIdsAndNames($db), ]); } /** * Retrieve IDs and names of schema pages * * @param string $db database name * * @return array array of schema page id and names */ private function getPageIdsAndNames($db) { $result = []; $cfgRelation = $this->relation->getRelationsParam(); if (! $cfgRelation['pdfwork']) { return $result; } $page_query = "SELECT `page_nr`, `page_descr` FROM " . Util::backquote($cfgRelation['db']) . "." . Util::backquote($cfgRelation['pdf_pages']) . " WHERE db_name = '" . $this->dbi->escapeString($db) . "'" . " ORDER BY `page_descr`"; $page_rs = $this->relation->queryAsControlUser( $page_query, false, DatabaseInterface::QUERY_STORE ); while ($curr_page = $this->dbi->fetchAssoc($page_rs)) { $result[intval($curr_page['page_nr'])] = $curr_page['page_descr']; } return $result; } /** * Function to get html for displaying the schema export * * @param string $db database name * @param int $page the page to be exported * * @return string */ public function getHtmlForSchemaExport($db, $page) { /* Scan for schema plugins */ /** @var SchemaPlugin[] $export_list */ $export_list = Plugins::getPlugins( "schema", 'libraries/classes/Plugins/Schema/', null ); /* Fail if we didn't find any schema plugin */ if (empty($export_list)) { return Message::error( __('Could not load schema plugins, please check your installation!') )->getDisplay(); } return $this->template->render('database/designer/schema_export', [ 'db' => $db, 'page' => $page, 'export_list' => $export_list, ]); } /** * Returns array of stored values of Designer Settings * * @return array stored values */ private function getSideMenuParamsArray() { $params = []; $cfgRelation = $this->relation->getRelationsParam(); if ($cfgRelation['designersettingswork']) { $query = 'SELECT `settings_data` FROM ' . Util::backquote($cfgRelation['db']) . '.' . Util::backquote($cfgRelation['designer_settings']) . ' WHERE ' . Util::backquote('username') . ' = "' . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['user']) . '";'; $result = $this->dbi->fetchSingleRow($query); if (is_array($result)) { $params = json_decode((string) $result['settings_data'], true); } } return $params; } /** * Returns class names for various buttons on Designer Side Menu * * @return array class names of various buttons */ public function returnClassNamesFromMenuButtons() { $classes_array = []; $params_array = $this->getSideMenuParamsArray(); if (isset($params_array['angular_direct']) && $params_array['angular_direct'] == 'angular' ) { $classes_array['angular_direct'] = 'M_butt_Selected_down'; } else { $classes_array['angular_direct'] = 'M_butt'; } if (isset($params_array['snap_to_grid']) && $params_array['snap_to_grid'] == 'on' ) { $classes_array['snap_to_grid'] = 'M_butt_Selected_down'; } else { $classes_array['snap_to_grid'] = 'M_butt'; } if (isset($params_array['pin_text']) && $params_array['pin_text'] == 'true' ) { $classes_array['pin_text'] = 'M_butt_Selected_down'; } else { $classes_array['pin_text'] = 'M_butt'; } if (isset($params_array['relation_lines']) && $params_array['relation_lines'] == 'false' ) { $classes_array['relation_lines'] = 'M_butt_Selected_down'; } else { $classes_array['relation_lines'] = 'M_butt'; } if (isset($params_array['small_big_all']) && $params_array['small_big_all'] == 'v' ) { $classes_array['small_big_all'] = 'M_butt_Selected_down'; } else { $classes_array['small_big_all'] = 'M_butt'; } if (isset($params_array['side_menu']) && $params_array['side_menu'] == 'true' ) { $classes_array['side_menu'] = 'M_butt_Selected_down'; } else { $classes_array['side_menu'] = 'M_butt'; } return $classes_array; } /** * Get HTML to display tables on designer page * * @param string $db The database name from the request * @param DesignerTable[] $designerTables The designer tables * @param array $tab_pos tables positions * @param int $display_page page number of the selected page * @param array $tab_column table column info * @param array $tables_all_keys all indices * @param array $tables_pk_or_unique_keys unique or primary indices * * @return string html */ public function getDatabaseTables( string $db, array $designerTables, array $tab_pos, $display_page, array $tab_column, array $tables_all_keys, array $tables_pk_or_unique_keys ) { $columns_type = []; foreach ($designerTables as $designerTable) { $table_name = $designerTable->getDbTableString(); $limit = count($tab_column[$table_name]['COLUMN_ID']); for ($j = 0; $j < $limit; $j++) { $table_column_name = $table_name . '.' . $tab_column[$table_name]['COLUMN_NAME'][$j]; if (isset($tables_pk_or_unique_keys[$table_column_name])) { $columns_type[$table_column_name] = 'designer/FieldKey_small'; } else { $columns_type[$table_column_name] = 'designer/Field_small'; if (false !== strpos($tab_column[$table_name]['TYPE'][$j], 'char') || false !== strpos($tab_column[$table_name]['TYPE'][$j], 'text')) { $columns_type[$table_column_name] .= '_char'; } elseif (false !== strpos($tab_column[$table_name]['TYPE'][$j], 'int') || false !== strpos($tab_column[$table_name]['TYPE'][$j], 'float') || false !== strpos($tab_column[$table_name]['TYPE'][$j], 'double') || false !== strpos($tab_column[$table_name]['TYPE'][$j], 'decimal')) { $columns_type[$table_column_name] .= '_int'; } elseif (false !== strpos($tab_column[$table_name]['TYPE'][$j], 'date') || false !== strpos($tab_column[$table_name]['TYPE'][$j], 'time') || false !== strpos($tab_column[$table_name]['TYPE'][$j], 'year')) { $columns_type[$table_column_name] .= '_date'; } } } } return $this->template->render('database/designer/database_tables', [ 'db' => $GLOBALS['db'], 'get_db' => $db, 'has_query' => isset($_REQUEST['query']), 'tab_pos' => $tab_pos, 'display_page' => $display_page, 'tab_column' => $tab_column, 'tables_all_keys' => $tables_all_keys, 'tables_pk_or_unique_keys' => $tables_pk_or_unique_keys, 'tables' => $designerTables, 'columns_type' => $columns_type, 'theme' => $GLOBALS['PMA_Theme'], ]); } /** * Returns HTML for Designer page * * @param string $db database in use * @param string $getDb database in url * @param DesignerTable[] $designerTables The designer tables * @param array $scriptTables array on foreign key support for each table * @param array $scriptContr initialization data array * @param DesignerTable[] $scriptDisplayField displayed tables in designer with their display fields * @param int $displayPage page number of the selected page * @param boolean $hasQuery whether this is visual query builder * @param string $selectedPage name of the selected page * @param array $paramsArray array with class name for various buttons on side menu * @param array|null $tabPos table positions * @param array $tabColumn table column info * @param array $tablesAllKeys all indices * @param array $tablesPkOrUniqueKeys unique or primary indices * * @return string html */ public function getHtmlForMain( string $db, string $getDb, array $designerTables, array $scriptTables, array $scriptContr, array $scriptDisplayField, $displayPage, $hasQuery, $selectedPage, array $paramsArray, ?array $tabPos, array $tabColumn, array $tablesAllKeys, array $tablesPkOrUniqueKeys ): string { $cfgRelation = $this->relation->getRelationsParam(); $columnsType = []; foreach ($designerTables as $designerTable) { $tableName = $designerTable->getDbTableString(); $limit = count($tabColumn[$tableName]['COLUMN_ID']); for ($j = 0; $j < $limit; $j++) { $tableColumnName = $tableName . '.' . $tabColumn[$tableName]['COLUMN_NAME'][$j]; if (isset($tablesPkOrUniqueKeys[$tableColumnName])) { $columnsType[$tableColumnName] = 'designer/FieldKey_small'; } else { $columnsType[$tableColumnName] = 'designer/Field_small'; if (false !== strpos($tabColumn[$tableName]['TYPE'][$j], 'char') || false !== strpos($tabColumn[$tableName]['TYPE'][$j], 'text')) { $columnsType[$tableColumnName] .= '_char'; } elseif (false !== strpos($tabColumn[$tableName]['TYPE'][$j], 'int') || false !== strpos($tabColumn[$tableName]['TYPE'][$j], 'float') || false !== strpos($tabColumn[$tableName]['TYPE'][$j], 'double') || false !== strpos($tabColumn[$tableName]['TYPE'][$j], 'decimal')) { $columnsType[$tableColumnName] .= '_int'; } elseif (false !== strpos($tabColumn[$tableName]['TYPE'][$j], 'date') || false !== strpos($tabColumn[$tableName]['TYPE'][$j], 'time') || false !== strpos($tabColumn[$tableName]['TYPE'][$j], 'year')) { $columnsType[$tableColumnName] .= '_date'; } } } } $displayedFields = []; foreach ($scriptDisplayField as $designerTable) { if ($designerTable->getDisplayField() !== null) { $displayedFields[$designerTable->getTableName()] = $designerTable->getDisplayField(); } } $designerConfig = new stdClass(); $designerConfig->db = $db; $designerConfig->scriptTables = $scriptTables; $designerConfig->scriptContr = $scriptContr; $designerConfig->server = $GLOBALS['server']; $designerConfig->scriptDisplayField = $displayedFields; $designerConfig->displayPage = (int) $displayPage; $designerConfig->tablesEnabled = $cfgRelation['pdfwork']; return $this->template->render('database/designer/main', [ 'db' => $db, 'get_db' => $getDb, 'designer_config' => json_encode($designerConfig), 'display_page' => (int) $displayPage, 'has_query' => $hasQuery, 'selected_page' => $selectedPage, 'params_array' => $paramsArray, 'theme' => $GLOBALS['PMA_Theme'], 'tab_pos' => $tabPos, 'tab_column' => $tabColumn, 'tables_all_keys' => $tablesAllKeys, 'tables_pk_or_unique_keys' => $tablesPkOrUniqueKeys, 'designerTables' => $designerTables, 'columns_type' => $columnsType, ]); } }