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Values larger than 1800 may pose a security risk such as impersonation.%sZip compression%s requires functions (%s) which are unavailable on this system.%sZip decompression%s requires functions (%s) which are unavailable on this system.'%1$s' depends on:(See below for the actual view)(continued)(less efficient as indexes will be generated during table creation)(singly)+ Add a new primary key column+ Add column+ Add constraint+ Show me the possible partial dependencies based on data in the table,, @DATABASE@ will become the database name, @TABLE@ will become the table name, latest stable version:- none --- None --.INSERT DELAYED statementsINSERT IGNORE statementsTotal: %count% matchTotal: %count% matches@SERVER@ will become the server nameA 1-byte integer, signed range is -128 to 127, unsigned range is 0 to 255A 2-byte integer, signed range is -32,768 to 32,767, unsigned range is 0 to 65,535A 3-byte integer, signed range is -8,388,608 to 8,388,607, unsigned range is 0 to 16,777,215A 4-byte integer, signed range is -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647, unsigned range is 0 to 4,294,967,295A BLOB column with a maximum length of 16,777,215 (2^24 - 1) bytes, stored with a three-byte prefix indicating the length of the valueA BLOB column with a maximum length of 255 (2^8 - 1) bytes, stored with a one-byte prefix indicating the length of the valueA BLOB column with a maximum length of 4,294,967,295 or 4GiB (2^32 - 1) bytes, stored with a four-byte prefix indicating the length of the valueA BLOB column with a maximum length of 65,535 (2^16 - 1) bytes, stored with a two-byte prefix indicating the length of the valueA TEXT column with a maximum length of 16,777,215 (2^24 - 1) characters, stored with a three-byte prefix indicating the length of the value in bytesA TEXT column with a maximum length of 255 (2^8 - 1) characters, stored with a one-byte prefix indicating the length of the value in bytesA TEXT column with a maximum length of 4,294,967,295 or 4GiB (2^32 - 1) characters, stored with a four-byte prefix indicating the length of the value in bytesA TEXT column with a maximum length of 65,535 (2^16 - 1) characters, stored with a two-byte prefix indicating the length of the value in bytesA bit-field type (M), storing M of bits per value (default is 1, maximum is 64)A collection of curves with linear interpolation between pointsA collection of geometry objects of any typeA collection of pointsA collection of polygonsA compressed file's name must end in .[format].[compression]. Example: .sql.zipA curve with linear interpolation between pointsA date and time combination, supported range is %1$s to %2$sA date, supported range is %1$s to %2$sA double-precision floating-point number, allowable values are -1.7976931348623157E+308 to -2.2250738585072014E-308, 0, and 2.2250738585072014E-308 to 1.7976931348623157E+308A dropdown will be used if fewer items are present.A fatal JavaScript error has occurred. Would you like to send an error report?A fixed-length (0-255, default 1) string that is always right-padded with spaces to the specified length when storedA fixed-point number (M, D) - the maximum number of digits (M) is 65 (default 10), the maximum number of decimals (D) is 30 (default 0)A newer version of phpMyAdmin is available and you should consider upgrading. The newest version is %s, released on %s.A point in 2-dimensional spaceA polygonA single value chosen from a set of up to 64 membersA small floating-point number, allowable values are -3.402823466E+38 to -1.175494351E-38, 0, and 1.175494351E-38 to 3.402823466E+38A special MySQL user configured with limited permissions, more information available on [doc@linked-tables]documentation[/doc].A synonym for TINYINT(1), a value of zero is considered false, nonzero values are considered trueA time, range is %1$s to %2$sA timestamp, range is 1970-01-01 00:00:01 UTC to 2038-01-09 03:14:07 UTC, stored as the number of seconds since the epoch (1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC)A type that can store a geometry of any typeA user-friendly description of this server. Leave blank to display the hostname instead.A variable-length (%s) string, the effective maximum length is subject to the maximum row sizeA year in four-digit (4, default) or two-digit (2) format, the allowable values are 70 (1970) to 69 (2069) or 1901 to 2155 and 0000AM/PM indication in timeAMAM/PM indication in timePMAUTO_INCREMENT for dumped tablesAUTO_INCREMENT for tableA_IAbortedAbout %MIN min. %SEC sec. remaining.About %SEC sec. remaining.Access denied!ActionActionsActive optionsAddAdd %d value(s)Add %sAdd %s column(s)Add %s column(s) to indexAdd %s statementAdd AUTO INCREMENT valueAdd AUTO_INCREMENT valueAdd DROP DATABASEAdd DROP TABLEAdd DROP VIEWAdd IF NOT EXISTS (less efficient as indexes will be generated during table creation)Add ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATEAdd a linestringAdd a new serverAdd a pointAdd a polygonAdd a primary key on existing column(s)Add an inner ringAdd an option for column "%s".Add asAdd bookmarkAdd chart to gridAdd columnAdd columns to central listAdd constraintsAdd geometryAdd indexAdd new columnAdd prefixAdd primary keyAdd privileges on the following database(s):Add privileges on the following routine:Add search conditions (body of the "where" clause):Add statements:Add table prefixAdd tables from other databasesAdd to FavoritesAdd to central columnsAdd user accountAdd user groupAdd/Delete columnsAdd/Delete criteria rowsAdding primary keyAdditional custom header comment (\n splits lines):Additional search criteriaAdjust privilegesAdvanced OptionsAdvanced server configuration, do not change these options unless you know what they are for.AdvisorAdvisor systemAffected rows:AggregateAliasColumnAliasDatabaseAliasTableAlias:AllAll status variablesAllow for searching inside the entire database.Allow interrupt of import in case script detects it is close to time limit. This might be a good way to import large files, however it can break transactions.Allow login to any MySQL serverAllow logins without a passwordAllow root loginAllow the interruption of an import in case the script detects it is close to the PHP timeout limit. (This might be a good way to import large files, however it can break transactions.)Allow third party framingAllow to display all the rowsAllow to display database and table statistics (eg. space usage).Allow users to customize this valueAllows deleting historical rows.Allows user to give to other users or remove from other users privileges that user possess on this routine.Alter table order byAlways expand query messagesAlways send error reportsAn 8-byte integer, signed range is -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807, unsigned range is 0 to 18,446,744,073,709,551,615An alias for BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT UNIQUEAn alternate host to hold the configuration storage; leave blank to use the already defined host.An alternate port to connect to the host that holds the configuration storage; leave blank to use the default port, or the already defined port, if the controlhost equals host.An entry with this name already exists.An enumeration, chosen from the list of up to 65,535 values or the special '' error valueAn error has been detected and an error report has been automatically submitted based on your settings.An error has been detected and an error report has been generated but failed to be sent.An error has occurred while loading the navigation displayAnalyse queryAnalysing & loading logs. This may take a while.Analysing logsAnalyzeAnalyze Explain at %sAnalyze tableAnalyzing…And:Angular linksAnother columnAnyAny hostAny userAppearance settingsApplyAprAprilAre you sure you wish to change all the column collations and convert the data?Are you sure you wish to change the collation and convert the data?Are you sure?As per your settings, they are being submitted currently, please be patient.AscendingAsk before sending error reportsAttributeAttributesAugAugustAuthenticationAuthentication Application (2FA)Authentication PluginAuthentication code:Authentication method to use.Authentication settings.Authentication typeAuthorAutocomplete of the table and column names in the SQL queries.Autoextend incrementAutomatic recovery modeAutomatically create versionsAutomatically send report next timeAvailable browser display transformationsAvailable input transformationsAvailable media (MIME) typesAverage loadBBackBad parameters!Bad type!Basic settingsBecause of its length,
this column might not be editable.Bigger textarea for LONGTEXTBinaryBinary - do not editBinary logBind parametersBlowfish secretBookmarkBookmark %s has been created.Bookmark not created!Bookmark tableBookmarksBothBoth this table and the user groups table are required to enable the configurable menus feature; leaving either one of them blank will disable this feature, suggested: [kbd]pma__users[/kbd].Both this table and the users table are required to enable the configurable menus feature; leaving either one of them blank will disable this feature, suggested: [kbd]pma__usergroups[/kbd].BrowseBrowse foreign valuesBrowse modeBrowse your computer:Browse/Edit the pointsBrowser display transformationBrowser display transformation optionsBrowsingBuffer PoolBuffer Pool ActivityBuffer Pool UsageBuffer pool sizeBuffered memoryBuild QueryBusy pagesBytes receivedBytes sentBzip2CHAR columns editingCHAR textarea columnsCHAR textarea rowsCREATE DATABASE before copyingCSVCSV for MS ExcelCSV using LOAD DATACached memoryCached swapCallsCan not find signon authentication script:Can't copy table to same one!Can't move table to same one!Can't rename index to PRIMARY!CancelCancel requestCannot connect: invalid settings.Cannot copy database to the same name. Change the name and try again.Cannot log in to the MySQL serverCannot read uploaded file.Cannot rename database to the same name. Change the name and try againCannot save UI property "%s". The changes made will not be persistent after you refresh this page. Please check if the table structure has been changed.Cannot save settings, submitted configuration form contains errors!Cannot save settings, submitted form contains errors!CardinalityCentral columnsCentral columns tableChangeChange all column collationsChange all tables collationsChange all tables columns collationsChange any of its settings by clicking the corresponding "Options" link.Change passwordChange report settingsChange settingsChanges trackingChanging charsetCharacter set of the fileCharacter set of the file:Character sets and collationsCharsetCharsetsChartChart TitleChart titleChart title:Chart typeAreaChart typeBarChart typeColumnChart typeLineChart typeTimelineCheckCheck allCheck config file permissionsCheck for latest versionCheck privilegesCheck privileges for database "%s".Check referential integrity:Check tableCheck tables having overheadCheck the columns which are redundant and click on remove. If no redundant column, click on 'No redundant column'Check the columns which form a repeating group. If no such group, click on 'No repeating group'Checkpoint frequencyChecksum tableChoose "GeomFromText" from the "Function" column and paste the string below into the "Value" field.Choose column to displayChoose column to display:Choose how you want tabs to work.Choose the default action when sending error reports.Choose which details to show in the database structure (list of tables).ClearClear fast filterClickClick a data point to view and possibly edit the data row.Click on the bar to scroll to top of pageClick reset zoom button to come back to original state.Click the drop-down arrow
to toggle column's visibility.Click to dismiss this notificationClick to mark/unmark.Click to sort results by this column.Click to sort.Click to toggleCloseClosedCoalesceCollapseCollapse allCollationCollationArabicCollationArmenianCollationBalticCollationBinaryCollationBulgarianCollationBurmeseCollationCentral EuropeanCollationChineseCollationClassical LatinCollationCroatianCollationCyrillicCollationCzechCollationCzech-SlovakCollationDanishCollationEnglishCollationEsperantoCollationEstonianCollationGeorgianCollationGerman (dictionary order)CollationGerman (phone book order)CollationGreekCollationHebrewCollationHungarianCollationIcelandicCollationJapaneseCollationKoreanCollationLatvianCollationLithuanianCollationPersianCollationPolishCollationRomanianCollationRussianCollationSimplified ChineseCollationSinhaleseCollationSlovakCollationSlovenianCollationSpanish (modern)CollationSpanish (traditional)CollationSwedishCollationThaiCollationTraditional ChineseCollationTurkishCollationUkrainianCollationUnicodeCollationUnknownCollationVietnameseCollationWest EuropeanCollation variantaccent-insensitiveCollation variantaccent-sensitiveCollation variantbinaryCollation variantcase-insensitiveCollation variantcase-sensitiveCollation variantkana-sensitiveCollation variantmulti-levelCollation variantno-padCollation:ColumnColumn aliasColumn information tableColumn maximum:Column minimum:Column names in first rowColumn names:Column names: Column selectorColumn:ColumnsColumns enclosed withColumns enclosed with:Columns escaped withColumns escaped with:Columns separated with:Columns terminated withCommandCommentComment:CommentsComposite with:Compress connectionCompress connection to MySQL server.Compress gzip exports on the fly without the need for much memory; if you encounter problems with created gzip files disable this feature.Compress on the flyCompressed export will not work due to missing function %s.Compressed import will not work due to missing function %s.CompressionCompression:Config authenticationConfiguration contains incorrect data for some fields.Configuration fileConfiguration not saved!Configuration of pmadb…Configuration saved.Configuration storageConfigure phpMyAdmin configuration storage to gain access to additional features, see [doc@linked-tables]phpMyAdmin configuration storage[/doc] in documentation.Configure two-factor authenticationConfirmConfirm DROP queriesConfirm disabling two-factor authenticationConfirm partial dependenciesConfirm transitive dependenciesConnection for controluser as defined in your configuration failed.Connection:ConnectionsConnections / ProcessesConsoleConsole heightConsole modeConstraint propertiesConstraints for dumped tablesConstraints for tableContent of table @TABLE@ContinueContinue insertion with %s rowsContinued table captionContributeControl hostControl portControl userControl user passwordConvert to KanaConverts Boolean values to text (default 'T' and 'F'). First option is for TRUE, second for FALSE. Nonzero=true.Converts an Internet network address in (IPv4/IPv6) format to binaryCopyCopy column name.Copy database toCopy tableCopy table to (database.table)Copy table with prefixCopy tables toCopy to clipboardCopying databaseCopying failed!Correctly workingOKCould not add %1$s as they already exist in central list!Could not add columns!Could not connect to the database server!Could not import configurationCould not load class "%1$s"Could not load default configuration from: %1$sCould not load export plugins, please check your installation!Could not load import plugins, please check your installation!Could not load schema plugins, please check your installation!Could not load the progress of the import.Could not parse OpenDocument Spreadsheet!Could not remove columns!Could not save favorite table!Could not save recent table!Could not save table UI preferences!Couldn't remove Column(s) %1$s as they don't exist in central columns list!CountCreateCreate %sCreate PHP codeCreate a page and save to itCreate an index on  %s columnsCreate bookmarkCreate composite indexCreate databaseCreate new columnNewCreate new databaseNewCreate new eventNewCreate new functionNewCreate new indexNewCreate new procedureNewCreate new tableNewCreate new triggerNewCreate new userNewCreate new viewNewCreate relationshipCreate single-column indexCreate tableCreate the following tableCreate the needed tables with the %screate_tables.sql.Create version %1$sCreate viewCreatedCreationCreation/Update/Check datesCreation:Criteria:Current selection does not contain a unique column. Grid edit, Edit, Copy and Delete features may result in undesired behavior. %sCurrent selection does not contain a unique column. Grid edit, checkbox, Edit, Copy and Delete features are not available. %sCurrent server:Current settingsCurrently running Git revision %1$s from the %2$s branch.CustomCustom - display all possible optionsCustom - display all possible options to configureCustom - like above, but without the quick/custom choiceCustomize appearance of the navigation panel.Customize browse mode.Customize default common import options.Customize default export options.Customize default optionsCustomize default options.Customize edit mode.Customize links shown in SQL Query boxes.Customize startup page.Customize text input fields.Customize the navigation tree.DROP columns %s from the table %sDataData creation optionsData dictionaryData directoryData dump optionsData file grow sizeData filesData home directoryData lengthData log thresholdData onlyData point contentData pointer sizeData:DatabaseDatabase %1$s has been copied to %2$s.Database %1$s has been created.Database %1$s has been renamed to %2$s.Database %s has been dropped.Database LogDatabase client version:Database commentDatabase comment:Database for user accountDatabase level tabsDatabase nameDatabase name templateDatabase operationsDatabase seems to be empty!Database serverDatabase structureDatabase system or older MySQL server to maximize output compatibility with:Database tree separatorDatabase used for relations, bookmarks, and PDF features. See [doc@linked-tables]pmadb[/doc] for complete information. Leave blank for no support. Suggested: [kbd]phpmyadmin[/kbd].Database-level tabsDatabase:DatabasesDatabases display options.Databases:DateDebug SQLDecDecemberDefaultDefault database tabDefault format; be aware that this list depends on location (database, table) and only SQL is always available.Default languageDefault serverDefault server tabDefault sort order for tables with a primary key.Default sorting orderDefault table tabDefault theme %s not found!Default titleDefault transformationsDefault transformations for Bool2TextDefault transformations for DateFormatDefault transformations for ExternalDefault transformations for HexDefault transformations for InlineDefault transformations for PreApPendDefault transformations for SubstringDefault transformations for TextImageLinkDefault transformations for TextLinkDefault value for foreign key checks checkbox for some queries.Define how long (in seconds) a login cookie is valid.Define whether the previous login should be recalled or not in [kbd]cookie[/kbd] authentication mode.Defined aliasesDefines how long (in seconds) a login cookie should be stored in browser. The default of 0 means that it will be kept for the existing session only, and will be deleted as soon as you close the browser window. This is recommended for non-trusted environments.Defines the list of statements the auto-creation uses for new versions.Defines the maximum size for input fields generated for CHAR and VARCHAR columns.Defines the minimum number of items (tables, views, routines and events) to display a filter box.Defines the minimum size for input fields generated for CHAR and VARCHAR columns.Defines whether SQL queries generated by phpMyAdmin should be displayed.Defines whether or not type fields should be initially displayed in edit/insert mode.Defines whether the query box should stay on-screen after its submission.Defines which type of editing controls should be used for CHAR and VARCHAR columns; [kbd]input[/kbd] - allows limiting of input length, [kbd]textarea[/kbd] - allows newlines in columns.DefinitionDefragment tableDelDel:Delayed insertsDeleteDelete all cookies on logoutDelete bookmarkDelete data or tableDelete entry from tracking report?Delete pageDelete pagesDelete relationshipDelete settingsDelete the matches for the %s table?Delete the table (DROP)Delete trackingDelete tracking data for these tables?Delete tracking data for these versions?Delete tracking data for this table?Delete tracking data for this version?Delete versionDeletingDeleting tracking dataDelimiterDescendingDescriptionDesignerDesigner and PDF schema: table coordinatesDetailsDetails…DeveloperDifferentialDirect linksDirectionDirectory [code]config[/code], which is used by the setup script, still exists in your phpMyAdmin directory. It is strongly recommended to remove it once phpMyAdmin has been configured. Otherwise the security of your server may be compromised by unauthorized people downloading your configuration.Directory on server where you can upload files for import.Directory where exports can be saved on server.Dirty pagesDisableDisable %sDisable foreign key checksDisable multi table maintenanceDisable shortcut keysDisable some of the warnings shown by phpMyAdmin.Disable the default warning that is displayed on the Structure page if column names in a table are reserved MySQL words.Disable the default warning that is displayed on the database details Structure page if any of the required tables for the phpMyAdmin configuration storage could not be found.Disable the default warning that is displayed on the main page if Suhosin is detected.Disable the default warning that is displayed on the main page if the value of the PHP setting session.gc_maxlifetime is less than the value of `LoginCookieValidity`.Disable the table maintenance mass operations, like optimizing or repairing the selected tables of a database.Disable two-factor authenticationDisable use of INFORMATION_SCHEMADisabledDisallow BLOB and BINARY columns from editing.DisplayDisplay FeaturesDisplay chartDisplay column for relationshipsDisplay column was successfully updated.Display columns tableDisplay commentsDisplay comments (includes info such as export timestamp, PHP version, and server version)Display foreign key relationshipsDisplay formatTableDisplay logoDisplay media (MIME) typesDisplay order:Display relational schemaDisplay server choice at the top of the navigation panel.Display servers as a listDisplay servers selectionDisplay the function fields in edit/insert mode.Displays a link to download this image.Distinct valuesDistributionDivided by %sDo a "query by example" (wildcard: "%")Do a "query by example" (wildcard: "%") for two different columnsDo not abort on INSERT errorDo not import empty rowsDo not use AUTO_INCREMENT for zero valuesDo not use AUTO_INCREMENT for zero valuesDo you have a group of columns which on combining gives an existing column? For example, if you have first_name, last_name and full_name then combining first_name and last_name gives full_name which is redundant.Do you have a group of two or more columns that are closely related and are all repeating the same attribute? For example, a table that holds data on books might have columns such as book_id, author1, author2, author3 and so on which form a repeating group. In this case a new table (book_id, author) should be created.Do you have any column which can be split into more than one column? For example: address can be split into street, city, country and zip.Do you really want to DROP the selected partition(s)? This will also DELETE the data related to the selected partition(s)!Do you really want to RESET SLAVE?Do you really want to TRUNCATE the selected partition(s)?Do you really want to delete the search "%s"?Do you really want to delete the selected items?Do you really want to delete this bookmark?Do you really want to delete this central column?Do you really want to delete user group "%s"?Do you really want to execute "%s"?Do you really want to execute the following query?Do you really want to remove partitioning?Do you really want to revoke the selected user(s) ?Do you really want to see all of the rows? For a big table this could crash the browser.Do you want to copy encryption key?Do you want to import remaining settings?Do you want to save the changes to the current page?DocumentationDocumentation and further information about PBXT can be found on the %sPrimeBase XT Home Page%s.Does not require SSL-encrypted connections.DonateDoneDouble clickDouble size of textarea for LONGTEXT columns.Double-click to copy column name.DownloadDrag to reorderDrag to reorder.DropDrop files hereDrop the database (DROP)Dropping Foreign key.Dropping Primary Key/IndexDropping columnDump TIMESTAMP columns in UTC (enables TIMESTAMP columns to be dumped and reloaded between servers in different time zones)Dump all rowsDump binary columns in hexadecimal notation (for example, "abc" becomes 0x616263)Dump has been saved to file %s.Dump some row(s)Dump tableDumping dataDumping data for tableDuring current sessionENUM/SET editorESRI Shape FileEach point represents a data row.EditEdit eventEdit indexEdit modeEdit next rowEdit partitioningEdit privilegesEdit privileges:Edit serverEdit settings for %sEdit structure by following the "Structure" link.Edit/InsertEffectiveEiBEmptyEmpty phpMyAdmin control user password while using phpMyAdmin configuration storage!Empty phpMyAdmin control user while using phpMyAdmin configuration storage!Empty session dataEmpty signon URL while using [kbd]signon[/kbd] authentication method!Empty signon session name while using [kbd]signon[/kbd] authentication method!Empty the table (TRUNCATE)Empty username while using [kbd]config[/kbd] authentication method!EnableEnable %sEnable CodeMirrorEnable SSL for connection to MySQL server.Enable ZIP compression for import and export operations.Enable Zero Configuration modeEnable Zero Configuration mode which lets you setup phpMyAdmin configuration storage tables automatically.Enable autocomplete for table and column namesEnable bzip2 compression for import operations.Enable drag and drop importEnable foreign key checksEnable gzip compression for import and export operations.Enable highlightingEnable if you want DB-based query history (requires phpMyAdmin configuration storage). If disabled, this utilizes JS-routines to display query history (lost by window close).Enable linterEnable navigation tree expansionEnable statisticsEnable the Developer tab in settingsEnable two-factor authenticationEnable {concurrent_insert} by setting it to 1EnabledEnables check for latest version on main phpMyAdmin page.Enabling this allows a page located on a different domain to call phpMyAdmin inside a frame, and is a potential [strong]security hole[/strong] allowing cross-frame scripting (XSS) attacks.Enclose export in a transactionEnclose table and column names with backquotesEnclose table and column names with backquotes (Protects column and table names formed with special characters or keywords)Encoding Conversion:Encryption keyEnd of lineEnd of recurring eventEndEnd of stepEngineEnginesEnter each value in a separate field.Enter executes queries in consoleEnter server connection parameters.Enter your private key for your domain reCaptcha service.Enter your public key for your domain reCaptcha service.Enter:Entered captcha is wrong, try again!ErrorError code: %sError creating foreign key on %1$s (check data types)Error in processing requestError in processing!Error in reading file: The file '%s' does not exist or is not readable!Error moving the uploaded file, see [doc@faq1-11]FAQ 1.11[/doc].Error reading data for table %s:Error reading structure for table %s:Error text: %sError when evaluating: %sError while creating PDF:Error while loading the search.Error while moving uploaded file.Error while working with template cache: %sError.Error: FOREIGN KEY relationship could not be added!Error: FOREIGN KEY relationship could not be removed!Error: Internal relationship could not be added!Error: Internal relationship could not be removed!Error: Missing index on column(s).Error: Relational features are disabled!Error: Token mismatchError: relationship already exists.EventEvent nameEvent typeEventsEvents:Excel editionExcel edition:ExceptExclude definition of current userExecuteExecute queries on Enter and insert new line with Shift + EnterExecute queries on Enter and insert new line with Shift + Enter. To make this permanent, view settings.Execute this query again?Execution orderExisting configuration file (%s) is not readable.Existing settings will be overwritten!Existing templates:Exit fullscreenExpandExpand single databaseExpand/CollapseExplainExplain SQLExplain outputExportExport as separate filesExport contentsExport databases as separate filesExport defaultsExport metadataExport methodExport method:Export related metadata from phpMyAdmin configuration storageExport relational schemaExport schemaExport table headersExport table namesExport tables as separate filesExport templates tableExport templates:Export time in UTCExport typeExport views as tablesExporting databases from the current serverExporting rows from "%s" tableExporting tables from "%s" databaseExpressionExpression or column listExtraExtra parameters for iconvExtremely weakFOREIGN KEY relationship has been added.FOREIGN KEY relationship has been removed.FailedFailed attemptsFailed building chart grid with imported config. Resetting to default config…Failed calculating value for rule '%s'.Failed evaluating precondition for rule '%s'.Failed formatting string for rule '%s'.Failed parsing config file. It doesn't seem to be valid JSON code.Failed running test for rule '%s'.Failed security key activation (%s).Failed to cleanup table UI preferences (see $cfg['Servers'][$i]['MaxTableUiprefs'] %s)Failed to connect to the reCAPTCHA service!Failed to get description of column %s!Failed to get real row count.Failed to read configuration file!Failed to rename table %1$s to %2$s!Failed to set configured collation connection!Failed to write file to disk.Favorite List is full!Favorite tablesFavoritesFavorites tableFeaturesFebFebruaryFile %s already exists on server, change filename or check overwrite option.File could not be read!File is a symbolic linkFile may be compressed (%s) or uncompressed.File name template:File to import:File upload functionality for TEXT columns. It does not have a textarea for input.File upload stopped by extension.File uploads are not allowed on this server.File was not an uploaded file.FilesFilterFilter queries by word/regexp:Filter rowsFiltersFind and replaceFind and replace - previewFind any errors in the query before executing it. Requires CodeMirror to be enabled.Find partial dependenciesFind transitive dependenciesFind:First pageBeginFirst step of normalization (1NF)Flush (close) all tablesFlush query cacheFlush the table (FLUSH)Following settings will be applied globally and reset to default on server restart:For display OptionsFor each column below, please select the minimal set of columns among given set whose values combined together are sufficient to determine the value of the column.For each column below, please select the minimal set of columns among given set whose values combined together are sufficient to determine the value of the column.
Note: A column may have no transitive dependency, in that case you don't have to select any.Foreign key checksForeign key constraint %s has been droppedForeign key constraintsForeign key dropdown orderForeign key limitFormatFormat of imported fileFormat-specific options:Format:Formats text as JSON with syntax highlighting.Formats text as SQL query with syntax highlighting.Formats text as XML with syntax highlighting.Formatting SQL…FrFree memoryFree pagesFree swapFriFridayFromFrom general logFrom slow logFull textsFulltextFunctionFunction to use when dumping data:FunctionsFunctions:GLOBALS overwrite attemptGZipGZip output bufferingGarbage thresholdGarbled DataGeneralGeneral relation featuresGeneral settingsGenerateGenerate passwordGenerate password:Generation Time:GeometryGeometry %d:Get more themes!Get supportGiBGit information missing!Git revision:GlobalGoGo back to previous pageGo back to this pageGo to database: %sGo to link:Go to table: %sGo to view: %sGoodGrant all privileges on database %s.Grid editing: save all edited cells at onceGrid editing: trigger actionGroup items in the navigation tree (determined by the separator defined in the Databases and Tables tabs above).Group items in the treeGroup name:Group queriesGroup queries, ignoring variable data in WHERE clausesGroupsGroups:HTTP Basic Auth Realm name to display when doing HTTP Auth.HTTP RealmHTTP authenticationHandlerHave a primary keyHelpHidden navigation items tableHideHide argumentsHide browser transformationHide databasesHide databases matching regular expression (PCRE).Hide find and replace criteriaHide panelHide partial dependencies listHide query boxHide search criteriaHide search resultsHide table structure actionsHide traceHide/Show allHide/Show tables with no relationshipHighlight pointerHighlight row pointed by the mouse cursor.Highlight selected rows.Highlight server under the mouse cursor.Hint: Please follow the procedure carefully in order to obtain correct normalizationHistoryHomeHostHost authorization orderHost authorization rulesHost nameHost name:Host:Hostname where MySQL server is running.HourHovering over a point will show its label.How many queries are kept in history.How many rows can be inserted at one time.How many temporary files mysqld has created.How to display the menu tabsHow to display various action linksHow to useHowever on last run no data has been parsed, this usually means phpMyAdmin won't be able to finish this import unless you increase php time limits.IDIconsIf TRUE, logout deletes cookies for all servers; when set to FALSE, logout only occurs for the current server. Setting this to FALSE makes it easy to forget to log out from other servers when connected to multiple servers.If enabled, phpMyAdmin continues computing multiple-statement queries even if one of the queries failed.If enabled, user can enter any MySQL server in login form for cookie auth.If it's not possible to make existing column combinations as primary keyIf the data in each row of the file is not in the same order as in the database, list the corresponding column names here. Column names must be separated by commas and not enclosed in quotations.If the temporary file used for fast MyISAM index creation would be larger than using the key cache by the amount specified here, prefer the key cache method.If this value is greater than 1, MyISAM table indexes are created in parallel (each index in its own thread) during the repair by sorting process.If using [kbd]cookie[/kbd] authentication and %sLogin cookie store%s is not 0, %sLogin cookie validity%s must be set to a value less or equal to it.If you experience any problems please submit a bug report manually.If you feel this is necessary, use additional protection settings - %1$shost authentication%2$s settings and %3$strusted proxies list%4%s. However, IP-based protection may not be reliable if your IP belongs to an ISP where thousands of users, including you, are connected to.IgnoreIgnore AllIgnore errorsIgnore multiple statement errorsIgnoring unsupported language code.Image preview hereImportImport / exportImport currencies ($5.00 to 5.00)Import currencies (ex. $5.00 to 5.00)Import defaultsImport from fileImport has been successfully finished, %d query executed.Import has been successfully finished, %d queries executed.Import monitor configurationImport percentages as proper decimals (12.00% to .12)Import percentages as proper decimals (ex. 12.00% to .12)Import statusImporting into the current serverImporting into the database "%s"Importing into the table "%s"Improve table structure (Normalization):In order to put the original table '%1$s' into Second normal form we need to create the following tables:In order to put the original table '%1$s' into Third normal form we need to create the following tables:In the navigation panel, replaces the database tree with a selectorInclude a timestamp of when databases were created, last updated, and last checkedInclude table captionIncomplete paramsIncorrect IP address: %sIncorrect value!Incorrect value:IndexIndex %s has been dropped.Index cache sizeIndex choice:Index directoryIndex lengthIndex name:Index type:IndexesIndexes for dumped tablesIndexes for tableIndicates that you have made changes to this page; you will be prompted for confirmation before abandoning changesInformationInitial state for slidersInline edit queryEdit inlineInner ringInner ring %d:InnoDB StatusInput proxies as [kbd]IP: trusted HTTP header[/kbd]. The following example specifies that phpMyAdmin should trust a HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR (X-Forwarded-For) header coming from the proxy[br][kbd] HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR[/kbd].Input transformationInput transformation optionsInsIns:InsertInsert another new rowInsert as new rowInsert as new row and ignore errorsInserted row id: %1$dInside column:Inside tables:Instead of INSERT statements, use:Insufficient space to save the file %s.Internal relationship has been added.Internal relationship has been removed.Internal relationshipsInternal relationships were successfully updated.Invalid authentication method set in configuration:Invalid authentication type!Invalid class name "%1$s", using default of "Node"Invalid column count in CSV input on line %d.Invalid database:Invalid format of CSV input on line %d.Invalid format of mediawiki input on line:
%s.Invalid parameter for CSV import: %sInvalid rule declaration on line %1$s, expected line %2$s of previous rule.Invalid rule declaration on line %s.Invalid server index: %sInvalid table nameInvalid table name:Is a foreign key.IssueIt appears your database uses routines;It appears your database uses views;It appears your table uses triggers;It seems that the connection to server has been lost. Please check your network connectivity and server status.JanJanuaryJavascript must be enabled past this point!JoinsJulJulyJump to Log tableJump to database '%s'Jump to database “%s”.JunJuneJustificationKey cacheKey is too short, it should have at least 32 characters.Key should contain letters, numbers [em]and[/em] special characters.KeynameKiBKillLaTeXLabelLabel columnLabel keyLabel key:Label:LandscapeLanguageLast checkLast check:Last pageEndLast updateLast update:Last versionLatched pagesLeave blank for defaults.Leave blank for no "persistent" favorite tables across sessions, suggested: [kbd]pma__favorite[/kbd].Leave blank for no "persistent" recently used tables across sessions, suggested: [kbd]pma__recent[/kbd].Leave blank for no "persistent" tables' UI preferences across sessions, suggested: [kbd]pma__table_uiprefs[/kbd].Leave blank for no PDF schema support, suggested: [kbd]pma__pdf_pages[/kbd].Leave blank for no PDF schema support, suggested: [kbd]pma__table_coords[/kbd].Leave blank for no QBE saved searches support, suggested: [kbd]pma__savedsearches[/kbd].Leave blank for no SQL query history support, suggested: [kbd]pma__history[/kbd].Leave blank for no SQL query tracking support, suggested: [kbd]pma__tracking[/kbd].Leave blank for no [doc@bookmarks@]bookmark[/doc] support, suggested: [kbd]pma__bookmark[/kbd]Leave blank for no [doc@relations@]relation-links[/doc] support, suggested: [kbd]pma__relation[/kbd].Leave blank for no central columns support, suggested: [kbd]pma__central_columns[/kbd].Leave blank for no column comments/media (MIME) types, suggested: [kbd]pma__column_info[/kbd].Leave blank for no export template support, suggested: [kbd]pma__export_templates[/kbd].Leave blank for no user preferences storage in database, suggested: [kbd]pma__userconfig[/kbd].Leave blank if not used.Leave blank to disable the feature to hide and show navigation items, suggested: [kbd]pma__navigationhiding[/kbd].Leave empty if not using config auth.LeftLength/ValueLength/ValuesLicenseLimit column charactersLimits number of table preferences which are stored in database, the oldest records are automatically removed.Lines terminated withLines terminated with:LinestringLinestring %d:Link not found!Link with main panelLink with main panel by highlighting the current database or table.Links toLinting is disabled for this query because it exceeds the maximum length.List of available transformations and their optionsList of changesList of trusted proxies for IP allow/denyLoading logsLoading…LocalLocal monitor configuration incompatible!Log SQL queries and their execution time, to be displayed in the consoleLog analysed, but no data found in this time span.Log buffer sizeLog cache sizeLog data loaded. Queries executed in this time span:Log file countLog file thresholdLog inLog nameLog outLog table filter optionsLogin cookie storeLogin cookie store is lower than cookie validity configured in phpMyAdmin, because of this, your login will expire sooner than configured in phpMyAdmin.Login cookie validityLogin cookie validity warningLogin without a password is forbidden by configuration (see AllowNoPassword)Logo link URLLogo link targetLogout URLMEDIA (MIME) TYPES FOR TABLEMain panelMake all columns atomicMake consistent with central listMarMarchMark used tables and make it possible to show databases with locked tables.Master connection:Matched rows:Max rowsMax. concurrent connectionsMax: %s%sMaximal length of created queryMaximal number of table preferences to storeMaximum databasesMaximum displayed SQL lengthMaximum execution timeMaximum items in branchMaximum items on first levelMaximum number of characters shown in any non-numeric column on browse view.Maximum number of characters used when a SQL query is displayed.Maximum number of databases displayed in database list.Maximum number of favorite tables; set 0 to disable.Maximum number of recently used tables; set 0 to disable.Maximum number of rows to displayMaximum number of tables displayed in table list.Maximum rows to plotMaximum size for input fieldMaximum size for temporary files on index creationMaximum size for temporary sort filesMaximum table tree depthMaximum tablesMaximum value:MayMay be approximate. Click on the number to get the exact count. See [doc@faq3-11]FAQ 3.11[/doc].May be approximate. See [doc@faq3-11]FAQ 3.11[/doc].Media (MIME) typeMedia (MIME) type:MediaWiki TableMemory limitMetadataMetadata for database %sMetadata for table %sMiBMicrosoft OfficeMicrosoft Word 2000Min rowsMinimum number of databases to display the database filter boxMinimum number of items to display the filter boxMinimum size for input fieldMinimum value:MinuteMissing a temporary folder.Missing connection parameters!Missing data for %sMissing information to delete the search.Missing information to load the search.Missing information to save the bookmarked search.Missing parameter:Missing phpMyAdmin configuration storage tablesMissing value in the form!MoModifications have been savedModify:MonMondayMonitorMonitor refresh failedMoreMore information on [a@https://github.com/phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin/issues/8970]phpMyAdmin issue tracker[/a] and [a@https://bugs.mysql.com/19588]MySQL Bugs[/a]More settingsMove MenuMove columnMove repeating groupsMove table to (database.table)Multi-table queryMyISAM concurrent insertsMySQL Spatial Extension does not support ESRI type "%s".MySQL accepts additional values not selectable by the datepicker; key in those values directly if desiredMySQL accepts additional values not selectable by the slider; key in those values directly if desiredMySQL reserved word warningMySQL returned an empty result set (i.e. zero rows).MySQL said: NONameName (Ascending)Name (Descending)Native MySQL authenticationNatural orderNavigation panelNavigation panel settingsNavigation panel widthNavigation treeNever send error reportsNew bookmarkNew column nameNew database nameNew nameNew pageNew page nameNew serverNew table nameNew template:Next monthNextNext pageNextNoNo PasswordNo PrivilegesNo SQL query was set to fetch data.No Transitive dependencies possible as the table doesn't have any non primary key columnsNo Two-Factor AuthenticationNo accounts selected.No activity within %s seconds; please log in again.No bookmarksNo changeNo column selected.No columns in the central list. Make sure the Central columns list for database %s has columns that are not present in the current table.No data foundNo data to displayNo data was received to import. Either no file name was submitted, or the file size exceeded the maximum size permitted by your PHP configuration. See [doc@faq1-16]FAQ 1.16[/doc].No databasesNo databases selected.No dependencies selected!No event with name %1$s found in database %2$s.No files available on server for import!No index defined!No index parts defined!No numeric columns present in the table to plot.No parameters found!No partial dependencies found!No partial dependencies possible as no non-primary column exists since primary key ( %1$s ) is composed of all the columns in the table.No partial dependencies possible as the primary key ( %1$s ) has just one column.No partial dependencies selected!No partitioning defined!No passwordNo preview available.No previously auto-saved query is available. Loading default query.No privilegesNo privileges to create databasesNo redundant columnNo repeating groupNo routine is exportable. Required privileges may be lacking.No routine with name %1$s found in database %2$s.No row selected.No such columnNo tables found in database.No tables selected.No trigger with name %1$s found in database %2$s.No valid image path for theme %s found!No versions selected.Node groupNoneNone encoding conversionNoneNone for defaultNoneNone privilegesNoneNot a non-negative number!Not a positive number!Not a valid port number!Not enough privilege to view server variables and settings. %sNot replicatedNote: Enabling the database statistics here might cause heavy traffic between the web server and the MySQL server.Note: If the file contains multiple tables, they will be combined into one.Note: a, b -> d,f implies values of columns a and b combined together can determine values of column d and column f.NovNovemberNowhereNullNumber of columnsNumber of columns for CHAR/VARCHAR textareas.Number of inserted rowsNumber of queries to skip from start.Number of rows displayed when browsing a result set. If the result set contains more rows, "Previous" and "Next" links will be shown.Number of rows for CHAR/VARCHAR textareas.Number of rows per pageNumber of rows:Number of tables:OFFOKONObject creation optionsObject creation options (all are recommended)OctOctoberOfficial HomepageOne or more errors have occurred while processing your request:Only INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE and REPLACE SQL queries containing transactional engine tables can be rolled back.Only show keysOnly single-table UPDATE and DELETE queries can be simulated.OpenOpen new phpMyAdmin windowOpen pageOpen the linked page in the main window ([kbd]main[/kbd]) or in a new one ([kbd]new[/kbd]).OpenDocument SpreadsheetOpenDocument TextOperationsOperatorOptimizeOptimize tableOptionsOrOr alternately go to 'Operations' tab of any database to set it up there.Or:OrderOrder byOrder by:Order of the tablesOrder:OrientationOriginal lengthOriginal positionOriginal stringOtherOther core settingsOther options:Outer ringOuter ring:OutputOutput pretty-printed JSON (Use human-readable formatting)Output:OverheadOverviewOverwrite existing file(s)PDF export pagePDF schema: pages tablePHP Version:PHP extension:PHP version:PackedPage namePage number:Page titlesPage to deletePage to openPage-related settingsPages containing dataPages to be flushedPaper sizeParametersParser:Partial import:Partial import: allow interruptPartial import: skip queriesPartial textsPartitionPartition %sPartition by:Partition maintenancePartition tablePartitioned by:PartitionsPartitions:PasswordPassword Hashing MethodPassword Hashing:Password for config authPassword is too long!Password:Pause monitorPermanent query historyPersistent connectionsPersistent favorite tablesPiBPickPick from Central ColumnsPin textPlease add at least one variable to the series!Please answer the following question(s) carefully to obtain a correct normalization.Please be patient, the file is being uploaded. Details about the upload are not available.Please check privileges of directory containing database.Please enter a valid HEX inputPlease enter a valid URLPlease enter a valid credit card numberPlease enter a valid database name.Please enter a valid datePlease enter a valid date ( ISO )Please enter a valid date or timePlease enter a valid email addressPlease enter a valid hexadecimal string. Valid characters are 0-9, A-F.Please enter a valid length!Please enter a valid numberPlease enter a valid number!Please enter a valid page namePlease enter a valid table name.Please enter a value between {0} and {1}Please enter a value between {0} and {1} characters longPlease enter a value greater than or equal to {0}Please enter a value less than or equal to {0}Please enter at least {0} charactersPlease enter no more than {0} charactersPlease enter only digitsPlease enter the SQL query first.Please enter the same value againPlease fix this fieldPlease look at the bottom of this window.Please note that enabling this has no effect with [kbd]config[/kbd] authentication mode because the password is hard coded in the configuration file; this does not limit the ability to execute the same command directly.Please note that phpMyAdmin is just a user interface and its features do not limit MySQL.Please provide a name for this bookmarked search.Please select a page to continuePlease select column(s) for the index.Please select the file you want to import.Please select the primary key or a unique key!PluginPluginsPointPoint %dPoint %d:Point:PolygonPolygon %d:Port on which MySQL server is listening, leave empty for default.Port:PortraitPositionPossible performance issuesPrefixPress Ctrl+Enter to execute queryPress Enter to execute queryPress escape to cancel editing.Preview SQLPrevious import timed out, after resubmitting will continue from position %d.Previous monthPrevPrevious pagePreviousPrimaryPrimary key added.Primary key already exists.Primary key default sort orderPrintPrint viewPrivate key for reCaptchaPrivilegesProcedureProceduresProcedures:ProcessesProcessing requestProfilingProfiling resultsProgressProtect binary columnsProtocol version:Proxy passwordProxy urlProxy usernamePublic key for reCaptchaPurpose:Put columns names in the first rowPut columns names in the first row:QBE saved searches tableQueried timeQueries are executed by pressing Enter (instead of Ctrl+Enter). New lines will be inserted with Shift+Enter.QueryQuery by exampleQuery cacheQuery cache efficiencyQuery cache usageQuery cache usedQuery errorQuery failedQuery history lengthQuery results operationsQuery statisticsQuery took %01.4f seconds.Query windowQuestionsQuickQuick - display only the minimal optionsQuick - display only the minimal options to configureRELATIONSHIPS FOR TABLERange searchRe-type:Read as multibytesRead missesRead misses in %Read requestsRebuildRecall user nameReceivedRecentRecent tablesRecently used tableRecently used tablesRecoding engineRecommendationRecord cache sizeReferenced by %s.RefreshRefresh rateRelation tableRelation viewRelational displayRelational keyRelational schemaRelationship operatorRelationshipsReloadReload navigation panelReload pageRemember file name templateRemember table's sortingRemembering Designer SettingsRemove CRLF characters within columnsRemove carriage return/line feed characters within columnsRemove databaseRemove from FavoritesRemove from central columnsRemove partitioningRemove redundant columnsRemove selectedRemove selected user accountsRemove this columnRemoving Selected UsersRename database toRename exported databases/tables/columnsRename table toRename toRenaming databasesRepairRepair tableRepair threadsRepeat headersRepeat the headers every X cells, [kbd]0[/kbd] deactivates this feature.ReplaceReplace NULL withReplace NULL with:Replace table with prefixReplace with:Replaced stringReplicatedReplicationReportReport title:RequeryRequest aborted!!Request failed!!Requires SSL-encrypted connections.ResetReset allReset to defaultReset zoomRestore column orderRestore default valueRestrict login to MySQL serverRestricts the MySQL servers the user can enter when a login to an arbitrary MySQL server is enabled by matching the IP or hostname of the MySQL server to the given regular expression.Resume monitorRetain query boxRetry to connectRevokeRightRight-click the column name to copy it to your clipboard.RoutineRoutine-specific privilegesRoutinesRow file grow sizeRow markerRow to begin at:RowsRows:Rule detailsRun SQL query/queries on server “%s”Run SQL query/queries on table %sSCHEMA ERROR: SHA256 password authenticationSQLSQL Query ConsoleSQL Query boxSQL compatibility modeSQL compatibility mode:SQL historySQL queriesSQL queries settings.SQL querySQL query history tableSQL query on database %s:SQL query tracking tableSQL query:SaSame width for all tablesSatSaturdaySaveSave & closeSave as JSON fileSave as PHP fileSave as fileSave chart as imageSave directorySave edited dataSave on serverSave on server in the directory %sSave output to a fileSave pageSave page asSave to selected pageSaved bookmarked search:Saved on: @DATE@Saving export templatesSchema of the %s databaseSchema of the %s database - Page %sScript timeout passed, if you want to finish import, please %sresubmit the same file%s and import will resume.Scroll down to fill in the options for the selected format and ignore the options for other formats.SearchSearch in databaseSearch this listSearch this tableSearch:SearchingSecondSecond step of normalization (1NF+2NF)Second step of normalization (2NF)Secret passphrase used for encrypting cookies in [kbd]cookie[/kbd] authentication.SecuritySecurity typeSee %sour documentation%s for more information.See [doc@authentication-modes]authentication types[/doc] for an example.See moreSee table structureSelect Export Relational TypeSelect Foreign KeySelect a column which can be split into more than one (on select of 'no such column', it'll move to next step).Select a column.Select a tableSelect a templateSelect allSelect at least one of the options!Select column:Select columns (at least one):Select database firstSelect database:Select from the web server upload directory %s:Select one…Select pageSelect referenced keySelect table:Select two columnsSelect two different columnsSelect up to what step you want to normalizeSelect which functions will be used for character set conversion.Selected dependencies are as follows:Selected partial dependencies are as follows:Selected repeating group has been moved to the table '%s'Send error reportSend error reportsSentSepSeptemberSeries column:Series in chart:Series:ServerServer %dServer Choice:Server IDServer charset:Server configurationServer connection collationServer connection collation:Server connection:Server defaultServer hostnameServer level tabsServer name templateServer portServer running with Suhosin. Please refer to %sdocumentation%s for possible issues.Server socketServer type:Server version:Server-level tabsServer:ServersServers display options.Session timezoneSet defaultSet import and export directories and compression options.Set log_output to %sSet long_query_time to %d seconds.Set some commonly used options.Set the number of seconds a script is allowed to run ([kbd]0[/kbd] for no limit).Set to 0 to collapse navigation panel.Set value: %sSets the effective timezone; possibly different than the one from your database serverSetting variable failedSettingsSettings for phpMyAdmin developers.Settings for the table structure (list of columns).Settings that didn't fit anywhere else.Share this bookmarkShift+Click to add this column to ORDER BY clause or to toggle ASC/DESC.
- Ctrl+Click or Alt+Click (Mac: Shift+Option+Click) to remove column from ORDER BY clauseShort month nameMayShort week day nameSunShowShow "Drop database" link to normal usersShow BLOB contentsShow PHP informationShow SQL queriesShow allShow argumentsShow binary contentsShow colorShow column commentsShow createShow create database formShow creation timestampShow current browsing queryShow databases navigation as treeShow detailed MySQL server informationShow events in treeShow field typesShow find and replace criteriaShow formShow full queriesShow function fieldsShow functions in treeShow gridShow hidden itemsShow hidden messagesShow hidden navigation tree items.Show hintShow insert queryShow last check timestampShow last update timestampShow logo in navigation panel.Show master statusShow me the central list of columns that are not already in this tableShow me the possible partial dependencies based on data in the tableShow only activeShow only listed databasesShow open tablesShow or hide a column displaying the Creation timestamp for all tables.Show or hide a column displaying the Last check timestamp for all tables.Show or hide a column displaying the Last update timestamp for all tables.Show or hide a column displaying the charset for all tables.Show or hide a column displaying the comments for all tables.Show panelShow password change formShow phpinfo() linkShow procedures in treeShow query boxShow query history at startShow report detailsShow row links anywayShow search criteriaShow search resultsShow server listing as a list instead of a drop down.Show slave hostsShow slave statusShow statisticsShow table charsetShow table commentsShow tables in treeShow traceShow views in treeShow/Hide tables listShow/hide columnsShow:Showing %1$d bookmark (both private and shared)Showing %1$d bookmarks (both private and shared)Showing SQL queryShowing bookmarkShowing rows %1$s - %2$s.Showing rows %1s - %2sShows link to [a@https://php.net/manual/function.phpinfo.php]phpinfo()[/a] output.Signon URLSignon authenticationSignon session nameSimilar to the CHAR type, but stores binary byte strings rather than non-binary character stringsSimilar to the VARCHAR type, but stores binary byte strings rather than non-binary character stringsSimple two-factor authenticationSimulate querySince grouping of INSERTs queries has been selected, INSERT queries into the same table are also being grouped together, disregarding of the inserted data.Sit tight! It may take few seconds depending on data size and column count of the table.SizeSkip Explain SQLSkip locked tablesSkip tables larger than %s MiBSkip this number of queries (for SQL) starting from the first one:Small/Big AllSnap to gridSocket on which MySQL server is listening, leave empty for default.Some error occurred while getting SQL debug info.Some errors have been detected on the server!SortSort buffer sizeSort by key:Sort order for items in a foreign-key dropdown box; [kbd]content[/kbd] is the referenced data, [kbd]id[/kbd] is the key value.Sort order:Sort:SortingSource database `%s` was not found!SpatialSpatial Reference System IdentifierSRID:Spatial columnSpecify browser's title bar text. Refer to [doc@faq6-27]documentation[/doc] for magic strings that can be used to get special values.Stand inStand-in structure for viewStart auto refreshStart of recurring eventStartStart row:StartupStateStatements to trackStatic analysis:StatusStepStep 1.Step 2.Step 3.Stop auto refreshStorage EngineStorage enginesStores and enables efficient access to data in JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) documentsString that separates databases into different tree levels.String that separates tables into different tree levels.StrongStructureStructure and dataStructure for viewStructure for view %s exported as a tableStructure of %sStructure of table @TABLE@Structure onlyStructure snapshotStructure:SuSubmitSubmit QuerySubmit error reportSubmit querySubmitted form contains errorsSubpartitionSubpartition by:Subpartitions:SucceededSuccessSuccess!Success.Successfully copied!Successfully deleted the pageSuhosin warningSumSum of grouped rows:SunSundaySwitch to %svisual builder%sSwitch to copied databaseSwitch to copied tableSwitch to dark themeSynonym for DOUBLE (exception: in REAL_AS_FLOAT SQL mode it is a synonym for FLOAT)Syntax highlighted CodeMirror editor for JSON.Syntax highlighted CodeMirror editor for SQL.Syntax highlighted CodeMirror editor for XML (and HTML).Syntax to use when inserting dataSyntax to use when inserting data:System CPU usageSystem memorySystem swapTab that is displayed when entering a database.Tab that is displayed when entering a server.Tab that is displayed when entering a table.TableTable %1$s has been altered successfully.Table %1$s has been altered successfully. Privileges have been adjusted.Table %1$s has been renamed to %2$s.Table %s has been copied to %s.Table %s has been copied to %s. Privileges have been adjusted.Table %s has been dropped.Table %s has been emptied.Table %s has been flushed.Table %s has been moved to %s.Table %s has been moved to %s. Privileges have been adjusted.Table aliasTable captionTable caption (continued):Table caption:Table commentsTable comments:Table is already in Third normal form!Table is already in second normal form.Table level tabsTable maintenanceTable nameTable name templateTable navigation barTable of contentsTable optionsTable searchTable spaceTable structureTable structure for tableTable to describe the display columns, leave blank for no support; suggested: [kbd]pma__table_info[/kbd].Table tree separatorTable-level tabsTable:TablesTables display options.Tables:TabsTake itTaking you to next step…Taking you to the target site.Target databaseTarget database `%s` was not found!Target for quick access iconTarget for second quick access iconTemplate nameTemplate was created.Template was deleted.Template was loaded.Template was updated.Template:Temporary dataTestTextText fieldsTextarea columnsTextarea rowsTextarea size (columns) in edit mode, this value will be emphasized for SQL query textareas (*2).Textarea size (rows) in edit mode, this value will be emphasized for SQL query textareas (*2).Texy! textThThank you for submitting this report.The $cfg['TempDir'] (%s) is not accessible. phpMyAdmin is not able to cache templates and will be slow because of this.The %s extension is missing. Please check your PHP configuration.The %s file is not available on this system, please visit %s for more information.The %s functionality is affected by a known bug, see %sThe %s table doesn't exist!The amount of data written to the transaction log before a checkpoint is performed. The default value is 24MB.The amount of memory allocated to the transaction log cache used to cache on transaction log data. The default is 16MB.The bookmark has been deleted.The buffer that is allocated when sorting MyISAM indexes during a REPAIR TABLE or when creating indexes with CREATE INDEX or ALTER TABLE.The central list of columns for the current database is emptyThe chart arrangement configuration in your browsers local storage is not compatible anymore to the newer version of the monitor dialog. It is very likely that your current configuration will not work anymore. Please reset your configuration to default in the Settings menu.The columns have been moved successfully.The common part of the directory path for all InnoDB data files.The configuration file now needs a secret passphrase (blowfish_secret).The configuration storage is not ready for the central list of columns feature.The configured two factor authentication is not available, please install missing dependencies.The curl extension was not found and allow_url_fopen is disabled. Due to this some features such as error reporting or version check are disabled.The database name is empty!The database name is not known for this query in the server's logs.The default pointer size in bytes, to be used by CREATE TABLE for MyISAM tables when no MAX_ROWS option is specified.The definition of a stored function must contain a RETURN statement!The directory you set for upload work cannot be reached.The file being uploaded is probably larger than the maximum allowed size or this is a known bug in webkit based (Safari, Google Chrome, Arora etc.) browsers.The file is being processed, please be patient.The first line of the file contains the table column names (if this is unchecked, the first line will become part of the data)The first step of normalization is complete for table '%s'.The following actions will be performed:The following structures have either been created or altered. Here you can:The grow size of the handle data (.xtd) files.The grow size of the row pointer (.xtr) files.The host name is empty!The imported file does not contain any data!The increment size for extending the size of an autoextending tablespace when it becomes full.The indexes %1$s and %2$s seem to be equal and one of them could possibly be removed.The maximum size of a data log file. The default value is 64MB. PBXT can create a maximum of 32000 data logs, which are used by all tables. So the value of this variable can be increased to increase the total amount of data that can be stored in the database.The maximum size of the temporary file MySQL is allowed to use while re-creating a MyISAM index (during REPAIR TABLE, ALTER TABLE, or LOAD DATA INFILE).The mbstring PHP extension was not found and you seem to be using a multibyte charset. Without the mbstring extension phpMyAdmin is unable to split strings correctly and it may result in unexpected results.The mode for automatic recovery of crashed MyISAM tables, as set via the --myisam-recover server startup option.The name '%s' is a MySQL reserved keyword.The names '%s' are MySQL reserved keywords.The name of the primary key must be "PRIMARY"!The number of INSERT DELAYED rows written.The number of bytes a script is allowed to allocate, eg. [kbd]32M[/kbd] ([kbd]-1[/kbd] for no limit and [kbd]0[/kbd] for no change).The number of executed FLUSH statements.The number of failed attempts to connect to the MySQL server.The number of internal COMMIT statements.The number of internal ROLLBACK statements.The number of items that can be displayed on each page of the navigation tree.The number of items that can be displayed on each page on the first level of the navigation tree.The number of times a row was deleted from a table.The password for authenticating with the proxy.The password is empty!The passwords aren't the same!The percentage of garbage in a data log file before it is compacted. This is a value between 1 and 99. The default is 50.The phpMyAdmin configuration storage has been deactivated. %sFind out why%s.The phpMyAdmin configuration storage is not completely configured, some extended features have been deactivated. %sFind out why%s. The plot can be resized by dragging it along the bottom right corner.The primary key ( %1$s ) consists of more than one column so we need to find the partial dependencies.The primary key has been dropped.The requested page was not found in the history, it may have expired.The row has been deleted.The second step of normalization is complete for table '%1$s'.The secret passphrase in configuration (blowfish_secret) is too short.The server is not responding (or the local server's socket is not correctly configured).The server is not responding.The size of a transaction log before rollover, and a new log is created. The default value is 16MB.The size of the buffer used when writing a data log. The default is 256MB. The engine allocates one buffer per thread, but only if the thread is required to write a data log.The size of the global transaction log buffer (the engine allocates 2 buffers of this size). The default is 1MB.The size of the memory buffer InnoDB uses to cache data and indexes of its tables.The table already exists in the designer and can not be added once more.Table %s already exists!The table name is empty!The third step of normalization is complete.The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form.The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini.The uploaded file was only partially uploaded.The url of the proxy to be used when retrieving the information about the latest version of phpMyAdmin or when submitting error reports. You need this if the server where phpMyAdmin is installed does not have direct access to the internet. The format is: "hostname:portnumber".The user name is empty!The username for authenticating with the proxy. By default, no authentication is performed. If a username is supplied, Basic Authentication will be performed. No other types of authentication are currently supported.The web server does not have permission to save the file %s.ThemeTheme %s not found!Theme path not found for theme %s!Theme:There are large item groups in navigation panel which may affect the performance. Consider disabling item grouping in the navigation panel.There are no favorite tables.There are no files to upload!There are no recent tables.There is no detailed status information available for this storage engine.There is no primary key; please add one.
Hint: A primary key is a column (or combination of columns) that uniquely identify all rows.There was a problem accessing your browser storage, some features may not work properly for you. It is likely that the browser doesn't support storage or the quota limit has been reached. In Firefox, corrupted storage can also cause such a problem, clearing your "Offline Website Data" might help. In Safari, such problem is commonly caused by "Private Mode Browsing".There was an error importing the ESRI shape file: "%s".These are Edit, Copy and Delete links.Third step of normalization (1NF+2NF+3NF)Third step of normalization (3NF)This %soption%s should be disabled as it allows attackers to bruteforce login to any MySQL server. If you feel this is necessary, use %srestrict login to MySQL server%s or %strusted proxies list%s. However, IP-based protection with trusted proxies list may not be reliable if your IP belongs to an ISP where thousands of users, including you, are connected to.This HostThis MySQL server does not support the %s storage engine.This action may change some of the columns definition.
Are you sure you want to continue?This column shows the amount of identical queries that are grouped together. However only the SQL query itself has been used as a grouping criteria, so the other attributes of queries, such as start time, may differ.This field is requiredThis format has no optionsThis hostThis is the amount of memory allocated to the index cache. Default value is 32MB. The memory allocated here is used only for caching index pages.This is the amount of memory allocated to the record cache used to cache table data. The default value is 32MB. This memory is used to cache changes to the handle data (.xtd) and row pointer (.xtr) files.This is the number of transaction log files (pbxt/system/xlog*.xt) the system will maintain. If the number of logs exceeds this value then old logs will be deleted, otherwise they are renamed and given the next highest number.This list is based on a subset of the table's data and is not necessarily accurate. This method requires using an 'SSL connection' or an 'unencrypted connection that encrypts the password using RSA'; while connecting to the server.This operation could take a long time. Proceed anyway?This operation will attempt to convert your data to the new collation. In rare cases, especially where a character doesn't exist in the new collation, this process could cause the data to appear incorrectly under the new collation; in this case we suggest you revert to the original collation and refer to the tips at This plugin does not support compressed imports!This report automatically includes data about the error and information about relevant configuration settings. It will be sent to the phpMyAdmin team for debugging the error.This setting is disabled, it will not be applied to your configuration.This table does not contain a unique column. Features related to the grid edit, checkbox, Edit, Copy and Delete links may not work after saving.This usually means there is a syntax error in it, please check any errors shown below.This value is interpreted using %1$sstrftime%2$s, so you can use time formatting strings. Additionally the following transformations will happen: %3$s. Other text will be kept as is. See the %4$sFAQ%5$s for details.This value should be double checked to ensure that this directory is neither world accessible nor readable or writable by other users on your server.This view has at least this number of rows. Please refer to %sdocumentation%s.Thread %s was successfully killed.ThreadsThrough this operation, MySQL attempts to map the data values between collations. If the character sets are incompatible, there may be data loss and this lost data may NOT be recoverable simply by changing back the column collation(s). To convert existing data, it is suggested to use the column(s) editing feature (the "Change" Link) on the table structure page. ThuThursdayTiBTimeTime takenTime taken:Timed out waiting for security key activation.Title of browser window when a database is selected.Title of browser window when a server is selected.Title of browser window when a table is selected.Title of browser window when nothing is selected.ToTo zoom in, select a section of the plot with the mouse.TodayToggle relationship linesToggle small/bigToo many error messages, some are not displayed.TotalTotal TimeTotal memoryTotal swapTotal time:Total:Track tableTrack viewTracked tablesTrackingTracking data deleted successfully.Tracking of changes made in database. Requires the phpMyAdmin configuration storage.Tracking reportTracking versions deleted successfully.TrafficTransaction buffer sizeTransaction coordinatorTrigger action timeTimeTriggersTruncateTruncate shown queriesTruncate table before insertTuTueTuesdayTwo-factor authenticationTwo-factor authentication failed.Two-factor authentication failed: %sTwo-factor authentication has been configured.Two-factor authentication has been removed.Two-factor authentication is not available, enable phpMyAdmin configuration storage to use it.Two-factor authentication statusTypeType to filter these, Enter to search allUI preferences tableURL where logo in the navigation panel will point to.Unable to use timezone "%1$s" for server %2$d. Please check your configuration setting for [em]$cfg['Servers'][%3$d]['SessionTimeZone'][/em]. phpMyAdmin is currently using the default time zone of the database server.Uncheck the checkbox to disable drag and drop importUnexpected character on line %1$s. Expected tab, but found "%2$s".Unexpected characters on line %s.Ungroup queriesUniqueUnitUnknownUnknown errorUnknown error in file upload.Unknown storage engine.Unknown table status:Unlink from main panelUnselect allUntitledUntracked tablesUpdateUpdate QueryUpdate bookmarkUpdate data when duplicate keys found on importUpdate data when duplicate keys found on import (add ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE)Update queryUpdatedUpload directoryUploading your import file…Use %s statementUse GZip output buffering for increased speed in HTTP transfers.Use LOCAL keywordUse OpenStreetMaps as Base LayerUse SSLUse TAB key to move from value to value, or CTRL+arrows to move anywhere.Use TablesUse database searchUse delayed insertsUse hexadecimal for BINARY & BLOBUse host tableUse ignore insertsUse natural order for sorting table and database names.Use only icons, only text or both.Use persistent connections to MySQL databases.Use regular expressionUse this column in criteriaUse this column to label each pointUse this valueUse user-friendly editor for editing SQL queries (CodeMirror) with syntax highlighting and line numbers.Used memoryUsed swapUsed variable / formulaUserUser accountUser accountsUser for config authUser groupUser groups tableUser nameUser name:User preferencesUser preferences storage tableUser:UsernameUsername:UsersUsers cannot set a higher valueUsers tableValidation failed for the input string %s.ValueValue Column:Value for the column "%s"Value must be less than or equal to %s!ValuesValues for a new columnValues for column %sValues for options list for default transformations. These will be overwritten if transformation is filled in at table structure page.VariableVariable %d:VariablesVerbose name of this serverVersionVersion %1$s of %2$s was deleted.Version %1$s was created for selected tables, tracking is active for them.Version checkVersion informationVersion information:VersionsVery weakViewView %s has been dropped.View a structure's contents by clicking on its name.View dump (schema) of databaseView in fullscreenView onlyView output as textView structureView usersViewsViews:VirtualityVisualize GIS dataWarningWarning: a form on this page has more than %d fields. On submission, some of the fields might be ignored, due to PHP's max_input_vars configuration.WarningsWeWeakWeb serverWedWednesdayWelcomeWelcome to %sWell Known BinaryWell Known TextWhen browsing tables, the sorting of each table is remembered.When disabled, users cannot set any of the options below, regardless of the checkbox on the right.Where to show the table row linksWhether a DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS statement will be added as first line to the log when creating a database.Whether a DROP TABLE IF EXISTS statement will be added as first line to the log when creating a table.Whether a DROP VIEW IF EXISTS statement will be added as first line to the log when creating a view.Whether a user should be displayed a "show all (rows)" button.Whether a warning ("Are your really sure…") should be displayed when you're about to lose data.Whether column comments should be shown in table structure viewWhether the table structure actions should be hidden.Whether the tracking mechanism creates versions for tables and views automatically.Whether to expand single database in the navigation tree automatically.Whether to offer the possibility of tree expansion in the navigation panel.Whether to show events under database in the navigation treeWhether to show functions under database in the navigation treeWhether to show hint or not.Whether to show procedures under database in the navigation treeWhether to show row links even in the absence of a unique key.Whether to show tables under database in the navigation treeWhether to show views under database in the navigation treeWhile requesting new chart data the server returned an invalid response. This is most likely because your session expired. Reloading the page and reentering your credentials should help.With selected:Without PHP codeWkWords are separated by a space character (" ").Words or values to search for (wildcard: "%"):Write requestsWrite waitsWrite waits in %Wrong permissions on configuration file, should not be world writable!Wrong username/password. Access denied.XXMLYY ValuesY valuesYESYear suffixnoneYesYou allow for connecting to the server without a password.You are about to DESTROY a complete database!You are about to DESTROY a complete table!You are about to TRUNCATE a complete table!You are not allowed to log in to this MySQL server!You are trying to reduce the number of rows, but have already entered data in those rows which will be lost. Do you wish to continue?You are using the demo server. You can do anything here, but please do not change root, debian-sys-maint and pma users. More information is available at %s.You attempted to load file with unsupported compression (%s). Either support for it is not implemented or disabled by your configuration.You can also edit most values
by clicking directly on them.You can also edit most values
by double-clicking directly on them.You can enter hostname/IP address and port separated by space.You can use MySQL wildcard characters (% and _), escape them if you want to use their literal instances, i.e. use [kbd]'my\_db'[/kbd] and not [kbd]'my_db'[/kbd].You can't change these variables. Please log in as root or contact your database administrator.You didn't have blowfish secret set and have enabled [kbd]cookie[/kbd] authentication, so a key was automatically generated for you. It is used to encrypt cookies; you don't need to remember it.You don't have sufficient privileges to perform this operation; Please refer to the documentation for more detailsYou have a previously saved query. Click Get auto-saved query to load the query.You have edited some data and they have not been saved. Are you sure you want to leave this page before saving the data?You have enabled mbstring.func_overload in your PHP configuration. This option is incompatible with phpMyAdmin and might cause some data to be corrupted!You have no saved settings!You have to choose at least one column to display!You have unsaved changes; are you sure you want to leave this page?You haven't saved the changes in the layout. They will be lost if you don't save them. Do you want to continue?You may also drag and drop a file on any page.You may examine the data in the error report:You may want to refresh the page.You probably did not create a configuration file. You might want to use the %1$ssetup script%2$s to create one.You probably tried to upload a file that is too large. Please refer to %sdocumentation%s for a workaround for this limit.You set the [kbd]config[/kbd] authentication type and included username and password for auto-login, which is not a desirable option for live hosts. Anyone who knows or guesses your phpMyAdmin URL can directly access your phpMyAdmin panel. Set %1$sauthentication type%2$s to [kbd]cookie[/kbd] or [kbd]http[/kbd].You should upgrade to %s %s or later.You should upgrade, to a stable version of MySQL 5.5.You should use SSL connections if your database server supports it.You were logged out from one server, to logout completely from phpMyAdmin, you need to logout from all servers.Your PHP parameter [a@https://secure.php.net/manual/en/session.configuration.php#ini.session.gc-maxlifetime@_blank]session.gc_maxlifetime[/a] is lower than cookie validity configured in phpMyAdmin, because of this, your login might expire sooner than configured in phpMyAdmin.Your SQL query has been executed successfully.Your export is incomplete, due to a low execution time limit at the PHP level!Your server is running with default values for the controluser and password (controlpass) and is open to intrusion; you really should fix this security weakness by changing the password for controluser 'pma'.Your session has expired. Please log in again.ZIPZoom search[ROLLBACK occurred.][kbd]SMART[/kbd] - i.e. descending order for columns of type TIME, DATE, DATETIME and TIMESTAMP, ascending order otherwise.activeafter %salias export may not work reliably in all cases.all of the wordsand thenas regular expressionascendingat beginning of tableat least one of the wordsauthored on %1$s by %2$sboth of the aboveboth of the above
      Example: INSERT INTO tbl_name (col_A,col_B,col_C) VALUES (1,2,3), (4,5,6), (7,8,9)calendar-month-yearcancelcolumn(s)committed on %1$s by %2$scomplete insertsconcurrent_insert is set to 0criteriadatadate and time typesDate and timedeleteddeletingdescendingdisableddisplay columndynamiceventextended insertsfirstfor defaultNonefor media (MIME) type transformationDescriptiongeneral_log and slow_query_log are enabled.general_log is enabled.globalgzippedin useinactiveinclude column names in every INSERT statement
      Example: INSERT INTO tbl_name (col_A,col_B,col_C) VALUES (1,2,3)insert multiple rows in every INSERT statement
      Example: INSERT INTO tbl_name VALUES (1,2,3), (4,5,6), (7,8,9)keylet the user chooselog_output is not set to TABLE.log_output is set to TABLE.long_query_time is set to %d second(s).maximum %sneither of the aboveneither of the above
      Example: INSERT INTO tbl_name VALUES (1,2,3)no branchnot OKnot activenumeric typesNumericpagesper dayper hourper minuteper secondphpMyAdmin Demo ServerphpMyAdmin configuration snippetphpMyAdmin documentationphpMyAdmin homepagephpMyAdmin tried to connect to the MySQL server, and the server rejected the connection. You should check the host, username and password in your configuration and make sure that they correspond to the information given by the administrator of the MySQL server.phpMyAdmin was unable to kill thread %s. It probably has already been closed.possible exploitselect columnselect tablesharedslow_query_log and general_log are disabled.slow_query_log is enabled, but the server logs only queries that take longer than %d seconds. It is advisable to set this long_query_time 0-2 seconds, depending on your system.slow_query_log is enabled.spatial typesSpatialsplit into string typesStringstructurestructure and datasubquerythe exact phrase as substringthe exact phrase as whole fieldtriggerunavailableunknownup to dateuse this for future exportsvalue/subQuery is emptyweb server upload directory:zipped“%s”Project-Id-Version: phpMyAdmin 5.0.2-dev Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translators@phpmyadmin.net PO-Revision-Date: 2019-11-08 14:26+0000 Last-Translator: Giovanni Sora Language-Team: Interlingua Language: ia MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1; X-Generator: Weblate 3.10-dev "%s" non require le extension %sCommandos "DROP DATABASE" es dishabilitate.% Tempore%1$d base de datos ha essite delite con successo.%1$d bases de datos ha essite delite con successo.%1$d rango modificate.%1$d rangos modificate.%1$d rango delite.%1$d rangos delite.%1$d rango insertate.%1$d rangos insertate.%1$d total, %2$d in query%1$s (proxime a %2$s)%1$s ex ramo %2$s%1$s correspondentia in %2$s%1$s correspondentias in %2$sLe compression %1$sBzip2 e le decompression %2$s require functiones (%3$s) que non es disponibile sur iste systema.Le compression %1$sGZip e decompression%2$s require functiones (%3$s) que non es disponibile sur iste systema.%1$sValiditate de cookie de authentication%2$s major que %3$ssession.gc_maxlifetime%4$s pote causar mal validation casual de session (currentemente session.gc_maxlifetime es %5$d).%B %d, %Y a %I:%M %p%d errores esseva trovate durante le analysis.%d non es un valide numero de rangos.%d minuta%d minutas%d objecto(s) create.%d seconda"%d" secundas%d tabella/s%d total%s argumento(s) passate%s dies, %s horas, %s minutas e %s secundas%s ha essite dishabilitate sur iste servitor MySQL.%s es disponibile sur iste servitor MySQL.%s es le motor predefinite de immagazinage sur iste servitor MySQL.%s de %s%s queries executate %s vices in %s secundas.Uno %s resultato trovateAltere %s resultatos trovate%s tabula%s tabulasValor %s%s vista%s/sec.%sCreate%s un base de datos nominate 'phpmyadmin' e configura le configuration de immagazinage de phpMyAdmin ci.%sCreate%s mancante de tabellas de immagazinage de configuration de phpMyAdmin.%sCrea%s le immagazinage de configuration de phpMyAdmin in le base de datos currente.%sValiditate de cookie%s deberea esser fixate a 1800 secundas (30 minutas) al maximo. Valores major que 1800 crea un risco de securitate tal como impersonation.Le compression %s %sZip require functiones (%s) que non es disponibile sur tu systema.Le decompression %s %sZip require functiones (%s) que non es disponibile sur tu systema.'%1$s' depende de:(Vide a basso per le vista actual)(continua)(minus efficiente proque indices essera generate durante le creation del tabella)(singularmente)+ Adde un nove columna de clave primari+ Adde columna+ Adde un limite+ Monstra me le possibile dependentias partial basate sur le datos in le tabella,, @DATABASE@ devenira le nomine de base de datos, @TABLE@ devenira le nomine de tabella, ultime version stabile:- necun --- Necun --.Declarationes INSERT DELAYEDDeclarationes INSERT IGNORETotal: %count% correspondentiaTotal: %count% correspondentias@SERVER@ devenira le nomine de servitorLe extension de un integer de 1 byte, signate es ex -128 a 127, si non signate es ex 0 a 255Le extension de un integer de 2 bytes signate es ex -32,768 a 32,767, si non signate es ex 0 a 65,535Le extension de un integer de 3 bytes signate es ex -8,388,608 a 8,388,607, si non signate es ex 0 a 16,777,215Le extension de un integer de 4 bytes signate es ex -2,147,483,648 a 2,147,483,647, si non signate es ex 0 a 4,294,967,295Un columna de BLOB con un longitude maxime de 16,777,215 (2^24 - 1) bytes, immagazinate con un prefixo de 3 bytes indicante le longor del valorUn columna de BLOB con un longitude maxime de 255 (2^8 - 1) bytes, immagazinate con un prefixo indicante le longor del valorUn columna de BLOB con un longitude maxime de 4,294,967,295 or 4GiB (2^32 - 1) bytes, immagazinate con un prefixo de 4bytes indicante le longor del valorUn columna de BLOB con un longitude maxime de 65,535 (2^16 - 1) bytes, immagazinate con un prefixo de duo bytes indicante le longor del valorUn columna de TEXT con un longor maxime de 16,777,215 (2^24 - 1) characteres, immagazinate con un prefixo de 3 bytes indicante le valores in bytesUn columna de TEXT con un longor maxime de 255 (2^8 - 1) characteres, immagazinate con un prefixo de 1 byte indicante le valores in bytesUn columna de TEXT con un longor maxime de 4,294,967,295 or 4GiB (2^32 - 1) characteres, immagazinate con un prefixo de 4 bytes indicante le valores in bytesUn columna de TEXT con un longor maxime de 65,535 (2^16 - 1) characteres, immagazinate con un prefixo de 2 bytes indicante le valores in bytesUn typo de campo bit (M), immagazinante M bits per valor (predefinite 1, maxime es 64)Un collection de curvas con interpolation linear inter punctosUn collection de objectos de geometria de omne typoUn collection de punctosUn collection de polygonosLe nomine de un file comprimite debe terminar in .[format].[compression]. Exemplo:.sql.zipUn curva con interpolation linear inter punctosUn combination de data e tempore, extension supportate es ex %1$s a %2$sUn data, le extension supportate es ex %1$s a %2$sPro un numero a virgula/puncto mobile de duple precision, valores disponibile es ex -1.7976931348623157E+308 a -2.2250738585072014E-308, 0, e ex 2.2250738585072014E-308 a 1.7976931348623157E+308Un menu a rolar essera usate si on ha minus elementos presente.Un error fatal de JavaScript ha occurrite. Tu vole inviar un reporto de error?Un catena de longitude fixate (0-255, 1 predefinite) que es sempre plenate a dextera con spatios al longor specificate quando on immagazinavaIn un numero a virgula/puncto fixate (M,D) - le maxime numero de cifras (M) es 65 (predefinite 10), le maxime numero de decimales (D) es 30 (predefinite 0)Un version plus nove de phpMyAdmin es disponibile e tu deberea considerar su actualisation. Le version plus nove e %s, liverate le %s.Un puncto in un spatio a duo dimensionesUn polygonoUn singule valor, seligite ex un insimul usque 64 membrosPro un parve numero a virgula/puncto mobile, valores disponibile es ex -3.402823466E+38 a -1.175494351E-38, 0, e ex 1.175494351E-38 a 3.402823466E+38Un usator special de MySQL configurate con permissiones limitate, ulterior information disponibile sur [doc@linked-tables] 1documentation[/doc] 2.Un synonymo de TINYINT(1), un valor de zero es considerate false (false), valores de non zero es considerate ver (true)Un tempore, extension es ab %1$s a %2$sUn marca de tempore, extension es 1970-01-01 00:00:01 UTC to 2038-01-09 03:14:07 UTC, immagazinate como le numero de secundas ex le epocha (1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC)Un typo pote immagazinar un geometria de omne typoUn description de uso facile pro le usator de iste servitor. Lassa vacue pro monstrar , in loco, le nomine de hospite.Un catena de longitude variabile (%s), le effective maxime longor depende ex le maxime grandor de rangoUn anno in le formato de quatro cifras (4, per definition) o duo cifras, le valores permittite es ex 70 (1970) a 69 (2069) o ex 191 a 2155 e 0000AMPMAUTO_INCREMENT pro tabellas delite (dumped)AUTO_INCREMENT pro tabellaA_IAbortateIl ha circa %MIN min. %SEC sec. remanente.Il ha circa %SEC sec. remanente.Accesso negate!ActionActionesOptiones activeAddeAdde %d valor(es)Adde %sAdde %s columna(s)Adde %s columna(s) al indiceAdde declaration %sAdde valor de AUTO INCREMENTAdde valor de AUTO_INCREMENTAdde DROP DATABASEAdde DROP TABLEAdde DROP VIEWAdde IF NOT EXISTS (minus efficiente proque indices essera generate durante le creation del tabella)Adde ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATEAdde un linestringAdde un nove servitorAdde un punctoAdde un polygonoAdde un clave primari sur columna(s) existenteAdde un circulo interneAdde un option pro le columna "%s".Adde comoAdde marcator de libro o favoritoadde graphico a grilliaAdde columnaAdde columnas al lista centralAdde vinculosAdde un geometriaAdde indiceAdde nove columnaAdde prefixoAdde clave primariAdde le privilegios sur le sequente base(s) de datos:Adde le privilegios sur le sequente routine:Adde conditiones (corpore del clausula "where"):Adde declarationes:Adde prefixo de tabellaAdde tabulas ex altere bases de datosAdde a FavoritosAdde al columnas centralAdde conto de usatorAdde gruppo de usatorAdde/Dele columnasAdde/Dele rangos de criteriosAddente clave primariCommento de capite personalisate additional (\n per divider lineas):Ulterior criterios de cercaAdapta permissionesOptiones avantiateConfiguration avantiate de servitor, non modificar iste optiones a minus que tu sape lo que illos face.ConsultorSystema de advisorRangos implicate:TotalColumnaBase de datosTabellaAlias:OmnesOmne variabiles de statoPermitte cerca intra le integre base de datos.Permitte interruption de importation quando un script releva que il es vicin al limite de tempore. Isto poterea esser un bon modo pro importar files grande, totevia il pote interrumper transactiones.Permitte le accesso de authentication a ulle servitor MySQLPermitte accessos sin un contrasignoPermitte accesso de nivello root (radice)Permitte le interruption de un importation quando le script releva que il es proxime al limite de expiration de PHP. (Isto poterea esser un bon modo de importar grande files, totevia il pote interrumper transactiones.) Il permitte le inquadrar ab tertie partesPermitte monstrar omne rangosPermitte monstrar statisticas de base de datos e tabellas (pro exemplo uso de spatio).Permitte a usatores personalisar iste valorPermitte deler rangos historic.Permitte a le usator de dar a altere usatores o remover ab altere usatores privilegios que le usator possede sur iste routine.Alterar le ordine de tabella perExpande sempre messages de querySempre invia reportos de errorLe extension de un integer de 8 bytes signate es ex --9,223,372,036,854,775,808 a 9,223,372,036,854,775,807, si non signate es ex 0 a 18,446,744,073,709,551,615Un alias for BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT UNIQUEUn hospite alternative pro mantener le configuration de immagazinage: lassa vacue pro usar un hopite ja definite.Un porto alternative pro connecter al hospite que ja mantene le immagazinage de configuration; lassa vacue pro usar le porto predefinite, o un porto ja definite, si le hospite de controlo equala se a le hospite.Un entrata con iste nomine ja existe.Un enumeration,seligite ex le lista usque calores de 65,535 o le valor special de error "Un error ha essite relevate e un reporto de error ha essite submittite automaticamente basate sur tu preferentias.Un error ha essite relevate e un reporto de error ha essite generate ma il falleva esser inviate.Un error ha occurrite quando on incargava le monstrator de navigationAnalysa queryAnalysante e cargante registros. Iste operation poterea prender alcun tempore.Analysante registrosAnalysaExplication de Analysis a %sAnalysa tabellaAnalysante…E (And):Ligamines angularUn altere columnaOmneOmne hospiteOmne hospitePreferentias de apparentiaApplicaAprAprilTu es secur que tu vole modificar omne collationes e converter le datos?Tu es secur que tu vole modificar le collation e converter le datos?Tu es secur?A proposito de tu preferentias, illos es preste pro esser submittite currentemente, pro favor tu es patiente.AscendenteDemanda ante inviar reportos de errorAttributoAttributosAugAugustoAuthenticationApplication de Authentication (2FA)Plugin de AuthenticationCodice de authentication:Methodo de authentication de usar.Preferentias de authentication.Typo de authenticationAutorAuto completion del nomines de tabella e columna in le queries de SQL.Incremento de autoextend (extension automatic)Modo de recuperation automaticCrea automaticamente versionesInvia automaticamente le reporto le proxime viceTransformationes disponibile de monstrator de navigatorTransformationes de ingresso disponibileMonstra typos de media (MIME) disponibileCargo medieBRetroMal parametros!Mal typo!Preferentias basicPer su longitudine,
iste columna poterea non esser modificabile.Un area de texto plus grande pro LONGTEXTBinariDato binari - non modificaRegistro binariParametros BindSecreto BlowfishMarcator de libroMarcator de libro %s create.Marcator de libro non create!Tabella de marcatores de libroMarcatores de libroAmbesAmbe iste tabella e le tabella del gruppo de usator es requirite per habilitar le characteristica del menu configurabile, si on lassa un de lor vacue on dishabilitara iste characteristica, suggerite: [kbd]pma__users[/kbd].Ambe iste tabella e le tabella de usatores es requirite per habilitar le characteristica del menu configurabile, si on lassa un de lor vacue on dishabilitara iste characteristica, suggerite: [kbd]pma__users[/kbd].NavigaNaviga inter valores externeModo de navigationCerca in tu computator:Naviga/Modifica le punctosTransformation de monstrator de navigatorOptiones de transformation de monstrator de navigatorNavigarPool de buffer (insimul commun de tampon)Activitate del Buffer Pool (Insimul commun de tampon)Usage de pool de bufferGrandor del pool de bufferMemoria de bufferConstrue QueryPaginas occupateBuytes recipiteBytes inviateBzip2Modifica columnas de CHARColumnas de area de texto CHARRangos de area de texto de CHARCREATE DATABASE ante copiarCSVCSV pro datos MS ExcelCSV usante LOAD DATAMemoria in cacheSwap in cacheAppellosIl non pote trovar le script per le authentication de signon:On non pote copiar tabella sur se mesme!On non pote mover tabella sur se mesme!Non pote renominar indice a PRIMARY!CancellaCancella requestaNon pote connecter se: fixationes invalide.Non pote copiar le base de datos al mesme nomine. Cambia le nomine e essaya de novo.On non pote authenticar se in le servitor de MySQLIl non pote leger le file incargate.Non pote renominar le base de datos al mesme nomine. Cambia le nomine e essaya de novoIl non pote salveguardar proprietate de UI "%s". Le modificationes non essera mantenite post que tu recarga iste pagina. Pro favor controla que le structura del tabella ha essite modificate.Il non pote salveguardar preferentias, le configuration submittite contine errores!Il non pote salveguardar preferentias, le forma submittite contine errores!CardinalitateColumnas centralTabella central de columnasModificaModifica omne collation de columnaModifica omne collationes de columnasModifica omne collationes de columnas de tabellasModifica ulle de su preferentias per pulsar le correspondente ligamine de "Optiones".Modifica contrasignoModifica preferentias de reportoModifica preferentiasTraciamento de modificationesModificante insimul de characteresInsimul de characteres del fileInsimul de characteres de file:Insimules de character e collationesInsimul de characteresInsimul de characteresGraphicoTitulo del graphicoTitulo del diagrammaTitulo del diagramma:AreaBarraColumnaLineaChronologiaVerificaMarca omnesVerifica permissiones de file de configurationVerifica le ultime versionVerifica le privilegiosVerifica le privilegios de base de datos "%s".Verifica le integritate referential:Verifica tabellaMarca tabellas que ha costos generalSelectiona le columnas que es redundante e pulsa super remove. Si on ha necun columna redundante, pulsa super 'Nulle columna redundante'Selectiona le columnas que forma un gruppo repetente. Si tal gruppo non existe, pulsa sur 'Nulle gruppo repetente'Frequentia de checkpoint (puncto de verifica)Tabella de checksumSelige "GeomFromText" (GeomExText) ex le columna "Function" e colla le catena a basso in le campo "Value" (Valor).Selige columna de monstrarSelige columna de monstrar:Selige como tu vole que le schedas functiona.Selige le action predefinite quando on invia reportos de error.Selige qual detalios monstrar in le structura de base de datos (lista de tabellas).NettaNetta filtro rapidePulsaPulsa sur un puncto de datos pro vider e forsan modificar le rango de datos.Pulsa sur le barra pro rolar al culmine del paginaPulsa le button de refixar le zoom pro reverter al stato original.Pulsa sur le flecha de disrolar
pro commutar le visibilitate del columna.Pulsa pro dimitter iste notificationPulsa pro seliger/deseliger.Pulsa pro ordinar exitos per iste columna.Pulsa pro ordinar.Pulsa pro alternarClaudeClauditeUniPlicaPlica totoCollationArabeArmenioBalticBinariBulgaroBirmanoEuropeo CentralChineseLatino classicoCroatoCyrillicChecoTcheco-SlovacoDaneseAngleseEsperantoEstonianoGeorgianoGermano (ordine de dictionario)Germano (ordine de libro de telephono)GrecoHebreoHungaroIslandeseJaponeseCoreanoLettonLituanoPersianoPoloneseRomanianoRussoChinese SimplificateSinhalese o SinhalaSlovacoSlovenoEspaniol (moderne)Espaniol (traditional)SvedeseThaiChinese TraditionalTurcoUkrainianoUnicodeIncogniteVietnameseEuropeo Occidentalinsensibile al accentosensibile al accentobinariinsensibile al differentia inter majusculas e minusculassensibile al differentia inter majusculas e minusculassensibile a kanamultinivellonecun-padColliger:ColumnaAlias de columnasTabella de information de columnaMaximo de columna:Minimo de columna:Nomines de columna in le prime rangoNomines de columna:Nomines de columna: Selector de columnasColumna:ColumnasColumnas includite perColumnas limitate per:Columnas prefixate perColumnas prefixate con:Columnas separate per:Columnas terminate perCommandoCommentoCommento:CommentosComposite con:Comprime connexionComprime connexion a servitor MySQL.Comprime exportationes de gzip immediatemente sin le necessitate de usar multe memoria, si tu incontra problemas con le files create gzip, tu dishabilita iste characteristica.Comprime immediatemente (al volo)Le exportation comprimite non functionara debite al function mancante %s.Le importation de datos comprimite non functionara debite al function mancante %s.CompressionCompression:Authentication via ConfigLe configuration contine datos incorrecte pro alcun campos.File de configurationConfiguration non salveguardate!Configuration de pmadb…Configuration salveguardate.Immagazinage de configurationConfigura phpMyAdmin immagazinage de configuration pro ganiar accesso a characteristicas additional, tu vide [doc@linked-tables]phpMyAdmin configuration storage[/doc] in documentation.Configura Authentication de duo factoresConfirmaConfirma queries de DROPConfirma deactivation de Authentication de duo factoresConfirma dependentias partialConfirma dependentias transitiveConnexion per usatores de controlo de usator (controluser) falleva como in tu configuration.Connexion:ConnexionesConnexiones/ProcessosConsoleAltessa de consoleModo de consoleLimita proprietatesLimites pro tabellas delite (dumped)Limites pro tabellaContento de tabella @TABLE@ContinuaContinua insertion con %s rangosSubtitulo continuate de tabellaContribueHospite de controloPorto de controloUsator de controloContrasigno de usator de controloConverte a KanaIl converte valores de Boolean a texto (predefinite 'T' e 'F'). Le prime option es per TRUE, le secunde per FALSE. Nonzero=true.Converte un adresse de rete Internet ab formato (IPv4/IPv6) a binariCopiaCopia nomine de columna.Copia base de datos inCopia tabellaCopia le tabella in (database.table)Copia tabella con prefixoCopia tabellas inCopia a area de transferentiaCopiante base de datosCopiar ha fallite!OKIl non pote adder %1$s proque illos jam existe in le list acentral!Il non pote adder columnas!Il non pote connecter a servitor de base de datos!Il non pote importar configurationIl non pote adder classe "%1$s"Il non pote incargar configuration predefinite ex: %1$sIl non pote cargar plugins de exportar, pro favor verifica tu installation!Il non es possibile cargar plugins de importar, pro favor tu verifica tu installation!Il non es possibile cargar plugins de schema, pro favor tu verifica tu installation!Il non pote incargar le progression del importation.Non pote analysar le folio de calculo de formato OpenDocument!Il non pote remover columnas!Il non pote salveguardar le tabella favorite!Il non pote salveguardar le tabella recente!Il non pote salveguarda preferentias UI de tabella!Il non pote remover Columna(s) %1$s proque illos non existe in le lista de columnas central!ComputoCreaCrea %sCrea codice PHPCrea un pagina e salveguarda a illoCrea un indice sur  %s columnasCrea marcator de libro o favoritoCrea indice compositeCrea base de datosNoveNoveNoveNoveNoveNoveNoveNoveNoveNoveCrea relationCrea indice de columna singuleCrea tabellaCrea le sequente tabellaCrea le tabella necessari con le %screate_tables.sql.Crea version %1$sCrea vistaCreateCreationCreation/Actualisation/Controlo datosCreation:Criterios:Selection currente non contine un unic columna. Functionalitates ligate al modificar grillia, modificar, copiar, e deler pote resultar in un comportamento indesiderate. %sSelection currente non contine un unic columna. Functionalitates ligate al modificar grillia, modificar, copiar, marcar, deler non es disponibile %sServitor currente:Preferentias currenteCurrentemente executante revision de Git %1$s ex le ramo %2$s.PersonalisatePersonalisate-monstra omne optiones possibilePersonalisate - monstra omne optiones possibile pro configurarPersonalisate - como supra, ma sin le selection de rapide/personalisatePersonalisa apparentia del pannello de navigation.Personalisa modo de navigation.Personalisa le optiones commun de importar predefinite.Personalisa le optiones de exportar predefinite.Personalisa optiones predefinitePersonalisa optiones predefinite.Personalisa le modo de modificar.Personalisa ligamines monstrate in le quadros de Query de SQL.Personalisa le pagina de initiar.Personalisa le campos de ingresso de texto.Personalisa le arbore de navigation.DROP (abandona) columnas %s ab le tabella %sDatosOptiones de creation de datosDictionario de datosDirectorio de datosOptiones del dump del datosGrandor de crescita de file de datosFiles de datosDirectorio principal o domo de datosLongessa de datosLimine del log (registro) de datosSolmente datosContento del puncto de datosGrandor de punctator de datosDatos:Base de datosLe base de datos %1$s ha essite copiate como %2$s.Le base de datos %1$s ha essite create.Le base de datos %1$s ha essite renominate como %2$s.Le base de datos %s ha essite delite.Registro de base de datosVersion del cliente de base de datos:Commento del base de datosCommento del base de datos:Base de datos pro conto de usatorSchedas de nivello de base de datosNomine de base de datosPatrono de nomine de base de datosOperationes de base de datosLe base de datos sembla esser vacue!Servitor de base de datosStructura de base de datosLe systema de base de datos o servitor MySQL plus vetere per maximisar compatibilitate de exito con:Separator de arbore de base de datosBase de datos usate pro relationes, marcatores de libro, e characteristicas de PDF. Vide [doc@linked-tables] 1pmadb[/doc] 2 pro le information complete. Lassa vacue pro nulle supporto. Suggerite: [kbd] 3phpmyadmin[/kbd].Schedas de nivello de base de datosBase de datos:Base de datosOptiones pro monstrar base de datos.Base de datos:DataDebug SQLDecDecembrePredefiniteTabulation predefinite pro base de datosFormato predefinite, tu nota que iste lista depende del location (base de datos, tabella) e solmente SQL es sempre disponibile.Linguage predefiniteServitor predefiniteTabulation de servitor predefiniteModo de ordinar predefinite pro tabellas con un clave primari.Modo de ordinar predefiniteTabulation predefinite de tabellaThema predefinite %s non trovate!Titulo predefiniteTransformationes predefiniteTransformationes predefinite per Bool2TextTransformationes predefinite per DateFormatTransformationes predefinite per ExternalTransformationes predefinite per HexTransformationes predefinite per InlineTransformationes predefinite per PreApPendTransformationes predefinite per Substring (subcatenas)Transformationes predefinite per TextImageLinkTransformationes predefinite per TextLinkValor predefinite pro le checkbox del controlo de clave externe pro alcun query.Defini quanto il debe esser longe (in secundas) le validitate de un cookie de authentication.Defini si le previe session de authentication deberea esser restaurate o non quando in modo de authentication de [kbd]cookie[/kbd].Aliases definiteIl defini pro quanto tempore (in secundas) un cookie de accesso deberea esser immagazinate in le navigator. Le valor predefinite de 0 significa que essera delite quando tu claude le fenestra del navigator. Isto es recommendate pro ambiente non digne de fide.Il defini le lista de declarationes que le auto-creation usa per nove versiones.Il defini le grandor maxime del campos generate pro columnas de CHAR e VARCHAR.Define le minime numero de elementos (tabellas, vistas, routines e eventos) de monstrar in le quadro de filtro.Il defini le grandor minime del campos de insertar generate pro columnas de CHAR e de VARCHAR.Il defini si queries SQL generate per PhpMyAdmin deberea esser monstrate.Il defini si o non campos de typo deberea esser monstrate initialmente in le modo de modifica/inserta.Il defini si le quadro de query deberea star sur-schermo post su submission.Il defini qual typo de controlos de modificar on usara pro insertar campos CHAR e VARCHAR; [kbd]input[/kbd] - permitte limitar le longitude del ingresso, [kbd]textarea[/kbd] - permitte insertar characteres de nove linea in columnas.DefinitionDefragmenta tabellaDeleDele:Insertiones retardateDeleDele omne cookies quando on exi (logout)Dele marcator de libroDele datos o tabellaDelite entrata ab le reporto de traciar?Dele paginaDele paginasDele relationDele fixationesDele le correspondentias pro le tabula %s ?Dele le tabella (DROP)Delite traciarDele datos traciante pro iste tabellas?Dele datos traciante pro iste versiones?Dele datos traciante pro iste tabella?Dele datos traciante pro iste version?Dele versionDelenteDelente datos de traciarDelimitatorDescendenteDescriptionDesignatorDesignator e Schema PDF: coordinatas de tabellaDetaliosDetalios…DisveloppatorDifferentialLigamines directeDirectionDirectorio [code]config[/code], que es usate in le script de configuration initial, ancora existe in tu dossier de phpMyAdmin. Il es fortemente recommendate remover lo quando on ha ja configurate phpMyAdmin. Alteremente le securitate de tu servbitor poterea esser compromittite per personas non authorisate discargante tu configuration.Directorio sur le servitor ubi tu pote incargar files de importar.Directorio ubi exportationes pote esser salveguardate sur le servitor.Paginas immundeDishabiitaDishabilita %sDishabilita le verificationes sur le clave estranieDishabilita le mantenentia multiple de tabellaDishabilita claves de via breveDishabilita alcun avisos monstrate per phpMyAdmin.Dishabilita le aviso predefinite que es monstrate sur le pagina de Structura si le nomines de columna in un tabella es parolas reservate de MySQL.Dishabilita le aviso predefinite que es monstrate sur le pagina de Structura de detalios de base de datos si alcun del tabella requirite pro le immagazinage de configuration de phpMyAdmin non poterea esser trovate.Dishabilita le aviso predefinite que es monstrate sur le pagina principal si on releva Suhosin.Dishabilita le aviso predefinite que es monstrate sur le pagina principal si le valor de le arrangiamento de PHP session.gc_maxlifetime es minor que le valor de `LoginCookieValidity`.Dishabilita le operationes massive de mantenentia de tabella, como optimisar o reparar le tabellas seligite de un base de datos.De-activa Authentication de duo factoresDishabilita uso de INFORMATION_SCHEMADishabilitaLeva le permission de columnas BLOB e BINARI pro esser modificate.MonstraMonstra characteristicasMonstra graphicoMonstra columna pro relationesColumna de monstrar esseva actualisate con successo.Monstra tabella de columnasMonstra commentosMonstra commentos (include como le timbro horari de exportation, version de PHP, e version de servitor)Monstra relationes de clave externeTabella (Tabula)Monstra logoMonstra typos de media (MIME)Ordine de monstrar:Monstra le schema relationalSelection de servitor de monstrator al culmine del pannello de navigation.Monstra servitores como un listaMonstra selection d servitoresMonstra le campos de function in le modo de modifica/inserta.Monstra un ligamine per discargar iste imagine.Valores distincteDistributionDividite per %sExecuta un "query ab exemplo"(metacharacter: "%")Executa un "query ab exemplo" (metacharacter "%s") pro duo columnas differenteNon aborta quando on ha un error de INSERTNon importa rangos vacueNon usa AUTO_INCREMENT pro valores de zeroNon usa AUTO_INCREMENT pro le valor zeroTu ha un gruppo de columnas que on combinar da un columna existente? Pro exemplo, si tu ha prime_nomine, nomine_de_familia e nomine_complete alora si on combina prime_nomine e nomine_de_familia le exito es que nomine_complete es redundante.Tu ha un gruppo de duo o plus columnas que es connectite strictemente e que omnes es repetente le mesme attributo? Per exemplo un tabella que mantene datos super libros poterea haber columnas tal como libro_id,autor2,autor2, autor3 et cetera que forma un gruppo de repetition. In iste caso un nove tabella (libro_id,autor) deberea esser create.Tu ha alcun columnas que on pote divider in plus que un columna? Pro exemplo adresse pote esser dividite in strata, citate, pais e zip.Vermente tu vole abandonar, i.e. executar un DROP sur, le partition(es) seligite? Isto anque DELERA le datos referite al partition(es) seligite!Tu es vermente secur que tu vole executar RESET SLAVE?Tu vermente vole TRUNCAR le partition(es) seligite?Tu es vermente secur que tu vole deler le cerca "%s"?Tu es vermente secur que tu vole deler le elementos seligite?Tu es vermente secur que tu vole deler iste marcator de libro?Tu es vermente secur que tu vole deler iste columna central?Tu es vermente secur que tu vole deler gruppo de usator "%s"?Tu es vermente secur que tu vole executar "%s"?Tu es secur que tu vermente vole executar le query sequente?Tu vermente vole remover le partitionemento?Tu es vermente secur que tu vole revocar le usator(es) seligite?Vermente tu vole vider omne rangos? Pro un grande tabella isto poterea vader in crash le navigator.Tu vole copiar le clave de cryptation?Tu vole importar preferentias remanente?Tu vole salveguardar le modificationes del pagina currente?DocumentationDocumentation e ulterior information re PBXT pote esser trovate a %sPrimeBase XT Home Page%s.Il non require connexiones cryptate SSL.DonaFaciteDuple pulsaDuple grandor de textarea (area de texto) pro columnas de LONGTEXT.Duple pulsa pro copiar le nomine de columna.DiscargaTrahe pro reordinarTrahe pro reordinar.Lassa caderDepone files hicDeler le base de datos (DROP)Abandonante clave estranie.Depone clave primari/indiceDepone columnaExeque le dump de columnas de TIMESTAMP in UTC (il habilita que columnas de TIMESTAMP pote esser discargate via dump e recargate inter servitores in differente fusos horari) Le dump de omne rangosExeque le dump de columnas binari in notation hexadecimal (pro exemplo, "abc" deveni 0x616263) Le discargamento (dump) ha essite salveguardate in file %s.Executa le dump de alicun rango(s)Dump (discargamento) de tabellaDump (discargamento) de datosDump del datos per le tabellaDurante session currenteEditor de ENUM/SETShape File ESRICata puncto representa un rango de datos.ModificaModifica eventoModifica indiceModo de modificarModifica nove rangoModifica partitionementoModifica privilegiosModifica privilegios:Modifica servitorModifica preferentias per %sModifica le structura per sequer le ligamine de "Structura".Modifica/InsertaEffectiveEiBVacuaVacua contrasigno de usator de controlo de phpMyAdmin durante que on usa pmadb!Vacua le usator de controlo de phpMyAdmin quando on usa phpMyAdmin configuration storage!Datos de session vacueVacua URL de signon quando on usa methodo de authentication de [kbd]signon[/kbd]!Vacua nomine de session de signon quando on usa methodo de authentication [kbd]signon[/kbd]!Vacua le tabella (TRUNCATE)Vacua nomine de usator quando on usa methodo de authentication de [kbd]config[/kbd]!HabilitaHabilita %sHabilita CodeMirrorHabilita SSL pro le connexion a servitor MySQL.Il habilita le compression ZIP per operationes de importation e exportation.Habilita modo de Configuration ZeroHabilita modo de Configuration Zero que te permitte configurar le configuration de tabellas de immagazinage de phpMyAdmin automaticamente.Habilita autocompletion pro nomines de tabella e columnaIl habilita le compression bzip2 per operationes de importation.Habilita le importation de traher e deponerHabilita le verificationes sur le clave estranieIl habilita le compression gzip per operationes de importation e exportation.Habilita evidentiarHabilita, si tu vole, le chronologia de query basate sur le DB (il require le immagazinage de configuration de phpMyAdmin). Si dishabilitate, isto utilisa functiones JS pro monstrar le chronologia de query (perdite quando on claude le fenestra).Habilita linterHabilita expansion de navigation de arboreHabilita statisticasHabilita le scheda del Disveloppator in preferentiasActiva Authentication de duo factoresHabilita (insertion concurrente) per poner lo a 1HabilitateHabilita le verifica del ultime version sur le pagina principal de phpMyAdmin.Si on habilita iste option, un pagina locate sur un differente dominio pro appellar phpMyAdmin intra un quadro, e il es un potential [strong]error de securitate[/strong] permittente attaccos de cross-frame scripting (XSS).Include exportation in un transactionInclude nomines de tabellas e columnas con virgulettasIncorpora nomine de tabella e columna con virgulettas (Protege le nomines de columna e tabella con characteres special o parolas clave)Conversion de codifica:Clave de cryptationFin del lineaFinFin del passoMotorMotoresInserta cata valor in un campo separate.Inserta queries de executar in consoleInserta parametros de connexion del servitor.Inserta tu clave private pro tu servicio de dominio reCaptcha.Inserta tu clave public pro le dominio servicio de reCaptcha.Inserta:Le captcha insertate es errate, essaya de novo!ErrorCodice de error: %sError quando on creava clave extranee sur %1$s (verifica typos de datos)Error in le requesta de tractamentoError in le tractamento!Error durante que on legeva le file: Le file '%s' non existe o non es legibile!Error quando on moveva le file incargate, vide [doc@faq1-11]FAQ 1.11[/doc].Error quando on lege datos per tabella %s:Error quando on lege le structura pro tabella %s:Texto de error: %sError durante que on valutava: %sError durante que on creava le PDF:Error quando on cargava le cerca.Error quando on moveva le file incargate.Error durante que on travaliava con cache de patrono : %sError.Error: FOREIGN_KEY - clave extranee - relation non poteva esser addite!Error: FOREIGN KEY - clave extranee - relation non poteva esser removite!Error: Relation interne non poteva esser addite!Error: Relation interne non poteva esser removite!Error: Il es mancante le indice sur le campo(s).Error: characteristicas relational es dishabilitate!Error: error de correspondentia in le indicio (token mismatch)Error: le relation ja existe.EventoNomine de eventoTypo de eventoEventosEventos:Edition de ExcelEdition de Excel:ExcepteExclude definition del usator currenteExecutaExecuta queries si on pressa Enter e on inserta nove rango con Shift+EnterExecuta queries si on pressa Enter e on inserta nove rango con Shift+Enter. Pro facer iste permanente, vide preferentias.Executa novemente iste query?Ordine de executarLe file de configuration existente (%s) non es legibile.Preferentias existente essera superscribite!Patronos existente:Abandona le modo de schermo integreExpandeExpande singule base de datosExpander/CollaberExplicaExplica SQLExplica le exitoExportaExporta como files separateExporta contentosExporta base de datos como files separateExporta le valores predefiniteExporta metadataMethodo de exportationMethodo de exportation:Exporta metadata referite ex immagazinage de configuration de phpMyAdminExporta le schema relationalExporta schemaExporta capites de tabellaExporta nomines de tabellaExporta tabellas como files separateExporta tabella de patronosPatronos de exportation:Exporta tempore in UTCTypo de exportationExporta vistas como tabellasExportante base de datos ex le servitor currenteExportante rangos ex tabella "%s"Exportante tabellas ex le base de datos "%s"ExpressionLista de expression o de columnaExtraParametros extra pro iconvExtrememente debileRelation de FOREIGN KEY ha essite addite.Relation de FOREIGN KEY ha essite removite.FalliteTentativas falliteIl falleva construer grillia de graphico con le configuration importate. On refixa al configuration predefinite…Il falleva computar le valor pro le regula '%s'.Il falleva evalutar le precondition pro le regula '%s'.Il falleva formattar catena pro regula '%s'.Le analysis de syntaxe del file falleva. Il sembla non esser un codice JSON valide.Il falleva executar test pro regula '%s'.Le activation de clave de securitate (%s) falleva.Il falleva nettar preferentias de UI de tabella (vide $cfg['Servers'][$i]['MaxTableUiprefs'] %s)Il falleva connecter a servicio de reCAPTCHA!Il falleva obtener description de columna %s!Il falleva obtener ver computo de rango.Il falleva leger le file de configuration!Il falleva renominar tabella ab %1$s a %2$s!Il falleva fixar connexion de collation configurate!Il falleva scriber sur disco.Lista de favoritos es complete!Tabellas favoriteFavoritosTabellas favoriteCharacteristicasFebFebruarioLe file %s ja existe sur le servitor, cambia le nomine de file o marca le option de superscriber.Le file non pote esser legite!File es un ligamine symbolicLe file pote esser comprimite (%s) o non comprimite.Patrono de nomine de file:File de importar:Functionalitate de incargamento de file per columnas de TEXT. Il non ha un textarea per le ingresso.Le incargamento del file esseva stoppate per le extension errate.Il non es permittite incargar files sur iste servitor.Le file non esseva un file incargate.FilesFiltraFiltra query per parola/regexp:Filtra rangosFiltrosTrova e reimplaciaTrova e reimplacia - vista preliminarTrova ulle errores in le query ante executar lo. Il require que CodeMirror esseva habilitate.Trova dependentias partialTrova dependentias transitiveTrova:InitioPrime passo de normalisation (1NF)Refresca (claude) omne tabellasRefresca cache de queryInitialisa le tabella (FLUSH)Le sequente preferentias essera applicate globalmente e refixate a valores predefinite quando on reinitia le servitor:Optiones pro monstrarPro cata columna a basso, pro favor selige le minime insimul de columnas inter le insimul date le cuje valores, combinate conjunctemente, es sufficiente per determinar le valor del columna.Pro cata columna a basso, pro favor selige le minime insimul inter le date insimul cuje valores combinate insimul es sufficiente pro determinar le valor del columna.
Nota: un columna pote haber nulle dependentia transitive, in ille caso tu non debe seliger ulle.Verificationes de clave externeLimites de clave externe %s ha essite abandonateLimites de clave externeOrdine del clave externe del menu a rolarLimite de clave externeFormatoFormato del file importateOptiones specific de formato:Formato:Formata texto como JSON con evidentia de syntaxe.Formata texto como query de SQL con evidentia de syntaxe.Formata texto como XML con evidentia de syntaxe.Formatante SQL…VeMemoria liberePaginas libereSwap libereVenVenerdiExEx registro generalEx slow logTextos completeTexto completeFunctionFunction de usar quando on face discargamento (dumping) de datos:FunctionesFunctiones:Tentativa de superscriber GLOBALSGZipBuffering de exito de GZipLimine de corbe (garbage)Datos confuseGeneralCharacteristicas general de relationPreferentias generalGeneraGenera contrasignoContrasigno generate:Tempore del generation:GeometriaGeometria %d:Obtene altere themas!Obtene supportoGiBInformation de git mancante!Revision de Git:GlobalVadeVade a previe paginaVade retro a iste paginaVade al base de datos: %sVade al ligamine:Vade a tabella: %sVade a vista: %sBonAccorda omnes privilegios sur base de datos "%s".Modification de grillia: salveguarda omne cellas modificate in un viceAction discatenante modifica de grilliaElementos de gruppo in le arbore de navigation (determinate per le separator definite in le base de datos e schedas de tabellas de supra).Elementos de gruppo in le arboreNomine de gruppo:Gruppa QueriesGruppa query per ignorar datos variabile in propositiones de WHEREGrupposGruppos:Nomine de HTTP Basic Auth Realm (Dominio de auyhorisation basic de Http) quando on face HTTP Auth.Sphera HTTPAuthentication via HTTPManipulatorHa un clave primariAdjutaTabella de elementos de navigation celateCelaCela argumentosCela transformation de navigatorCela base de datosCela base de datos coincidente con le expression regular (PCRE).Cela criterios de cercar e de reimplaciarCela pannelloCela lista de dependentias partialCela quadro de queryCela criterios de cercaCela exitos de cercaCela actiones de structura de tabellaCela traciaCela/monstra totoCela/Monstra tabellas con necun relationEvidentia le punctatorEvidentia rangos punctate per le cursor del mus.Evidentia rangos selectionate.Evidentia servitor sub le cursor del mus.Adjuta: Pro favor tu seque le procedura con attention pro obtener un normalisation correcteChronologiaDomo o Pagina de InitioHospiteOrdine de autorisation o permission de hospiteRegulas de autorisation o permission de hospiteNomine de hospiteNomine de hospite:Hospite:Nomine de hospite ubi le servitor de MySQL es executante.HoraSi on flotta sur un puncto, il monstrara su etiquetta.Quante queries es mantenite in historia.Quante rangos on debe insertar in un vice.Le numero de files temporanee create per mysqld.Como monstrar le schedas de menuComom monstrar varie ligamines de actionComo usarIl le ultime executation on non tractava alcun dato, usualmente isto significa que le tempore limite ponite in le configuration es troppo basse pro permitter a phpMyAdmin terminar le operation.IDIconesSi TRUE (ver), le processo de abandonar (logout) remove omne cookies pro omne le servitores; si FALSE, le processo de logout solmente occurre pro le servitor currente, Si on fixa isto a FALSE il es facile oblidar de abandonar (logout) altere servitores quando on connecte a servitores multiple.Si habilitate, phpMyAdmin continua computar queries de instruction-multiple anque si un query es fallente.Si habilitate, le usator potera insertar ulle servitor MySQL in le forma de accesso per autorisation de cookie.Il non es possibile facer combinationes de columnas existente como clave primariSi le datos in cata rango del file non es in le mesme ordine que in le base de datos, tu specifica hic le nomines de columna correspondente. Nomines de columna debe esser separate per virgulas e non includite in citationes.Si le file temporanee usate per le creation rapide de indice MyISAM esserea plus grande que le uso del cache de clave per le quantitate specificate ci, tu prefere le methodo de cache de clave.Si iste valor es plus grande que 1, le indices de tabella MyISAM essera create in parallel (cata indice in su proprie thread) durante le processo de ordinar per reparation (Repair by).Si on usa le authentication de [kbd]cookie[/kbd] e %sLogin cookie store%s non es 0, %s le validate de cookie %s debe esser fixate a un valor minus o equal a illo.Si tu ha experientia de ulle problema, pro favor tu submitte un reporto de error (bug) manualmente.Si tu crede que isto es necessari, usa preferentias additional de protection - preferentias de %1$sauthentication de ospite%2$s e %%3$slista de proxy digne de fide%4%s. Totevia, le protection basate sur IP poterea non esser digne de fide, si tu IP pertine a un ISP ubi milles de usatores, includente te, es connectite.IgnoraIgnora OmneIgnora erroresIgnora errores de instruction multipleIgnorante codice de linguage non supportate.Vista preliminar de imagine hicImportaImporta / exportaImporta numerarios ($5.00 a 5.00)Importa numerario (ex. $5.00 to 5.00)Importa valores predefiniteImporta ex fileImportation executate con successo, %d demanda executate.Importation executate con successo, %d demandas executate.Importa configuration de monitorImporta percentages como proprie decimales (2.00% a .12)Importa percentage como valores decimal (ex. 12.00% to .12)Importa statoImportante in le currente servitorImportante in le base de datos "%s"Importante in le tabella "%s"Meliora structura de tabella (Normalisation):Pro poner le tabella original '%1$s' in le Secunde forma normal on necessita crear le tabellas sequente:Pro poner le tabella original '%1$s' in le Tertie forma normal on necessita crear le tabellas sequente:In le pannello de navigation, reimplacia le arbore de base de datos con un selectorInclude un timestamp (marca de tempore) de quando le base de datos esseva create, le ultime actualisation e le ultime controloInclude subtitulo de tabellaParametros incompleteAdresse de IP incorrecte: %sValor incorrecte!Valor incorrecte:IndiceIndice %s ha essite delite.Grandor de cache de indiceSelection de indice:Directorio indiceLongessa de IndiceNomine de indice:Typo de indice:IndicesIndices pro tabellas delite (dumped)Indices pro tabellaIndicante que tu ha facite modificationes a iste pagina; tu essera demandate de confirmar ante abandonar modificationesInformationStato initial pro glissatoresModifica in linea (inline)Circulo interneCirculo interne %d:Stato de InnoDBInserta proxies como [kbd]IP: trusted HTTP header[/kbd]. Le exemplo sequente specifica que phpMyAdmin deberea fider se a un capite HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR (X-Forwarded-For) veniente ex le proxy[br][kbd] HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR[/kbd].Transformation de ingressoOptiones de transformation de ingressoInsereInsere:InsertaInserta un altere nove rangoinserta como nove rangoInserta como nove rango e ignora erroresInsertate id de rango: %1$dIntra columna:Intra tabulas:In loco de declarationes INSERT, usa:Spatio insufficiente pro salveguardar le file %s.Relation interne ha essite addite.Relation interne ha essite removite.Relationes interneRelationes interne ha essite actualisate on successo.Methodo de authentication invalide fixate in le configuration:Typo de authentication invalide!Invalide nomine de classe "%1$s", on usa le predefinite per "Node"Conto de columna Invalide in ingresso de CSV al rango %d.Base de datos invalide:Formato invalide de ingresso CSV al rango %d.Invalide formato de ingresso de mediawiki al rango:
%s.Parametro invalide per le importation de CSV: %sInvalide declaration de regula al linea %1$s, on expectava linea %2$s del regula precedente.Invalide declaration de regula al linea %s.Indice de servitor invalide: %sNomine de tabella invalideNomine de tabella invalide:Es un clave estranie.ProblemaIl sembla que tu base de datos usa routines;Il sembla que tu base de datos usa vistas;Il sembla que tu tabella usa triggers;Il sembla que le connexion con le servitor ha essite perdite. Pro favor tu verifica tu connexion de rete e le status de servitor.JanJanuarioJavascript debe esser habilitate passate iste puncto!JuncturasJulJulioVade a tabella de registroVa al base da datos '%s'Salta a base de dats “%s”.JunJunioJustificationCache de claveLe clave es troppo curte, illo deberea haber al minus 32 characteres.Le clave deberea continer litteras, numeros [em]e[/em] characteres special.Nomine claveKiBRemoveLaTeXEtiquettaEtiquetta columnaClave de etiquettaClave de etiquetta:Etiquetta:HorizontalLinguageUltime controloUltime controlo:UltimeUltime actualisationUltime actualisation:Ultime versionPaginas in latch (con un pessulo)Lassa vacue pro definition.Lassa vacue pro necun "persistente" tabellas favorite trans sessiones, proponite: [kbd]pma__favorite[/kbd].Lassa vacue pro necun "persistente" recentemente usava tabellas trans sessiones, proponite: [kbd]pma__recent[/kbd].Lassa vacue pro necun preferentias de UI de tabellas "persistente" trans sessiones, proponite: [kbd]pma__table_uiprefs[/kbd].Lassa vacue pro nulle supporto de scheda PDF, proponite: [kbd]pma__pdf_pages[/kbd].Lassa vacue pro necun supporto de schema PDF, proponite: [kbd]pma__table_coords[/kbd].Lassa vacue pro nulle supporto de cercas QBE salveguardate, proponite: [kbd]pma__savedsearches[/kbd].Lassa vacue pro nulle supporto de historia de query SQL, proponite: [kbd]pma__history[/kbd].Lassa vacue pro necun supporto de traciar query SQL, proponite: [kbd]pma__tracking[/kbd].Lassa vacue pro nulle [doc@bookmarks@]bookmark[/doc] supporto, suggerite: [kbd]pma__bookmark[/kbd]Lassa vacue pro nulle supporto [doc@relations@] relation-links[/doc] , suggerite: [kbd]pma__relation[/kbd].Lassa vacue pro necun supporto central de columnas, proponite: [kbd]pma__central_columns[/kbd].Lassa vacue pro nulle commentos/typos de media (MIME) de columna, proponite:[kbd]pma__column_info[/kbd].Lassa vacue pro nulle supporto de patrono de exportation, proponite: [kbd]pma__export_templates[/kbd].Lassa vacue pro necun preferentias de usator per immagazinage in le base de datos, proponite: [kbd]pma__userconfig[/kbd].Lassa vacue si non usate.Lassa vacue pro dishabilitar characteristica de celar e monstrar elementos de navigation, proponite: [kbd]pma__navigationhiding[/kbd].Lassa vacue si non es usante config auth.A sinistraLongitude/ValoresLongitudine/ValoresLicentiaLimita characteres de columnaIl limita le numero de preferentias de tabella que es immagazinate in le base de datos, le registros plus vetere essera removite automaticamente.Rangos terminate perRangos terminate per:Linestring (catena de linea)Linestring (catena de linea) %d:Ligamine non trovate!Ligamine con pannello principalLigamine con le pannello principal pro evidentiar le base de datos o tabella currente.Ligamines aLinting, i.e. le controlo syntactic, es deactivate pro iste query proque il excede le longitude maxime.Lista de transformationes disponibile e lor operationesLista de modificationesLista de proxy digne de fide pro filtrar IP, accepta/refusaCargante registrosCargar…LocalConfiguration local del monitor incompatibile!queries de registro de SQL e lor tempore de execution, que on debe esser monstrate in le consoleLe registro (log) ha essite analysate, ma necun dato ha essite trovate pro iste intervallo de tempore.Grandor del tampon de registro (log buffer)Grandor de cache de log (registro)Datos de registro cargate. Query executate in iste intervallo de tempore:Computo de file de registro (log)Limine de file de log (registro)Accesso (Log in)Nomine de registro logClaude sessionOptiones de filtro per le registro de tabellasMemora cookie de authenticationImmagazinage del cookie de authenticar se es inferior al validitate de cookie configurate in phpMyAdmin, pro iste ration, tu accesso expirara plus tosto que lo que es configurate in phpMyAdmin.Validitate de cookie de authentication de accessoAvis de validitate de cookie de authentication de accessoAuthentication sin contrasigno es prohibite per le configuration (vide AllowNoPassword)URL del ligamine de logoObjectivo de ligamine de logoURL de logout (abandono)MEDIA (MIME) TYPES FOR TABLEPannello principalFace omne columnas atomicFace consistente con le lista centralMarMartioMarca tabellas usate e face possibile monstrar base de datos con tabellas blocate.Connexion Master:Rangos coincidente trovate:Numero maxime de rangosMax.Connexiones concurrenteDimension maxime: %s%sLongitude maxime de un query createMaxime numero de preferentias de immagazinarMaxime numero de base de datosMaxime longor monstrate de SQLMaxime tempore de executionMaxime elementos in un ramoMaxime elementos sur le prime nivelloNumero maxime de characteres monstrate in omne columna non numeric sur le vista de navigar.Maxime numero de characteres usate quando on monstra un query de SQL.Maxime numero de base de datos monstrate in le lista de base de datos.Maxime numero de tabellas favorite; pone 0 pro dishabilitar lo.Maxime numero de tabellas usate de recente;pone 0 pro dishabilitar lo.Le maxime numero de rangos de monstrarMaxime numero de tabellas monstrate in le lista de tabella.Maxime rangos de designarMaxime grandor del campo de insertarGrandor maxime pro le files temporanee quando on crea indiceMaxime grandor pro files per ordinar temporaneeMaxime profunditate de arbore de tabellasMaxime numero de tabellasMaxime valor:MaioIl pote esser approximate. Pulsa sur le numero pro obtener le computo exacte. Vide[doc@faq3-11]FAQ 3.11[/doc].Il pote esser approximate. Vide[doc@faq3-11]FAQ 3.11[/doc].Typo de media (MIME)Typo de media (MIME):Tabella MediaWikiLimite de memoriaMetadatosMetadata pro base de datos %sMetadata pro tabella %sMiBMicrosoft OfficeMicrosoft Word 2000Numero minime de rangosLe numero minime de base de datos pro monstrar le quadro de filtrar base de datosMinime numero de elementos de monstrar in le quadro de filtroGrandor minime del campo de insertarMinime valor:MinutaUn dossier temporari es mancante.Parametros de connexion mancante!Datos mancante pro %sInformation mancante pro deler le cerca.Information mancante pro cargar le cerca.Information mancante pro salveguardar le cerca de marcator de libro.Parametro mancante:Tabellas de immagazinage de configuration de phpMyAdmin es mancanteValore mancante in le formulario!LuModificationes ha essite salveguardateModifica:LunLunediControlaIl falleva actualisar monitorAltereAltere informationes in [a@https://github.com/phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin/issues/8970]phpMyAdmin issue tracker[/a] and [a@https://bugs.mysql.com/19588]MySQL Bugs[/a]Altere preferentiasMove menuMove columnaMove gruppos que on repeteMove le tabella in (database.table)Query de Multi-tabellaInsertiones concurrente de MyISAMExtension spatial de MySQL Spatial Extension non supporta le typo ESRI "%s".MySQL accepta valores additional non selectionabile per le selector de datas: si tu vole pote insertar celle valores directementeMySQL accepta valores additional non selectionabile per le slider; si tu vole pote insertar directemente celle valoresAviso de parola reservate de MySQLMySQL retornava un insimul de exito vacue (i.e. zero rangos).Message de MySQL: NONomineNomine (Ascendente)Nomine (Descendente)Authentication de MySQL nativeOrdine naturalPannello de navigationPreferentias de pannello de navigationLargessa de pannello de navigationArbore de navigationJammais invia reportos de errorNove marcator de libro o favoritoNove nomine de columnaNomine de nove base de datosNove nomineNove paginaNomine de nove paginaNove servitorNomine de nove tabellaNove patrono:Mense proximeProximeNoNecun contrasignoNecun privilegiosNecun query de SQL esseva fixate pro extraher datos.Il non ha dependentias Transitive possibile proque le tabella non ha alcun columna de clave primariNecun authentication de duo factoresNecun conto seligite.Necun activitate intra %s secundas; pro favor authentica te de novo.Necun marcator de libro o favoritoNecun modificationNecun columna seligite.Necun columnas in le lista central. Assecura te que le lista de columnas central per le base de datos %s ha columnas non presente in le columna currente.Il non trovava alcun datoNecun dato de monstrarIl non ha recipite datos de importar. O il non ha indicate alcun nomine de file, o il ha superate le grandor maxime permittite per tu configuration de PHP pro incargar un file. Tu vide[doc@faq1-16]FAQ 1.16[/doc].Necun base de datosNecun base de datos seligite.Necun dependentias seligite!il non ha trovate alcun evento con nomine %1$s in base de datos %2$s.Nulle files disponibile sur le servitor pro importar!Necun indice definite!Nulle partes de indice definite!Necun columnas numeric presente in le tabella pro designar in graphic.Il non trovava aucun parametros!Il non trovava alcun dependentia partial!Il non es possibile dependentias partial proque il non existe alcun columna non-primari proque la clave primari ( %1$s ) es componite de omne columnas in le tabella.Necun dependentia partial es possibile proque le clave primari ( %1$s ) ha solmente un columna.Necun dependentias partial seligite!Necun partitionemento definite!Necun contrasignoNecun vista preliminar disponibile.Necun query previemente auto salveguardate. Cargante query predefinite.Necun privilegiosNecun privilegios pro crear base de datosNecun columna reduntanteNecun gruppo que on repeteIl non ha alcun routine exportabile. Il pote esser que privilegios requirite es mancante.Il non ha trovate alcun routine con nomine %1$s in base de datos %2$s.Necun rango seligite.Necun tal columnaIl non ha tabulas in le base de datos.Necun tabellas seligite.Il non ha trovate alcun trigger con nomine %1$s in base de datos %2$s.Il trovava necun valide percurso de imagine pro le thema %s!Necun versiones seligite.Gruppo de nodosNecunNecunNecunNecunIllo non es un numero non-negative!Illo non es un numero positive!Illo non es un valide numero de porto!Tu non ha bastante privilegios pro vider variabiles e fixationes de servitor. %sNon replicateNota: habilitar ci le statisticas de base de datos poterea causar traffico intense inter le servitor web e le servitor de MySQL.Nota: si le file contine plus que un tabella, le datos essera fusionate in un tabella unic.Nota:a, b -> d,f implica que valore de columnas a e b combinate insimul pote determinar valores de columna de columna f.NovNovembreNusquamNullNumero de columnasNumero de columnas pro areas de texto de campos CHAR/VARCHAR.Numero de rangos insertateNumero de queries de saltar ab initio.Numero de rangos monstrate quando on naviga inter un insimul de exito. Si le insimul de exito contine plure rangos, ligamine de "Previe" e "proxime" essera monstrate.Numero de rangos pro areas de texto de CHAR/VARCHAR.Numero de rangos per paginaNumero de rangos:Numero de tabellas:non activate (off)OKActivate (On)Optiones de creation de objectoOptiones de creation de objecto (omnes es recommendate)OctOctobrePagina initial o domo officialUno o plure errores ha occurrite quando on processava tu requesta:On pote facer roll back sur queries de NSERT, UPDATE, DELETE e REPLACE SQL continente tabellas de motor transactional.Monstra solo clavesOn pote simular solo queries de DELETE e UPDATE de singule tabella.AperiteAperi nove fenestra de phpMyAdminAperi paginaAperi le pagina de ligamine in le fenestra principal ([kbd]main[/kbd]) o in un nove ([kbd]new[/kbd]).Folio de computo (SpreadSheet) de OpenDocumentTexto OpenDocumentOperationesOperatorOptimizaOptimiza tabellaOptionesOO alternativemente va a le scheda de 'Operationes' de ulle base de datos pro configurar lo illac.O (Or):OrdineOrdina perOrdine per:Ordine del tabellasOrdine:OrientationFortia originalPosition originalCatena originalAltereAltere preferentias principalAltere optiones:Circulo externeCirculo externe:ExitoExito JSON pretty-printed, i.e. de bon formato JSON (Il usa un forma pro facile lectura per humanos)Exito:OverheadVision de junctoSuperscribe file(s) existentePagina de exportar de PDFSchema PDF: tabella de paginasVersion de PHP:Extension de PHP:Version de PHP:ComprimiteNomine de paginaNumero pagina:Titulos de paginaPagina de delerPagina de aperirPreferentias referite al paginaPaginas continente datosPaginas que on debe inviar in flushGrandor de papiroParametrosAnalysator (parser):Importation partial:Importation partial: permitte interruptionImportation partial: salta queriesTextos partialPartitionPartition %sPartition per:Mantenentia de partitionTabella de partitionPartitionate per:PartitionesPartitiones:ContrasignoMethodo de hashing de contrasignoHachage de contrasigno:Contrasigno pro config authContrasigno es troppo longe!Contrasigno:Pausa monitorHistoria permanente de queryConnexiones persistenteTabellas favorite persistentePiBPrendePrende ex le columnas centralTexto de spinula (pin text)Pro favor tu adde al minus un variabile al series!Pro favor responde al demanda(s) sequente con attention pro obtener un normalisation correcte.Pro favor, sia patiente, durante que le file ha essite cargate. detalios re le incargamento non es disponibile.Pro favor, controla le permissiones del directorio continente le base de datos.Pro favor inserta un valide ingresso HEXPro favor inserta un valide URLPro favor inserta un numero valide de carta de creditoPro favor inserta un nomine valide de tabella.Pro favor inserta un valide dataPro favor inserta un data valide (ISO)Pro favor inserta un data o tempore validePro favor inserta un valide adresse de e-postaPro favor, tu inserta in valide catena hexadecimal. Characteres valide es 0-9, A-F.Pro favor inserta un longor valide!Pro favor inserta un numero validePro favor inserta un numero valide!Pro favor inserta un nomine valide de paginaPro favor inserta un nomine valide de tabella.Pro favor inserta un valor inter {0} e {1}Pro favor inserta un valor de longor de characteres inter {0} e {1}Pro favor inserta un major o equal a {0}Pro favor inserta un valor minor o equal a {0}Pro favor inserta al minus {0} characteresPro favor inserta plus que {0} characteresPro favor inserta solmente digitosPro favor inserta in prime momento le query SQL.Pro favor inserta novemente le mesme valorPro favor corrige iste campoPro favor tu al basso de iste fenestra.Pro favor tu nota que habilitar isto non ha alcun effecto con le modo de authentication [kbd]config[/kbd] proque le contrasigno es codificate fortemente in le file de configuration; isto non limita le habilitate de executar directemente le mesme commando.Pro favor tu nota que phpMyAdmin es solo un interfacie e su characteristicas non limita MySQL.Pro favor provide un nomine pro iste cerca basate sur marcatores de libro.Pro favor selige un pagina pro continuarPro favor tu selige columna(s) pro le indice.Pro favor selige le file que tu vole importar.Pro favor selige le clave primari o un clave unic!PluginPluginsPunctoPuncto %dPuncto %d:Puncto:PolygonoPolygono %d:Porto sur le qual le servitor MySQL es ascoltante, lassa vacue pro le valor predefinite.Porto:VerticalPositionPossibile problemas de prestationesPrefixoPressa Ctrl+Enter pro executar queryPressa Enter pro executar queryPressa le clave de escape pro cancellar le modification.Vista preliminar SQLPrevie importation expirava, post un nove submission il continuara ab position %d.Mense previePreviePrimariClave primari addite.Clave primari ja existe.Modo de ordinar predefinite per le clave primariImprimeVista pro imprimerClave private pro reCaptchaPermissionesProcedimentoProcedurasProcedimentos:ProcessosRequesta de tractamentoProfilingExitos del profilingProgressoProtege columnas binariVersion de protocollo:Contrasigno de proxyUrl de proxyNomine de usator de proxyClave public pro reCaptchaIntention:Mitte nomines de columnas in le prime rangoPone nomines de columnas in le prime rango:Tabella de cercas salveguardate de QBETempore de executar queryQueries es executate per pressar Enter (in loco de Ctrl+Enter). Nove lineas essera insertate con Shift+Enter.QueryQuery per exemploCache de queryEfficientia del cache de queryUsage del cache de queryCache de query usateError de queryQuery fallevaLongitude de historia de queryOperationes super exitos de queryStatisticas de QueryQuery prendeva %01.4f secundas.Fenestra de queryDemandasRapideRapide-monstra solo le optiones minimeRapide - monstra solmente le optiones minime pro configurarRELATIONES PER TABULAExtension de cercaRe-typa:Lege como multibytesQuantitate non legiteQuantitate non legite in %Requestas de lecturaReconstrueRecorda nomine de usatorRecipiteRecenteTabellas recenteTabella usate recentementeTabellas usate recentementeMotor de recodificarRecommendationGrandor de cache de record (registro)Referentiate per %s.RefrescaFrequentia de RefrescamentoTabella de relationVista relationalMonstra de modo relationalClave relationalSchema relationalOperator de relationRelationesRecargaRecarga pannello de navigationRecarga paginaMemora patrono de nomine de fileMemora ordine de tabellasMemora preferentias de DesignerRemove characteres de CRLF intra columnasRemove characteres de carriage return/line feed (CR/LF) intra columnasRemover base de datosRemove ex favoritosRemove ex le columnas centralRemove partitionementoRemove columnas redundanteRemove selectionateRemove contos de usator selectionateRemove iste columnaRemovente usatores selectionateRenominar le base de datos comoRenomina base de datos/tabellas/columnas exportateRenomina tabella comoRenomina inRenominante base de datosReparaRepara tabellaThreads (filos) per repararRepite capitesRepite le capites omne X cellas, [kbd]0[/kbd] deactiva iste characteristica.ReimplaciaReimplacia NULL conReimplacia NULL con:Reimplacia tabella con prefixoReimplacia con:Catena reimplaciateReplicateReplicationReportaTitulo de reporto:Repite QueryRequesta abortate!Requesta fallite!Il require connexiones cryptate SSL.RefixaRefixa totoRetorna a valores predefiniteRefixa le zoomRestabili ordine de columnaRestabili valor predefiniteLimita le accesso de authentication a servitor MySQLIl restringe le servitores de MySQL que le usator pote insertar quando un accesso a un servitor MySQL arbitrari es habilitate per equalar le IP o le nomine de hospite del servitor MySQL a le date expression regular.Reprende monitorCela quadro de queryReessaya a connecter teRevocaA dexteraPulsa a dextere le nomine de columna pro copiar lo in tu tabuliero de systema.RoutinePrivilegios specific pro le routineRoutinesGrandor de crescita de file de rangoMarcator de rangoRango de initiar a:RangosRangos:Detalios de regulaExecuta query/queries de SQL sur servitor "%s"Executa query/queries de SQL sur tabella %sSCHEMA ERROR: Authentication de contrasigno SHA256SQLConsole de Query de SQLQuadro de Query de SQLModo de compatibilitate de SQLModo de compatibilitate SQL:Historia de SQLQueries de SQLPreferentias de queries de SQL.Query SQLTabella de chronologia de query de SQLSQL-query sur base de datos %s:Tabella pro traciar le query SQLQuery SQL:SaMesme largessa per omne tabellasSabSabbatoSalveguardaSalveguarda & claudeSalveguarda como file JSONSalveguarda como file PHPSalveguarda como fileSalveguarda diagramma como imagineSalveguarda dossierSalveguarda datos modificateSalveguarda sur le servitorSalveguarda sur servitor in le directorio %sSalveguarda exito in un fileSalveguarda paginaSalveguarda pagina comoSalveguarda al pagina seligiteCerca de favoritos o marcatores de libros salveguardate:Salveguardate le: @DATE@Salveguardante patronos de exportarSchema de le base de datos %sSchema del base de datos %s - Pagina %sTempore limite excedite, si tu vole terminar le importation, pro favor %stu invia de nove le mesme file%s e le processo initiara de nove.Rola a basso pro completar le optiones pro le formato seligite e ignorar le optiones pro altere formatos.CercaCerca in le base de datosCerca in iste listaCerca in iste tabellaCerca:CercanteSecundaSecunde passo de normalisation (1NF+2NF)Secunde passo de normalisation (2NF)Le passphrase (phrase de cryptation)secrete usate pro cryptar cookies in le authentication [kbd]cookie[/kbd].SecuritateTypo de securitateVide %snostre documentation%s pro altere information.Vide [doc@authentication-modes] typos de authentication [/doc] pro un exemplo.Vide cosas ulteriorVide le structura de tabellaSelige typo de exportation relationalSelige clave estranieSelige un columna que pote esser dividite in plus que un (si on selige 'necun tal columna', on movera al proxime passo).Selige un columna.Selige un tabellaSelige un patronoSelige totoSelige al minus un del optiones!Selige columna:Selige columnas (al minus uno):Prime selige un base de datosSelige base de datos:Selige ex le directorio de incargamento de servitor web %s:Selige un…Selige paginaSelige clave de referentiaSelige tabella:Selige duo columnasSelige duo columnas differenteSelige usque qual numero de passos tu vole normalizarSelige qual function on debe usar pro le conversion del insimul de characteres.Dependentias seligite es como il seque:Dependentias partial seligite es como il seque:Le gruppo repetente seligite ha essite movite al tabella '%s'Invia reporto de erroresInvia reportos de erroresInviateSepSeptembreColumna de series:Series in graphico:Series:ServitorServitor %dSelection de servitor:ID de servitorInsimul de characteres del servitor:Configuration del servitorColliger de connexion de servitorColliger de connexion de servitor:Connexion de servitor:Valores predefinite per le servitorNomine de hospite servitorSchedas de nivello servitorPatrono de nomine de servitorPorto de servitorSur le servitor es executante Suhosin. Controla le documentation: %sdocumentation%s pro possibile problemas.Socket del servitorTypo de servitor:Version de servitor:Schedas de nivello servitorServitor:ServitoresOptiones pro monstrar servitores.Fuso horari de sessionFixa le valores predefiniteFixa le optiones de compression e le dossiers de importar e exportar.Fixa log_output a %sFixa long_query_time a %d secundas.Fixa alcun optiones usate communemente.Fixa le numero de secundas pro le qual un script es permittite executar ([kbd]0[/kbd] pro nulle limite).Fixa a 0 per collapsar le pannello de navigation.Fixa valor: %sFixa le effective fuso horari; possibilemente differente de lo que on ha sur tu servitor de base de datosIl falleva fixar variabilePreferentiasPreferentias pro disveloppatores de phpMyAdmin.Preferentias del structura de tabella (lista de columnas).Altere preferentias que on non pote poner in altere loco.Comparti iste marcator de libro o favoritoShift+Click (Pulsar) pro adder iste columna al clausula de ORDER BY (ordina per) o pro commutar inter ASC/DESC.
- Ctrl+Clickr o Alt+Click (Mac: Shift+Option+Click) pro remover columna ab le clausula de ORDER BYMaiDomMonstraMonstra le ligamine "Drop database" a usatores normalMonstra contentos BLOBMonstra information de PHPMonstra queries de SQLMonstra omnesMonstra argumentosMonstra contentos binariMonstra colorMonstra le commentos de columnaMonstra createMonstra modulo pro crear base de datosMonstra marca de tempore de creationMonstra query currente de cercamonstra navigation de base de datos como arboreMonstra information detaliate del servitor MySQLMonstra eventos in arboreMonstra typos de campoMonstra criterios de cercar e de reimplaciarMonstra formaMonstra queries completeMonstra campos de functionMonstra functiones in arboreMonstra grilliaMonstra elementos celateMonstra messages celateMonstra elementos de arbore de navigation celate.Monstra adjutaMonstra query de insertarMonstra marca de tempore de ultime verificaMonstra marca de tempore de ultime actualisationMonstra logo in le pannello de navigation.Monstra hospites patres (master)Monstra a me le lista central de columnas que non es preste in iste tabellaMonstra me le possibile dependentias partial basate sur datos in le tabellaMonstra solmente aperiteMonstra solmente base de datos ab le listaMonstra tabellas aperiteMonstra o cela un columna monstrante le marca de tempore de creation pro omne tabellas.Monstra o cela un columna monstrante le marca de tempore de ultime verifica pro omne tabellas.Monstra o cela un columna monstrante le marca de tempore de ultime actualisation pro omne tabellas.Monstra o cela un columna monstrante le insimul de characteres pro omne tabellas.Monstra o cela un columna monstrante le le commentos pro omne tabellas.Monstra pannelloMonstra modulo de modification de contrasignoMonstra un ligamine a phpinfo()Monstra proceduras in arboreMonstra quadro de queryMonstra chronologia de query al initioMonstra detalios de reportoMonstra ligamines de rango de omne modoMonstra criterios de cercaMonstra exitos de cercaMonstra le servitor in un lista in loco de un menu a rolar.Monstra hospites sclavoMonstra stato de sclavoMonstra statisticasMonstra le insimul de characteres de tabellaMonstra le commentos de tabellaMonstra tabellas in le arboreMonstra traciaMonstra vistas in le arboreMonstra/Cela lista de tabellasMonstra/cela columnasMonstra:Monstrante %1$d marcator de libro (ambe private e compartite)Monstrante %1$d marcatores de libro (ambes private e compartite)Monstrante query de SQLMonstrante marcator de libroMonstrante rangos %1$s - %2$s.Monstrante rangos %1s - %2sMonstra ligamine a exito[a@https://php.net/manual/function.phpinfo.php]phpinfo()[/a].URL de signonAuthentication via signonNomine de session de signonComo pro le typo CHAR, ma immagazina catenas de byte binari plus tosto que catenas de character non binariComo pro le typo VARCHAR, ma immagazina catenas de byte binari plus tosto que catenas de character non binariAuthentication de duo factores simpleSimula queryProque le option de gruppar le querys de INSERT ha essite seligite, on gruppara iste querys sur le mesme tabella, per ignorar le datos insertate.Mantene te firme! Il poterea prender alcun secundas in dependentia del grandor de datos e del computo de columna sur le tabella.GrandorNon explica SQLIgnora tabellas blocateSalta tabellas plus grande que %s MiBSalta iste numero de queries (pro SQL) initiante ab le prime:Toto parve/grandeColpos (snap) al griliaSocket sur le qual le servitor MySQL es ascoltante, lassa vacue pro le valor predefinite.Alcun error occurreva durante que on obteneva information super le debug de SQL.Alcun errores ha essite relevate sur le servitor!OrdinaOrdina grandor de buffer (tampon)Ordina per clave:Ordina elementos in le menu a rolar del claves externe, [kbd]content[/kbd] es le datos de referentia,[kbd]id[/kbd] es le valor del clave.Modo de ordinar:Ordina:OrdinanteIl non trovava base de datos de fonte '%s'!SpatialSRID:Columna spatialSpecifica le texto del barra de titulo del navigator. Refere a [doc@faq6-27]documentation[/doc] pro vider catenas que on pote utilisar pro obtener valores special (magic strings).SubstitueStructura stand-in per le vistaInitia auto refrescamentoInitiaInitia rango:InitiarStatoDeclarationes de traciarAnalysis static:StatoPassoPasso 1.Passo 2.Passo 3.Stoppa auto refrescamentoMotor de immagazinageMotores de immagazinageImmagazina e habilita accesso efficiente al datos in documentos de JSON (JavaScript Object Notation)Catena que separa base de datos in nivellos differente de arbore.Catena que separa tabellas in differente nivellos de arbore.ForteStructuraStructura e datosStructura per le vistaStructura pro vider %s exportate como un tabellaStructura de %sStructura de tabella @TABLE@Solmente le structuraFragmento de structuraStructura:DoInviaSubmitte QuerySubmitte reporto de errorSubmitte queryLe forma submittite contine erroresSubpartitionSubpartition per:Subpartitiones:Ha havite successoSuccessoSuccesso!Successo.On ha copiate successosemente le pagina!On ha delite successosemente le paginaAviso de SuhosinSummaSumma del rangos gruppate:DomDominicaCommuta a %svisual builder%s (constructor visual)Commuta al base de datos copiateCommuta a tabella copiateCommuta a thema obscurSynonymo de DOUBLE (exception in modo REAL_AS_FLOAT illo es un synonymo de FLOAT)Editor CodeMirror per jSON con evidentia de syntaxe.Editor CodeMirror per SQL con evidentia de syntaxe.Editor CodeMirror per XML (e HTML) con evidentia de syntaxe.Syntaxe de usar quando on inserta datosLe syntaxe de usar quando on inserta datos:Usage de CPU de systemaMemoria de systemaSwap de systemaTabulation que on monstra quando on inserta un elemento de base de datos.Tabulation que on monstra quando on inserta un servitor.Tabulation que on monstra quando on inserta un tabella.TabulaTabella %1$s ha essite alterate successosemente.Tabella %1$s ha essite alterate successosemente. Privilegios ha essite adaptate.Tabella %1$s ha essite renominate a %2$s.Tabella %s ha essite copiate in %s.Tabella %s ha essite copiate in %s. Privilegios ha essite adaptate.Tabella %s ha essite delite.Tabella %s ha essite vacuate.Tabella %s ha essite initialisate.Tabella %s ha essite movite in %s.Tabella %s ha essite movite in %s. Privilegios ha essite adaptate.Alias de tabellaSubtitulo de tabellaSubtitulo de tabella (continuate):Legenda de tabella:Commentos de tabellaCommentos de tabella:Le tabella jam es in le forma Tertie Normal!Tabella jam es in le secunde forma normal.Schedas de nivello de tabulaMentenimento de tabellaNomine de tabellaPatrono de nomine de tabellaBarra de navigation de tabellaTabula de contentosOptiones de tabellaCerca de tabellaSpatio de tabellaStructura de tabellaStructura de tabellaTabella pro describer le columnas de monstrar, lassa vacue pro nulle supporto; suggerite: [kbd]pma__table_info[/kbd].Separator de arbore de tabellasSchedas de nivello de tabulaTabella:TabellasOptiones pro monstrar tabellas.Tabulas:SchedasPrende loDucente te al proxime passo…Ducente te al sito de destination.Base de datos objectivoIl non trovava base de datos objectivo '%s'!Objectivo pro icone de accesso rapideObjectivo pro icone de secunde accesso rapideNomine de patronoPatrono ha essite create.Patrono ha essite delite.Patrono esseva cargate.Patrono esseva actualisate.Patrono:Datos temporaneeEssayaTextoCampos de textoColumnas de area de textoRangos de area de textoGrandor de area de texto (columnas) in modo de modifica, iste valor essera evidentiate per areas de texto (*2) de query SQL..Grandor de area de texto (rangos) in modo de modifica, iste valor essera evidentiate per areas de texto (*2) de query SQL.Texy! textoJoGratias pro submitter iste reporto.Le dossier $cfg['TempDir'] (%s) non es accessibile. phpMyAdmin non es habile a pre.memorisar le patronos e essera relentate per isto.Le extension %s es mancante. Pro favor tu verifica tu configuration de PHP.Le %s file non es disponibile sur iste systema, tu visita %s pro ulterior information. .Le functionalitate %s es influentiate per un error cognoscite, tu vide %sLe tabella %s non existe!Le quantitate d edatos scribite in le registro (log) de transaction ante que on exeque un checkpoint (puncto de verifica). Le valor predefinite es 24MB.Le quantitate de memoria allocate in le cache de log de transaction per le cache de log de transaction. Le valor predefinite es 16MB.Le marcator de libro ha essite delite.Le buffer o tampon es allocate quando on ordina indices MyISAM durante un REPAIR TABLE o quando on crea indice con CREATE INDEX o ALTER TABLE.Le lista central de columnas pro le base de datos currente es vacueLe configuration de disposition de graphicos in le immagazinage local de tu navigator non es plus compatibile con le nove version del dialogo de monitor. Il es multo probabile que tu configuration currente non functionara plus. Pro favor tu fixa le configuration al valores predefinite in le menu de Preferentias.La columnas ha essite movite successosemente.Le parte commun del percurso de directorio pro omne files de datos InnoDB.Nunc on necessita un contrasigno pro le file de configuration (blowfish_secret).Le immagazinage del configuration non es preste pro le lista central del characteristica de columnas.Le authentication configurate de duo factores non es disponibile, pro favor tu installa le dependentias mancante.Le extension de curl non esseva trovate e allow_url_fopen es dishabilitate. Debite a isto alcun characteristicas tal como reporto de error o controlo de version es dishabilitate.Le nomine del base de datos es vacue!Le nomine del base de datos non es cognoscite pro iste query in le registros de servitor.Le dimension predefinite de punctator in bytes que on debe usar per CREATE TABLE pro tabellas de myISAM quando necun option de MAX_ROWS es specificate.Le definition del function immagasinate debe continer un declaration de RETURN!Le directorio que tu fixava pro le travalio de incargar non pote esser attingite.Le file incargate probabilemente es plus grande que le maxime grandor permittite o iste es un defecto cognoscite per le navigatores basate sur webkit (Safari, Google Chrome, Arora etc.).Le file es in elaboration, pro favor tu sia patiente.Le prime rango del file contine le nomines de columna de tabella (si iste option non es marcate, le prime rango devenira parte del datos) Le prime passo pro normalisar es complete pro tabella '%s'.Le sequente actiones essera executate:Le sequente structuras ha essite o create o alterate. Ci tu pote:Le grandor de crescita del files de datos de handle (.xtd).Le accrescimento del files (.xtr) con le punctator de rango.Le nomine de hospite es vacue!Le file importate non contine alcun dato!Le dimension de incremento pro extender le grandor del spatio de tabella de autoextending quando il deveni plen.Il sembla que le indices %1$s e %2$s es equal e un de lor poterea esser removite.Le maxime grandor del file de registro de datos. Le valor predefinite es 64MB. PBXT pote crear un maximo de 32000 registros (log) de datos, que es usate per omne tabellas. Le valor pote esser augmentate per augmentar le quantitate maxime del datos que on pote esser immagazinate in le base de datos.Le grandor maxime del file temporanee MYSQL pote esser utilisate pro regenerar un indice MyISAM (durante un REPAIR TABLE, ALTER TABLE, o LOAD DATA INFILE).Le extension PHP mbstring non esseva trovate e il sembla que on usa un insimul de characteres multibyte. Sin le extension mbstring phpMyAdmin non pote divider catenas correctemente e on poterea obtener exitos inexpectate.Le modo de recuperation automatic de tabellas myISAM rumpite, assi como il es fixate per le option de initio del servitor --myisam-recover.Le nomine '%s' es un parola clave reservate de MySQL.Le nomines '%s' es parolas clave reservate de MySQL.Le nomine del clave primari debe esser "PRIMARY"!Le numero de rangos INSERT DELAYED scribite.Fixa le numero de bytes pro le qual un script es permittite allocar, pro exemplo [kbd]32M[/kbd] ([kbd]-1[/kbd] pro nulle limite) e [kbd]0[/kbd] pro nulle modification.Le numero do commandos FLUSH executate.Le numero de tentativas fallite pro connecter a le servitor MySQL.Le numero de commandos interne COMMIT executate.Le numero de commandos interne de ROLLBACK.Le numero de elementos que on pote monstrar sur cata pagina del arbore de navigation.Le numero de elementos que on pote monstrar sur cata pagina super le prime nivello del arbore de navigation.Le numero de vices que un rango ha essite delite ex un tabella.Le contrasigno per authenticar se con le proxy.Le contrassigno es vacue!Le contrasignos non es le mesme!Le percentage de corbe (immunditias) in un file de registro de datos ante que esser compactate. Isto es un valor inter 1 e 99. Le valor predefinite es 50.Le immagazinage de configuration de phpMyAdmin ha essite deactivate. %sDiscoperi perque%s.Le configuration de phpMyAdmin non es completemente configurate, alcun characteristicas additional ha essite deactivate. %sDiscoperi perque%s. Le area de graphico pote esser redimensionate per traher lo verso le angulo in basso a dextera.Le clave primari ( %1$s ) consiste de plus que un columna assi que on necessita trovar le dependentias partial.Le clave primari ha essite delite.Il non trovava le pagina requirite in le chronologia, il poterea esser expirate.Le rango ha essite delite.Le secunde passo pro normalisar es complete pro tabella '%1$s'.Le passphrase secrete in configuration (blowfish_secret) es troppo curte.Le servitor non es respondente (o le socket del servitor local non es configurate correctemente).Le servitor non es respondente.Le grandor de un registro (log) de transactiones ante le rollover, e un nove registro (log) es create. Le valor predefinite es 16MB.Le grandor del tampon usate quando on scribe un registro (log) de datos. Le valor predefinite es de 256MB. Le motor alloca un tampon per thread, ma solmente si le thread es requirite de scriber un registro de datos.Le grandor del buffer (tampon) global de log (registro) de transaction (le motor alloca 2 bufferes de iste dimension). Le valor predefinite es 1MB.Le dimension del buffer (tampon) de memoria que InnoDB usa pro memorisar datos in cache e como indices pro su tabellas.Tabella %s ja existe!Le nomine de tabella es vacue!Le tertie passo pro normalisar es complete.Le file incargate excedeva le parametro MAX_FILE_SIZE que esseva specificate in le formulario HTML.Le file incargate excedeva le parametro de upload_max_filesize in php.ini.Le file es solmente incargate de modo partial.Le url del proxy debe esser usate quando on recupera le information sur le ultime version de phpMyAdmin o quando on submitte reportos de errores. Tu necessita illos si le servitor ubi phpMyAdmin es installate non ha accesso directe a internet. Le formato es: "nomine_de_hospite:numero_de_porto".Le nomine de usator es vacue!Le nomine de usator pro authenticar se con le proxy. Per definition, necun authentication es executate. Si on forni un nomine de usator, on executara le Authentication Basic. Necun altere typos de authentication nunc es supportate.Le servitor web non ha permission de salveguardar le file %s.ThemaThema %s non trovate!Il non trovava le percurso pro le thema %s!Thema:Il ha grande gruppos de elementos in le pannello de navigation que pote influentiar le prestationes. Considera dishabilitar le gruppamento de elementos in le pannello de navigation.Il non ha tabellas favorite.Il non ha alcun file de incargar!Il non ha tabellas recente.Il non ha information de stato detaliate disponibile pro iste motor de immagazinage.Il ha necun clave primari, pro favor tu adde un.
Insinuation: un clave primari es un columna (o un combination de columnas) que unicamente identifica omne rangos.Il habeva un problema quando on accede a tu immagazinage de navigator, alcun characteristicas poterea non functionar propriemente per te. Probabilemente il ha que le navigator non supporta immagazinage o le limite de quota ha essite attingite. In Firefox, immagazinage corrupte anque pote causar un tal problema, nettar tu "Datos de sito Web foras de linea - i.e. Offline Website Data" pote adjutar. In Safari, tal problema es solitemente causate per "Navigation de Modo Private - i.e. Private Mode Browsing".Il habeva un error durante que on importava le shape file ESRI : "%s".Istos es le ligamines pro Modificar, Copiar e Deler.Tertie passo de normalisation (1NF+2NF+3NF)Tertie passo de normalisation (2NF)Iste %soption%s deberea esser dishabilitate proque il permitte attaccos de accesso de fortia brutal a qualcunque servitor MySQL. Si tu crede que illo es necessari, usa %slimita accesso de login a servitor MySQL%s o%sle lista de proxy digne de fide%s. Totevia, le protection basate sur IPcon le lista de proxi digne de fide poterea non esser digne de confidentia si tu IP pertine a un ISP ubi miles de usatores, e te mesme, es connectite.Iste hospiteIste servitor MySQL non supporta lemotor de immagazinage %s.Iste action pote modificar alcun definition de columnas.
Tu es secur que tu vole continuar?Iste columna monstra le amonta de demandas (query) identic que es gruppate insimul. Totevia solmente le query SQL mesme ha essite usate comop criterio de gruppar, assi que le altere attributos de query, tal como le tempore de initio, pote differer.Iste campo es requiriteIste formato ha nulle optionesIste hospiteIsto es le quantitate de memoria allocate per le cache de indice. Le valor predefinite es 32MB. Le memoria allocate ci es solo usate per le cache del paginas de indice.Le quantitate de memoria allocate in le cache de record (registro) usate per la cache de datos de tabella. Le valor predefinite es 32MB. Iste memoria es usate pro cambios de cache per manear datos (.xtd) e files punctator de rango (.xtr) (row pointer).Isto es le numero de files de registro (log) de transactiones (pbxt/system/xlog*.xt) que le systema mantene. Si le numero de registros (logs) excede iste valor alora le vetere registros essera delite, alteremente illos essera renominate e on dara lor le numero plus alte.Iste lista es basate sur un sub insimul del datos de tabella e illo pote non esser accurate. Iste methodo require un 'connexion SSL' o un ' connexion non cryptate que crypta le contrasigno per RSA'; durante que on connecte al servitor.Iste operation poterea prender multo tempore. On procede de omne modo?Iste operation essayara converter tu datos al nove collation. in rar casos, specialmente ubi un character non existe in le nove collation, iste processo poterea causar que le datos appare incorrectemente sub le nove collation; in iste caso on suggere que tu reverte le collation original e refere al consilios Iste plugin non supporta importation de datos comprimite!Iste reporto includeva automaticamente datos re le error e re le information super fixationes de configuration relevante. Illo essera inviata al equipa de phpMtAdmin pro analysar le error.Iste preferentia es dishabilitate, illo non essera applicate a tu configuration.Iste tabula non contine un unic columna. Functionalitates ligate al modificar, copiar, marcar, deler le grillia poterea non functionar post salveguardar.Isto usualmente significa que on ha un error de syntaxe in illo, pro favor verifica qualcunque error monstrate a basso.Iste valor es interpretate per usar %1$sstrftime%2$s, assi que tu pote usar catenas de formatation per le datas/tempore. Anque on potera adder le sequente transformationes: %3$s. Altere texto essera mantenite assi como il es. Vide le %4$sFAQ%5$s pro detalios.Iste valor deberea esser verificate duo vices pro assecurar que iste dossier non es ni accessibile per le mundo ni scribibile o legibile per altere usatores sur tu servitor.Iste vista ha al minus iste numero de rangos. Pro favor refere a %sdocumentation%s.Le thread %s ha essite terminate con successo.ThreadsPer medio de iste operation MySQL essaya mappar le valor de datos inter collationes. Si le insimul de character es incompatibile, on pote haber perdita de datos e iste perdita poterea NON esser recuperabile per medio de un simple restauration del collation del campo(s).Pro converter le datos existente, on suggere usar le functiones de modification del campos (le ligamine "Modifica") sur le pagina de structura del tabella. JovJovediTiBTemporeTempore utilisateTempore utilisate:Le tempore expirava durante que on attendeva le activation del clave de securitate.Titulo de fenestra de navigation quando un base de datos es seligite.Titulo del fenestra de navigation quando un servitor es seligite.Titulo de fenestra de navigation quando un tabella es seligite.Titulo de fenestra de navigation quando nihil es seligite.APro aggrandir per le zoom, selige un section del area del graphico con le mus.HodieCommuta lineas de relationCommuta inter parve/grandeNimie messages de error, alcun de illos non essera monstrate.TotalTempore totalMemoria totalSwap totalTempore total:Total:Tracia tabulaVista de traciaTabulas traciateTraciamentoDatos traciante delite con successo.Traciamento de modificationes facite in le base de datos. Isto require immagazinage de configuration de phpMyAdmin.Reporto de traciaLe versiones traciante ha essite delite con successo.TrafficoGrandor del buffer (tampon) de transactionCoordinator de transactionesTemporeTriggersTruncaTrunca queries monstrateTrunca le tabella ante insertarMaMarMartediAuthentication de duo factoresAuthentication de duo factores falleva.Authentication de duo factores falleva. %sAuthentication de duo factores ha essite configurate.Authentication de duo factores ha essite removite.Authentication de duo factores non es disponibile, activa immagazinage de configuration de phpMyAdmin per usar lo.Status de authentication de duo factoresTypoTypa pro filtrar istos, pressa Enter pro cercar totoTabella de preferentias de UI (Interfacie usator)URL ubi le logo in le pannello de navigation punctara.Incapace a usar fuso horari "%1$s" pro servitor %2$d. Pro verifica tu preferentias de configuration per [em]$cfg['Servers'][%3$d]['SessionTimeZone'][/em]. phpMyAdmin es currentemente usante le fuso horari predefinite de servitor de base de datos.Dismarca le quadrato de selection per dishabilitar le importation de traher e deponerCharacter inexpectate al linea %1$s. Il expectava tab, ma on trovava "%2$s".Character inexpectate al linea %s.Leva gruppos ex queriesUnicUnitateIncogniteError IncogniteError incognite durante que il cargava un file.Motor de immagazinage incognite.Stato de tabella incognite:Leva ligamine ex pannello principalDeselige totoUntitled (Sin titulo)Tabulas non traciateActualisaActualisa QueryActualisa marcator de libroActualisa datos quando on trova claves duplicate durante le importationActualisa datos quando il ha trovate claves duplicate quando on importa (adde ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE)Actualisa queryActualisateDirectorio de incargarIncargante tu file de importar…Usa le instruction %sUsa buffering de exito de GZip pro augmentar le velocitate in transferentias de HTTP.Usa parola clave LOCALUsa OpenStreetMaps como disposition o nivello basicUsa SSLUsa le clave TAB pro mover de valor a valor, o CTRL+flechas pro mover lo ubique.Usa tabulasUsa cerca de base de datosUsa insertiones retardateUsa hexadecimal pro BINARY & BLOBUsa tabula de usatoresUsa ignore inserts (ignora insertiones)Usa le ordine natural pro ordinar nomines de tabella e nomines de base de datos.Usa solo icones, solmente texto o ambes.Usa connexiones persistente per base de datos de MySQL.Usa expression regularUsa iste columna in criteriosUsa iste columna pro etiquettar cata punctoUsa iste valorUsa editor facile pro usatores per modificar queries SQL CodeMirror) con evidentia de syntaxe e numeros de rango.Memoria usateSwap usateVariabile/formula utilisateUsatorConto de usatorContos de usatorUsator pro config authGruppo de UsatorTabella de gruppos de usatorNomine de usatorNomine de usator:Preferentias de usatorTabella de immagazinage de preferentias de usatorUsator:Nomine usatorNomine de usator:UsatoresUsatores non pote fixar un valor majorTabula de usatoresValidation falleva per le catena de ingresso %s.ValorColumna de valor:Valor pro le columna "%s"Le valor debe esser equal o minor que %s!ValoresValores pro un nove columnaValores pro le columna %sValores per le lista de optiones per le transformationes predefinite. Istes esseran superscribite si le transformationes es completate in le pagina de structura.VariabileVariabile %d:VariabilesNomine verbose de iste servitorVersionVersion %1$s de %2$s esseva delite.Version %1$s esseva create pro tabellas seligite, traciar es active pro illos.Verifica de versionInformation de versionInformation de version:VersionesMulte debileVistaVista %s ha essite delite.Vide contentos de un structura per pulsar super su nomine.Vide dump (schema) del base de datosMonstra a schermo integreSolmente vistaVide exito como textoVide structuraVide usatoresVistasVistas:VirtualitateMonstra datos de GISAvisoAviso: un forma sur iste pagina ha plus que %d campos. Quando on submitte, alcun del campos poterea esser ignorate, debite al configuration de max_input_vars de PHP.AvisosMeDebileServitor webMerMercuridiBenveniteBenvenite a %sWell Known Binary (binari ben cognoscite)Well Known Text (Texto ben cognoscite)Quando on naviga per tabellas, le ordine de cata tabella es memorate.Quando illo es dishabilitate, usatores non pote fixar alcun optiones a basso, sin reguardo del quadrato de selection a dextera.Ubi monstrar le ligamines de rango de tabellasSi on adde un declaration DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS sur le prime rango del registro quando on crea un base de datos.Si on adde un declaration DROP TABLE IF EXISTS sur le prime rango del registro quando on crea un tabella.Si on adde un declaration DROP VIEW IF EXISTS sur le prime rango del registro quando on crea un vista.Si un usator deberea esser monstrate como un button de "monstra omne (rangos)".Si on deberea monstrar un message de aviso ("Tu es vermente secur…") quando tu es eliminante datos.Si commentos de columna deberea esser monstrate in vista de structura de tabellaSi le actiones de structura de tabella deberea esser celate.Si le mechanismo de traciar crea automaticamente versiones pro tabellas e vistas.Si expander singule base de datos in le arbore de navigation automaticamente.Si offerer le possibilitate de expansion de un arbore in le pannello de navigation.Si monstrar eventos sub base de datos in le arbore de navigationSi monstrar functiones sub base de datos in le arbore d navigationSi monstrar o celar adjutas.Si monstrar proceduras sub base de datos in le arbore de navigationSi monstrar ligamines de rango anque in le absentia de un clave univoc.Si monstrar tabellas sub base de datos in le arbore de navigationSi monstrar vistas sub base de datos in le arbore de navigationQuando on require nove datos per graphicos le servitor retornava un responsa invalide. Isto poterea esser perque tu session expirava. Si on recarga le pagina e reinserta tu datos de accesso, il poterea esser te utile.Si seligite:Sin codice PHPSeptParolas es separate per un character de spatio (" ").Parolas o valores de cercar (metacharacter: "%"):Requestas de scripturaIn expectation de scripturaExpectante per scriptura in %Permissiones incorrecte sur le file de configuration, il non deberea esser scribibile per omnes!Nomine de usator/contrasigno errate. Accesso refusate.XXMLYValores pro le axis YValores pro le axis YSInecunSiTu permitte connexiones al servitor sin un contrasigno.Tu es per DESTRUER un complete base de datos!Tu es per DESTRUER un tabula complete!Tu es per TRUNCAR COMPLETEMENTE le contento del tabella!Tu non ha le permisso de acceder con authentication a iste servitor MySQL!Tu es essayante a reducer le numero de rangos, ma tu ja ha insertate datos in ille rangos que essera perdite. Tu vole continuar?Tu es usante un servitor demo. Tu pote face omne cosas hic, ma pro favor tu non modifica usatores root, debian-sys-maint e pma. Altere information es disponibile in %s.Tu es essayante importar un file con un typo de compression (%s) non supportate. Le supporto pro iste typo de compression poterea ancora non esser actuate o esser dishabilitate in tu configuration.Tu anque pote modificar plure de valores
per pulsar directemente super illos.Tu pote anque modificar plure de valores
per duple pulsar directemente super illos.Tu pote insertar nomine de hospite/Adresse de IP e le porto separate per spatio.Tu pote usar characteres jolly de MySQL (% and _), pone un symbolo de escape ante los si tu vole usar lor instantia litteral,i.e. usa [kbd]'my\_db'[/kbd] e non [kbd]'my_db'[/kbd].Tu non pote modificar iste variabiles. Pro favor accede como root o continge tu administrator del base de datos.Tu non habeva fixate le parola clave de blowfish e tu ha habilitate authentication de [kbd]cookie[/kbd], assi un clave ha essite create pro te. Illo es usate pro cryptar cookies; tu non necessita memorar lo.Tu non ha bastante privilegios pro executar iste operation; Pro favor refere al documentation pro altere detaliosTu ha un query previemente salveguardate. Pulsa Obtene query auto salveguardate per cargar le query.Tu ha modificate alcun datos e illos non ha essite salveguardate. Tu es secur que tu vole abandonar iste pagina ante salveguardar le datos?Tu ha habilitate mbstring.func_overload in tu configuration de PHP. Iste operation es incompatibile con phpMyAdmin e poterea causar alcun corruption de datos!Tu non ha salveguardate le preferentias!Tu debe seliger al minus un columna de monstrar!Tu ha modificationes non salveguardate. Tu es secur que tu vole abandonar iste pagina?Tu non ha salveguardate le modificationes in le disposition (layout). Istos essera perdite si tu non salveguarda los. Tu vole continuar?Tu anque pot etraher e deponer un file sur qualcunque pagina.Tu pote examinar le datos in le reporto de error:Tu poterea voler refrescar le pagina.Tu probabilemente non creava un file de configuration. Tu poterea voler usar le %1$ssetup script%2$s pro crear un.Probabilemente tu es essayante incargar un file troppo grande. Pro favor tu refere al %sdocumentation%s pro eluder iste limite.Tu fixava le typo de authentication [kbd]config[/kbd] e includeva le nomine de usator e contrasigno pro le auto-login (accesso automatic de authentication), isto non es desirabile pro hospite de uso ab vivo (live). Ulle qui sape o conjectura tu URL de phpMyAdmin pote acceder directemente a tu pannello de phpMyAdmin. Fixa %1$stypo de authentication%2$s a [kbd]cookie[/kbd] o [kbd]http[/kbd].Tu deberea actualisar a version %s%s o successive.Tu deberea actualisar a un version stabile de MySQL 5.5.Tu deberea usar connexiones SSL si tu servitor de base de datos supporta los.Tu esseva disconnectite ab un servitor, pro disconnecter completemente ab phpMyAdmin, tu necessita disconnecter ab omne servitores.Tu parametro PHP [a@https://secure.php.net/manual/en/session.configuration.php#ini.session.gc-maxlifetime@_blank]session.gc_maxlifetime[/a] es inferior del validitate de cookie configurate in phpMyAdmin, debite a isto, tu authentication poterea expirar ante que lo que es configurate in phpMyAdmin.Le demanda (query) SQL ha essite executate con successo.Tu exportation es incomplete, debite a un basse limite de tempore de execution al nivello de PHP!Tu servitor es executante con valores predefinite per le usator de controlo (controluser)e le contrasigno (controlpass) e es aperite a intrusion; tu realmente vole corriger iste debilitate de securitate per modificar le contrasigno per le usator de controlo (controluser) 'pma'.Tu session ha expirate. Pro favor authentica te de novo.ZIPCerca de zoom[ROLLBACK occurreva.][kbd]SMART[/kbd] - i.e. ordine descendente pro columnas de typo TIME, DATE, DATETIME and TIMESTAMP, ordine ascendente in altere modo.activepost %sexportation de alias pote non functionar de modo correcte in omne casos.toto del parolase aloracomo expression regularascendentea le initio de tabellaal minus un del parolascreate le %1$s per %2$sambes del precedentesambes le de cuje super
      Exemplo: INSERT INTO tbl_name (col_A,col_B,col_C) VALUES (1,2,3), (4,5,6), (7,8,9)calendario-mense-annocancellacolumna(s)committite le %1$s per %2$sinsertiones completeconcurrent_insert - insertion concurrente- es ponite a 0criteriosdatosData e temporedelitedelentedescendentedishabilitatemonstra columnadynamiceventoinsertiones extenditeprimeNecunDescriptiongeneral_log e slow_query es habilitate.general_log es habilitate.Globalcomprimite per gzipin usoinactiveinclude nomines de columna in cata declaration INSERT
      Exemplo: INSERT INTO tbl_name (col_A,col_B,col_C) VALUES (1,2,3)inserta multiple rangos in cata declaration INSERT
      Exemplo: INSERT INTO tbl_name VALUES (1,2,3), (4,5,6), (7,8,9)clavepermitte que le usator seligelog_output non es fixate a TABLE.log_output es fixate a TABLE.long_query_time es fixate a %d secunda(s).maxime %snecun del precedentesnecun de le cuje super above
      Exemplo: INSERT INTO tbl_name VALUES (1,2,3)necun ramoNon OKnon activeNumericpaginasper dieper horaper minutaper secundaServitor demo de phpMyAdminPecietta de configuration de phpMyAdminDocumentation de phpMyAdminPagina domo o principal de phpMyAdminphpMyAdmin essayava connecter al servitor MySQL, e le servitor refusava le connexion. On deberea controlar le nomine del hospite, le nomine de usator e le contrasigno in le file de configuration assecura que illos corresponde al information date per le administrator del servitor MySQL.phpMyAdmin es incapace a terminar le thread %s. Illo probabilemente ja ha essite terminate.possibile exploitselige columnaselige tabellacompartiteslow_query e general_log es dishabilitate.slow_query_log es habilitate, ma le servitor registra solmente query que prende plus que %d secundas. Il es consiliabile fixar long_query_time a 0-2 secundas, secundo tu systema.slow_query es habilitate.Spatialdivide in Catenastructurastructura e datossubqueryle phrase exacte como substringale phrase exacte como campo integredisblocanon disponibileincogniteactualisateusa isto pro exportationes futurvalor/subQuery es vacuedirectorio de incargamento de servitor web:comprimite per zip“%s”